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Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 93 - 98, 30.09.2011


Çanakkale sığ sularında (<2m) yapılan bu çalışmanın ana amacı, genç mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linneaus, 1758), bireylerinin beslenme alışkanlıklarının tespit edilmesidir. Bu amaçla, Ocak ile Aralık 2007 tarihleri arasında ığrıp örneklemeleri ile 6 farklı istasyondan elde edilen toplam boyları 33–125 ± 0.18 mm arasında olan 113 adet genç mırmır bireylerinin mide içerikleri incelenmiştir. Bu bireylerin 16 (%14.16) adetinin midesinde besinsel organizmaya rastlanılmamıştır. Toplam IRI değerlerine göre, genç mırmır bireylerinin ana besinlerinin copepod (%IRI = 91.19) olduğu ve diğer başlıca besin kaynaklarının da sırasıyla foraminifera (%IRI = %1.98), peracaridea (%IRI = %1.60), cumacea (%IRI = %1.50), amphipoda (%IRI = %0.75) ve mollusca (%IRI = %0.11) olduğu belirlenmiştir. Besin tercihlerinin mevsimsel olarak değişip değişmediğini tespit etmek amacıyla ANOSIM istatistik testi uygulanmış ve önemli derecede fark bulunamamıştır (ANOSIM: R = 0.24, P > 0.05).


