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Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler

Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 273 - 278, 07.05.2021


Periferal yoldan uzun süre verilen kemoterapi tedavileri damarların epitel tabakasına zarar vermektedir. Bu durum birçok komplikasyona yol açarak, damarların dolgunluğunu ve görünürlüğünü etkilemekte, hemşirelerin ise periferal intravenöz kateter uygulaması sırasında zorluk yaşamasına neden olmaktadır. Bu zorluklar hastaların işlem sırasında ağrı, anksiyete yaşamasına ve tedavinin gecikmesine neden olabilmektedir. Bu durumları önlemek için periferal kateter uygulamasındaki ilk aşama, ven görünürlüğü ve venöz dolgunluğun sağlanmasıdır. Bunun için turnike uygulaması veya tansiyon aletinin manşonunun kola takılarak şişirilmesi, kolun kalp seviyesinin aşağısında tutulması, izometrik egzersiz uygulaması, parmak ucuyla vene vurulması, venin sıvazlanması ve lokal sıcak uygulama yapılması, ultrason ve kızıl ötesi ışınların kullanımı şeklinde farklı teknikler bulunmaktadır. Kliniklerde turnike, kolun kalp seviyesinin aşağısında tutulması ve veni sıvazlanma tekniklerinin sıklıkla kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Diğer yöntemlerin kullanımına ilişkin çalışmalar yapılmakta ve kemoterapi alan hastalarda etkisi ve kullanım şekli belirtilmektedir. Hemşirelerin bu yöntemleri bilmesi ve kemoterapi alan hasta grupları gibi damarsal yapısı bozulmuş hastalara kullanabilmesi yaşayacakları bu güçlükleri ve komplikasyonları en aza indirecektir. Bu nedenle bu makalenin amacı kemoterapi alan hastalarda ven görünürlüğü ve venöz dolgunluğu sağlayıcı teknikler hakkında kanıta dayalı bilgiler vererek, hemşirelerin bu konuya dikkatini çekmek ve bu bilgilerin uygulamaya aktarılmasını sağlamaktır.


  • 1. Vizcarra C, Cassutt C, Corbitt N, Richardson D, Runde D, Stafford, K. Recommendations for improving safety practices with short peripheral catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing. 2014; 37(2): 121-124.
  • 2. Keleekai NL, Schuster CA, Murray CL, King MA, Stahl BR, Labrozzi, L. et al. Improving nurses' peripheral intravenous catheter insertion knowledge, confidence, and skills using a simulation-based blended learning program: a randomized trial. Simulation in Healthcare. 2016; 11(6): 376.
  • 3. Infusion Nurses Society (INS). Infusion nursing standarts of practice. Journal of Infusion Nursing. 2011; 34(1): 1-110.
  • 4. Uzun Ş. İntravenöz sıvı tedavisi. Atabek Aştı T, Karadağ A, editör(ler). Hemşirelik esasları hemşirelik bilimi ve sanatı. İstanbul: Akademi basın ve yayıncılık, 2014. p.818-851.
  • 5. Fink RM, Hjort E, Wenger B, Cook PF. Cunningham M, Orf A, et al. The impact of dry versus moist heat on peripheral catheter insertion in a hematology-oncology out patient population. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2009; 36: 198-204.
  • 6. Newton S, Hickey M, Brant JM. Mosby’s oncology nursing advisor a comprehensive guide to clinical practice. 2nd ed. Mosby Incorporated: USA. 2016.
  • 7. Doellman D, Hadaway L, Bowe Geddes, LA, LeDonne J, Papke O’Donnell L, Pettit J, et al. Infiltration and extravasation. The Art and Science of Infusion Nursing. 2009; 32: 203–211.
  • 8. Özkaraman A, Yesilbakan OU. Periferal intravenöz kemoterapi uygulamasına yönelik hemşirelik yönetimi. Osmangazi Journal of Medicine. 2015; 36(1): 27-34.
  • 9. Lenhardt R., Seybold T, Kimberger O, Stoiser B, Sessler DI. Local warming and insertion of peripheral venous cannulas: single blinded prospective randomised controlled trial and single blinded randomised cross overtrial. British Medical Journal. 2002; 325: 409-503.
  • 10. Potter PA, Perry AG. Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, Riverport Lane, St. Louris: Canada; 2013.
  • 11. Kaur M, Kaur S, Firuza DP. Effect of ‘moist heat therapy’ on the visibility and palpability of peripheral veins before peripheral venous cannulation of patients undergoing chemotherapy, Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal. 2011; 7: 99-105.
