A New Strategy to Create Competitive Advantage in the Scope of Health Tourism: "Hippotherapy Applications"
Yıl 2020,
, 1 - 19, 09.05.2020
Selda Uca
Erdener Balıkçı
Dilek Dülger
Hippotherapy (equine-assisted therapy) is one of the many applications that have been performed around the world for many years, but its importance and effects are ever-increasing in the health sector in our country. Hippotherapy is a special form of therapy in which the horse's characteristic movements are used to provide motor and sensory inputs in the cases.The main purpose of this study is to introduce Hippotherapy applications as a new strategy to create competitive advantage in the scope of health tourism. The analysis unit of the study constitutes the Hippotherapy applications carried out in the Kartepe Atçılık (Horse Breeding)Vocational High School, which is located in Kocaeli University, Turkey. The promotion and marketing opportunities of the relevant applications have been conceptualized using tourism marketing mixed elements and the application-specific suggestions have been mentioned within the scope of the study.
- Antunesa, F. N.; Pinho, A. S.; Kleinerd, A. F. R.; Salazar, A. P.; Eltza, G. D.; Juniora, A. A. O.; Cechettia, F.; Galli, M. and Pagnussata, A. S. (2016). Different horse’s paces during Hippotherapy on spatio-temporal parameters of gait in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy: a feasibility study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 59, 65-72.
- Araujo, T. B.; Oliveira, R. J.; Martins, W. R.; Pereira, M. M.; Copetti, F. and Safons, M. P. (2013). Effects of Hippotherapy on mobility, strength and balance in elderly. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 56, 478-481.
- Bjurstam, A. and Cohen, M. (2008). Spas and the future leadership climate. M. Cohen and G. Bodeker (Eds.), Understanding the Global Spa Industry – Spa Management, (pp. 363-376). Oxford: Elsevier Publishing.
- Bozok, D. (2009). Turizm isletmelerinin pazarlamasinda tutundurma. C. Avcikurt, S. Demirkol and B. Zengin (Eds.). Turizm işletmelerinin pazarlamasinda 7p ve 7c içinde (pp. 129-159), Istanbul: Degisim Publishing.
- Costa, C.; Quintela, J. and Mendes, J. (2015). Health and wellness tourism: a strategic plan for tourism and thermalism valorization of são pedro do sul. M. Peris-Ortiz and J. Alvarez-Garcia (Eds.), Health and Wellness Tourism, (pp. 21-31). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- El-Meniawy, G. H. and Thabet, N. S. (2012). Modulation of back geometry in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy via Hippotherapy training. The Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, 13, 63-71.
- Elmaci, F. C. (2017). Hippoterapi ve fizyoterapistin rolu. Hipokrat E-Bülten, 1(5), 1-7.
- Escobar, M. A. and Villa, P. F. (2015). Hot springs as an alternative for sustainable wellness tourism in Colombia, 6iémes journées scientifiques du Tourisme Durable Conciliation, 10- 12th June 2015, Quebec, Canada.
- Giagazoglou, P.; Arabatzi, F.; Dipla, K.; Liga, M. and Kellis, E. (2012). Effect of a Hippotherapy intervention program on static balance and strength in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 2265-2270.
- Heine, B. (1997). Hippotherapy: A multisystem approach to the treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Australian Physiotheraphy, 43(2), 145-149.
- Icoz, O. (2001). Turizm işletmelerinde pazarlama. Ankara: Turhan Publishing.
- Janura, M.; Peham, C.; Dvorakova, T. and Elfmark, M. (2009). An assessment of the pressure distribution exertedby a rider on the back of a horse during Hippotherapy. Human Movement Science, 28, 387-393.
- Karayagiz Muslu, G. and Conk, Z. (2011). Hayvan destekli uygulamalar ve cocuklarda kullanimi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 4(2), 83-88.
- Kimes, S. E. and Singh, S. (2009). Spa revenue management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 50(1), 82-95.
- Koca, T. T. and Ataseven, H. (2015). What is Hippotherapy? The indications and effectiveness of Hippotherapy. North Clin Istanbul, 2(3), 247–252.
- Koseman, A. and Seker, İ. (2015). Hippoterapi ve terapide kullanılan atların özellikleri. Erciyes Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 12(3), 195-201.
- Percivil, C. and Bridges, B. J. (2006). Globalization and healtcare: understanding health care and medical tourism. Expert rev. Pharmacoecon Outcomes Research, 6(4), 447-454.
- Ribeiro, M. F.; Espindula, A. P.; Lage, J. B.; Bevilacqua, D. E.; Diniz, L. H.; Mello, M. C.; Ferreira, A. A.; Ferraz, M. L. F. and Teixeira, V. P. A. (2017). Analysis of the electromiographic activity of lower limb and motorfunction in Hippotherapy practitioners with cerebral palsy. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, xxx, 1-9.
- Shanker, R. (2008). Services marketing – The Indian perspective. New Delhi: Excel Books.
- Selvi̇, M. S. (2011). Saglik turizmi. N. Hacioglu and C. Avcikurt (Eds). Turistik urun cesitlendirmesi, (pp.275-294). Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
- Sener, B. (2007). Modern otel işletmelerinde yönetim ve organizasyon. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
- Usta, O. (2008). Turizm – genel ve yapısal yaklaşım. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
- Yildirim Sik, B.; Cekmece, C.; Dursun, N.; Dursun, E., Balikci, E.; Altunkanat, Z. and Gulcu, M. A. (2012). Hippoterapi serebral palsili cocukların rehabilitasyonunda yararli midir?”, Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 32(3), 601-608.
