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Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji,Teşhis ve Korunma

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 73 - 79, 01.03.2009



  • Akpinar E, Saatci E (2006). Avian Influenza in Turkey-Will It Influence Health in All Europe?. Croat Med J, 47, 7-15.
  • Alexander DJ (2000). A Review of Avian Influenza in Different Bird Species. Proceedings of The ESVV Symposium on Animal Influenza Viruses, Gent 1999. Vet Microbiol, 74, 3-13.
  • Alexander DJ (2007). An Overview of the Epidemiology of Avian Influenza. Vaccine, 25, 5637-5644.
  • Alexander DJ (2008). Avian Influenza Diagnosis. Zoonoses Public Health, 55, 6-23.
  • Arda M, Minbay A, Aydın N, Akay Ö, İzgür M, Yardımcı H, Esendal ÖM, Erdeğer J, Akan M (2002). Kanatlı Hayvan Hastalıkları. I. baskı, Medisan Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Booth S, Baleriola C, Rawlinson WD (2006). Comparison of Two Rapid Influenza A/B Test Kits With Reference Methods Showing High Specificity and Sensitivity for Influenza A Infection. J Med Virol, 78, 619-622.
  • Brugh M, Beard CW, Stone HD (1979). Immunization of Chickens and Turkeys against Avian Influenza with Monovalent and Polyvalent Oil Emulsion Vaccines. Am J Vet Res, 40, 165-169.
  • Capua I, Alexander DJ (2004). Avian Influenza: Recent Developments. Avian Pathol, 33, 393-404.
  • Capua I, Alexander DJ (2007). Avian Influenza Infectious in Birds-a Moving Target. Influenza Other Respir Viruses, 1 (1), 11-18.
  • Capua I, Alexander DJ (2008). Ecology, Epidemiology and Human Health Implications of Avian Influenza Viruses: Why Do We Need to Share Genetic Data? Zoonoses Public Health, 55, 2-15.
  • Capua I, Marangon S, Dalla Pozza M, Santucci U (2000). Vaccination for Avian Influenza in Italy. Vet Rec, 147 (26), 751.
  • Chen H, Deng G, Li Z, Shi J, Shinya K, Deng G, Qi Q, Tian G, Fan S, Zhao H, Sun Y, Kawaoka Y (2004). The Evoluation of H5N1 Influenza Viruses in Ducks in Southern China. PNAS. 101 (28), 10452-10457.
  • Chen H, Smith GJD, Zhang SY, Qin K, Wang J, Li KS, Webster RG, Peiris JSM, Guan Y (2005). H5N1 Virus Outbreak in Migratory Waterfowl. Nature, 436, 191-192.
  • Cherian T, Bobo L, Steinhoff MC, Karron RA, Yolken RH. (1994). Use of PCR-Enzyme Immunoassay for Identification of Influenza A Virus Matrix RNA in Clinical Samples Negative for Cultivable Virus. J Clin Microbiol, 32, 623-628.
  • De Benedictis P, Beato MS, Capua I. (2007). Inactivation of Avian Influenza Viruses by Chemical Agents and Physical Conditions: A Review. Zoonoses Public Health, 54, 51-68.
  • De La Barrera CA, Reyas-Teran G (2005). Influenza: Forecast for a Pandemic. Arch Med Res, 36, 628-636.
  • Delogu M, De Marco MA, Donatelli I, Campitelli L, Catelli E (2003). Ecological Aspects of Influenza A Virus Circulation in Wild Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vet Res Commun, 1, 101-106.
  • Dugan VG, Chen R, Spiro DJ, Sengamalay N, Zaborsky J, Ghedin E, Nolting J, Swayne DE, Runstadler JA, Happ GM, Sene DA, Wang R, Slemons RD, Holmes EC, Taubenberger JK (2008). The Evolutionary Genetics and Emergence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds. PLoS Pathog, 4 (5), 1-9.
