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Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 73 - 78, 01.06.2007



  • Ahlbom J, Fredriksson A, Eriksson P (1994) : Neonatal exposure to a type-I pyretroid( bioallethrin ) induces dose- response changes in brain muscarinic receptors and behavior in neonatal and adult mice. Brain Res., 645: 318-324.
  • Audegond L, Collas E and Fournex R (1984a) : Esbiothrin. Primary dermal irritancy study in the male rabbit, Romainville, France, Roussel Uclaf, 12 pp ( Report No. RU- EBT-83315/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data ).
  • Cheng V, Lee HR, Chen CS : Morphological changes in the respiratory system of mice inhalation of mosquito-coil smoke.
  • Diel F, Detscher M, Schock B, Enis M (1998) : İn vitro effects of the S-bioallethrin on lymphocytes and bazofils from atopic and nonatopic subjects. Allergy, Nov; 53( 11 ) : 1052–9.
  • Diel F, Horr B, Borck H, Savtchenko H, Mitsche T, Diel E (1999) : Pyretroids and piperonyl-butoxide affect human T-lymphocytes in vitro. Toxicology Letters, 107: 65– 74.
  • Dorman DC, Beasley VR (1991) : Neurotoxicology of pyrethrin and the pyrethroid insecticides. Vet Hum Toxicol, 33: 238–43.
  • Eells JT, Bandettini PA, Holman PA, Propp JM (1992) : Pyrethroid insecticide-induced alterations in mammalian synaptic membrane potential. J Pharmacol Exp. Ther., 262: 1173-81.
  • Gupta A, Nigam D, Gupta AM, Shukla G S, Agarwal A K (1999) : Effect of Pyretroid-based Liquid Mosquito Repellent Inhalation on the Blood-Brain Barrier Function and Oxidative Damage in Selected Organs of Developing Rats. J. Appl. Toxicol., 19: 67-72.
  • Griggs M P, Jefferson N D, Blair M and Spicer E J F (1982) : Bioallethrin. 6-month dietary toxicity study in dogs, IRDC Mattawan, Michigan, 69 pp ( Report No. IRDC-BA-406.034/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Uclaf ).
  • Hardy C J, Jackson G C, Lewis D J and Gopinath C (1984) : Esbiothrin (RU 27436). Acute inhalation toxicity in rats 4-hour exposure, Huntingdon, United Kingdom, Huntingdon Research Centre, 118 pp ( Report No. RSL-EBT–84.470/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Ucla ).
  • Kadota T (1972) : 90-day subacute toxicity study of Pynamin Forte on rats, Takarazuka, Research Department, Pesticide Division, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd ( Technical Report No. KT-70-0006 ) ( Proprietary data made available by Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd ).
  • Kaya S, Pirinçci İ, Bilgili A (1998) : Veteriner Hekimliğinde Toksikoloji. Medisan yayın serisi: 35, Ankara, s. 220.
  • Kaysen A and Sales A (1984) : Esbiothrin. Acute dermal toxicity in male and female rabbits, Evreux, France, Centre International de Toxicologie, 36 pp ( Report No. CIT- EBT-430.84/A ) (Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Ucla ).
  • Kim IY, Shın JH, Kım HS, Lee SJ, Kang IH, Kım TS, Moon HJ, Chol KS, Moon A, Han SY (2004) : Assessing Estrogenic Activity of Pyrethroid Insecticides Using In Vitro Combination Assays. Journal of Reproduction and Development, Vol. 50, No.2.
  • Liu WK and Sun SE (1988) : Ultrastructural changes of tracheal epithelium and alveolar macrophages of rats exposed to mosquito coil smoke. Toxicol. lett. 41 (2): 145-57.
  • Mansee AH (2003) : Long term effects of two smoke mosquito tablets on hematological and biochemical characteristics of rat blood. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Reserch 48 (3 ): 155-162.
  • Mauck WL, Olson LE, Marking LL (1976) : Toxicity of natural pyrethrins and five pyrethroids to fish. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol., 4: 18-29.
  • Mitsche T, Borck H, Horr B, Bayas N, Hoppe HW, Diel F (2000) : Pyretroid sendrom in an animal keper. Allergy (Copenhagen) 55(1):93-94.
  • Miyamoto J (1976) : Degradation and metabolism and toxicity of synthetic pyrethroids. Environ. Health Perspect, 14: 15-28.
  • Miyamoto J, Kaneko H, Tsuji R, Okuno Y (1995) : Pyrethroids, nerve poisons: How their risks to human health should be assessed. Toxicol Lett., 82-83: 933-40.
  • Morris S, (1997) : Summary of Toxicology Data Esbiothrin. DPR Medical Toxicology.
