Research Article
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Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions toward the Use of ICT: The SQD Scale

Year 2024, , 62 - 72, 27.12.2024


The role of technology in the field of education continues to grow and the widespread adoption of online education in recent years has secured the importance attached to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In line with this, the current study aims to unveil pre-service teachers’ perceptions of how well their teacher training programs prepare them for effective ICT utilization and the level of support they receive from their teacher training programs as to effective ICT use by employing the synthesis of qualitative evidence (SQD) scale. With this aim in mind, the study adopts a convergent-parallel mixed methods design and the data have been garnered from a total of 191 pre-service English language teachers studying at 9 different teacher training programs across Türkiye. The analyses of the quantitative and qualitative data indicate that a majority of pre-service teachers think that the level of support they receive from their teacher training programs in terms of effective ICT use is not satisfactory. The perceptions of the participants that consider their teacher training programs (in)effective in terms of ICT use have also been presented within the study. Finally, several suggestions have been provided for teacher training programs with the aim of training pre-service with better and higher ICT utilization skills.


  • Agyei, D. & Voogt, J. (2011). Determining teachers’ TPACK through observations and self-report data. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 2314-2319. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Angeli, C. & Valanides, N. (2009). Epistemological and methodological issues for the conceptualization, development, and assessment of ICT–TPCK: Advances in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). Computers & education, 52(1), 154-168.
  • Ay, Y., Karadağ, E. & Acat, M. B. (2015). The technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-Practical) model: Examination of its validity in the Turkish culture via structural equation modeling. Computers & Education, 88, 97-108.
  • Baran, E., Canbazoglu Bilici, S., Albayrak Sari, A. & Tondeur, J. (2019). Investigating the impact of teacher education strategies on preservice teachers' TPACK. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), 357-370.
  • Baran, E. & Uygun, E. (2016). Putting technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) in action: An integrated TPACK-design-based learning (DBL) approach. Australasian journal of educational technology, 32(2), 47-63.
  • Baser, D., Kopcha, T. J. & Ozden, M. Y. (2016). Developing a technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) assessment for preservice teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(4), 749-764.
  • Bilici, S. C., Guzey, S. S. & Yamak, H. (2016) Assessing pre-service science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through observations and lesson plans. Research in Science & Technological Education, 34(2), 237-251.
  • Boling, E. C. & Beatty, J. (2012). Overcoming the tensions and challenges of technology integration: How can we best support our teachers? In R. N. Ronau, C. R. Rakes & M. L. Niess (Eds.), Educational technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: A research handbook on frameworks and approaches (pp. 136-156). IGI Global.
  • Boyatzis, R. (1998). Transforming qualitative information: Thematic analysis and code development. Sage Publications.
  • Chien, Y. T., Chang, C. Y., Yeh, T. K. & Chang, K. E. (2012). Engaging pre-service science teachers to act as active designers of technology integration: A MAGDAIRE framework. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(4), 578-588.
  • Coskun, A. & Daloglu, A. (2010). Evaluating an English language teacher education program through Peacock’s model. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6), pp. 23-42.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th Ed.). Pearson.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. OUP.
  • Edmonds, W., & Kennedy, T. (2017). An applied guide to research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage Publications.
  • Golas, J. (2010). Effective teacher preparation programs: bridging the gap between educational technology availability and its utilization. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 6(1), 16-18.
  • Harvey, D. M. & Caro, R. (2017). Building TPACK in preservice teachers through explicit course design. TechTrends, 61(2), 106-114.
  • Hersh, E. C. (2013). Change and challenge: The influence of technology integration in teacher preparation programs. (Published doctoral dissertation). Manhattanville College, NY.
  • Hofer, M. & Grandgenett, N. (2012). TPACK development in teacher education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45(1), 83-106.
  • Jaipal, K. & Figg, C. (2010). Unpacking the “Total PACKage”: Emergent TPACK characteristics from a study of pre-service teachers teaching with technology. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3), 415-441.
  • Kartal, T., Kartal, B. & Uluay, G. (2016). Technological pedagogical content knowledge self assessment scale (TPACK-SAS) for pre-service teachers: Development, validity and reliability. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 7(23), 1-36.