  • Ellis TM, Bousfield RB, Bissett LA, Dyrting KC, Luk GSM, Tsim ST, Sturm-Ramirez K, Webster RG, Guan Y, Peiris JSM (2004). Investigation of Outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza in Waterfowl and Wild Birds in Hong Kong in Late 2002. Avian Pathol, 33 (5), 492-505.
  • Fasina FO, Meseko AC, Joannis TM, Shitto, AI, Ularamo HG, Egbuji NA, Sulaiman LK, Onyekonwu NO (2007). Control Versun No Control: Options for Avian Influenza H5N1 in Nigeria. Zoonoses Publich Health, 54, 173-176.
  • Feare CJ, Yasue M (2006). Asymptomatic Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Wild Birds: How Sound is the Evidence?. Virol J, 3 (96), 1-4.
  • Fyan EF, Robinson HL, Webster RG (1993). Use of DNA Encoding Influenza Haemagglutination as an Avian Influenza Vaccine. DNA Cell Biol, 12, 785-789.
  • Gaidet N, Dodman T, Caron A, Balanca G, Desvaux S, Goutard F, Cattoli G, Lamarque F, Hagemeijer W, Monicat F (2007). Avian Influenza Viruses in Water Birds, Africa. Emerg Infect Dis, 13 (4), 626-629.
  • Garcia A, Johnson H, Srivstava DK, Jayawardene DA, Wehr DR, Webster RG (1998). Efficacy of Inactivated H5N2 Influenza Vaccines Against Lethal A/Chicken/Queretaro/19/95 Infection. Avian Dis, 42, 248-256.
  • Garcia M, Crawford JM, Latimer JW, Rivera-Cruz E, Perdeu ML (1996). Heterogenecity in the Haemagglutinin Gene and Emergence of the Highly Pathogenic Phenotype Among Recent H5N2 Avian Influenza Viruses from Mexico. J Gen Virol, 77, 1493-1504.
  • Gronesova P, Ficova M, Mizakova A, Kabat P, Trnka A, Betakova T (2008). Prevalence of Avian Influenza Viruses, Borrelia garinii, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Waterfowl and Terrestrial Birds in Slovakia, 2006. Avian Pathol, 37, 537-543. Mycobacterium avium subsp.
  • Hampson AW (2006). Avian Influenza: A Pandemic Waiting in the Wings. Emerg Med Australas, 18, 420-429.
  • He F, Du Q, Ho Y, Kwang J (2009). Immunohistochemical Detection of Influenza Virus Infection in Formalin-Fixed Tissues with Anti-H5 Monoclonal Antibody Recognizing FFWTILKP. J Virol Methods, 155 (1), 25-33.
  • Ichinohe T, Watanabe I, Tao E, Ito S, Kawaguchi A, Tamura S, Takahashi H, Sawa H, Moriyama M, Chiba J, Komase K, Suzuki Y, Kurata T, Sata T, Hasegawa H (2006). Protection Against Influenza Virus Infection by Intranasal Vaccine with Surf Clam Microparticles (SMP) as an Adjuvant. J Med Virol, 78 (7), 954-963.
  • Ivanov Y, Bayraktar R, Ende MV (2008). Kuş Gribi Survey El Kitabı (Türkiye’de Kuş Gribine Karşı Hazırlık ve Müdahale İçin Teknik Projesi TR 06.AI/SV), Dumat Ofset. Ankara.
  • Juckett G (2006). Avian Influenza: Preparing for a Pandemic. Am Fam Physician, 74 (5), 783-790.
  • Kida H, Ito T, Yasuda J, Shimizu Y, Itakura C, Shortridge KF, Kawaoka Y, Webster RG (1994). Potential for Transmission of Avian Influenza Viruses to Pigs. J Gen Virol, 75, 2183-2188.
  • Kida H (2008). Ecology of Influenza Viruses in Nature, Birds, and Mammals Including Humans. VIII. Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), 07-09 Ekim, Van-Türkiye.
  • Knossow M, Skehel JJ (2006). Variation and Infectivity Neutralization in Influenza. Immunology, 119, 1-7.