  • Narahashi T (1989) : The role of ion channels in insecticide action. In: Narahashi T, Chambers JE, eds. Insecticide action: from molecule to organism. Plenum Pres, 55-84.
  • Narahashi T (1996) : Neuronal ion channels as the target sites of insecticides. Pharmacol Toxicol., 78:1-14.
  • Narahashi T, Carter DB, Frey J, Ginsburg K, Hamilton BJ, Nagata K, Roy ML, Song J-H, Tatebayashi H (1995) : Sodium channels and GABAA receptor-channel complex as targets of environmental toxicants.Toxicol Let., 82-83: 239-45.
  • National Poisons İnformation Service (1998) : Bioallethrin ( UKPID Monograph ), IPCSINTOX Databank.
  • Ray DE (1991) : Pesticides derived from plants and other organisms. 13.2 Pyrethrum and related compounds. In: Hayes WJ, Jr., Laws ER, Jr. eds. Handbook of pesticide toxicology. Vol 2. San Diego, California: Academic Press ; 585-636.
  • RTECS. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (1997) : In: Tomes plus. Environmental Health and Safety Series I. CD-ROM. Vol 35. Washington DC: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
  • Sakamoto Y, Matsumoto K, Ogami H, Yoshimura M, Sano N and Shimada T (1975d): Esbiol subacute inhalation toxicity tests in the mouse and rat (one-month), Osaka, Japan, Osaka University Medical School, 52 pp ( Report No. OU-SB- 75.05.27/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Uclaf ).
  • Sato H, Arai M and Hagiwara A (1985) : Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity study of Pynamin Forte in rats, Nagoya, Japan, Daiyu-kai Institute of Medical Sciences ( Technical Report No. KT-51-0058 ) ( Proprietary data made available by Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd ).
  • Shehata A, Taha M, İbrahim T, Seedek A (1991) : Toxopathological effects of Ezalo-mat on male albino mice. Egyptian Journal of Comparative Pathology and Clinical pathology 4 (1): 187-198.
  • Soderlund DM, Bloomquist JR (1989) : Neurotoxic actions of pyrethroid insecticides. Annu Rev Entomol, 34: 77-96.
  • Song J-H, Nagata K, Tatebayashi H, Narahashi T (1996) : Interactions of tetramethrin,
  • fenvalerate and DDT at the sodium channel in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Brain Res., 708: 29-37.
  • Song J-H, Narahashi T (1996) : Modulation of sodium channels of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons by the pyrethroid tetramethrin. J Pharmacol Exp Ther., 277: 445-53.
  • Şener S, Yıldırım M (2000) : Veteriner Toksikoloji. Teknik yayıncılık, İstanbul, s. 163-164.
  • Talts U, Talts JF, Eriksson P (1998) : Diferrential Expression of Muscarinic Subtype mRNAs after Exposure to Neurotoxic Pesticides. Neurobiology of Aging, vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 553-559.
  • Talts U, Fredriksson A, Eriksson P (1998) : Changes in Behavior and Muscarinic Receptor Density after Neonatal and Adult Exposure to Bioallethrin. Neurobiology of aging, Vol. 19, No.6, pp. 545-552.
  • Trainer VL, McPhee JC, Boutelet-Bochan H, Baker C, Scheuer T, Babin D, Demoute J-P, Guedin D, Catterall WA (1997) : High affinity binding of pyrethroids to the alpha subunit of brain sodium channels. Mol Pharmacol., 51: 651-7.
  • Tsuchiyama H, Sugihara S, Kawai K, Itoh M, Meguro H, Hara N and Kubo T (1975) : Electric mosquito mat, subacute inhalation toxicity tests in mice, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University Medical School, 77 pp ( Report No. NU-SB- 75.08.24/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Uclaf ).
  • Vijverberg HPM, van den Bercken J (1982) : Action of pyrethroid insecticides on the vertebrate nervous system. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol., 8: 421-40.
  • WHO (1989) : Environmental Health Criteria 87 ( İnternational programme on chemical safety), IPCSINTOX Databank .
  • WHO ( 2003 ) : Bioallethrin . FAO/WHO evaluation report 203 . World HealthOrganization, Geneva.

Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2, 73 - 78, 01.06.2007


Bu makalede, bioallethrinler hakkında genel bilgi verilerek bunların sağlık üzerindeki istenmeyen etkileri değişik yayınlar taranıp toplu olarak sunulmuştur


  • Ahlbom J, Fredriksson A, Eriksson P (1994) : Neonatal exposure to a type-I pyretroid( bioallethrin ) induces dose- response changes in brain muscarinic receptors and behavior in neonatal and adult mice. Brain Res., 645: 318-324.
