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Year 2011, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 47 - 55, 01.06.2011


Basit anlamıyla içine alma sınırı ya da kapsama gücü olarak tanımlanan kapasite kavramı çok çeşitli bilim dallarında yerini bulmuş, yönetim ve kaynak planlama süreçlerinin vazgeçilmez anahtarı haline gelmiştir. Önceleri kuramsal temellere dayalı yapılan çalışmalar zaman içerisinde daha nesnel bir tabana oturtulmuş olup farklı kapasite türleri ve kapasite belirleme yöntemleri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada “kapasite” kavramı peyzaj mimarlığı bakış açısıyla incelenmiş olup geçmişten günümüze kapasite belirleme çalışmalarının geçirdiği süreç, konu ile ilgili literatür ışığında ortaya konulmuştur. Ayrıca kapasite kavramına ilişkin farklı tipolojik yaklaşımlar ile kapasite belirleme yöntemlerine de yer verilerek, bu konuda gelecekte yapılabilecek çalışmalara yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • ACNWTC, 2008.Visitor Use Management in Wilderness - Protecting Opportunities for Solitude or Primitive and Unconfined Recreation in Wilderness Areas on the National Forests.Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Toolboxes, Missoula, Montana., Viewed: 12.08.2008.
  • APGI, 2003.Recreation Use Assessment Yadkin Hydroelectric Project Final Study Plan.Alcoa Power Generating Inc., Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 2197, 15 pp.
  • AW, 2005. American Whitewater's Scoping Comments on the Grand Canyon CRMP: Distribution, Supply, Volume of Use, and Carrying Capacity (Chapter 7). A m e r i c a n W h i t e w a t e r , N . C a r o l i n a , crmp_capacity.htm#_ftnref1, Viewed: 04.02.2005, 11 pp.
  • AXYS, 2001. Beacon Hill Park Management Plan Phase I Summary Report. AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., The Corporation of the City of Victoria 1 Centennial Square Victoria, BC, V8W 1P6, 24 pp.
  • BC Forests and Range, 1991.Carrying Capacity.Recreation Manual Chapter 7.British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Canada, 22 pp.
  • Catton, R. W., 1983. Behavior and the Natural Environment Advances in theory and research. Social & Behavioral Aspects of the Carrying Capacity of Natural Environments. Ed: I. Altman & J. F. Wohlwill. Plenum Press NY- London, ISBN: 0306410990, 346 pp.
  • City Commission of the City of Lake Wales, 2005.City of Lake Wales Concurrency Management System. Lake Wales City Commission Ordinance No: 2005 6, Polk County, Florida, 33 pp.
  • Clivaz, C., Y. Hausser, J. Michelet, 2004. Tourism monitoring system based on the concept of carrying capacity- The case of the regional natural park Pfyn- Finges (Switzerland). Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 2, 6 pp.
  • Coccossis, H. and A. Mexa, 2002.Defining, Measuring and Evaluating Carrying Capacity in European Tourism Destinations Material for a Document.Environmental Planning Laboratory of the University of the Aegean Department of Environmental Studies,Athens, Greece, No.B4-3040/2000/294577/MAR/D2, 113 pp.
  • Cole, D. N., 2001. Visitor Use Density and Wilderness Experiences: A Historical Review of Research. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-20. United States Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station, p: 11 20.
  • EDAW, Inc., 2001. Recreation Need Analysis. Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No 2114. Public Utility District, No.2 of Grant County Ephrata, Washington, 120 pp.
  • EDAW, Inc., 2004. Ririe Reservoir Recreation Carrying Capacity Study. US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region, Snake River Area Office, Boise, Idaho, 153 pp.
  • Environmental Stewardship & Planning, 2000.El Dorado County River Management Plan Carrying Capacity White Paper.Dep. of General Services, Board of Supervisors, Sacr., California, 56 pp.
  • EPA, 2002.Overview of Visitor Carrying Capacity Framework. Draft Supplemental EIS for Winter Use, Appendix F. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, Colorado, 9 pp.
  • Forest Service, 2001. Shoreline-Based Recreation Carrying Capacity Analysis for the Admiralty Island National Monument, Hoonah, Juneau, and Sitka Ranger D i s t r i c t s - To n g a s s N a t i o n a l F o r e s t . ogccanalfinal.html, US Forest Service, Washington, Viewed: 20.01.2006, 16 pp.