  • Kodihalli S, Kobasa DL, Webster RG (2000). Strategies for Inducing Protection Against Avian Influenza A Virus Subtypes with DNA Vaccines. Vaccine, 18, 2592-2599.
  • Matrosovich M, Zhou N, Kawaoka Y, Webster R (1999). The Surface Glycoproteins of H5 Influenza Viruses Isolated from Humans, Chickens, and Wild Aquatic Birds Have Distinguishable Properties. J Virol, 73 (2), 1146-1155.
  • Mo IP, Brugh M, Fletcher OJ, Rowland GN, Swayne DE (1997). Comparative Pathology of Chickens Experimentally Inoculated with Avian Influenza Viruses of Low and High Pathogenicity. Avian Dis, 41, 125-136.
  • Morgan O, Kuhne M, Nair P, Verlander NO, Preece R, McDougal M, Zambon M, Reacher M (2009). Personal Protective Equipment and Risk for Avian Influenza (H7N3). Emerg Infect Dis, 15 (1), 59-62.
  • Munster VJ, Wallensten A, Baas C, Rimmelzwaan GF, Schutten M, Olsen B, Osterhaus ADME, Fouchier RAM (2005). Mallards and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Ancestral Viruses, Northern Europe. Emerg Infect Dis, 11 (10), 1545-1551.
  • Muzaffar SB, Ydenberg RC, Jones IL (2006). Avian Influenza: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective for Waterbird Scientists. Waterbirds, 29 (3), 243-257.
  • Nagarajan S, Rajukumar K, Tosh C, Ramaswamy V, Purohit K, Saxena G, Behera P, Pattnaik B, Pradhan HK, Dubay SC (2009). Isolation and Pathotyping of H9N2 Avian Influenza Viruses in Indian Poultry. Vet Microbiol, 133, 154-163.
  • Olsen B, Munster VJ, Wallensten A, Waldenström J, Osterhaus ADME, Fouchier RAM (2006). Global Patterns of Influenza A Virus in Wild Birds. Science, 312, 384–388.
  • Palese P, Young JF (1982). Variation of Influenza A, B and C Viruses. Science, 215, 1468-1474.
  • Perelman B (2009). Using Inactivated Vaccines to Control Low Pathogenic AI. World Poultry, 2 (25), 30-31.
  • Playford EG, Dwyer DE (2002). Laboratory Diagnosis of Influenza Virus Infection. Pathology, 34, 115-125.
  • Qiao C, Tian G, Jiang Y, Li Y, Shi J, Yu K, Chen H (2006). Vaccines Developed for H5 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in China. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1081, 182-192.
  • Rameix-Welti MA, Tomoiu A, Dos Santos Alfonso E, van der Werf S, Naffakh N (2009). Avian Influenza A Virus Polymerase Association with Nucleoprotein, but Not Polymerase Assembly, Is Impaired in Human Cells during the Course of Infection. J Virol, 83, 1320-1331.
  • Rott R (1992). The Pathogenic Determinant of Influenza Virus. Vet Microbiol, 33, 303-310.
  • Runstadler JA, Happ GM, Slemons RD, Sheng ZM, Gundlach N, Petrula M, Senne D, Nolting J, Evers DL, Modrell A, Huson H, Hills S, Rothe T, Marr T, Taubenberger JK (2007). Using RRT-PCR Analysis and Virus Isolation to Determine the Prevalence of Avian Influenza Virus Infections in Ducks at Minto Flats State Game Refuge, Alaska, During August 2005. Arch Virol, 152, 1901-1910.
  • Şanlıdağ T, Akçalı S, Akduman E (2006). Avian Influenza. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi, 36 (4), 229-240.
  • Soe SH, Webster RG (2001). Cross-reactivity, Cell Mediated Immunity and Protection of Chickens from Lethal H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Hong Kong Poultry Markets. J Virol, 75, 2516-2525.
  • Song D, Lee C, Kang B, Jung K, Oh T, Kim H, Park B, Oh J (2009). Experimental Infection of Dogs with Avian Origin Canine Influenza Virus (H3N2). Emerg Infect Dis, 15, 56-58.