  • 12. Berman, AJ, Snyder S, Kozier B, Erb G. Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process, and practice 9nd ed. Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River; 2016.
  • 13. Roberge RJ. Venodilatation techniques to enhance venepuncture and intravenous cannulation. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2004; 27(1): 69-73.
  • 14. Eren H, Çalışkan N. Kemoterapi alan hastalarda damar görüntüleme cihazı ve avuç açma kapama tekniğinin ven görünürlüğüne etkisi. [Doktora tezi]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2018.
  • 15. Bıyık Bayram Ş, Çalışkan N. Effects of local heat application before intravenous catheter insertion in chemotherapy patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2016; 25(11-12): 1740-1747.
  • 16. Ozkaraman A, Yesilbalkan OU. Effect of isometric hand grip exercises on blood flow and placement of ıv catheters for administration of chemotherapy. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2016; 20(2): 55-59.
  • 17. Bertoglio S, Van Boxtel T, Goossens GA, Dougherty L, Furtwangler R, Lennan E, et al. Improving outcomes of short peripheral vascular access in oncology and chemotherapy administration. The Journal of Vascular Access. 2017; 18(2): 89-96.
  • 18. Parreira P, Serambeque B, Costa PS, Mónico LS, Oliveira V, Sousa LB, et al. Impact of an ınnovative securement dressing and tourniquet in peripheral ıntravenous catheter-related complications and contamination: an ınterventional study. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019; 16(18): 3301-3313.
  • 19. Sasaki S, Murakami N, Matsumura Y, Ichimura M, Mori M. Pelationship between tourniquet pressure and a cross-section area of superficial vein of forearm. Acta Med. Okayama. 2012; 66(1): 67-71.
  • 20. Nelson D, Jeanmonod R, Jeanmonod D. Randomized trial of tourniquet vs blood pressure cuff or target vein dilation in ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014; 32(7): 761-764.
  • 21. Xiong J, Zhan P, Ding Y, Mu F, Sun Y, Wang H, et al. Which, tourniquet or ınflation of blood pressure cuff, can dilate peripheral vein adequately for ıntravenous access. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 2019; 20(1): 14775-14784.
  • 22. Yamagami Y, Tomita K, Tsujimoto T, Inoue T. Tourniquet application after local forearm warming to improve venodilation for peripheral intravenous cannulation in young and middle-aged adults: A single-blind prospective randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2017; 72: 1-7.
  • 23. Cantor-Peled G, Halak M, Ovadia-Blechman Z. Peripheral vein locating techniques. Imaging in Medicine. 2016; 8(3): 83-88.
  • 24. Mattox EA. Complications of peripheral venous access devices: prevention, detection, and recovery strategies. Crit Care Nurse. 2017; 37(2): 1-14.
  • 25. Arıncı K, Elhan A. Anatomi. 6. Baskı. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri; 2016.
  • 26. Aksoy C. Fizik tedavi vasıtaları soğuk sıcak uygulamalar. Diniz F, Ketenci A. Editör(ler). Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. İstanbul: Nobel Yayıncılık; 2000. p. 125-145.
  • 27. Yamagami Y, Tsujimoto T, Inoue T. How long should local warming for venodilation be used for peripheral intravenous cannulation? A prospective observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2018; 79: 52-57.
  • 28. Tokizawa Y, Tsujimoto T, Inoue T. Duration of venodilation for peripheral intravenous cannulation, as induced by a thermal stimulus on the forearm. Biological research for nursing. 2017; 19(2): 206-212.
  • 29. İsmailoğlu EG, Zaybak A, Akarca FK, Kıyan S. The effect of the use of ultrasound in the success of peripheral venous catheterisation. International Emergency Nursing. 2015; 23(2): 89-93.
  • 30. Sabri A, Szalas J, Holmes KS, Labib L, Mussivand T. Failed attempts and improvement strategies in peripheral intravenous catheterization. Bio-Medical Materials And Engineering. 2013; 23(1-2): 93-108.
  • 31. Hebbard PD, Flinn P. Intravascular catheters-an ultrasound imaging based observational study of position and function. Anaesthesia and intensive care. 2017; 45(4): 499-502.
  • 32. EL-Shafey EM, Tammam TF. Ultrasonography-guided peripheral intravenous Access: Regular techique versus Seldinger tecnique in patients with difficult vascular Access. European Journal of General Medicine. 2012; 9(4): 216-222.
  • 33. Stolz LA, Cappa AR, Minckler MR, Stolz U, Wyatt RG, Binger CW, et al. Prospective evaluation of the learning curve for ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheter placement. The Journal of Vascular Access. 2016; 17(4): 366-370.
