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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11, 19 - 32, 01.01.2017


Küresel kamusal mallar kavramı, içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda küreselleşme olgusuyla birlikte anılmaktadır. Klasik kamu maliyesi yazınında tüketimde rekabetin olmaması ve dışlanamama temel karakteristikleri kamusal malları tanımlamakta kullanılırken hızla küreselleşen dünya, kamu maliyesi yazınında da yeni yaklaşımlar ve yeni kavramları beraberinde getirmiştir. Küresel kamusal mallar sadece kamu maliyesi ve iktisadın değil aynı zamanda uluslararası ilişkiler ve siyaset biliminin en güncel ilgi alanları haline gelmiştir. Mal ve hizmetlerin küresel kamusal mal olarak kabul edilmesi için gerek ve yeter şartları taşıması zorunludur. Gerek şart bu malların kamusallık karakterine sahip olmasıdır. Yeter şart olarak bu malların sunumu sonucu fayda yayılma alanının tüm ülkeleri ve nesilleri etkilemesi gerekliliğidir. Bu çalışmada küresel kamusal mal kavramı öncelikle geleneksel maliye teorisi çerçevesinde ele alınmış devamında üzerinde hala yazında tartışmaların devam ettiği küresel kamusal malların finansman yöntemleri kuramsal ve uygulama açılarından incelenmiştir.


  • About United Nations. (2015, Şubat). Şubat 15, 2015 tarihinde United Nations: adresinden alındı
  • What is Nato? (2015, Şubat 18). Şubat 18, 2015 tarihinde North Atlantic Treaty Organization: adresinden alındı
  • Binger, A. (2003). Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms For Finanching Availability. Background paper prepared for the Fifth Session of the Committee for Development Policy Meeting.
  • Cornes, R., & Sandler, T. (1999). The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gardiner, R., & Le Goulven, K. (2002). Kasım 12, 2013 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Herber, B. P. (1990). The International Public Goods Of Antarctica: A New Politico Eonomic Regime For the Word's Seventh Continent. V. Tanzi (Dü.), Proceedings of the 44th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance içinde (s. 563-276). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Hoffer, A. J., Shughart, W. F., & Thomas, M. D. (2014). Sin Taxes and Sindustry: Kevenuey Paternalism and Political Interest. The Independent Review, 47-64.
  • Jacquet, P., & Marniesse, S. (2006). Financing Global Public Goods: Issues and Prospects. Expert Paper Cross-Cutting Seven Issues (s. 59-98). içinde Stockholm: Erlanders Infologistics Väst.
  • Jha, R. (2002). Innovative Sources of Development Finance: Global Cooperation in the Twenty-first Century. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Kanbur, R., Sandler, T., & Morrison, K. M. (1999). The Future of Development Assistance: Common Pools and International Public Goods. ODC Policy Essay.
  • Kapur, D. (2002). The Common Pool Dilemma of Global Public Goods: Lessons from the World Bank’s Net Income and Reserves. World Development, 30(3), 337-354.
  • Kaul, I. (2000). Governing Global Public Goods In a Multi-Actor World: Role Of The United Nations. R. C. Thakur, & E. Newman (Dü) içinde, New Millennium, New Perspectives: The United Nations, Security, and Governance (s. 296-315). New York: The United Nations University.
  • Kaul, I., Grunberg, I., & Stern, M. A. (1999). Global Public Goods: International Coorperation in the 21st Century. Washington: Oxford University Press.
  • Kindleberger, C. P. (1986). International Public Goods without International Government (Cilt Vol. 76). The American Economic Review.
  • Kindleberger, C. P. (1986). International Public Goods without International Government (Vol. Vol. 76). The American Economic Review.
  • Lorenzi, P. (2004, March/April). Sin Tax. Social Science and Public Policy, 59-65.
  • Lorenzi, P. (2006). The Moral Grounds of Sin Taxes. Social Science and Public Policy, 44(1), 67-71.
  • McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy. Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • Mendez, R. P. (1992). International Public Finance: A New Perspective on Global Relations. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Morrissey, O., Te Velde, D. W., & Hewitt, A. (2002). Defining International Public Goods: Conceptual Issues. M. Ferroni, & A. Mody (Dü) içinde, International Public Goods: Incentives, Measurement and Financing (s. 31-47). London: The World Bank.
  • Morrissey, O., Te Velde, D. W., & Hewitt, A. (2002b). Defining International Public Goods: Conseptual Issues. M. Ferroni, & A. Mody (Dü) içinde, International Public Goods: Incentives,Measurement and Financing. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • ODI. (1996, February). New Sources of Finance for Development. Ocak 10, 2015 tarihinde The Overseas Development Institute: adresinden alındı
  • Ortaç, F. R. (2004). Global Kamu Malları ve Finansmanı. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Sagasti, F., & Bezanson, K. (2000). Financing and Providing Global Public Goods: Expectations and Prospects. Stockholm: Sweden Ministiry for Foreing Affair.
  • Sandler, T. (1999). Intergenerational Public Goods: Strategies, Efficiency and Institutions. I. Kaul, I. Grunberg, & M. A. Stern (Dü) içinde, İnternational Cooperetion In the 21St Century (s. 20-50). New York: The United Nation Devlopment Programme.
  • Sandler, T. (1999). İnterngenerational Public Goods: Strategies, Efficiency and Institutions. I. Kaul, I. Grunberg, & M. A. Stern içinde, Global Public Goods:Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century. New Yorkm: Oxford University Press.
  • Sandler, T. (2001). On Financing Global and International Public Goods. World Bank Economic Policy Prospects Group.
  • Toussaint, E. (2004, September 28). Committee for the Abolition of Third World Dept. Şubat 2, 2015 tarihinde Sixtieth Anniversary of Bretton Woods World Bank - IMF support to dictatorships: adresinden alındı
  • Van Kesteren, K. (2001). Global Public Goods and Official Development Assistance. C. D. Gerrard, M. Ferroni, & A. Mody (Dü) içinde, Global Public Policies and Programs: Implications for Financing and Evaluation (s. 205-209). The World Bank.
  • World Bank Development Committee. (2000, September 25). Poverty Reduction and Global PublicGoods: Issues for the World Bank in Supporting Global Collective Action. World Bank.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11, 19 - 32, 01.01.2017