  • Kaufman, K. (2015). Information communication technology: challenges & some prospects from preservice education to the classroom. Mid-Atlantic Education Review, 2, 1-11.
  • Kilic, A. (2010). Learner-centered micro teaching in teacher education. International Journal of Instruction, 3(1), pp. 77-100.
  • Koh, J. H. L. (2013). A rubric for assessing teachers' lesson activities with respect to TPACK for meaningful learning with ICT. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(6), 887-900.
  • Kwangsawad, T. (2016). Examining EFL pre-service teachers’ TPACK trough self-report, lesson plans and actual practice. Journal of Education and Learning, 10(2), 103-108.
  • Lei, J. (2009). Digital natives as preservice teachers: What technology preparation is needed? Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 25(3), 87–97.
  • Martin, B. (2015). Successful implementation of TPACK in teacher preparation programs. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education, 4(1), 17-26.
  • Mouza, C. & Karchmer-Klein, R. (2013). Promoting and assessing pre-service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in the context of case development. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(2), 127-152.
  • Mouza, C., Karchmer-Klein, R., Nandakumar, R., Ozden, S. Y. & Hu, L. (2014). Investigating the impact of an integrated approach to the development of preservice teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Computers & Education, 71, 206-221.
  • Niess, M. L. (2008). Guiding preservice teachers in developing TPCK. In AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology (Ed.), The handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) for educators. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and Routledge.
  • Nunan, D. (1992). Research methods in language learning. Cambridge University Press.
  • O'leary, Z. (2004). The essential guide to doing research. Sage Publications.
  • Öz, H. (2015). Assessing pre-service English as a foreign language teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. International Education Studies, 8(5), 119-130.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Santos, J. M. & Castro, R. D. (2021). Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in action: Application of learning in the classroom by pre-service teachers (PST). Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 3(1), 1-8.
  • Sarıçoban, A., Tosuncuoğlu, İ. & Kırmızı, Ö. (2019). A technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) assessment of pre-service EFL teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(3), 1122-1138.
  • Schmid, M., Brianza, E. & Petko, D. (2020). Developing a short assessment instrument for technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK.xs) and comparing the factor structure of an integrative and a transformative model. Computers & Education, 157, 103967, 1-12.
  • Schmid, M., Brianza, E. & Petko, D. (2021). Self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service teachers in relation to digital technology use in lesson plans. Computers in Human Behavior, 115, 1-42.
  • Schmidt, D. A., Baran, E., Thompson, A. D., Mishra, P., Koehler, M. J. & Shin, T. S. (2009). Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): The development and validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 123-149.
  • So, H. J. & Kim, B. (2009). Learning about problem based learning: Student teachers integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge. Australasian journal of educational technology, 25(1), 101-116.
  • Tondeur, J., Scherer, R., Siddiq, F. & Baran, E. (2020). Enhancing pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): A mixed-method study. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 319-343.
  • Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Sang, G., Voogt, J., Fisser, P. & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2012). Preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology in education: A synthesis of qualitative evidence. Computers & Education, 59, 134-144.
  • Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Siddiq, F. & Scherer, R. (2016). Time for a new approach to prepare future teachers for educational technology use: Its meaning and measurement. Computers & Education, 94, 134-150.
  • Valanides, N. & Angeli, C. (2008). Learning and teaching about scientific models with a computer modeling tool. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 220-233.
  • Valtonen, T., Leppänen, U., Hyypiä, M., Sointu, E., Smits, A. & Tondeur, J. (2020). Fresh perspectives on TPACK: Pre-service teachers’ own appraisal of their challenging and confident TPACK areas. Education and Information Technologies, 25(4), 2823-2842.
  • Valtonen, T., Pontinen, S., Kukkonen, J., Dillon, P., Väisänen, P., & Hacklin, S. (2011). Confronting the technological pedagogical knowledge of Finnish net generation student teachers. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 20(1), 3-18.
  • Valtonen, T., Sointu, E. T., Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. & Kukkonen, J. (2015). Developing a TPACK measurement instrument for 21st century pre-service teachers. - International journal of media, technology and lifelong learning, 11(2), 87-100.