  • Badalamenti, F., D’anna, G., Fazio, M., Gristina, M., Lipari, R., 1993. Relazioni trofiche tra quattro specie ittiche catturate si differenti substrati nel Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia N/O). Biol. Mar. Medit. 1: 145-150.
  • Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., 1986. Sparidae. In: Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., Nielsen, J., Tortonese, E., Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Paris: Unesco. II: 883-907.
  • Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., 1990. Sparidae. In: Quero, J.C., Hureau, J.C., Karrer, C., Post, A., Saldanha, L., Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA), JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris and UNESCO. II: 790-812.
  • Berg, J., 1979. Discussion of methods of investigating the food of fishes, with reference to a preleminary study of the food of Gobiusculus flavescens (Gobiidae). Marine Biology. 50: 263-273.
  • Besseau, L., Bruslesicard, S., 1991. Sex-inversion in a protandric hermaphrodite Lithognathus mormyrus (L 1758) (Teleostei, Sparidae) - Histocytological Peculiarities. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish: 95-338.
  • Besseau, L., Bruslesicard, S., 1995. Plasticity of gonad development in hermaphroditic sparids - Ovotestis ontogeny in a protandric species, Lithognathus mormyrus. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 43(3): 255-267.
  • Bowman, R.E., Bowman, E.W., 1980. Diurnal variation in the feeding intensity and catchability of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 37(10): 1565-1572.
  • Cortes, E., 1997. A critical review of methods of studying fish feeding based on analysis of stomach contents: Application to elasmobranch fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54(3): 726-738.
  • Emre, Y., Balik, I., Sumer, C., Oskay, D.A., Yesilcimen, H.O., 2010. Age, growth, length-weight relationship and reproduction of the striped seabream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) (Sparidae) in the Beymelek Lagoon (Antalya, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology. 34(1): 93-100.
  • Fabi, G., Manoukian, S., Spagnolo, A., 2006. Feeding behavior of three common fishes at an artificial reef in the northern Adriatic Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science. 78(1): 39-56.
  • Firat, K., Saka, S., Kamaci, H.O., 2005. Embryonic and larval development of striped sea bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L 1758). Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh. 57(2): 131-140.
  • Froglia, C., 1977. Feeding of Lithognathus mormyrus (L.) in central Adriatic Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 24(1): 95-97.
  • Harmelin-vivien, M.L., Harmelin, J.G., Leboulleux, V., 1995. Microhabitat requirements for settlement of juvenile sparid fishes on Mediterranean rocky shores. Hydrobiologia. 300: 309-320.
  • Hyslop, E.J., 1980. Stomach Contents Analysis - A review of methods and their application. Journal of Fish Biology. 17(4):411-429.
  • Kallianiotis, A., Torre, M., Argyri, A., 2005. Age, growth, mortality, reproduction, and feeding habits of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Pisces : Sparidae), in the coastal waters of the Thracian Sea, Greece. Scientia Marina. 69(3): 391-404.
  • Kitsos, M.S., Tzomos, T., Anagnostopoulou, L., Koukouras, A., 2008. Diet composition of the seahorses, Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829 and Hippocampus hippocampus (L., 1758) (Teleostei, Syngnathidae) in the Aegean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology. 72(6): 1259-1267.
  • Kraljevic, M., Dulcic, J., Pallaoro, A., Cetinic, P., Jugdujakovic, J., 1995. Sexual-maturation, age and growth of striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus L, on the Eastern Coast of the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 11(1-2): 1-8.
  • Kraljevic, M., Dulcic, J., Cetinic, P., Pallaoro, A., 1996. Age, growth and mortality of the striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus L, in the northern Adriatic. Fisheries Research. 28(4): 361-370.
  • Langton, R.W., 1982. Diet Overlap between Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua, Silver Hake, Merluccius bilinearis, and 15 Other Northwest Atlantic Finfish. Fishery Bulletin. 80(4): 745-759.
  • Lorenzo, J.M., Pajuelo, J.G., Mendez-Villamil, M., Coca, J., Ramos, A.G., 2002. Age, growth, reproduction and mortality of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Pisces, Sparidae), off the Canary Islands (Central-east Atlantic). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 18(3): 204-209.
  • Nikolsky, G.V., 1976. The Ecology of Fishes. London, Academic Press, 352 p.
  • Pajuelo, J.G., Lorenzo, J.M., Mendez, M., Coca, J., Ramos, A.G., 2002. Determination of age and growth of the striped seabream Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) in the Canarian archipelago by otolith readings and backcalculation. Scientia Marina. 66(1): 27-32.
  • Pallaoro, A., Santic, M., Jardas, I., 2004. Diet composition of young-of-the-year saddled bream, Oblada melanura (Linnaeus, 1758) from the eastern central Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 20(3): 228-230.
  • Pinkas, L.M., Oliphant, S., Iverson, I.L.K., 1971. Food habits of albacore, bluefin tuna and bonito in Californian waters. Fish Bulletin. State of California, Department of Fish and Game. 152: 1-105.
  • Quéro, J.C., 1984. Les poissons de mer des pêches françaises. Jacques Grancher, Paris, 394 p.
  • Rosecchi, E., Nouaze, Y., 1987. Comparaison de conq indices alimentaires utilises dans l’analyse des contenus stomacaux. Rev. Trav. Inst. Pech. marit. 49(1): 11-123.
  • Ross, S.T., 1977. Patterns of resource partitioning in searobins (Pisces-Triglidae). Copeia. 3: 561-571.
  • Ross, S.T., 1978. Trophic ontogeny of the leopard searobin, Prinotus scitulus (Pisces: Triglidae). Fishery Bulletin. 76(1): 225-234.
  • Santic, M., Paladin, A., Elez, G., 2010. Diet of striped sea bream Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from eastern central Adriatic Sea. Cybium. 34(4): 345-352.
  • Stoner, A.W., 1980. Feeding ecology of Lagodon rhomboides (Pisces: Sparidea): variation and functional responses. Fishery Bulletin. 78: 337-352.
  • Stoner, A.W., Livingston, R.J., 1984. Ontogenetic patterns in diet and feeding morphology in sympatric sparid fishes from seagrass meadows. Copeia. 1(1): 174-187.
  • Suau, P., 1970. Contribution to knowledge of biology of Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae). Investigacion Pesquera. 34(2):237-&.
  • Turkmen, M., Akyurt, I., 2003. Growth characteristics, sex inversion and mortality rates of striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus L., in Iskenderun Bay. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 27: 323-329.
  • Tyler, A.Y., 1971. Monthly changes in stomach contents of demersal fishes in Passamaquoddy Bay (N.B.). Fisheries Research. 288:1-114.
  • Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Oliva-Paterna, F.J., Torralva, M., 2006. Length-weight relationships for 22 fish species of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (western Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 22(4): 293-294.
  • Ware, D.M., 1972. Predation by Rainbow-Trout (Salmo gairdneri) - Influence of hunger, prey density, and prey size. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 29(8): 1193-1201.
  • Whitehead, P., Bauchot, M., Hureau, J., Nielsen, J., Tortonese, E., 1986. Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Paris, UNESCO, 1473 p.

Feeding Habits of Young of the Year Striped Sea Bream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), from Canakkale Shallow Waters

Year 2011, Volume: 1 Issue: 3, 93 - 98, 30.09.2011


The main purpose of this study was to determine feeding habits of young of the year striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Canakkale shallow waters (<2m). With this purpose, stomach contents of 113 specimens, total length from 33 to 125 ± 0.18 mm, collected by beach seine from January to December 2007, from 6 different sampling locations, were analyzed. The overall percentages of empty stomachs were 14.16%. Based on the IRI analysis, among the main prey categories copepod (%IRI = 91.19) was the most preferred food group, followed by foraminifera (%IRI = %1.98), peracaridea (%IRI = %1.60), cumacea (%IRI = %1.50), amphipoda (%IRI = %0.75) and mollusca (%IRI = %0.11). No significant differences were found among the seasons (ANOSIM: R = 0.24, P > 0.05) in terms of nutrient preference.


