Double blind peer review
Among the manuscripts submitted to the Medical Journal of Ankara Training and Research Hospital, those considered to be publishable are subject to a strict double-blind peer review process.
Every manuscript sent to the journal with the wish to be published is subjected to a preliminary examination in terms of compliance with the writing rules. A field editor is determined in accordance with the subject of the manuscripts that have passed the preliminary examination and the manuscript is directed to this editor.
The relevant field editor appoints at least two reviewers to the manuscript and starts the scientific evaluation process. Reviewer selection is made according to the subject of the manuscript.
The identities of the authors, affiliations and the institution/institutions where the study was conducted are kept confidential from the reviewers. With the "article evaluation form" they will fill out, the reviewers convey their scientific opinions to the field editors on issues such as the scientific value of the study, its methodology, the appropriateness of statistical evaluations, the adequacy of discussing the data, and whether the results are compatible with the data or not. Manuscripts that are considered to be examined in more detail in terms of statistics are sent to statistics editors. The relevant field editor presents his/her opinion to the Editorial Board of the Journal with a general evaluation including the reviewer evaluation forms.
Reviewer comments, evaluations, criticisms and suggestions are electronically forwarded to the corresponding author. As with sending the manuscripts to the reviewer, the identities of the reviewers are not communicated to the author in this process and are kept confidential. For the corrections requested by the reviewers, the manuscripts sent back to the authors are expected to be re-evaluated by making the necessary corrections within the period previously announced by the Journal.
It is the responsibility of the authors to follow up on the submitted manuscripts to make the requested corrections. Manuscripts that are not corrected in line with the reviewers’ suggestions and uploaded to the system within the period determined by the journal will be rejected.

Last Update Time: 2/11/23, 7:57:07 PM