  • Audegond L, Collas E and Fournex R (1984a) : Esbiothrin. Primary dermal irritancy study in the male rabbit, Romainville, France, Roussel Uclaf, 12 pp ( Report No. RU- EBT-83315/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data ).
  • Cheng V, Lee HR, Chen CS : Morphological changes in the respiratory system of mice inhalation of mosquito-coil smoke.
  • Diel F, Detscher M, Schock B, Enis M (1998) : İn vitro effects of the S-bioallethrin on lymphocytes and bazofils from atopic and nonatopic subjects. Allergy, Nov; 53( 11 ) : 1052–9.
  • Diel F, Horr B, Borck H, Savtchenko H, Mitsche T, Diel E (1999) : Pyretroids and piperonyl-butoxide affect human T-lymphocytes in vitro. Toxicology Letters, 107: 65– 74.
  • Dorman DC, Beasley VR (1991) : Neurotoxicology of pyrethrin and the pyrethroid insecticides. Vet Hum Toxicol, 33: 238–43.
  • Eells JT, Bandettini PA, Holman PA, Propp JM (1992) : Pyrethroid insecticide-induced alterations in mammalian synaptic membrane potential. J Pharmacol Exp. Ther., 262: 1173-81.
  • Gupta A, Nigam D, Gupta AM, Shukla G S, Agarwal A K (1999) : Effect of Pyretroid-based Liquid Mosquito Repellent Inhalation on the Blood-Brain Barrier Function and Oxidative Damage in Selected Organs of Developing Rats. J. Appl. Toxicol., 19: 67-72.
  • Griggs M P, Jefferson N D, Blair M and Spicer E J F (1982) : Bioallethrin. 6-month dietary toxicity study in dogs, IRDC Mattawan, Michigan, 69 pp ( Report No. IRDC-BA-406.034/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Uclaf ).
  • Hardy C J, Jackson G C, Lewis D J and Gopinath C (1984) : Esbiothrin (RU 27436). Acute inhalation toxicity in rats 4-hour exposure, Huntingdon, United Kingdom, Huntingdon Research Centre, 118 pp ( Report No. RSL-EBT–84.470/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Ucla ).
  • Kadota T (1972) : 90-day subacute toxicity study of Pynamin Forte on rats, Takarazuka, Research Department, Pesticide Division, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd ( Technical Report No. KT-70-0006 ) ( Proprietary data made available by Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd ).
  • Kaya S, Pirinçci İ, Bilgili A (1998) : Veteriner Hekimliğinde Toksikoloji. Medisan yayın serisi: 35, Ankara, s. 220.
  • Kaysen A and Sales A (1984) : Esbiothrin. Acute dermal toxicity in male and female rabbits, Evreux, France, Centre International de Toxicologie, 36 pp ( Report No. CIT- EBT-430.84/A ) (Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Ucla ).
  • Kim IY, Shın JH, Kım HS, Lee SJ, Kang IH, Kım TS, Moon HJ, Chol KS, Moon A, Han SY (2004) : Assessing Estrogenic Activity of Pyrethroid Insecticides Using In Vitro Combination Assays. Journal of Reproduction and Development, Vol. 50, No.2.
  • Liu WK and Sun SE (1988) : Ultrastructural changes of tracheal epithelium and alveolar macrophages of rats exposed to mosquito coil smoke. Toxicol. lett. 41 (2): 145-57.
  • Mansee AH (2003) : Long term effects of two smoke mosquito tablets on hematological and biochemical characteristics of rat blood. Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Reserch 48 (3 ): 155-162.
  • Mauck WL, Olson LE, Marking LL (1976) : Toxicity of natural pyrethrins and five pyrethroids to fish. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol., 4: 18-29.
  • Mitsche T, Borck H, Horr B, Bayas N, Hoppe HW, Diel F (2000) : Pyretroid sendrom in an animal keper. Allergy (Copenhagen) 55(1):93-94.
  • Miyamoto J (1976) : Degradation and metabolism and toxicity of synthetic pyrethroids. Environ. Health Perspect, 14: 15-28.
  • Miyamoto J, Kaneko H, Tsuji R, Okuno Y (1995) : Pyrethroids, nerve poisons: How their risks to human health should be assessed. Toxicol Lett., 82-83: 933-40.
  • Morris S, (1997) : Summary of Toxicology Data Esbiothrin. DPR Medical Toxicology.
  • Narahashi T (1989) : The role of ion channels in insecticide action. In: Narahashi T, Chambers JE, eds. Insecticide action: from molecule to organism. Plenum Pres, 55-84.
  • Narahashi T (1996) : Neuronal ion channels as the target sites of insecticides. Pharmacol Toxicol., 78:1-14.