  • 34. Khan MS, Sabnis VB, Phansalkar DS, Prasad SP, Karnam AHF, Hasan A. Use of ultrasound in peripheral venous catheterization in adult emergency and critical care units. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care. 2015; 19(3): 303-10.
  • 35. Gregg SC, Murthi SB, Sisley AC, Stein DM, Scalea, TM. Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in the intensive care unit. Journal of Critical Care. 2010; 25(3): 514-519.
  • 36. Hess HA. A biomedical device to improve pediatric vascular access success. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2010; 36(5): 259–63.
  • 37. Aulagnier J, Hoc C, Mathieu E, Dreyfus JF, Fischler M. Guen, ML. Efficacy of accuvein to facilitate peripheral ıntravenous placement in adults presenting to an emergency department: a randomized clinical trial, Academic Emergency Medicine. 2014; 21: 858-863.
  • 38. Fumagalli S, Torricelli G, Massi M, Calvani S, Boni S, Roberts A.T. et al. Effects of a new device to quide venous puncture in elderly critically ill patients: results of a pilot randomized study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2017; 29: 335-339.
  • 39. Yen K, Gorelick MH. New Biomedical devices that use near-ınfrared technology to assist with phlebotomy and vascular access. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2013; 29: 383-388.
  • 40. Haile D, Suominen PK. Technologies in pediatric vascular access: have we improved success rate in peripheral vein cannulation?. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2017; 61(7): 710-713.
  • 41. Chiao FB, Resta-Flarer F, Lesser J, Ng J, Ganz A, Pino-Luey D et al. Vein visualization: patient characteristic factors and efficacy of a new infrared vein finder technology. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2013; 110(6): 966-971.
  • 42. Ramer L, Hunt P, Ortega E, Knowlton J, Briggs R, Hirokawa S. Effect of intravenous (IV) assistive device (veinWiewer) on IV Access attempts, procedural time, and patient and nurse satisfaction. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2016; 33(4): 273-81.
  • 43. Kaddoum RN, Anghelescu DL, Parish ME, Wright BB, Trujillo L, Wu J, et al. A randomized controlled trial comparing the AccuVein AV300 device to standard insertion technique for intravenous cannulation of anesthetized children. Paediatr Anaesth. 2012; 22(9): 884–889.
  • 44. Stevens K. The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas.The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 2013; 18(2): 4.
Year 2021, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 273 - 278, 07.05.2021



  • 1. Vizcarra C, Cassutt C, Corbitt N, Richardson D, Runde D, Stafford, K. Recommendations for improving safety practices with short peripheral catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing. 2014; 37(2): 121-124.
  • 2. Keleekai NL, Schuster CA, Murray CL, King MA, Stahl BR, Labrozzi, L. et al. Improving nurses' peripheral intravenous catheter insertion knowledge, confidence, and skills using a simulation-based blended learning program: a randomized trial. Simulation in Healthcare. 2016; 11(6): 376.
  • 3. Infusion Nurses Society (INS). Infusion nursing standarts of practice. Journal of Infusion Nursing. 2011; 34(1): 1-110.
  • 4. Uzun Ş. İntravenöz sıvı tedavisi. Atabek Aştı T, Karadağ A, editör(ler). Hemşirelik esasları hemşirelik bilimi ve sanatı. İstanbul: Akademi basın ve yayıncılık, 2014. p.818-851.
  • 5. Fink RM, Hjort E, Wenger B, Cook PF. Cunningham M, Orf A, et al. The impact of dry versus moist heat on peripheral catheter insertion in a hematology-oncology out patient population. Oncology Nursing Forum. 2009; 36: 198-204.
  • 6. Newton S, Hickey M, Brant JM. Mosby’s oncology nursing advisor a comprehensive guide to clinical practice. 2nd ed. Mosby Incorporated: USA. 2016.
  • 7. Doellman D, Hadaway L, Bowe Geddes, LA, LeDonne J, Papke O’Donnell L, Pettit J, et al. Infiltration and extravasation. The Art and Science of Infusion Nursing. 2009; 32: 203–211.
  • 8. Özkaraman A, Yesilbakan OU. Periferal intravenöz kemoterapi uygulamasına yönelik hemşirelik yönetimi. Osmangazi Journal of Medicine. 2015; 36(1): 27-34.
  • 9. Lenhardt R., Seybold T, Kimberger O, Stoiser B, Sessler DI. Local warming and insertion of peripheral venous cannulas: single blinded prospective randomised controlled trial and single blinded randomised cross overtrial. British Medical Journal. 2002; 325: 409-503.