  • Spackman E, Senne DA, Myers TJ, Bulaga LL, Garber LP, Perdue LM, Lohman K, Daum LT, Suarez DL (2002). Development of a Real-Time Reverse Transcripticase PCR Assay for Type A Influenza Virus and the Avian H5 H7 Hemagglutinin Subtypes. J Clin Microbiol, 40, 3256-3260.
  • Stallknecht DE, Kearney MT, Shane SM, Zwank PJ (1990). Effects of pH, Temperature and Salinity on Persistence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Water. Avian Dis, 34, 412-418.
  • Starick E, Römer-Oberdörfer A, Werner O (2000). Type and Subtype Specific RT-PCR Assays for Avian Influenza A Viruses (AIV). J Vet Med B, 47, 295-301.
  • Stone HD (1987). Efficacy of Avian Influenza Oil-Emulsion Vaccines in Chickens of Various Ages. Avian Dis, 31, 483-490.
  • Swayne DE (2007). Understanding the Complex Pathobiology of High Pathogenity Avian Influenza Viruses in Birds. Avian Dis, 51, 242-249.
  • Szécsi J, Boson B, Johnson P, Dupeyrot L, Matrosovich M, Klenk HD, Klatzmann D, Volchkov V, Cosset FL (2006). Induction of Neutralizing Antibodies by Virus-like Particles Harbouring Surface Proteins from Highly Pathogenic H5N1 and H7N1 Influenza Virus. Virol J, 3(70), 1-7.
  • Thomas ME, Bouma A, Eker HM, Fonken AJM, Stegeman JA, Nielen M (2005). Risk Factors for the Introduction of High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Virus into Poultry Farms During the Epidemic in the Netherlands in 2003. Prev Vet Med, 69, 1-11.
  • Tollis M, Di Trani LD (2002). Recent Development in Avian Influenza Research: Epidemiology and Immunoprophylaxis. The Vet J, 164, 202– 115.
  • Tumpey TM, Alvarez R, Swayne DE, Suarez DL (2005). Diagnostic Approach for Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Poultry on the Basis of Antibodies to NS1, the Nonstructural Protein of Influenza A Virus. J Clin Microbiol, 43 (2), 676-683.
  • Van Den Berg T, Houdart P (2008). Avian Influenza Outbreak Management: Action at Time of Confirmation, Depopulation and Disposal Methods; the “Belgian Experience” During the H7N7 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Epidemic in 2003. Zoonoses Public Health, 55, 54-64.
  • Webster RG, Bean WJ, Gorman OT, Chambers TM, Kawaoka Y (1992). Evolution and Ecology of Influenza A Viruses. Microbiol Rev, 56, 152- 179.
  • Webster RG, Peiris M, Chen H, Guan Y (2006). H5N1 Outbreaks and Enzootic Influenza. Emerg Infect Dis, 12 (1), 3-8.
  • Widjaja L, Krauss S, Webby RJ, Xie T, Webster RG (2004). Matrix Gene of Influenza A Viruses Isolated from Wild Aquatic Birds: Ecology and Emergency of Influenza A Viruses. J Virol, 78, 8771-8779.
  • Wiley DC, Skehel JJ (1987). The Structure and Function of the Haemagglutinin Membrane Glycoprotein of Influenza Virus. Annu Rev Biochem, 56, 365-394.
  • Wood GW, Banks J, Strong I, Parsons G, Alexander DJ (1996). An Avian Influenza Virus of H10 Subtype that is Highly Pathogenic for Chickens but Lacks Multiple Basic Amino Acids at the Haemagglutinin Cleavage Site. Avian Pathol, 25, 799-806.
  • Wright KE, Wilson GAR, Novosad D, Dimock C, Tan D, Weber JM (1995). Typing and Subtyping of Influenza Viruses in Clinical Samples by PCR. J Clin Microbiol, 33, 1180-1184.
  • Wu G, Yan S (2006). Mutation Trend of Haemagglutinin of Influenza A Virus: A Review from a Computational Mutation Viewpoint. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 27 (5), 513-526.