In our century, the concept of public goods is associated with the phenomenon of globalization. The main characteristics of non-competition and non-exclusion in consumption have been used to define public goods in conventional public finance literature; however, rapid globalization entailed new approaches and new concepts in public finance literature. Global public goods became one of the contemporary focus of interest not only for public finance and economics but also for international relations and political science. Goods and services are considered as global public goods and services only when a certain requirement and criterion are satisfied. This requirement is about possessing publicity characteristics. The criterion is the sphere of influence involving countries and generations as a part of the areas benefiting from the offering of such goods. The method of financing and actors playing a role in financing is a noteworthy headline after definition of such goods as indicated by the relatively extensive coverage given compared to other fields in the global public goods literature. The most important problem encountered in financing these goods and services is the fact that main characteristic of lack of excludability in consumption experienced with public goods also applies to global public goods. There are still de world lacking a global authority having power to charge taxes at global level as the default financing method at national level is general financing. More often than not, it is observed that these goods are not financed based on the benefit received principle, instead, they are financed based on ability-to-pay principle


  • About United Nations. (2015, Şubat). Şubat 15, 2015 tarihinde United Nations: adresinden alındı
  • What is Nato? (2015, Şubat 18). Şubat 18, 2015 tarihinde North Atlantic Treaty Organization: adresinden alındı
  • Binger, A. (2003). Global Public Goods and Potential Mechanisms For Finanching Availability. Background paper prepared for the Fifth Session of the Committee for Development Policy Meeting.
  • Cornes, R., & Sandler, T. (1999). The Theory of Externalities, Public Goods, and Club Goods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gardiner, R., & Le Goulven, K. (2002). Kasım 12, 2013 tarihinde adresinden alındı
  • Herber, B. P. (1990). The International Public Goods Of Antarctica: A New Politico Eonomic Regime For the Word's Seventh Continent. V. Tanzi (Dü.), Proceedings of the 44th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance içinde (s. 563-276). Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
  • Hoffer, A. J., Shughart, W. F., & Thomas, M. D. (2014). Sin Taxes and Sindustry: Kevenuey Paternalism and Political Interest. The Independent Review, 47-64.
  • Jacquet, P., & Marniesse, S. (2006). Financing Global Public Goods: Issues and Prospects. Expert Paper Cross-Cutting Seven Issues (s. 59-98). içinde Stockholm: Erlanders Infologistics Väst.
  • Jha, R. (2002). Innovative Sources of Development Finance: Global Cooperation in the Twenty-first Century. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Kanbur, R., Sandler, T., & Morrison, K. M. (1999). The Future of Development Assistance: Common Pools and International Public Goods. ODC Policy Essay.
  • Kapur, D. (2002). The Common Pool Dilemma of Global Public Goods: Lessons from the World Bank’s Net Income and Reserves. World Development, 30(3), 337-354.