  • Golicnik, B., 2005. Urban landscape between design practice, usage and research.International Conference for Integrating Urban Knowledge & Practice Gothenburg, Sweden.May 29-June 3 2005, 12 pp.
  • Gündüz, S., 1998. Koruma-Kullanım İlkeleri Çerçevesinde Beynam Muhafaza Ormanı'nın Rekreasyonel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Saptanması Üzerine BirAraştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Ana Bilim Dalı, Basılmamış YüksekLisansTezi, Danışman: NevinAkpınar, 188 s.
  • Haaften, E. H., F. Vijver, J. Leenaars and P. Drissen, 2005.Carrying Capacity of Degrading Environments The Case of the Sahel. Centre for Ecological Sciences, I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f S c i e n c e , I n d i a , P/Thema4/630/630.PDF, Viewed: 08.02.2005, 18 pp.
  • Haas, G., 2001. Visitor Capacity in the National Park System. Social Science Research Review, Vol. 2 No. 1 S p r i n g 07.htm#s7.7, Viewed: 20.01.2006, 22 pp. 2 8 p p .
  • Hacıhasanoğlu, O., 1986. Konut Mekanlarında Yoğunluk- K a l a b l ı k l ı k İ l i ş k i s i n i n B e l i r l e n m e s i n d e K u l l a n ı l a b i l e c e k B i r Y ö n t e m . İ s t a n b u l TeknikÜniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Danışman: Mete Ünügür, İstanbul, 87 s.
  • Lim, C. L., 1998. Carrying Capacity Assessment of Pulau Payar Marine Park, Malaysia - Bay of Bengal Programme. Published by the Bay of Bengal Programme, Madras 600 018, India, 136 pp.
  • Müderrisoğlu, H., Ö. Yerli, A. A. Turan ve N. Duru, 2005. ROS (Rereasyonel Fırsat Dağılımı) Yöntemi ile Abant Tabiat Parkı'nda Kullanıcı Memnuniyetinin Belirlenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 11 (4), s: 397 405.
  • Rees, W. E., 1996. Revisiting Carrying Capacity: Area- Based Indicators of Sustainability. Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume 17, Number 3, January 1996, Human Sciences Press, Inc.,19 pp.
  • Saveriades, A., 2000. Establishing the social tourism carrying capacity for the tourist resorts of the east coast of the Republic of Cyprus. Tourism Management, Vol. 21 Issue 2,April (2000), p: 147 156.
  • Silva, C. P., 2002. Beach Carrying Capacity Assessment: How important is it?. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, ISSN 07490208, 8 pp.
  • Smart Dictionary, 2007. German Turkish, The Babylon Smart Dictionary. Babylon sözlük ve metin çeviri programı (versiyon 7), Babylon Ltd., USA.
  • Sönmez Türel, H., 2008. Mekansal Kapasite Ölçütlerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Yöntem Araştırması: İzmir Kenti İlköğretim Okulları Açık Mekanları Örneği. EgeÜniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı, BasılmamışDoktoraTezi, 347 s.
  • Stankey, G. H. and R. E. Manning, 2011.Carrying-Capacity of Recreational Settings.A Literature Review, The President's Commission on Americans Outdoors. P No.166,, Viewed: March 2011, 11 pp. a t i o n
  • Stewart, C., 1993. Recreational and Developmental Carrying Capacities of Coastal Environments.Coastal Resource Specialists and Geographers, 22 Glenwood Avenue, Canada, N1H 4L3, 67 pp.
  • Tarrant, M. A. and D. B. K, English, 1996. A Crowding- based Model of Social Carrying Capacity:Applications for Whitewater Boating Use. Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 28, No:3, National Recreation and Park Association, 14 pp.
  • TDK, 2005. Türk Dil Kurumu Türkçede Batı Kökenli KelimelerSözlüğü ?kategori=veritbn&kelimesec=180688, Erişim: 21.07.2005.
  • Tokmak, C., 2008. Sürdürülebilir Turizm Açısından Taşıma Kapasitesi: Topkapı Sarayı Örneği. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalı, Basılmamış DoktoraTezi, Danışman: Prof. Dr. Kurban Ünlüönen,Ankara, 179 s.
