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A Figure-Engraved Glass Bowl from the Early Byzantine Period

Year 2014, Issue: 17, 275 - 294, 01.06.2014


Excavations initiated at Elaiussa Sebaste by Roma “Sapienza” University in 1995 have brought to light many public structures as well as shed light onto the historic development of the city and its urban extension


  • Baur 1938 P. V. C. Baur, Gerasa, City of the Decapolis - Glass Ware (1938).
  • Beaud 2012 M. Beaud, Iconographie et art monumental dans l’espace féodal du Xème au XIIème siècle: le thème des Rois Mages et sa diffusion (University of Bourgogne Unpublished PhD Thesis 2012).
  • Caron 1997 B. Caron, “Roman Figure-Engraved Glass in the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, MetrMusJ 32, 1997, 19-50.
  • Carr – Kazhdan 1991 A. W. Carr – A. Kazhdan, “Adoration of Magi”, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium I (1991) 22-23.
  • Charleston 1964 R. J. Charleston, “Wheel-Engraving and Cutting: Some Early Equipment - I Engraving”, JGS 6, 1964, 83-100.
  • Clairmont 1963 C. W. Clairmont, The Excavations at Dura Europos. Final Report 4, 5. The Glass Vessels (1963).
  • Cutts 1876 E. L. Cutts, “Traditions of Christian Art, Chapter III, Byzantine Ivories”, The Art Journal, New Series 3, 1876, 268-272.
  • Dussart 1995 O. Dussart, “Les Verres de Jordanie et de Syrie du Sud du IVe au VIIe siècle nouvelles données chronologiques”, in: D. Foy (ed.), La verre de l’Antique tardive et du Haut Moyen Age (1995) 343-359.
  • Entwistle 2012 C. Entwistle, “Enkolpion”, Byzanz: Pracht und Alltag, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2010) 228-229.
  • Erten 2003 E. Erten, “Glass Finds from Olba Survey - 2001”, Olba VII, 2003, 145-154.
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2007 A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, “Gli scambi e le rotte commerciali nel bacino del Mediterraneo orientale in epoca romana e primo bizantina sulla base del materiale anforico proveniente dallo scavo di Elaiussa Sebaste in Cilicia (Ayash, Turchia)”, in: J. Pérez – G. Pascual (eds.), Comercio, redristibucion y fondeaderos. La navegacion a vela en el Mediterraneo. Actas V Jornadas Internacionales de Arqueologia Subaquatica (2007) 303-312.
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2008a A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, “Scambi commerciali fra l’Africa settentrionale e la Cilicia in età tardoromana e protobizantina sulla base del materiale ceramico dallo scavo di Elaiussa Sebaste”, L’Africa romana XVII, 2008, 1567-1578.
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2008b A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, “Seramik Üretimi ve Ticareti”, in: E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste - Doğu ile Batı Arasında Bir Liman Kenti (2008) 153-163.
  • Foy 2003 D. Foy, “Le verre en Tunisie: L’Apport de fouilles récentes tuniso-françaises”, JGS 45, 2003, 71-72.
  • Gençler-Güray 2012 Ç. Gençler-Güray, “Early Byzantine Glass Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste (MersinAyaş), in: D. Ignatiadou – A. Antonaras (eds.), Annales du 18e Congrés de l’Association internationale pour l’histoire du verre - 2009 (2012) 292-298. Gibbon 1994 E. Gibbon, Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Gerileyiş ve Çöküş Tarihi, IV, Bizans. A. Baltacıgil (transl.) (1994).
  • Goren-Rosen – Winter 2010 Y. Goren-Rosen – T. Winter, “Selected Insights into Byzantine Glass in the Holy Land”, in: J. Drauschke – D. Keller (eds.), Glas in Byzanz - Produktion, Verwundung, Analysen (2010) 165-182.
  • Grabar 1980 A. Grabar, Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins (1980).
  • Grant 2000 M. Grant, Roma’dan Bizans’a. Z. İlkgelen (transl.) (2000).
  • Grierson 1961 P. Grierson, “The Date of the Dumbarton Oaks Epiphany Medallion”, DOP 15, 1961, 221-224.
  • Harden 1960 D. B. Harden, “The Wint Hill Hunting Bowl and Related Glasses”, JGS 2, 1960, 23-32.
  • Harden 1967/68 D. B. Harden, “Late Roman Wheel-Inscript Glases with Double-Line Letters”, KölnJb 9, 1967/68, 43-55.
  • Harden 1987 D. B. Harden, Glass of the Caesars (1987).
  • Hayes 1928 W. C. Hayes, “An Engraved Glass Bowl in the Museo Christiano of the Vatican Library”, AJA 32.1, 1928, 23-32.
  • Hill – Nenna 2001 M. Hill – M. D. Nenna, “Glass From Ain Et-Turba and Bagawat Necropolis in the Kharga Oasis, Egypt”, in: Annales du 15e Congrès de AIHV (2001) 88-92.