  • Yuen KY, Chan PKS, Peiris M, Tsang DNC, Que TL, Shortridge KF, Cheung PT, To WK, Ho ETF, Sung R, Cheng AFB (1998). Clinical Features and Rapid Viral Diagnosis of Human Disease Associated with Avian Influenza A H5N1 Virus. Lancet, 351, 447-471.

Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1, 73 - 79, 01.03.2009


Avian influenza tip A virüs infeksiyonları Uluslararası Salgın Hastalıklar Ofisi (OIE) tarafından en tehlikeli insan ve hayvan hastalıkları grubunda sınıflandırılmaktadır. Son yüzyılda birçok infeksiyöz hastalık eradike veya kontrol edilmiş olmasına rağmen, özellikle H5N1 alt tipi başta olmak üzere avian influenza tip A virüs infeksiyonlarının 21. yüzyılın en önemli halk sağlığı problemlerinden biri olduğu kabul edilmektedir. Bu derlemede, yazılı kaynaklardaki son gelişmeler değerlendirilerek avian influenza tip A virüslerine ait bilgiler sunulmuştur


  • Akpinar E, Saatci E (2006). Avian Influenza in Turkey-Will It Influence Health in All Europe?. Croat Med J, 47, 7-15.
  • Alexander DJ (2000). A Review of Avian Influenza in Different Bird Species. Proceedings of The ESVV Symposium on Animal Influenza Viruses, Gent 1999. Vet Microbiol, 74, 3-13.
  • Alexander DJ (2007). An Overview of the Epidemiology of Avian Influenza. Vaccine, 25, 5637-5644.
  • Alexander DJ (2008). Avian Influenza Diagnosis. Zoonoses Public Health, 55, 6-23.
  • Arda M, Minbay A, Aydın N, Akay Ö, İzgür M, Yardımcı H, Esendal ÖM, Erdeğer J, Akan M (2002). Kanatlı Hayvan Hastalıkları. I. baskı, Medisan Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Booth S, Baleriola C, Rawlinson WD (2006). Comparison of Two Rapid Influenza A/B Test Kits With Reference Methods Showing High Specificity and Sensitivity for Influenza A Infection. J Med Virol, 78, 619-622.
  • Brugh M, Beard CW, Stone HD (1979). Immunization of Chickens and Turkeys against Avian Influenza with Monovalent and Polyvalent Oil Emulsion Vaccines. Am J Vet Res, 40, 165-169.
  • Capua I, Alexander DJ (2004). Avian Influenza: Recent Developments. Avian Pathol, 33, 393-404.
  • Capua I, Alexander DJ (2007). Avian Influenza Infectious in Birds-a Moving Target. Influenza Other Respir Viruses, 1 (1), 11-18.
  • Capua I, Alexander DJ (2008). Ecology, Epidemiology and Human Health Implications of Avian Influenza Viruses: Why Do We Need to Share Genetic Data? Zoonoses Public Health, 55, 2-15.
  • Capua I, Marangon S, Dalla Pozza M, Santucci U (2000). Vaccination for Avian Influenza in Italy. Vet Rec, 147 (26), 751.
  • Chen H, Deng G, Li Z, Shi J, Shinya K, Deng G, Qi Q, Tian G, Fan S, Zhao H, Sun Y, Kawaoka Y (2004). The Evoluation of H5N1 Influenza Viruses in Ducks in Southern China. PNAS. 101 (28), 10452-10457.
  • Chen H, Smith GJD, Zhang SY, Qin K, Wang J, Li KS, Webster RG, Peiris JSM, Guan Y (2005). H5N1 Virus Outbreak in Migratory Waterfowl. Nature, 436, 191-192.
  • Cherian T, Bobo L, Steinhoff MC, Karron RA, Yolken RH. (1994). Use of PCR-Enzyme Immunoassay for Identification of Influenza A Virus Matrix RNA in Clinical Samples Negative for Cultivable Virus. J Clin Microbiol, 32, 623-628.