  • URDC, 1980. Recreation Carrying Capacity Facts and Considerations. Urban Research and Development Corporation, Somerviller Lake Project Ares Report 10, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Environmental Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 102 pp.
  • Watson, M., 1988. Social Carrying Capacity in Recreational Settings: A Literature Review. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Technical Memorandum, GBRMPA-TM-17, Townswille,Australia, 91 pp.
  • Webb, H. and K.Williams, 2003. Social Carrying Capacities and 12 Apostles, Port Campbell National Park. A research report to Parks Victoria, University of Melbourne, Parkville Victoria,Australia, 48 pp.
  • Wiktionary, 2008. The English Wiktionary Free dictionary,, Viewed: 27.04.2008
  • Witten, J. D., 2001. Carrying Capacity and the Comprehensive Plan: Establishing and Defending Limits to Growth. Boston College Law Review, Vol. 28:583 2001, p: 583 608.
  • Wordnet, 2007. Princeton University Cognitive Science L a b o r a t o r y, Viewed: 05.03.2007.
  • D i c t i o n a r y , Sorumlu yazar Hatice SÖNMEZ TÜREL
  • Geliş Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 10.12.2011
  • Copyright of Journal of Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty is the property of Adnan Menderes
  • University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the
  • copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.

A General View to Capacity Concept in the Context of Landscape Architecture

Year 2011, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 47 - 55, 01.06.2011


The capacity concept which is simply defined as the limit of inclusion or coverage ability has found place in a
wide variety branches of science and become an indispensable key of management and resource planning
processes. Initially the studies done on the theoretical basis have been placed on a more objective base and
different capacity types and determination methods have arisen over time. In this study, the "capacity" concept is
examined with a view of landscape architecture and the process of capacity determination studies is analyzed in
the light of the relevant literature from past to present. Also different typological approaches on the capacity
concept and methods of determining the capacity are given and possible studies on the subject in the future are


  • ACNWTC, 2008.Visitor Use Management in Wilderness - Protecting Opportunities for Solitude or Primitive and Unconfined Recreation in Wilderness Areas on the National Forests.Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Toolboxes, Missoula, Montana., Viewed: 12.08.2008.
  • APGI, 2003.Recreation Use Assessment Yadkin Hydroelectric Project Final Study Plan.Alcoa Power Generating Inc., Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No. 2197, 15 pp.
  • AW, 2005. American Whitewater's Scoping Comments on the Grand Canyon CRMP: Distribution, Supply, Volume of Use, and Carrying Capacity (Chapter 7). A m e r i c a n W h i t e w a t e r , N . C a r o l i n a , crmp_capacity.htm#_ftnref1, Viewed: 04.02.2005, 11 pp.
  • AXYS, 2001. Beacon Hill Park Management Plan Phase I Summary Report. AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., The Corporation of the City of Victoria 1 Centennial Square Victoria, BC, V8W 1P6, 24 pp.
  • BC Forests and Range, 1991.Carrying Capacity.Recreation Manual Chapter 7.British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Canada, 22 pp.
  • Catton, R. W., 1983. Behavior and the Natural Environment Advances in theory and research. Social & Behavioral Aspects of the Carrying Capacity of Natural Environments. Ed: I. Altman & J. F. Wohlwill. Plenum Press NY- London, ISBN: 0306410990, 346 pp.
  • City Commission of the City of Lake Wales, 2005.City of Lake Wales Concurrency Management System. Lake Wales City Commission Ordinance No: 2005 6, Polk County, Florida, 33 pp.
  • Clivaz, C., Y. Hausser, J. Michelet, 2004. Tourism monitoring system based on the concept of carrying capacity- The case of the regional natural park Pfyn- Finges (Switzerland). Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 2, 6 pp.
  • Coccossis, H. and A. Mexa, 2002.Defining, Measuring and Evaluating Carrying Capacity in European Tourism Destinations Material for a Document.Environmental Planning Laboratory of the University of the Aegean Department of Environmental Studies,Athens, Greece, No.B4-3040/2000/294577/MAR/D2, 113 pp.
  • Cole, D. N., 2001. Visitor Use Density and Wilderness Experiences: A Historical Review of Research. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-20. United States Department of Agriculture, Rocky Mountain Research Station, p: 11 20.