  • Valtonen, T., Sointu, W., Kukkonen, J., Kontkanen, S., Lambert, M. & Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. (2017). TPACK updated to measure pre-service teachers’ twenty-first century skills. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(3), 15-31.
  • Voogt, J., Fisser, P., Tondeur, J. & van Braak, J. (2016). Using theoretical perspectives in developing an understanding of TPACK. In M. C. Herring, M. J. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for educators (2nd Ed.), (pp. 33-52). Routledge.
  • Voogt, J. & Roblin, N. P. (2012). A comparative analysis of international frameworks for 21st century competences: Implications for national curriculum policies. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(3), 299-321.
  • Wang, W., Schmidt-Crawford, D. & Jin, Y. (2018). Preservice teachers' TPACK development: A review of literature. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 34(4), 234-258.
  • Yeh, Y., Hsu, Y., Wu, H., Hwang, F. & Lin, T. (2014). Developing and validating technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-practical) through the Delphi survey technique. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45, 707-722.
  • Yurdakul, I. K., Odabasi, H. F., Kilicer, K., Coklar, A. N., Birinci, G. & Kurt, A. A. (2012). The development, validity and reliability of TPACK-deep: A technological pedagogical content knowledge scale. Computers & Education, 58(3), 964-977.

Öğretmen Adaylarının BİT Kullanımına ilişkin Algıları: NKS Ölçeği

Year 2024, , 62 - 72, 27.12.2024


Teknolojinin eğitim alanındaki rolü artmaya devam etmektedir ve son yıllarda çevrimiçi eğitimin yaygınlaşması, Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerine (BİT) atfedilen önemi daha da pekiştirmektedir. Bu eksende, mevcut çalışma öğretmen adaylarının, öğretmen yetiştirme programlarının kendilerini etkili BİT entegrasyonuna ne kadar iyi hazırladığına ilişkin algılarını ve etkili teknoloji entegrasyonu konusunda öğretmen yetiştirme programlarından aldıkları desteğin düzeyini niteliksel kanıt sentezi (NKS) ölçeğini kullanarak ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, çalışma yakınsayan paralel desen karma yöntem tasarımını benimsemiştir. Elde edilen veriler, Türkiye genelinde çeşitli öğretmen yetiştirme programlarında görev yapan İngilizce öğretmen adaylarından toplanmıştır. Nicel ve nitel verilerin analizi, öğretmen adaylarının çoğunluğunun, öğretmen yetiştirme programlarından etkili BİT entegrasyonu açısından aldıkları destek düzeyinin tatmin edici olmadığına inandıklarını göstermektedir. Öğretmen yetiştirme programlarını BİT entegrasyonu açısından etkili/etkisiz bulan katılımcıların görüşleri de çalışma kapsamında sunulmuştur. Son olarak hizmet öncesi adayların daha iyi ve daha yüksek BİT entegrasyonu becerilerine sahip olarak yetiştirilmesini amaçlayarak, öğretmen yetiştirme programlarına yönelik çeşitli önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Agyei, D. & Voogt, J. (2011). Determining teachers’ TPACK through observations and self-report data. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, 2314-2319. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
  • Angeli, C. & Valanides, N. (2009). Epistemological and methodological issues for the conceptualization, development, and assessment of ICT–TPCK: Advances in technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). Computers & education, 52(1), 154-168.
  • Ay, Y., Karadağ, E. & Acat, M. B. (2015). The technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-Practical) model: Examination of its validity in the Turkish culture via structural equation modeling. Computers & Education, 88, 97-108.
  • Baran, E., Canbazoglu Bilici, S., Albayrak Sari, A. & Tondeur, J. (2019). Investigating the impact of teacher education strategies on preservice teachers' TPACK. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(1), 357-370.
  • Baran, E. & Uygun, E. (2016). Putting technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK) in action: An integrated TPACK-design-based learning (DBL) approach. Australasian journal of educational technology, 32(2), 47-63.
  • Baser, D., Kopcha, T. J. & Ozden, M. Y. (2016). Developing a technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) assessment for preservice teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(4), 749-764.
