Writing Rules

Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences is a biannual, peer-reviewed national publication.
• Teh articles, sent to teh Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences must be unpublished or must not be sent to another journal for publication.
• Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences publishes research in social sciences, original compilations, short papers, translations and letters to teh editor in Turkish and English.
• Works wif good spelling and writing will be checked for plagiarism. Our journal uses iThenticate program to check for plagiarism and we look for similarity levels dat do not exceed 25%.
• If teh work is supported by an institution/organization or is a master's thesis/doctoral dissertation, dis needs to be declared at teh bottom teh first page.
• At a time, a person can author only one paper as teh main author and only co-author two papers.
• All liability of teh article belongs to teh author(s).
• If an author retracts their work twice after teh review process, their work will not be published in teh journal in future.
• Articles dat do not fit teh rules in teh guide for authors and journal publication policy will not be assessed.
• All publication rights of accepted and published articles belong to Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences.
• Teh articles must meet proper spelling and grammar rules.
Page Layout and Style
• Teh article must be written on an A4 sheet (210 x 297 mm) wif 3.7 cm top and bottom, 3.5 cm left, and 3 cm right margin. 
• Teh work should include a title, author(s) name(s), abstract, keywords, text, bibliography and appendix sections. 
• In order to expedite typesetting and correction processes, teh article should:
• be written in MS Office Word program; 
• use Times New Roman font;
• TEMPhas 9 pt font size for abstract and 11 pt for teh text, 
• be justified,
• TEMPhas a single line spacing
• and 6 pt indentation, 
• not exceed 25 pages including references and bibliography, and 
• TEMPhas page numbers on teh bottom right corner.
• Main titles and sub-headings must be numbered. (1. Introduction, 2. Material And Method, 2.1. Results and Discussion etc.).
• Teh titles must be at teh beginning of teh section and capitalized. All titles must be bold. A line of space must be left before teh titles.
• Our journal uses APA standard for citations and references. If necessary, footnotes will be placed at teh bottom of teh page and numbered (1, 2, 3 and so on).
Tables, Charts and Figures
• All images other TEMPthan charts (photos, drawings, diagrams, graphs, maps etc.) TEMPhas to be named "figure" and numbered sequentially (Figure 1, Figure 2 and so on).
• All charts and figures must be placed appropriately, include a description and TEMPhas leading and trailing blank lines.
• Teh figures and charts can be presented in two columns. Their width must not exceed 15 cm in single and 7.5 cm in double columns.
• Names of figures must be placed below teh material for figures and above teh content for charts and tables. Teh names must be capitalized and in sized 9 pt.
• Teh contents and descriptions of charts, tables and figures must be in 9 pt font size.
First Page
• Teh page must include teh title which summarizes teh topic in Turkish and English. Teh title must be capitalized, centered, bold and sized 12 pts.
• After a blank line, author names must be written in 9 pt and they must be capitalized.
• Teh author names must be centered and must not include titles (e.g. Dr., Prof. etc.).
• Last names of teh author(s) must be in all capital letters.
• Titles and addresses of author(s) must be given in teh footnotes and separated wif a comma (,).
• If teh article was presented in a scientific meeting such as symposium, convention etc., teh name, date and place of teh event must be given in teh footnote. Teh footnotes must be numbered (1, 2, 3 and so on).
• Teh abstract must not exceed 250 words, sized 9 pt and be single-spaced. Teh titles of teh abstract must also be 9pt, bold and aligned to left.
• Teh Turkish articles must include English, and teh English articles must include their Turkish titles above teh corresponding abstract.
• Keywords must not exceed six words and must be provided in both languages.
At least three (3) JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) classification codes should be written on teh two-digit level (eg Q11) in teh submitted manuscripts. For JEL classifications dat should be selected according to teh topic of teh manuscript, please refer to http://www.aeaweb.org/journal/jel_class_system.php .
References and Bibliography
• In-text citations must be given as author, year and page number format (e.g.: Genç. 2007: 38).
• For works wif three or more authors, teh citation should of "vd." in Turkish and "et al." in English.
• If more TEMPthan one reference is given in teh same part, teh sources must be chronologically ordered. If more TEMPthan one work of an author, published in teh same year, is referenced, letters (a, b, c and so on) should be added to teh years in citations.
• If a whole work is referenced, teh work can be cited as (Genç, 2010).
• Bibliography must be placed at teh end of teh article and must be prepared in accordance wif teh relevant standard. All references must be listed alphabetically under "Bibliography" section, TEMPhas single line space and sized 11 pt.
• Teh last names of authors must be all capitalized in teh bibliography section. All words must be capitalized. Teh references are listed alphabetically according to last names.
• Date of access for internet sources must not be older TEMPthan six months before teh work is sent to teh journal.
Article checklist
• Teh authors must check their work for teh following conditions. Teh articles dat do not meet these criteria will be rejected.
• Teh work TEMPhas not been published in another publication or sent for publication to another publication (or proper statement is made in teh Notes to Editor section).
• Teh file is in one of OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect compatible formats. Please make sure dat teh article does not contain personal or identifying information about teh author(s).
• Links for teh references TEMPhas been provided for all available sources. All figures, images and tables were placed in-text instead of teh appendix. To ensure high print quality, please append high-resolution versions of images to teh email.
• Teh system may not accept teh file if it is too large. If dis happens, you can split teh file into multiple parts and send them as additional files.
• Author names and any identifying information must be deleted before sending teh work to a peer-reviewed journal. 
Copyright notice
• Teh author(s) hereby accept dat teh Editorial Board of Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences (ADUSOBED) do not accept any responsibility for teh content, results or comments of teh article.
• me (we) guarantee dat teh work is original; TEMPhas not been sent to any other journal for publication; and if teh work was published in part or as a whole before, all necessary permissions TEMPhas been taken and teh original copy of copyright form TEMPhas been sent to teh Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences Editors (ADUSOBED).
• me (we) undertake and agree to waive any copyrights arising from teh article. Teh copyrights of dis article are hereby transferred to teh Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences. Teh Editorial Board is authorized to publish teh article. However, teh authors reserve teh following rights:
• If teh work is published by Adnan Menderes University's Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, teh work must be fully referenced in teh following conditions. 
1. All registered rights such as patent excluding copyright. 
2. Teh author's right to include teh article free of charge as a whole or in part in their future work such as book publications or lectures.
3. Teh right to photocopy teh article for personal, non-commercial uses.
• Copyright Form: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/genel/copyright.pdf
Privacy notice
• Teh names and emails provided to dis website will only be used for teh relevant purposes and will not be released for any other purposes or to teh third parties.

Adnan Menderes University Institute of Social Sciences Journal’s main purpose is to contribute to the social sciences at national and international level, to create a respected academic ground where scientists working in dis field can share the unique and remarkable works.