  • Badalamenti, F., D’anna, G., Fazio, M., Gristina, M., Lipari, R., 1993. Relazioni trofiche tra quattro specie ittiche catturate si differenti substrati nel Golfo di Castellammare (Sicilia N/O). Biol. Mar. Medit. 1: 145-150.
  • Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., 1986. Sparidae. In: Whitehead, P.J.P., Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., Nielsen, J., Tortonese, E., Fishes of the North-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean, Paris: Unesco. II: 883-907.
  • Bauchot, M.L., Hureau, J.C., 1990. Sparidae. In: Quero, J.C., Hureau, J.C., Karrer, C., Post, A., Saldanha, L., Check-list of the fishes of the eastern tropical Atlantic (CLOFETA), JNICT, Lisbon; SEI, Paris and UNESCO. II: 790-812.
  • Berg, J., 1979. Discussion of methods of investigating the food of fishes, with reference to a preleminary study of the food of Gobiusculus flavescens (Gobiidae). Marine Biology. 50: 263-273.
  • Besseau, L., Bruslesicard, S., 1991. Sex-inversion in a protandric hermaphrodite Lithognathus mormyrus (L 1758) (Teleostei, Sparidae) - Histocytological Peculiarities. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish: 95-338.
  • Besseau, L., Bruslesicard, S., 1995. Plasticity of gonad development in hermaphroditic sparids - Ovotestis ontogeny in a protandric species, Lithognathus mormyrus. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 43(3): 255-267.
  • Bowman, R.E., Bowman, E.W., 1980. Diurnal variation in the feeding intensity and catchability of silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 37(10): 1565-1572.
  • Cortes, E., 1997. A critical review of methods of studying fish feeding based on analysis of stomach contents: Application to elasmobranch fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54(3): 726-738.
  • Emre, Y., Balik, I., Sumer, C., Oskay, D.A., Yesilcimen, H.O., 2010. Age, growth, length-weight relationship and reproduction of the striped seabream (Lithognathus mormyrus L., 1758) (Sparidae) in the Beymelek Lagoon (Antalya, Turkey). Turkish Journal of Zoology. 34(1): 93-100.
  • Fabi, G., Manoukian, S., Spagnolo, A., 2006. Feeding behavior of three common fishes at an artificial reef in the northern Adriatic Sea. Bulletin of Marine Science. 78(1): 39-56.
  • Firat, K., Saka, S., Kamaci, H.O., 2005. Embryonic and larval development of striped sea bream (Lithognathus mormyrus L 1758). Israeli Journal of Aquaculture-Bamidgeh. 57(2): 131-140.
  • Froglia, C., 1977. Feeding of Lithognathus mormyrus (L.) in central Adriatic Sea. Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. 24(1): 95-97.
  • Harmelin-vivien, M.L., Harmelin, J.G., Leboulleux, V., 1995. Microhabitat requirements for settlement of juvenile sparid fishes on Mediterranean rocky shores. Hydrobiologia. 300: 309-320.
  • Hyslop, E.J., 1980. Stomach Contents Analysis - A review of methods and their application. Journal of Fish Biology. 17(4):411-429.
  • Kallianiotis, A., Torre, M., Argyri, A., 2005. Age, growth, mortality, reproduction, and feeding habits of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Pisces : Sparidae), in the coastal waters of the Thracian Sea, Greece. Scientia Marina. 69(3): 391-404.
  • Kitsos, M.S., Tzomos, T., Anagnostopoulou, L., Koukouras, A., 2008. Diet composition of the seahorses, Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier, 1829 and Hippocampus hippocampus (L., 1758) (Teleostei, Syngnathidae) in the Aegean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology. 72(6): 1259-1267.
  • Kraljevic, M., Dulcic, J., Pallaoro, A., Cetinic, P., Jugdujakovic, J., 1995. Sexual-maturation, age and growth of striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus L, on the Eastern Coast of the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 11(1-2): 1-8.
  • Kraljevic, M., Dulcic, J., Cetinic, P., Pallaoro, A., 1996. Age, growth and mortality of the striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus L, in the northern Adriatic. Fisheries Research. 28(4): 361-370.
  • Langton, R.W., 1982. Diet Overlap between Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua, Silver Hake, Merluccius bilinearis, and 15 Other Northwest Atlantic Finfish. Fishery Bulletin. 80(4): 745-759.
  • Lorenzo, J.M., Pajuelo, J.G., Mendez-Villamil, M., Coca, J., Ramos, A.G., 2002. Age, growth, reproduction and mortality of the striped seabream, Lithognathus mormyrus (Pisces, Sparidae), off the Canary Islands (Central-east Atlantic). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 18(3): 204-209.
  • Nikolsky, G.V., 1976. The Ecology of Fishes. London, Academic Press, 352 p.
  • Pajuelo, J.G., Lorenzo, J.M., Mendez, M., Coca, J., Ramos, A.G., 2002. Determination of age and growth of the striped seabream Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) in the Canarian archipelago by otolith readings and backcalculation. Scientia Marina. 66(1): 27-32.
  • Pallaoro, A., Santic, M., Jardas, I., 2004. Diet composition of young-of-the-year saddled bream, Oblada melanura (Linnaeus, 1758) from the eastern central Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 20(3): 228-230.
  • Pinkas, L.M., Oliphant, S., Iverson, I.L.K., 1971. Food habits of albacore, bluefin tuna and bonito in Californian waters. Fish Bulletin. State of California, Department of Fish and Game. 152: 1-105.
  • Quéro, J.C., 1984. Les poissons de mer des pêches françaises. Jacques Grancher, Paris, 394 p.
  • Rosecchi, E., Nouaze, Y., 1987. Comparaison de conq indices alimentaires utilises dans l’analyse des contenus stomacaux. Rev. Trav. Inst. Pech. marit. 49(1): 11-123.
  • Ross, S.T., 1977. Patterns of resource partitioning in searobins (Pisces-Triglidae). Copeia. 3: 561-571.
  • Ross, S.T., 1978. Trophic ontogeny of the leopard searobin, Prinotus scitulus (Pisces: Triglidae). Fishery Bulletin. 76(1): 225-234.
  • Santic, M., Paladin, A., Elez, G., 2010. Diet of striped sea bream Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae) from eastern central Adriatic Sea. Cybium. 34(4): 345-352.
  • Stoner, A.W., 1980. Feeding ecology of Lagodon rhomboides (Pisces: Sparidea): variation and functional responses. Fishery Bulletin. 78: 337-352.
  • Stoner, A.W., Livingston, R.J., 1984. Ontogenetic patterns in diet and feeding morphology in sympatric sparid fishes from seagrass meadows. Copeia. 1(1): 174-187.
  • Suau, P., 1970. Contribution to knowledge of biology of Lithognathus mormyrus (Sparidae). Investigacion Pesquera. 34(2):237-&.
  • Turkmen, M., Akyurt, I., 2003. Growth characteristics, sex inversion and mortality rates of striped sea bream, Lithognathus mormyrus L., in Iskenderun Bay. Turkish Journal of Zoology. 27: 323-329.
  • Tyler, A.Y., 1971. Monthly changes in stomach contents of demersal fishes in Passamaquoddy Bay (N.B.). Fisheries Research. 288:1-114.
  • Verdiell-Cubedo, D., Oliva-Paterna, F.J., Torralva, M., 2006. Length-weight relationships for 22 fish species of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (western Mediterranean Sea). Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 22(4): 293-294.
  • Ware, D.M., 1972. Predation by Rainbow-Trout (Salmo gairdneri) - Influence of hunger, prey density, and prey size. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 29(8): 1193-1201.
  • Whitehead, P., Bauchot, M., Hureau, J., Nielsen, J., Tortonese, E., 1986. Fishes of the north-eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean. Paris, UNESCO, 1473 p.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Su Ürünleri / Fisheries