  • Bilici, S. C., Guzey, S. S. & Yamak, H. (2016) Assessing pre-service science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) through observations and lesson plans. Research in Science & Technological Education, 34(2), 237-251.
  • Boling, E. C. & Beatty, J. (2012). Overcoming the tensions and challenges of technology integration: How can we best support our teachers? In R. N. Ronau, C. R. Rakes & M. L. Niess (Eds.), Educational technology, teacher knowledge, and classroom impact: A research handbook on frameworks and approaches (pp. 136-156). IGI Global.
  • Boyatzis, R. (1998). Transforming qualitative information: Thematic analysis and code development. Sage Publications.
  • Chien, Y. T., Chang, C. Y., Yeh, T. K. & Chang, K. E. (2012). Engaging pre-service science teachers to act as active designers of technology integration: A MAGDAIRE framework. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(4), 578-588.
  • Coskun, A. & Daloglu, A. (2010). Evaluating an English language teacher education program through Peacock’s model. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(6), pp. 23-42.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th Ed.). Pearson.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. OUP.
  • Edmonds, W., & Kennedy, T. (2017). An applied guide to research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Sage Publications.
  • Golas, J. (2010). Effective teacher preparation programs: bridging the gap between educational technology availability and its utilization. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 6(1), 16-18.
  • Harvey, D. M. & Caro, R. (2017). Building TPACK in preservice teachers through explicit course design. TechTrends, 61(2), 106-114.
  • Hersh, E. C. (2013). Change and challenge: The influence of technology integration in teacher preparation programs. (Published doctoral dissertation). Manhattanville College, NY.
  • Hofer, M. & Grandgenett, N. (2012). TPACK development in teacher education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45(1), 83-106.
  • Jaipal, K. & Figg, C. (2010). Unpacking the “Total PACKage”: Emergent TPACK characteristics from a study of pre-service teachers teaching with technology. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 18(3), 415-441.
  • Kartal, T., Kartal, B. & Uluay, G. (2016). Technological pedagogical content knowledge self assessment scale (TPACK-SAS) for pre-service teachers: Development, validity and reliability. International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences, 7(23), 1-36.
  • Kaufman, K. (2015). Information communication technology: challenges & some prospects from preservice education to the classroom. Mid-Atlantic Education Review, 2, 1-11.
  • Kilic, A. (2010). Learner-centered micro teaching in teacher education. International Journal of Instruction, 3(1), pp. 77-100.
  • Koh, J. H. L. (2013). A rubric for assessing teachers' lesson activities with respect to TPACK for meaningful learning with ICT. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(6), 887-900.
  • Kwangsawad, T. (2016). Examining EFL pre-service teachers’ TPACK trough self-report, lesson plans and actual practice. Journal of Education and Learning, 10(2), 103-108.
  • Lei, J. (2009). Digital natives as preservice teachers: What technology preparation is needed? Journal of Computing in Teacher Education, 25(3), 87–97.
  • Martin, B. (2015). Successful implementation of TPACK in teacher preparation programs. International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education, 4(1), 17-26.
  • Mouza, C. & Karchmer-Klein, R. (2013). Promoting and assessing pre-service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in the context of case development. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 48(2), 127-152.
  • Mouza, C., Karchmer-Klein, R., Nandakumar, R., Ozden, S. Y. & Hu, L. (2014). Investigating the impact of an integrated approach to the development of preservice teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Computers & Education, 71, 206-221.
  • Niess, M. L. (2008). Guiding preservice teachers in developing TPCK. In AACTE Committee on Innovation and Technology (Ed.), The handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) for educators. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education and Routledge.
  • Nunan, D. (1992). Research methods in language learning. Cambridge University Press.
  • O'leary, Z. (2004). The essential guide to doing research. Sage Publications.
  • Öz, H. (2015). Assessing pre-service English as a foreign language teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. International Education Studies, 8(5), 119-130.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Santos, J. M. & Castro, R. D. (2021). Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) in action: Application of learning in the classroom by pre-service teachers (PST). Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 3(1), 1-8.
