Research Article
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Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue

Year 2024, , 98 - 104, 31.12.2024


Objective: This study aimed to establish a reliable protocol for obtaining healthy and long-lived cortical neurons from newborn mice, providing a valuable model for studying neuronal function.
Materials and Methods: Cortical regions of P0 mice were isolated and healthy neurons were obtained by enzymatic and mechanical dissociation. On the seventh day of incubation, the presence of neurons was detected by staining with neuron-specific antibodies. Transgenic mice expressing fluorescent proteins specific to neurons, glia and oligodendrocytes were also used for culture.
Results: Almost all the neurons had adhered to the petri dish bottom by the second hour of incubation. Most of the neurons were healthy and started to grow extension quickly.
Conclusion: Neuron cultures are an important tool in research and are invaluable for studying the behaviour of cells. Nanoparticles facilitate genetic manipulation of these cultures for various biotechnological applications. In particular, they have great potential in areas such as the delivery of genetic material into cells, drug delivery and targeted treatment methods. Such techniques have the potential to open up new avenues for the study and treatment of neurological diseases.

Project Number

The project did not provide any support for our work.


  • Mcconnell SK. cerebral cortex. 1995;105:129–43.
  • Lesuisse C, Martin LJ. Long-Term Culture of Mouse Cortical Neurons as a Model for Neuronal Development , Aging , and Death ABSTRACT : 2002;
  • Iii GMJB, Lee S hye, Singh D, Yuan Y, Ng Y gie, Reichardt LF, et al. Culturing pyramidal neurons from the early postnatal mouse hippocampus and cortex. Nat Protoc. 2012;7(9):1741–54.
  • Baroncelli L, Lunghi C. Neuroplasticity of the visual cortex : in sickness and in health. Exp Neurol [Internet]. 2021;335(October 2020):113515. Available from:
  • Morales M. Single Central Nervous System Neurons in Culture. 1998;293–302.
  • Ahlemeyer B, Baumgart-Vogt E. Optimized protocols for the simultaneous preparation of primary neuronal cultures of the neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum from individual newborn (P0.5) C57Bl/6J mice. J Neurosci Methods. 2005 Dec 15;149(2):110–20.
  • Brewer GJ. Isolation and culture of adult rat hippocampal neurons. Vol. 71, Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 1997.
  • Ulusoy C, Öztürk G, Tüzün E. Effect of LGI1 antibody-positive IgG on hippocampal neuron survival : a preliminary study. 2018;1:1–7.
  • Demir O, Aysit N, Onder Z, Turkel N, Ozturk G, Sharrocks AD, et al. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta ETS-domain transcription factor Elk-1 mediates neuronal survival : SMN as a potential target. BBA - Mol Basis Dis. 2011;1812(6):652–62.
  • Moutin E, Hemonnot A laure, Seube V, Linck N, Rassendren F, Perroy J, et al. Procedures for Culturing and Genetically Manipulating Murine Hippocampal Postnatal Neurons. 2020;12(April):1–16.
  • Viesselmann C, Ballweg J, Lumbard D, Dent EW. Nucleofection and primary culture of embryonic mouse hippocampal and cortical neurons. J Vis Exp. 2010;(47):9–12.
  • Hu CY. Differences between cultured cortical neurons by trypsin and papain digestion. 2022;(February):93–9.
  • Sammoura FM, Popova D, Morris A, Hart RP, Richardson JR. Current Research in Neurobiology Methods for shipping live primary cortical and hippocampal neuron cultures from postnatal mice. Curr Res Neurobiol [Internet]. 2023;4(December 2022):100069. Available from:
  • Manuscript A. NIH Public Access. 2009;37(2):376–87.
  • Eroglu C, Barres BA. HHS Public Access. 2015;468(7321):223–31.
  • Jr AS, Elahi H, Ploski JE. Genetically Engineering the Nervous System with. 2020;7(April).

Yeni Doğan Farelerden İzole Edilen Korteks Dokusundan Primer Nöron Elde Edilmesi

Year 2024, , 98 - 104, 31.12.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışma, yeni doğmuş farelerden sağlıklı ve uzun ömürlü kortikal nöronlar elde etmek için güvenilir bir protokol geliştirmeyi ve elde edilen nöronları kullanarak nöron fonksiyonlarını incelemeyi hedeflemiştir.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: P0 farelerin korteks bölgeleri izole edilerek enzimatik ve mekanik ayrıştırma uygulanarak sağlıklı nöronlar elde edildi. İnkübasyonun yedinci gününde nörona özgü antikorlar ile boyama yapılarak nöronların varlığı gösterildi. Ayrıca nöron, glia ve oligodendrositlere özgü floresan proteinleriifade eden transgenik farelerden de kültür yapıldı.
Bulgular: İnkübasyonun ikinci saatinde nöronların neredeyse tamamının kültür kabına yapıştığı gözlemlendi. Elde edilen nöronların büyük kısmının sağlıklı olduğu ve uzantılarının hızlıca büyümeye başladığı gözlemlendi.
Sonuç: Bu protokolü diğer protokollerden ayıran temel özellik, geliştirme sürecini destekleyecek hiçbir faktör veya serum kullanılmamasıdır. Nöron kültürleri, araştırmalarda önemli bir araç olarak kullanılır ve hücrelerin davranışlarını incelemek için oldukça muazzam olanak sağlar. Nanoparçacıklar, bu kültürler üzerinde çeşitli biyoteknolojik uygulamalar için genetik manipülasyonları kolaylaştırır. Özellikle, hücrelere genetik materyal taşıma, ilaç salınımı ve hedeflenmiş tedavi yöntemleri gibi alanlarda büyük potansiyele sahipler. Bu tür teknikler, nörolojik hastalıkların araştırılması ve tedavisi için yeni yollar açabilir. Ayrıca kısa sürede farklı amaçlar için tasarlanan nanoparçacık, biyoteknolojik araçlarla genetik manipülasyonlara olanak sağlar Geliştirilen protokol, bir nöronal gelişim, fizyolojik bir nöronal aktivite sergileyen tekrarlanabilir kültürler sağlar.