  • Mango 2007 C. Mango, The Art of The Byzantine Empire (312-1453), Sources and Documents (2007).
  • Nenna 2003 M. D. Nenna, “Verre gravés d’Égypte du I er au Ve siècle ap. J.-C.”, in: D. Foy – M. D.
  • Nenna (eds.), Échanges et commerce du verre dans le Monde antique, Actes du colloque de l’Association française pour l’archéologie du verre, 2001 (2003) 359-374.
  • Olcay 1998 B. Y. Olcay, “Tarsus Cumhuriyet Alanı Kazısı Cam Buluntuları”, Adalya III, 1998, 169-177.
  • Ostrogorsky 1991 G. Ostrogorsky, Bizans Devleti Tarihi. F. Işıltan (transl.) (1991).
  • Painter 1971 K. S. Painter, “Six Roman Glasses with Cut Decoration from Amiens”, BMQ 36-1/2, 1971, 41-50.
  • Petridis 2012 P. Petridis, “Holy Bread Stamps from Early Byzantine Delphi”, in: B. BöhlendorfArslan – A. Ricci (eds.), Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts, Byzas 15, 2012, 81-90.
  • Price 1995 J. Price, “Glass Tablewares with Wheel-cut, Engraved and Abraded Decoration in Britain in the Fourth Century AD”, in: D. Foy (ed.), Le verre de l’Antiquite tardive et du Haut Moyen Age (1995) 25-34.
  • Rahmani 1979 L. Y. Rahmani, “Adoration of the Magi”, IEJ 29, 1979.
  • Ross 1957 M. C. Ross, “A Byzantine gold medallion at Dumbarton Oaks”, DOP 11, 1957, 247-261.
  • Ross 1962 M. C. Ross, Catalogue of the Byzantine and the Early Medieval Antiquities in Dumbarton Oaks Collection, vol. 1. Metalwork, Ceramics, Glass, Glyptics, Painting (1962).
  • Rumscheid 1996 F. Rumscheid, “Eine Schliffverzierte Glasschale aus Didyma”, IstMitt 46, 1996, 263-269.
  • Sagui 1997 L. Sagui, “Un piatto di vetro inciso da Roma: Contributo ad un inquadramento delle Officine Vetrarie Tardoantiche”, Studi Miscellanei 30, 1997, 337-358.
  • Saklı Limandan Hikayeler 2013 Saklı Limandan Hikayeler - Yenikapı’nın Batıkları [Stories from the Hidden Harbour - Yenikapı Shipwrecks] (2013).
  • Schiller 1968 G. Schiller, Iconography of Christian Art I (1968).
  • Schneider 1999 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste I. Campagne di scavo 1995-1997 (1999).
  • Schneider 2003 E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste II. Un porto tra oriente e occidente (2003).
  • Schneider 2008 E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste - Doğu ile Batı Arasında Bir Liman Kenti (2008).
  • Schneider 2010 E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste III. L’Agora Romana (2010).
  • Stern 1985 E. M. Stern, “Ancient and Medieval Glass from the Necropolis Church at Anemorium”, Annales du 9e Congrès international d’ètude historique du verre, Nancy (France), 22-28 mai 1983 (1985) 35-64.
  • Stern 1989 E. M. Stern, “Adana Bölge Müzesinde Sergilenmekte Olan Cam Eserler - The Glass Vessels Exhibited in the Bölge Museum-Adana”, Belleten 53/207-208 (1989) 583-605.
  • Sternini 2001 M. Sternini, “Reperti in Vetro da un deposito Tardoantico sul Colle Palatino”, JGS 43, 2001, 21-75.
  • Tek 2007 A. T. Tek, “Arykanda’da Bulunan Antik Cam Eserlere Genel Bir Bakış”, Seres 2007 - Uluslararası Katılımlı Seramik, Cam, Emaye, Sır ve Boya Semineri 26-28 Kasım 2007 (2007) 158-159.
  • Teteriatnikov 1998 N. Teteriatnikov, “‘The Gift Giving’ Image: The Case of the Adoration of the Magi”, Visual Resources 13, 1998, 385-387.
  • Vikan 1982 G. Vikan, Byzantine Pilgrimage Art, Vol. 5 (1982).
  • Vikan 1990 G. Vikan, “Pilgrims in Magi’s Clothing: The Impact of Mimesis on Early Byzantine Pilgrimage Art”, in: R. G. Ousterhout (ed.), The Blessings of Pilgrimage, vol. 1 (1990) 104-105.
  • Weinberg 1988 G. D. Weinberg, “The Glass Factory and Manufacturing Processes”, in: G. D. Weinberg (ed.), Excavations at Jalame, Site of a Glass Factory in Late Roman Palestine (1988) 24-37.
  • Weinberg – Stern 2009 G. D. Weinberg – E. M. Stern, The Athenian Agora, XXXIV, Vessel Glass (2009). Weis 1968 A. Weis, “Drei Könige”, LCI (1968) 539-549.
  • Weitzmann 1979 K. Weitzmann (ed.), Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, 3rd to 7th Century: Catalogue of the Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, November 19, 1977 through February 12, 1978 (1979).
  • Yağcı 1990 E. E. Yağcı, “Hatay Müzesi’ndeki bir Grup Cam Eser”, I. Uluslararası Anadolu Cam Sanatı Sempozyumu 26-27 Nisan 1988 / 1st International Anatolia Glass Symposium 26-27 April 1988 (1990) 30-36.
  • Yağcı 1999 E. E. Yağcı, “Kilikya’da Cam”, Olba II, 1999, 169-183.