  • 10. Potter PA, Perry AG. Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques, Riverport Lane, St. Louris: Canada; 2013.
  • 11. Kaur M, Kaur S, Firuza DP. Effect of ‘moist heat therapy’ on the visibility and palpability of peripheral veins before peripheral venous cannulation of patients undergoing chemotherapy, Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal. 2011; 7: 99-105.
  • 12. Berman, AJ, Snyder S, Kozier B, Erb G. Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing: concepts, process, and practice 9nd ed. Pearson Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River; 2016.
  • 13. Roberge RJ. Venodilatation techniques to enhance venepuncture and intravenous cannulation. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2004; 27(1): 69-73.
  • 14. Eren H, Çalışkan N. Kemoterapi alan hastalarda damar görüntüleme cihazı ve avuç açma kapama tekniğinin ven görünürlüğüne etkisi. [Doktora tezi]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2018.
  • 15. Bıyık Bayram Ş, Çalışkan N. Effects of local heat application before intravenous catheter insertion in chemotherapy patients. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2016; 25(11-12): 1740-1747.
  • 16. Ozkaraman A, Yesilbalkan OU. Effect of isometric hand grip exercises on blood flow and placement of ıv catheters for administration of chemotherapy. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2016; 20(2): 55-59.
  • 17. Bertoglio S, Van Boxtel T, Goossens GA, Dougherty L, Furtwangler R, Lennan E, et al. Improving outcomes of short peripheral vascular access in oncology and chemotherapy administration. The Journal of Vascular Access. 2017; 18(2): 89-96.
  • 18. Parreira P, Serambeque B, Costa PS, Mónico LS, Oliveira V, Sousa LB, et al. Impact of an ınnovative securement dressing and tourniquet in peripheral ıntravenous catheter-related complications and contamination: an ınterventional study. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019; 16(18): 3301-3313.
  • 19. Sasaki S, Murakami N, Matsumura Y, Ichimura M, Mori M. Pelationship between tourniquet pressure and a cross-section area of superficial vein of forearm. Acta Med. Okayama. 2012; 66(1): 67-71.
  • 20. Nelson D, Jeanmonod R, Jeanmonod D. Randomized trial of tourniquet vs blood pressure cuff or target vein dilation in ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2014; 32(7): 761-764.
  • 21. Xiong J, Zhan P, Ding Y, Mu F, Sun Y, Wang H, et al. Which, tourniquet or ınflation of blood pressure cuff, can dilate peripheral vein adequately for ıntravenous access. Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 2019; 20(1): 14775-14784.
  • 22. Yamagami Y, Tomita K, Tsujimoto T, Inoue T. Tourniquet application after local forearm warming to improve venodilation for peripheral intravenous cannulation in young and middle-aged adults: A single-blind prospective randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2017; 72: 1-7.
  • 23. Cantor-Peled G, Halak M, Ovadia-Blechman Z. Peripheral vein locating techniques. Imaging in Medicine. 2016; 8(3): 83-88.
  • 24. Mattox EA. Complications of peripheral venous access devices: prevention, detection, and recovery strategies. Crit Care Nurse. 2017; 37(2): 1-14.
  • 25. Arıncı K, Elhan A. Anatomi. 6. Baskı. Ankara: Güneş Tıp Kitabevleri; 2016.
  • 26. Aksoy C. Fizik tedavi vasıtaları soğuk sıcak uygulamalar. Diniz F, Ketenci A. Editör(ler). Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon. İstanbul: Nobel Yayıncılık; 2000. p. 125-145.
  • 27. Yamagami Y, Tsujimoto T, Inoue T. How long should local warming for venodilation be used for peripheral intravenous cannulation? A prospective observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2018; 79: 52-57.
  • 28. Tokizawa Y, Tsujimoto T, Inoue T. Duration of venodilation for peripheral intravenous cannulation, as induced by a thermal stimulus on the forearm. Biological research for nursing. 2017; 19(2): 206-212.
  • 29. İsmailoğlu EG, Zaybak A, Akarca FK, Kıyan S. The effect of the use of ultrasound in the success of peripheral venous catheterisation. International Emergency Nursing. 2015; 23(2): 89-93.
  • 30. Sabri A, Szalas J, Holmes KS, Labib L, Mussivand T. Failed attempts and improvement strategies in peripheral intravenous catheterization. Bio-Medical Materials And Engineering. 2013; 23(1-2): 93-108.
  • 31. Hebbard PD, Flinn P. Intravascular catheters-an ultrasound imaging based observational study of position and function. Anaesthesia and intensive care. 2017; 45(4): 499-502.