  • Kaul, I. (2000). Governing Global Public Goods In a Multi-Actor World: Role Of The United Nations. R. C. Thakur, & E. Newman (Dü) içinde, New Millennium, New Perspectives: The United Nations, Security, and Governance (s. 296-315). New York: The United Nations University.
  • Kaul, I., Grunberg, I., & Stern, M. A. (1999). Global Public Goods: International Coorperation in the 21st Century. Washington: Oxford University Press.
  • Kindleberger, C. P. (1986). International Public Goods without International Government (Cilt Vol. 76). The American Economic Review.
  • Kindleberger, C. P. (1986). International Public Goods without International Government (Vol. Vol. 76). The American Economic Review.
  • Lorenzi, P. (2004, March/April). Sin Tax. Social Science and Public Policy, 59-65.
  • Lorenzi, P. (2006). The Moral Grounds of Sin Taxes. Social Science and Public Policy, 44(1), 67-71.
  • McLuhan, M. (1962). The Gutenberg Galaxy. Canada: University of Toronto Press.
  • Mendez, R. P. (1992). International Public Finance: A New Perspective on Global Relations. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Morrissey, O., Te Velde, D. W., & Hewitt, A. (2002). Defining International Public Goods: Conceptual Issues. M. Ferroni, & A. Mody (Dü) içinde, International Public Goods: Incentives, Measurement and Financing (s. 31-47). London: The World Bank.
  • Morrissey, O., Te Velde, D. W., & Hewitt, A. (2002b). Defining International Public Goods: Conseptual Issues. M. Ferroni, & A. Mody (Dü) içinde, International Public Goods: Incentives,Measurement and Financing. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • ODI. (1996, February). New Sources of Finance for Development. Ocak 10, 2015 tarihinde The Overseas Development Institute: adresinden alındı
  • Ortaç, F. R. (2004). Global Kamu Malları ve Finansmanı. Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • Sagasti, F., & Bezanson, K. (2000). Financing and Providing Global Public Goods: Expectations and Prospects. Stockholm: Sweden Ministiry for Foreing Affair.
  • Sandler, T. (1999). Intergenerational Public Goods: Strategies, Efficiency and Institutions. I. Kaul, I. Grunberg, & M. A. Stern (Dü) içinde, İnternational Cooperetion In the 21St Century (s. 20-50). New York: The United Nation Devlopment Programme.
  • Sandler, T. (1999). İnterngenerational Public Goods: Strategies, Efficiency and Institutions. I. Kaul, I. Grunberg, & M. A. Stern içinde, Global Public Goods:Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century. New Yorkm: Oxford University Press.
  • Sandler, T. (2001). On Financing Global and International Public Goods. World Bank Economic Policy Prospects Group.
  • Toussaint, E. (2004, September 28). Committee for the Abolition of Third World Dept. Şubat 2, 2015 tarihinde Sixtieth Anniversary of Bretton Woods World Bank - IMF support to dictatorships: adresinden alındı
  • Van Kesteren, K. (2001). Global Public Goods and Official Development Assistance. C. D. Gerrard, M. Ferroni, & A. Mody (Dü) içinde, Global Public Policies and Programs: Implications for Financing and Evaluation (s. 205-209). The World Bank.
  • World Bank Development Committee. (2000, September 25). Poverty Reduction and Global PublicGoods: Issues for the World Bank in Supporting Global Collective Action. World Bank.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA46NU69AR
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Emin Dedebek Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 11

Kaynak Göster

APA Dedebek, E. (2017). KÜRESEL KAMUSAL MALLARIN FİNANSMANI. Balkan Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(11), 19-32.