Erken Bizans Dönemi’nden Kesme Tekniğinde Bir Cam Kâse

Year 2014, Issue: 17, 275 - 294, 01.06.2014


Mersin-Silifke yolu üzerinde yer alan Ayaş-Kumkuyu’daki Elaiussa Sebaste antik yerleşimi, Dağlık Kilikya Bölgesi içinde yer alan liman kentlerinden biridir. 2011 kazı sezonunda, sarayın kuzey doğusunda, olasılıkla saraya giriş kapılarından birinin olduğu alan üzerine yoğunlaşılmış ve bu alanda yapılan kazılar sonucunda, 530’larda yapıda gerçekleşen tahribata dair izlerle karşılaşılmıştır. Tahribatı gösteren katmanda ele geçen mavimsi renksiz camdan 13 parça birleştirildiğinde çapı 15.7 cm. olan yarım daire biçiminde, ağzı kesilmiş ve işlenmemiş bir kâse ortaya çıkmıştır. Eldeki parçalarla, kâsenin yarısına yakın kısmı tamamlanabilmiş ve kâsenin dış yüzünde, kesme tekniği ile yapılmış figüratif bir kompozisyonun yer aldığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Baur 1938 P. V. C. Baur, Gerasa, City of the Decapolis - Glass Ware (1938).
  • Beaud 2012 M. Beaud, Iconographie et art monumental dans l’espace féodal du Xème au XIIème siècle: le thème des Rois Mages et sa diffusion (University of Bourgogne Unpublished PhD Thesis 2012).
  • Caron 1997 B. Caron, “Roman Figure-Engraved Glass in the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, MetrMusJ 32, 1997, 19-50.
  • Carr – Kazhdan 1991 A. W. Carr – A. Kazhdan, “Adoration of Magi”, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium I (1991) 22-23.
  • Charleston 1964 R. J. Charleston, “Wheel-Engraving and Cutting: Some Early Equipment - I Engraving”, JGS 6, 1964, 83-100.
  • Clairmont 1963 C. W. Clairmont, The Excavations at Dura Europos. Final Report 4, 5. The Glass Vessels (1963).
  • Cutts 1876 E. L. Cutts, “Traditions of Christian Art, Chapter III, Byzantine Ivories”, The Art Journal, New Series 3, 1876, 268-272.
  • Dussart 1995 O. Dussart, “Les Verres de Jordanie et de Syrie du Sud du IVe au VIIe siècle nouvelles données chronologiques”, in: D. Foy (ed.), La verre de l’Antique tardive et du Haut Moyen Age (1995) 343-359.
  • Entwistle 2012 C. Entwistle, “Enkolpion”, Byzanz: Pracht und Alltag, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2010) 228-229.
  • Erten 2003 E. Erten, “Glass Finds from Olba Survey - 2001”, Olba VII, 2003, 145-154.
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2007 A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, “Gli scambi e le rotte commerciali nel bacino del Mediterraneo orientale in epoca romana e primo bizantina sulla base del materiale anforico proveniente dallo scavo di Elaiussa Sebaste in Cilicia (Ayash, Turchia)”, in: J. Pérez – G. Pascual (eds.), Comercio, redristibucion y fondeaderos. La navegacion a vela en el Mediterraneo. Actas V Jornadas Internacionales de Arqueologia Subaquatica (2007) 303-312.
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2008a A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, “Scambi commerciali fra l’Africa settentrionale e la Cilicia in età tardoromana e protobizantina sulla base del materiale ceramico dallo scavo di Elaiussa Sebaste”, L’Africa romana XVII, 2008, 1567-1578.