  • Narahashi T, Carter DB, Frey J, Ginsburg K, Hamilton BJ, Nagata K, Roy ML, Song J-H, Tatebayashi H (1995) : Sodium channels and GABAA receptor-channel complex as targets of environmental toxicants.Toxicol Let., 82-83: 239-45.
  • National Poisons İnformation Service (1998) : Bioallethrin ( UKPID Monograph ), IPCSINTOX Databank.
  • Ray DE (1991) : Pesticides derived from plants and other organisms. 13.2 Pyrethrum and related compounds. In: Hayes WJ, Jr., Laws ER, Jr. eds. Handbook of pesticide toxicology. Vol 2. San Diego, California: Academic Press ; 585-636.
  • RTECS. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (1997) : In: Tomes plus. Environmental Health and Safety Series I. CD-ROM. Vol 35. Washington DC: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
  • Sakamoto Y, Matsumoto K, Ogami H, Yoshimura M, Sano N and Shimada T (1975d): Esbiol subacute inhalation toxicity tests in the mouse and rat (one-month), Osaka, Japan, Osaka University Medical School, 52 pp ( Report No. OU-SB- 75.05.27/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Uclaf ).
  • Sato H, Arai M and Hagiwara A (1985) : Chronic toxicity and oncogenicity study of Pynamin Forte in rats, Nagoya, Japan, Daiyu-kai Institute of Medical Sciences ( Technical Report No. KT-51-0058 ) ( Proprietary data made available by Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd ).
  • Shehata A, Taha M, İbrahim T, Seedek A (1991) : Toxopathological effects of Ezalo-mat on male albino mice. Egyptian Journal of Comparative Pathology and Clinical pathology 4 (1): 187-198.
  • Soderlund DM, Bloomquist JR (1989) : Neurotoxic actions of pyrethroid insecticides. Annu Rev Entomol, 34: 77-96.
  • Song J-H, Nagata K, Tatebayashi H, Narahashi T (1996) : Interactions of tetramethrin,
  • fenvalerate and DDT at the sodium channel in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Brain Res., 708: 29-37.
  • Song J-H, Narahashi T (1996) : Modulation of sodium channels of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons by the pyrethroid tetramethrin. J Pharmacol Exp Ther., 277: 445-53.
  • Şener S, Yıldırım M (2000) : Veteriner Toksikoloji. Teknik yayıncılık, İstanbul, s. 163-164.
  • Talts U, Talts JF, Eriksson P (1998) : Diferrential Expression of Muscarinic Subtype mRNAs after Exposure to Neurotoxic Pesticides. Neurobiology of Aging, vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 553-559.
  • Talts U, Fredriksson A, Eriksson P (1998) : Changes in Behavior and Muscarinic Receptor Density after Neonatal and Adult Exposure to Bioallethrin. Neurobiology of aging, Vol. 19, No.6, pp. 545-552.
  • Trainer VL, McPhee JC, Boutelet-Bochan H, Baker C, Scheuer T, Babin D, Demoute J-P, Guedin D, Catterall WA (1997) : High affinity binding of pyrethroids to the alpha subunit of brain sodium channels. Mol Pharmacol., 51: 651-7.
  • Tsuchiyama H, Sugihara S, Kawai K, Itoh M, Meguro H, Hara N and Kubo T (1975) : Electric mosquito mat, subacute inhalation toxicity tests in mice, Nagasaki, Japan, Nagasaki University Medical School, 77 pp ( Report No. NU-SB- 75.08.24/A ) ( Unpublished proprietary data supplied by Roussel Uclaf ).
  • Vijverberg HPM, van den Bercken J (1982) : Action of pyrethroid insecticides on the vertebrate nervous system. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol., 8: 421-40.
  • WHO (1989) : Environmental Health Criteria 87 ( İnternational programme on chemical safety), IPCSINTOX Databank .
  • WHO ( 2003 ) : Bioallethrin . FAO/WHO evaluation report 203 . World HealthOrganization, Geneva.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ufuk Mercan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Mercan, U. (2007). Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(2), 73-78.
AMA Mercan U. Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. Haziran 2007;18(2):73-78.
Chicago Mercan, Ufuk. “Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18, sy. 2 (Haziran 2007): 73-78.
EndNote Mercan U (01 Haziran 2007) Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18 2 73–78.
IEEE U. Mercan, “Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri”, YYU Vet Fak Derg, c. 18, sy. 2, ss. 73–78, 2007.
ISNAD Mercan, Ufuk. “Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18/2 (Haziran 2007), 73-78.
JAMA Mercan U. Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2007;18:73–78.
MLA Mercan, Ufuk. “Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri”. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 18, sy. 2, 2007, ss. 73-78.
Vancouver Mercan U. Bioallethrinlerin Sağlık Üzerine Olumsuz Etkileri. YYU Vet Fak Derg. 2007;18(2):73-8.