  • De Benedictis P, Beato MS, Capua I. (2007). Inactivation of Avian Influenza Viruses by Chemical Agents and Physical Conditions: A Review. Zoonoses Public Health, 54, 51-68.
  • De La Barrera CA, Reyas-Teran G (2005). Influenza: Forecast for a Pandemic. Arch Med Res, 36, 628-636.
  • Delogu M, De Marco MA, Donatelli I, Campitelli L, Catelli E (2003). Ecological Aspects of Influenza A Virus Circulation in Wild Birds of the Western Palearctic. Vet Res Commun, 1, 101-106.
  • Dugan VG, Chen R, Spiro DJ, Sengamalay N, Zaborsky J, Ghedin E, Nolting J, Swayne DE, Runstadler JA, Happ GM, Sene DA, Wang R, Slemons RD, Holmes EC, Taubenberger JK (2008). The Evolutionary Genetics and Emergence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Wild Birds. PLoS Pathog, 4 (5), 1-9.
  • Ellis TM, Bousfield RB, Bissett LA, Dyrting KC, Luk GSM, Tsim ST, Sturm-Ramirez K, Webster RG, Guan Y, Peiris JSM (2004). Investigation of Outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic H5N1 Avian Influenza in Waterfowl and Wild Birds in Hong Kong in Late 2002. Avian Pathol, 33 (5), 492-505.
  • Fasina FO, Meseko AC, Joannis TM, Shitto, AI, Ularamo HG, Egbuji NA, Sulaiman LK, Onyekonwu NO (2007). Control Versun No Control: Options for Avian Influenza H5N1 in Nigeria. Zoonoses Publich Health, 54, 173-176.
  • Feare CJ, Yasue M (2006). Asymptomatic Infection with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 in Wild Birds: How Sound is the Evidence?. Virol J, 3 (96), 1-4.
  • Fyan EF, Robinson HL, Webster RG (1993). Use of DNA Encoding Influenza Haemagglutination as an Avian Influenza Vaccine. DNA Cell Biol, 12, 785-789.
  • Gaidet N, Dodman T, Caron A, Balanca G, Desvaux S, Goutard F, Cattoli G, Lamarque F, Hagemeijer W, Monicat F (2007). Avian Influenza Viruses in Water Birds, Africa. Emerg Infect Dis, 13 (4), 626-629.
  • Garcia A, Johnson H, Srivstava DK, Jayawardene DA, Wehr DR, Webster RG (1998). Efficacy of Inactivated H5N2 Influenza Vaccines Against Lethal A/Chicken/Queretaro/19/95 Infection. Avian Dis, 42, 248-256.
  • Garcia M, Crawford JM, Latimer JW, Rivera-Cruz E, Perdeu ML (1996). Heterogenecity in the Haemagglutinin Gene and Emergence of the Highly Pathogenic Phenotype Among Recent H5N2 Avian Influenza Viruses from Mexico. J Gen Virol, 77, 1493-1504.
  • Gronesova P, Ficova M, Mizakova A, Kabat P, Trnka A, Betakova T (2008). Prevalence of Avian Influenza Viruses, Borrelia garinii, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in Waterfowl and Terrestrial Birds in Slovakia, 2006. Avian Pathol, 37, 537-543. Mycobacterium avium subsp.
  • Hampson AW (2006). Avian Influenza: A Pandemic Waiting in the Wings. Emerg Med Australas, 18, 420-429.
  • He F, Du Q, Ho Y, Kwang J (2009). Immunohistochemical Detection of Influenza Virus Infection in Formalin-Fixed Tissues with Anti-H5 Monoclonal Antibody Recognizing FFWTILKP. J Virol Methods, 155 (1), 25-33.
  • Ichinohe T, Watanabe I, Tao E, Ito S, Kawaguchi A, Tamura S, Takahashi H, Sawa H, Moriyama M, Chiba J, Komase K, Suzuki Y, Kurata T, Sata T, Hasegawa H (2006). Protection Against Influenza Virus Infection by Intranasal Vaccine with Surf Clam Microparticles (SMP) as an Adjuvant. J Med Virol, 78 (7), 954-963.