Hakan Ayyıldız

Özcan Özen This is me

Aytaç Altın This is me

Alkan Öztekin This is me

Publication Date September 30, 2011
Submission Date May 24, 2011
Acceptance Date July 13, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 1 Issue: 3


APA Ayyıldız, H., Özen, Ö., Altın, A., Öztekin, A. (2011). Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 1(3), 93-98.
AMA Ayyıldız H, Özen Ö, Altın A, Öztekin A. Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. September 2011;1(3):93-98.
Chicago Ayyıldız, Hakan, Özcan Özen, Aytaç Altın, and Alkan Öztekin. “Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus Mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1, no. 3 (September 2011): 93-98.
EndNote Ayyıldız H, Özen Ö, Altın A, Öztekin A (September 1, 2011) Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1 3 93–98.
IEEE H. Ayyıldız, Ö. Özen, A. Altın, and A. Öztekin, “Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları”, J. Inst. Sci. and Tech., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 93–98, 2011.
ISNAD Ayyıldız, Hakan et al. “Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus Mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 1/3 (September 2011), 93-98.
JAMA Ayyıldız H, Özen Ö, Altın A, Öztekin A. Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2011;1:93–98.
MLA Ayyıldız, Hakan et al. “Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus Mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 1, no. 3, 2011, pp. 93-98.
Vancouver Ayyıldız H, Özen Ö, Altın A, Öztekin A. Çanakkale Sığ Sularında Genç Mırmır, Lithognathus mormyrus (Linnaeus, 1758), Bireylerinin Beslenme Alışkanlıkları. J. Inst. Sci. and Tech. 2011;1(3):93-8.