  • Sarıçoban, A., Tosuncuoğlu, İ. & Kırmızı, Ö. (2019). A technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) assessment of pre-service EFL teachers learning to teach English as a foreign language, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(3), 1122-1138.
  • Schmid, M., Brianza, E. & Petko, D. (2020). Developing a short assessment instrument for technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK.xs) and comparing the factor structure of an integrative and a transformative model. Computers & Education, 157, 103967, 1-12.
  • Schmid, M., Brianza, E. & Petko, D. (2021). Self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service teachers in relation to digital technology use in lesson plans. Computers in Human Behavior, 115, 1-42.
  • Schmidt, D. A., Baran, E., Thompson, A. D., Mishra, P., Koehler, M. J. & Shin, T. S. (2009). Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): The development and validation of an assessment instrument for preservice teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 123-149.
  • So, H. J. & Kim, B. (2009). Learning about problem based learning: Student teachers integrating technology, pedagogy and content knowledge. Australasian journal of educational technology, 25(1), 101-116.
  • Tondeur, J., Scherer, R., Siddiq, F. & Baran, E. (2020). Enhancing pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK): A mixed-method study. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68(1), 319-343.
  • Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Sang, G., Voogt, J., Fisser, P. & Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A. (2012). Preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology in education: A synthesis of qualitative evidence. Computers & Education, 59, 134-144.
  • Tondeur, J., van Braak, J., Siddiq, F. & Scherer, R. (2016). Time for a new approach to prepare future teachers for educational technology use: Its meaning and measurement. Computers & Education, 94, 134-150.
  • Valanides, N. & Angeli, C. (2008). Learning and teaching about scientific models with a computer modeling tool. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 220-233.
  • Valtonen, T., Leppänen, U., Hyypiä, M., Sointu, E., Smits, A. & Tondeur, J. (2020). Fresh perspectives on TPACK: Pre-service teachers’ own appraisal of their challenging and confident TPACK areas. Education and Information Technologies, 25(4), 2823-2842.
  • Valtonen, T., Pontinen, S., Kukkonen, J., Dillon, P., Väisänen, P., & Hacklin, S. (2011). Confronting the technological pedagogical knowledge of Finnish net generation student teachers. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 20(1), 3-18.
  • Valtonen, T., Sointu, E. T., Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. & Kukkonen, J. (2015). Developing a TPACK measurement instrument for 21st century pre-service teachers. - International journal of media, technology and lifelong learning, 11(2), 87-100.
  • Valtonen, T., Sointu, W., Kukkonen, J., Kontkanen, S., Lambert, M. & Mäkitalo-Siegl, K. (2017). TPACK updated to measure pre-service teachers’ twenty-first century skills. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 33(3), 15-31.
  • Voogt, J., Fisser, P., Tondeur, J. & van Braak, J. (2016). Using theoretical perspectives in developing an understanding of TPACK. In M. C. Herring, M. J. Koehler & P. Mishra (Eds.), Handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) for educators (2nd Ed.), (pp. 33-52). Routledge.
  • Voogt, J. & Roblin, N. P. (2012). A comparative analysis of international frameworks for 21st century competences: Implications for national curriculum policies. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 44(3), 299-321.
  • Wang, W., Schmidt-Crawford, D. & Jin, Y. (2018). Preservice teachers' TPACK development: A review of literature. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 34(4), 234-258.
  • Yeh, Y., Hsu, Y., Wu, H., Hwang, F. & Lin, T. (2014). Developing and validating technological pedagogical content knowledge-practical (TPACK-practical) through the Delphi survey technique. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45, 707-722.
  • Yurdakul, I. K., Odabasi, H. F., Kilicer, K., Coklar, A. N., Birinci, G. & Kurt, A. A. (2012). The development, validity and reliability of TPACK-deep: A technological pedagogical content knowledge scale. Computers & Education, 58(3), 964-977.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Educational Technology and Computing
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahmet Önal 0000-0002-5325-4958

Publication Date December 27, 2024
Submission Date January 9, 2024
Acceptance Date September 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Önal, A. (2024). Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions toward the Use of ICT: The SQD Scale. Adıyaman University Journal of Educational Sciences, 14(2), 62-72.


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