Ethical Statement

This is an original study; the study design, data collection and analysis were carried out in accordance with the principles and rules of scientific ethics at all stages, including the presentation of information and the way in which I have handled all data and information not obtained within the framework of this study, that I have cited these sources and included them in the bibliography; all data used, that I have not altered them, and that the study complies with all the terms and conditions of the Abant Medical Journal. I declare that by accepting the terms and conditions I am fulfilling my ethical duties and responsibilities.

Supporting Institution

The project had no funding from any institution.

Project Number

The project did not provide any support for our work.


Thank you to Istanbul Medipol University Experimental Animals Unit (MEDİTAM) for providing experimental animals.


  • Mcconnell SK. cerebral cortex. 1995;105:129–43.
  • Lesuisse C, Martin LJ. Long-Term Culture of Mouse Cortical Neurons as a Model for Neuronal Development , Aging , and Death ABSTRACT : 2002;
  • Iii GMJB, Lee S hye, Singh D, Yuan Y, Ng Y gie, Reichardt LF, et al. Culturing pyramidal neurons from the early postnatal mouse hippocampus and cortex. Nat Protoc. 2012;7(9):1741–54.
  • Baroncelli L, Lunghi C. Neuroplasticity of the visual cortex : in sickness and in health. Exp Neurol [Internet]. 2021;335(October 2020):113515. Available from:
  • Morales M. Single Central Nervous System Neurons in Culture. 1998;293–302.
  • Ahlemeyer B, Baumgart-Vogt E. Optimized protocols for the simultaneous preparation of primary neuronal cultures of the neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum from individual newborn (P0.5) C57Bl/6J mice. J Neurosci Methods. 2005 Dec 15;149(2):110–20.
  • Brewer GJ. Isolation and culture of adult rat hippocampal neurons. Vol. 71, Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 1997.
  • Ulusoy C, Öztürk G, Tüzün E. Effect of LGI1 antibody-positive IgG on hippocampal neuron survival : a preliminary study. 2018;1:1–7.
  • Demir O, Aysit N, Onder Z, Turkel N, Ozturk G, Sharrocks AD, et al. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta ETS-domain transcription factor Elk-1 mediates neuronal survival : SMN as a potential target. BBA - Mol Basis Dis. 2011;1812(6):652–62.
  • Moutin E, Hemonnot A laure, Seube V, Linck N, Rassendren F, Perroy J, et al. Procedures for Culturing and Genetically Manipulating Murine Hippocampal Postnatal Neurons. 2020;12(April):1–16.
  • Viesselmann C, Ballweg J, Lumbard D, Dent EW. Nucleofection and primary culture of embryonic mouse hippocampal and cortical neurons. J Vis Exp. 2010;(47):9–12.
  • Hu CY. Differences between cultured cortical neurons by trypsin and papain digestion. 2022;(February):93–9.
  • Sammoura FM, Popova D, Morris A, Hart RP, Richardson JR. Current Research in Neurobiology Methods for shipping live primary cortical and hippocampal neuron cultures from postnatal mice. Curr Res Neurobiol [Internet]. 2023;4(December 2022):100069. Available from:
  • Manuscript A. NIH Public Access. 2009;37(2):376–87.
  • Eroglu C, Barres BA. HHS Public Access. 2015;468(7321):223–31.
  • Jr AS, Elahi H, Ploski JE. Genetically Engineering the Nervous System with. 2020;7(April).
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Cellular Nervous System, Central Nervous System
Journal Section Research Article

Nese Ayşit 0000-0002-4243-9092

Project Number The project did not provide any support for our work.
Early Pub Date December 19, 2024
Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date May 8, 2024
Acceptance Date November 21, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Ayşit, N. (2024). Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue. Abant Medical Journal, 13(3), 98-104.
AMA Ayşit N. Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue. Abant Med J. December 2024;13(3):98-104. doi:10.47493/abantmedj.1479470
Chicago Ayşit, Nese. “Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue”. Abant Medical Journal 13, no. 3 (December 2024): 98-104.
EndNote Ayşit N (December 1, 2024) Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue. Abant Medical Journal 13 3 98–104.
IEEE N. Ayşit, “Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue”, Abant Med J, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 98–104, 2024, doi: 10.47493/abantmedj.1479470.
ISNAD Ayşit, Nese. “Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue”. Abant Medical Journal 13/3 (December 2024), 98-104.
JAMA Ayşit N. Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue. Abant Med J. 2024;13:98–104.
MLA Ayşit, Nese. “Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue”. Abant Medical Journal, vol. 13, no. 3, 2024, pp. 98-104, doi:10.47493/abantmedj.1479470.
Vancouver Ayşit N. Isolation and Culturing of Primary Neurons from Newborn Mouse Cortex Tissue. Abant Med J. 2024;13(3):98-104.