  • Ivanov Y, Bayraktar R, Ende MV (2008). Kuş Gribi Survey El Kitabı (Türkiye’de Kuş Gribine Karşı Hazırlık ve Müdahale İçin Teknik Projesi TR 06.AI/SV), Dumat Ofset. Ankara.
  • Juckett G (2006). Avian Influenza: Preparing for a Pandemic. Am Fam Physician, 74 (5), 783-790.
  • Kida H, Ito T, Yasuda J, Shimizu Y, Itakura C, Shortridge KF, Kawaoka Y, Webster RG (1994). Potential for Transmission of Avian Influenza Viruses to Pigs. J Gen Virol, 75, 2183-2188.
  • Kida H (2008). Ecology of Influenza Viruses in Nature, Birds, and Mammals Including Humans. VIII. Ulusal Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi (Uluslararası Katılımlı), 07-09 Ekim, Van-Türkiye.
  • Knossow M, Skehel JJ (2006). Variation and Infectivity Neutralization in Influenza. Immunology, 119, 1-7.
  • Kodihalli S, Kobasa DL, Webster RG (2000). Strategies for Inducing Protection Against Avian Influenza A Virus Subtypes with DNA Vaccines. Vaccine, 18, 2592-2599.
  • Matrosovich M, Zhou N, Kawaoka Y, Webster R (1999). The Surface Glycoproteins of H5 Influenza Viruses Isolated from Humans, Chickens, and Wild Aquatic Birds Have Distinguishable Properties. J Virol, 73 (2), 1146-1155.
  • Mo IP, Brugh M, Fletcher OJ, Rowland GN, Swayne DE (1997). Comparative Pathology of Chickens Experimentally Inoculated with Avian Influenza Viruses of Low and High Pathogenicity. Avian Dis, 41, 125-136.
  • Morgan O, Kuhne M, Nair P, Verlander NO, Preece R, McDougal M, Zambon M, Reacher M (2009). Personal Protective Equipment and Risk for Avian Influenza (H7N3). Emerg Infect Dis, 15 (1), 59-62.
  • Munster VJ, Wallensten A, Baas C, Rimmelzwaan GF, Schutten M, Olsen B, Osterhaus ADME, Fouchier RAM (2005). Mallards and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Ancestral Viruses, Northern Europe. Emerg Infect Dis, 11 (10), 1545-1551.
  • Muzaffar SB, Ydenberg RC, Jones IL (2006). Avian Influenza: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective for Waterbird Scientists. Waterbirds, 29 (3), 243-257.
  • Nagarajan S, Rajukumar K, Tosh C, Ramaswamy V, Purohit K, Saxena G, Behera P, Pattnaik B, Pradhan HK, Dubay SC (2009). Isolation and Pathotyping of H9N2 Avian Influenza Viruses in Indian Poultry. Vet Microbiol, 133, 154-163.
  • Olsen B, Munster VJ, Wallensten A, Waldenström J, Osterhaus ADME, Fouchier RAM (2006). Global Patterns of Influenza A Virus in Wild Birds. Science, 312, 384–388.
  • Palese P, Young JF (1982). Variation of Influenza A, B and C Viruses. Science, 215, 1468-1474.
  • Perelman B (2009). Using Inactivated Vaccines to Control Low Pathogenic AI. World Poultry, 2 (25), 30-31.
  • Playford EG, Dwyer DE (2002). Laboratory Diagnosis of Influenza Virus Infection. Pathology, 34, 115-125.
  • Qiao C, Tian G, Jiang Y, Li Y, Shi J, Yu K, Chen H (2006). Vaccines Developed for H5 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in China. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1081, 182-192.
  • Rameix-Welti MA, Tomoiu A, Dos Santos Alfonso E, van der Werf S, Naffakh N (2009). Avian Influenza A Virus Polymerase Association with Nucleoprotein, but Not Polymerase Assembly, Is Impaired in Human Cells during the Course of Infection. J Virol, 83, 1320-1331.