  • Ferrazzoli – Ricci 2008b A. F. Ferrazzoli – M. Ricci, “Seramik Üretimi ve Ticareti”, in: E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste - Doğu ile Batı Arasında Bir Liman Kenti (2008) 153-163.
  • Foy 2003 D. Foy, “Le verre en Tunisie: L’Apport de fouilles récentes tuniso-françaises”, JGS 45, 2003, 71-72.
  • Gençler-Güray 2012 Ç. Gençler-Güray, “Early Byzantine Glass Finds from Elaiussa Sebaste (MersinAyaş), in: D. Ignatiadou – A. Antonaras (eds.), Annales du 18e Congrés de l’Association internationale pour l’histoire du verre - 2009 (2012) 292-298. Gibbon 1994 E. Gibbon, Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Gerileyiş ve Çöküş Tarihi, IV, Bizans. A. Baltacıgil (transl.) (1994).
  • Goren-Rosen – Winter 2010 Y. Goren-Rosen – T. Winter, “Selected Insights into Byzantine Glass in the Holy Land”, in: J. Drauschke – D. Keller (eds.), Glas in Byzanz - Produktion, Verwundung, Analysen (2010) 165-182.
  • Grabar 1980 A. Grabar, Christian Iconography: A Study of Its Origins (1980).
  • Grant 2000 M. Grant, Roma’dan Bizans’a. Z. İlkgelen (transl.) (2000).
  • Grierson 1961 P. Grierson, “The Date of the Dumbarton Oaks Epiphany Medallion”, DOP 15, 1961, 221-224.
  • Harden 1960 D. B. Harden, “The Wint Hill Hunting Bowl and Related Glasses”, JGS 2, 1960, 23-32.
  • Harden 1967/68 D. B. Harden, “Late Roman Wheel-Inscript Glases with Double-Line Letters”, KölnJb 9, 1967/68, 43-55.
  • Harden 1987 D. B. Harden, Glass of the Caesars (1987).
  • Hayes 1928 W. C. Hayes, “An Engraved Glass Bowl in the Museo Christiano of the Vatican Library”, AJA 32.1, 1928, 23-32.
  • Hill – Nenna 2001 M. Hill – M. D. Nenna, “Glass From Ain Et-Turba and Bagawat Necropolis in the Kharga Oasis, Egypt”, in: Annales du 15e Congrès de AIHV (2001) 88-92.
  • Mango 2007 C. Mango, The Art of The Byzantine Empire (312-1453), Sources and Documents (2007).
  • Nenna 2003 M. D. Nenna, “Verre gravés d’Égypte du I er au Ve siècle ap. J.-C.”, in: D. Foy – M. D.
  • Nenna (eds.), Échanges et commerce du verre dans le Monde antique, Actes du colloque de l’Association française pour l’archéologie du verre, 2001 (2003) 359-374.
  • Olcay 1998 B. Y. Olcay, “Tarsus Cumhuriyet Alanı Kazısı Cam Buluntuları”, Adalya III, 1998, 169-177.
  • Ostrogorsky 1991 G. Ostrogorsky, Bizans Devleti Tarihi. F. Işıltan (transl.) (1991).
  • Painter 1971 K. S. Painter, “Six Roman Glasses with Cut Decoration from Amiens”, BMQ 36-1/2, 1971, 41-50.
  • Petridis 2012 P. Petridis, “Holy Bread Stamps from Early Byzantine Delphi”, in: B. BöhlendorfArslan – A. Ricci (eds.), Byzantine Small Finds in Archaeological Contexts, Byzas 15, 2012, 81-90.
  • Price 1995 J. Price, “Glass Tablewares with Wheel-cut, Engraved and Abraded Decoration in Britain in the Fourth Century AD”, in: D. Foy (ed.), Le verre de l’Antiquite tardive et du Haut Moyen Age (1995) 25-34.
  • Rahmani 1979 L. Y. Rahmani, “Adoration of the Magi”, IEJ 29, 1979.
  • Ross 1957 M. C. Ross, “A Byzantine gold medallion at Dumbarton Oaks”, DOP 11, 1957, 247-261.
  • Ross 1962 M. C. Ross, Catalogue of the Byzantine and the Early Medieval Antiquities in Dumbarton Oaks Collection, vol. 1. Metalwork, Ceramics, Glass, Glyptics, Painting (1962).
  • Rumscheid 1996 F. Rumscheid, “Eine Schliffverzierte Glasschale aus Didyma”, IstMitt 46, 1996, 263-269.