- http://www.americanhippotherapyassociation.org/about-aha/about_aha/, (Accessed: 09.04.2019).
- http://www.kultur.gov.tr (Accessed: 26.03.2019).
Yıl 2020,
, 1 - 19, 09.05.2020
Selda Uca
Erdener Balıkçı
Dilek Dülger
- Antunesa, F. N.; Pinho, A. S.; Kleinerd, A. F. R.; Salazar, A. P.; Eltza, G. D.; Juniora, A. A. O.; Cechettia, F.; Galli, M. and Pagnussata, A. S. (2016). Different horse’s paces during Hippotherapy on spatio-temporal parameters of gait in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy: a feasibility study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 59, 65-72.
- Araujo, T. B.; Oliveira, R. J.; Martins, W. R.; Pereira, M. M.; Copetti, F. and Safons, M. P. (2013). Effects of Hippotherapy on mobility, strength and balance in elderly. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 56, 478-481.
- Bjurstam, A. and Cohen, M. (2008). Spas and the future leadership climate. M. Cohen and G. Bodeker (Eds.), Understanding the Global Spa Industry – Spa Management, (pp. 363-376). Oxford: Elsevier Publishing.
- Bozok, D. (2009). Turizm isletmelerinin pazarlamasinda tutundurma. C. Avcikurt, S. Demirkol and B. Zengin (Eds.). Turizm işletmelerinin pazarlamasinda 7p ve 7c içinde (pp. 129-159), Istanbul: Degisim Publishing.
- Costa, C.; Quintela, J. and Mendes, J. (2015). Health and wellness tourism: a strategic plan for tourism and thermalism valorization of são pedro do sul. M. Peris-Ortiz and J. Alvarez-Garcia (Eds.), Health and Wellness Tourism, (pp. 21-31). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
- El-Meniawy, G. H. and Thabet, N. S. (2012). Modulation of back geometry in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy via Hippotherapy training. The Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, 13, 63-71.
- Elmaci, F. C. (2017). Hippoterapi ve fizyoterapistin rolu. Hipokrat E-Bülten, 1(5), 1-7.
- Escobar, M. A. and Villa, P. F. (2015). Hot springs as an alternative for sustainable wellness tourism in Colombia, 6iémes journées scientifiques du Tourisme Durable Conciliation, 10- 12th June 2015, Quebec, Canada.
- Giagazoglou, P.; Arabatzi, F.; Dipla, K.; Liga, M. and Kellis, E. (2012). Effect of a Hippotherapy intervention program on static balance and strength in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 2265-2270.
- Heine, B. (1997). Hippotherapy: A multisystem approach to the treatment of neuromuscular disorders. Australian Physiotheraphy, 43(2), 145-149.
- Icoz, O. (2001). Turizm işletmelerinde pazarlama. Ankara: Turhan Publishing.
- Janura, M.; Peham, C.; Dvorakova, T. and Elfmark, M. (2009). An assessment of the pressure distribution exertedby a rider on the back of a horse during Hippotherapy. Human Movement Science, 28, 387-393.
- Karayagiz Muslu, G. and Conk, Z. (2011). Hayvan destekli uygulamalar ve cocuklarda kullanimi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, 4(2), 83-88.
- Kimes, S. E. and Singh, S. (2009). Spa revenue management. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 50(1), 82-95.
- Koca, T. T. and Ataseven, H. (2015). What is Hippotherapy? The indications and effectiveness of Hippotherapy. North Clin Istanbul, 2(3), 247–252.
- Koseman, A. and Seker, İ. (2015). Hippoterapi ve terapide kullanılan atların özellikleri. Erciyes Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 12(3), 195-201.
- Percivil, C. and Bridges, B. J. (2006). Globalization and healtcare: understanding health care and medical tourism. Expert rev. Pharmacoecon Outcomes Research, 6(4), 447-454.
- Ribeiro, M. F.; Espindula, A. P.; Lage, J. B.; Bevilacqua, D. E.; Diniz, L. H.; Mello, M. C.; Ferreira, A. A.; Ferraz, M. L. F. and Teixeira, V. P. A. (2017). Analysis of the electromiographic activity of lower limb and motorfunction in Hippotherapy practitioners with cerebral palsy. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, xxx, 1-9.
- Shanker, R. (2008). Services marketing – The Indian perspective. New Delhi: Excel Books.
- Selvi̇, M. S. (2011). Saglik turizmi. N. Hacioglu and C. Avcikurt (Eds). Turistik urun cesitlendirmesi, (pp.275-294). Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
- Sener, B. (2007). Modern otel işletmelerinde yönetim ve organizasyon. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
- Usta, O. (2008). Turizm – genel ve yapısal yaklaşım. Ankara: Detay Publishing.
- Yildirim Sik, B.; Cekmece, C.; Dursun, N.; Dursun, E., Balikci, E.; Altunkanat, Z. and Gulcu, M. A. (2012). Hippoterapi serebral palsili cocukların rehabilitasyonunda yararli midir?”, Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci, 32(3), 601-608.
- http://www.americanhippotherapyassociation.org/about-aha/about_aha/, (Accessed: 09.04.2019).
- http://www.kultur.gov.tr (Accessed: 26.03.2019).