  • Rott R (1992). The Pathogenic Determinant of Influenza Virus. Vet Microbiol, 33, 303-310.
  • Runstadler JA, Happ GM, Slemons RD, Sheng ZM, Gundlach N, Petrula M, Senne D, Nolting J, Evers DL, Modrell A, Huson H, Hills S, Rothe T, Marr T, Taubenberger JK (2007). Using RRT-PCR Analysis and Virus Isolation to Determine the Prevalence of Avian Influenza Virus Infections in Ducks at Minto Flats State Game Refuge, Alaska, During August 2005. Arch Virol, 152, 1901-1910.
  • Şanlıdağ T, Akçalı S, Akduman E (2006). Avian Influenza. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Cemiyeti Dergisi, 36 (4), 229-240.
  • Soe SH, Webster RG (2001). Cross-reactivity, Cell Mediated Immunity and Protection of Chickens from Lethal H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection in Hong Kong Poultry Markets. J Virol, 75, 2516-2525.
  • Song D, Lee C, Kang B, Jung K, Oh T, Kim H, Park B, Oh J (2009). Experimental Infection of Dogs with Avian Origin Canine Influenza Virus (H3N2). Emerg Infect Dis, 15, 56-58.
  • Spackman E, Senne DA, Myers TJ, Bulaga LL, Garber LP, Perdue LM, Lohman K, Daum LT, Suarez DL (2002). Development of a Real-Time Reverse Transcripticase PCR Assay for Type A Influenza Virus and the Avian H5 H7 Hemagglutinin Subtypes. J Clin Microbiol, 40, 3256-3260.
  • Stallknecht DE, Kearney MT, Shane SM, Zwank PJ (1990). Effects of pH, Temperature and Salinity on Persistence of Avian Influenza Viruses in Water. Avian Dis, 34, 412-418.
  • Starick E, Römer-Oberdörfer A, Werner O (2000). Type and Subtype Specific RT-PCR Assays for Avian Influenza A Viruses (AIV). J Vet Med B, 47, 295-301.
  • Stone HD (1987). Efficacy of Avian Influenza Oil-Emulsion Vaccines in Chickens of Various Ages. Avian Dis, 31, 483-490.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Banur Boynukara

Ziya İlhan Bu kişi benim

Abdulbaki Aksakal Bu kişi benim

İsmail Hakkı Ekin Bu kişi benim

Timur Gülhan Bu kişi benim

Hasan Solmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Boynukara, B., İlhan, Z., Aksakal, A., Ekin, İ. H., vd. (2009). Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 73-79.
AMA Boynukara B, İlhan Z, Aksakal A, Ekin İH, Gülhan T, Solmaz H. Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma. YYU Vet Fak Derg. Mart 2009;20(1):73-79.
Chicago Boynukara, Banur, Ziya İlhan, Abdulbaki Aksakal, İsmail Hakkı Ekin, Timur Gülhan, ve Hasan Solmaz. “Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis Ve Korunma”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20, sy. 1 (Mart 2009): 73-79.
EndNote Boynukara B, İlhan Z, Aksakal A, Ekin İH, Gülhan T, Solmaz H (01 Mart 2009) Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20 1 73–79.
IEEE B. Boynukara, Z. İlhan, A. Aksakal, İ. H. Ekin, T. Gülhan, ve H. Solmaz, “Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma”, YYU Vet Fak Derg, c. 20, sy. 1, ss. 73–79, 2009.
ISNAD Boynukara, Banur vd. “Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis Ve Korunma”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 20/1 (Mart 2009), 73-79.
JAMA Boynukara B, İlhan Z, Aksakal A, Ekin İH, Gülhan T, Solmaz H. Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2009;20:73–79.
MLA Boynukara, Banur vd. “Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis Ve Korunma”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, sy. 1, 2009, ss. 73-79.
Vancouver Boynukara B, İlhan Z, Aksakal A, Ekin İH, Gülhan T, Solmaz H. Avian İnfluenza Tip A Virüsleri: Etiyoloji, Teşhis ve Korunma. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2009;20(1):73-9.