  • EDAW, Inc., 2001. Recreation Need Analysis. Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Project, FERC Project No 2114. Public Utility District, No.2 of Grant County Ephrata, Washington, 120 pp.
  • EDAW, Inc., 2004. Ririe Reservoir Recreation Carrying Capacity Study. US Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation Pacific Northwest Region, Snake River Area Office, Boise, Idaho, 153 pp.
  • Environmental Stewardship & Planning, 2000.El Dorado County River Management Plan Carrying Capacity White Paper.Dep. of General Services, Board of Supervisors, Sacr., California, 56 pp.
  • EPA, 2002.Overview of Visitor Carrying Capacity Framework. Draft Supplemental EIS for Winter Use, Appendix F. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, Colorado, 9 pp.
  • Forest Service, 2001. Shoreline-Based Recreation Carrying Capacity Analysis for the Admiralty Island National Monument, Hoonah, Juneau, and Sitka Ranger D i s t r i c t s - To n g a s s N a t i o n a l F o r e s t . ogccanalfinal.html, US Forest Service, Washington, Viewed: 20.01.2006, 16 pp.
  • Golicnik, B., 2005. Urban landscape between design practice, usage and research.International Conference for Integrating Urban Knowledge & Practice Gothenburg, Sweden.May 29-June 3 2005, 12 pp.
  • Gündüz, S., 1998. Koruma-Kullanım İlkeleri Çerçevesinde Beynam Muhafaza Ormanı'nın Rekreasyonel Taşıma Kapasitesinin Saptanması Üzerine BirAraştırma. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Peyzaj Mimarlığı Ana Bilim Dalı, Basılmamış YüksekLisansTezi, Danışman: NevinAkpınar, 188 s.
  • Haaften, E. H., F. Vijver, J. Leenaars and P. Drissen, 2005.Carrying Capacity of Degrading Environments The Case of the Sahel. Centre for Ecological Sciences, I n d i a n I n s t i t u t e o f S c i e n c e , I n d i a , P/Thema4/630/630.PDF, Viewed: 08.02.2005, 18 pp.
  • Haas, G., 2001. Visitor Capacity in the National Park System. Social Science Research Review, Vol. 2 No. 1 S p r i n g 07.htm#s7.7, Viewed: 20.01.2006, 22 pp. 2 8 p p .
  • Hacıhasanoğlu, O., 1986. Konut Mekanlarında Yoğunluk- K a l a b l ı k l ı k İ l i ş k i s i n i n B e l i r l e n m e s i n d e K u l l a n ı l a b i l e c e k B i r Y ö n t e m . İ s t a n b u l TeknikÜniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Mimarlık Ana Bilim Dalı, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Danışman: Mete Ünügür, İstanbul, 87 s.
  • Lim, C. L., 1998. Carrying Capacity Assessment of Pulau Payar Marine Park, Malaysia - Bay of Bengal Programme. Published by the Bay of Bengal Programme, Madras 600 018, India, 136 pp.
  • Müderrisoğlu, H., Ö. Yerli, A. A. Turan ve N. Duru, 2005. ROS (Rereasyonel Fırsat Dağılımı) Yöntemi ile Abant Tabiat Parkı'nda Kullanıcı Memnuniyetinin Belirlenmesi. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 11 (4), s: 397 405.
  • Rees, W. E., 1996. Revisiting Carrying Capacity: Area- Based Indicators of Sustainability. Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Volume 17, Number 3, January 1996, Human Sciences Press, Inc.,19 pp.
  • Saveriades, A., 2000. Establishing the social tourism carrying capacity for the tourist resorts of the east coast of the Republic of Cyprus. Tourism Management, Vol. 21 Issue 2,April (2000), p: 147 156.
  • Silva, C. P., 2002. Beach Carrying Capacity Assessment: How important is it?. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue 36, ISSN 07490208, 8 pp.
  • Smart Dictionary, 2007. German Turkish, The Babylon Smart Dictionary. Babylon sözlük ve metin çeviri programı (versiyon 7), Babylon Ltd., USA.