  • Sagui 1997 L. Sagui, “Un piatto di vetro inciso da Roma: Contributo ad un inquadramento delle Officine Vetrarie Tardoantiche”, Studi Miscellanei 30, 1997, 337-358.
  • Saklı Limandan Hikayeler 2013 Saklı Limandan Hikayeler - Yenikapı’nın Batıkları [Stories from the Hidden Harbour - Yenikapı Shipwrecks] (2013).
  • Schiller 1968 G. Schiller, Iconography of Christian Art I (1968).
  • Schneider 1999 E. Equini Schneider, Elaiussa Sebaste I. Campagne di scavo 1995-1997 (1999).
  • Schneider 2003 E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste II. Un porto tra oriente e occidente (2003).
  • Schneider 2008 E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste - Doğu ile Batı Arasında Bir Liman Kenti (2008).
  • Schneider 2010 E. Equini Schneider (ed.), Elaiussa Sebaste III. L’Agora Romana (2010).
  • Stern 1985 E. M. Stern, “Ancient and Medieval Glass from the Necropolis Church at Anemorium”, Annales du 9e Congrès international d’ètude historique du verre, Nancy (France), 22-28 mai 1983 (1985) 35-64.
  • Stern 1989 E. M. Stern, “Adana Bölge Müzesinde Sergilenmekte Olan Cam Eserler - The Glass Vessels Exhibited in the Bölge Museum-Adana”, Belleten 53/207-208 (1989) 583-605.
  • Sternini 2001 M. Sternini, “Reperti in Vetro da un deposito Tardoantico sul Colle Palatino”, JGS 43, 2001, 21-75.
  • Tek 2007 A. T. Tek, “Arykanda’da Bulunan Antik Cam Eserlere Genel Bir Bakış”, Seres 2007 - Uluslararası Katılımlı Seramik, Cam, Emaye, Sır ve Boya Semineri 26-28 Kasım 2007 (2007) 158-159.
  • Teteriatnikov 1998 N. Teteriatnikov, “‘The Gift Giving’ Image: The Case of the Adoration of the Magi”, Visual Resources 13, 1998, 385-387.
  • Vikan 1982 G. Vikan, Byzantine Pilgrimage Art, Vol. 5 (1982).
  • Vikan 1990 G. Vikan, “Pilgrims in Magi’s Clothing: The Impact of Mimesis on Early Byzantine Pilgrimage Art”, in: R. G. Ousterhout (ed.), The Blessings of Pilgrimage, vol. 1 (1990) 104-105.
  • Weinberg 1988 G. D. Weinberg, “The Glass Factory and Manufacturing Processes”, in: G. D. Weinberg (ed.), Excavations at Jalame, Site of a Glass Factory in Late Roman Palestine (1988) 24-37.
  • Weinberg – Stern 2009 G. D. Weinberg – E. M. Stern, The Athenian Agora, XXXIV, Vessel Glass (2009). Weis 1968 A. Weis, “Drei Könige”, LCI (1968) 539-549.
  • Weitzmann 1979 K. Weitzmann (ed.), Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, 3rd to 7th Century: Catalogue of the Exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, November 19, 1977 through February 12, 1978 (1979).
  • Yağcı 1990 E. E. Yağcı, “Hatay Müzesi’ndeki bir Grup Cam Eser”, I. Uluslararası Anadolu Cam Sanatı Sempozyumu 26-27 Nisan 1988 / 1st International Anatolia Glass Symposium 26-27 April 1988 (1990) 30-36.
  • Yağcı 1999 E. E. Yağcı, “Kilikya’da Cam”, Olba II, 1999, 169-183.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Çiğdem Gençler Güray This is me

Nilüfer Peker This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 17


Chicago Güray, Çiğdem Gençler, and Nilüfer Peker. “A Figure-Engraved Glass Bowl from the Early Byzantine Period”. Adalya, no. 17 (June 2014): 275-94.

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