  • 32. EL-Shafey EM, Tammam TF. Ultrasonography-guided peripheral intravenous Access: Regular techique versus Seldinger tecnique in patients with difficult vascular Access. European Journal of General Medicine. 2012; 9(4): 216-222.
  • 33. Stolz LA, Cappa AR, Minckler MR, Stolz U, Wyatt RG, Binger CW, et al. Prospective evaluation of the learning curve for ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous catheter placement. The Journal of Vascular Access. 2016; 17(4): 366-370.
  • 34. Khan MS, Sabnis VB, Phansalkar DS, Prasad SP, Karnam AHF, Hasan A. Use of ultrasound in peripheral venous catheterization in adult emergency and critical care units. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care. 2015; 19(3): 303-10.
  • 35. Gregg SC, Murthi SB, Sisley AC, Stein DM, Scalea, TM. Ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous access in the intensive care unit. Journal of Critical Care. 2010; 25(3): 514-519.
  • 36. Hess HA. A biomedical device to improve pediatric vascular access success. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2010; 36(5): 259–63.
  • 37. Aulagnier J, Hoc C, Mathieu E, Dreyfus JF, Fischler M. Guen, ML. Efficacy of accuvein to facilitate peripheral ıntravenous placement in adults presenting to an emergency department: a randomized clinical trial, Academic Emergency Medicine. 2014; 21: 858-863.
  • 38. Fumagalli S, Torricelli G, Massi M, Calvani S, Boni S, Roberts A.T. et al. Effects of a new device to quide venous puncture in elderly critically ill patients: results of a pilot randomized study. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2017; 29: 335-339.
  • 39. Yen K, Gorelick MH. New Biomedical devices that use near-ınfrared technology to assist with phlebotomy and vascular access. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2013; 29: 383-388.
  • 40. Haile D, Suominen PK. Technologies in pediatric vascular access: have we improved success rate in peripheral vein cannulation?. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 2017; 61(7): 710-713.
  • 41. Chiao FB, Resta-Flarer F, Lesser J, Ng J, Ganz A, Pino-Luey D et al. Vein visualization: patient characteristic factors and efficacy of a new infrared vein finder technology. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2013; 110(6): 966-971.
  • 42. Ramer L, Hunt P, Ortega E, Knowlton J, Briggs R, Hirokawa S. Effect of intravenous (IV) assistive device (veinWiewer) on IV Access attempts, procedural time, and patient and nurse satisfaction. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2016; 33(4): 273-81.
  • 43. Kaddoum RN, Anghelescu DL, Parish ME, Wright BB, Trujillo L, Wu J, et al. A randomized controlled trial comparing the AccuVein AV300 device to standard insertion technique for intravenous cannulation of anesthetized children. Paediatr Anaesth. 2012; 22(9): 884–889.
  • 44. Stevens K. The impact of evidence-based practice in nursing and the next big ideas.The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 2013; 18(2): 4.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Reviews

Şule Bıyık Bayram 0000-0002-9842-1588

Handan Eren 0000-0002-6507-5690

Nurcan Çalışkan 0000-0002-4611-2230

Publication Date May 7, 2021
Submission Date May 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Bıyık Bayram, Ş., Eren, H., & Çalışkan, N. (2021). Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(2), 273-278.
AMA Bıyık Bayram Ş, Eren H, Çalışkan N. Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler. J DU Health Sci Inst. May 2021;11(2):273-278. doi:10.33631/duzcesbed.732209
Chicago Bıyık Bayram, Şule, Handan Eren, and Nurcan Çalışkan. “Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü Ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11, no. 2 (May 2021): 273-78.
EndNote Bıyık Bayram Ş, Eren H, Çalışkan N (May 1, 2021) Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 2 273–278.
IEEE Ş. Bıyık Bayram, H. Eren, and N. Çalışkan, “Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler”, J DU Health Sci Inst, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 273–278, 2021, doi: 10.33631/duzcesbed.732209.
ISNAD Bıyık Bayram, Şule et al. “Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü Ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11/2 (May 2021), 273-278.
JAMA Bıyık Bayram Ş, Eren H, Çalışkan N. Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler. J DU Health Sci Inst. 2021;11:273–278.
MLA Bıyık Bayram, Şule et al. “Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü Ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 2, 2021, pp. 273-8, doi:10.33631/duzcesbed.732209.
Vancouver Bıyık Bayram Ş, Eren H, Çalışkan N. Kemoterapi Alan Hastalarda Ven Görünürlüğü ve Venöz Dolgunluğu Sağlayıcı Teknikler. J DU Health Sci Inst. 2021;11(2):273-8.