  • Sönmez Türel, H., 2008. Mekansal Kapasite Ölçütlerinin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Yöntem Araştırması: İzmir Kenti İlköğretim Okulları Açık Mekanları Örneği. EgeÜniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Peyzaj Mimarlığı Anabilim Dalı, BasılmamışDoktoraTezi, 347 s.
  • Stankey, G. H. and R. E. Manning, 2011.Carrying-Capacity of Recreational Settings.A Literature Review, The President's Commission on Americans Outdoors. P No.166,, Viewed: March 2011, 11 pp. a t i o n
  • Stewart, C., 1993. Recreational and Developmental Carrying Capacities of Coastal Environments.Coastal Resource Specialists and Geographers, 22 Glenwood Avenue, Canada, N1H 4L3, 67 pp.
  • Tarrant, M. A. and D. B. K, English, 1996. A Crowding- based Model of Social Carrying Capacity:Applications for Whitewater Boating Use. Journal of Leisure Research, Vol. 28, No:3, National Recreation and Park Association, 14 pp.
  • TDK, 2005. Türk Dil Kurumu Türkçede Batı Kökenli KelimelerSözlüğü ?kategori=veritbn&kelimesec=180688, Erişim: 21.07.2005.
  • Tokmak, C., 2008. Sürdürülebilir Turizm Açısından Taşıma Kapasitesi: Topkapı Sarayı Örneği. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Turizm İşletmeciliği Anabilim Dalı, Basılmamış DoktoraTezi, Danışman: Prof. Dr. Kurban Ünlüönen,Ankara, 179 s.
  • URDC, 1980. Recreation Carrying Capacity Facts and Considerations. Urban Research and Development Corporation, Somerviller Lake Project Ares Report 10, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Environmental Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 102 pp.
  • Watson, M., 1988. Social Carrying Capacity in Recreational Settings: A Literature Review. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Technical Memorandum, GBRMPA-TM-17, Townswille,Australia, 91 pp.
  • Webb, H. and K.Williams, 2003. Social Carrying Capacities and 12 Apostles, Port Campbell National Park. A research report to Parks Victoria, University of Melbourne, Parkville Victoria,Australia, 48 pp.
  • Wiktionary, 2008. The English Wiktionary Free dictionary,, Viewed: 27.04.2008
  • Witten, J. D., 2001. Carrying Capacity and the Comprehensive Plan: Establishing and Defending Limits to Growth. Boston College Law Review, Vol. 28:583 2001, p: 583 608.
  • Wordnet, 2007. Princeton University Cognitive Science L a b o r a t o r y, Viewed: 05.03.2007.
  • D i c t i o n a r y , Sorumlu yazar Hatice SÖNMEZ TÜREL
  • Geliş Tarihi Kabul Tarihi : 10.12.2011
  • Copyright of Journal of Adnan Menderes University, Agricultural Faculty is the property of Adnan Menderes
  • University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the
  • copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.
There are 43 citations in total.


Other ID JA72HA52ZR
Journal Section Erratum

HATİCE Sönmez Türel This is me

ERHAN VECDİ Küçükkerbaş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Sönmez Türel, H., & Küçükkerbaş, E. V. (2011). KAPASİTE KAVRAMINA PEYZAJ MİMARLIĞI BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 47-55.
Chicago Sönmez Türel, HATİCE, and ERHAN VECDİ Küçükkerbaş. “KAPASİTE KAVRAMINA PEYZAJ MİMARLIĞI BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (December 2011): 47-55.
EndNote Sönmez Türel H, Küçükkerbaş EV (December 1, 2011) KAPASİTE KAVRAMINA PEYZAJ MİMARLIĞI BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 47–55.
IEEE H. Sönmez Türel and E. V. Küçükkerbaş, “KAPASİTE KAVRAMINA PEYZAJ MİMARLIĞI BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”, ADÜ ZİRAAT DERG, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 47–55, 2011.
ISNAD Sönmez Türel, HATİCE - Küçükkerbaş, ERHAN VECDİ. “KAPASİTE KAVRAMINA PEYZAJ MİMARLIĞI BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (December 2011), 47-55.
MLA Sönmez Türel, HATİCE and ERHAN VECDİ Küçükkerbaş. “KAPASİTE KAVRAMINA PEYZAJ MİMARLIĞI BAĞLAMINDA GENEL BİR BAKIŞ”. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2011, pp. 47-55.