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Digital Disinformation in Social Media: An Analysis of Special Bulletin on Palestine by Communications Directorate

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 11 Sayı: Filistin Özel Sayısı, 163 - 182, 28.02.2025


The ease of access, widespread use and low-cost distribution channel of social media facilitate the sharing of news. However, this also raises problems regarding the accuracy of the news shared on these platforms. The opportunities afforded by social media for the dissemination of news also render it a conduit for the propagation of disinformation. Disinformation, defined as the deliberate manipulation of information for the purpose of influencing public opinion, is pervasively employed through social media to advance propaganda and ideological manipulation in the contemporary era. Periods of exceptional significance, such as wars, global crises, natural disasters, and elections, are particularly conducive to the proliferation of disinformation. This article examines the extent to which disinformation activities were conducted through the pervasive dissemination of fake news content on social media during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that commenced on 7 October 2023. The objective of this study is to ascertain the extent and nature of the disinformation disseminated during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In the study, 177 posts in the Palestine Special Bulletin published by the Directorate of Communication on the first anniversary of the war were subjected to content analysis. The results of the research indicated that the disinformation content was false and aimed at influencing public opinion. In addition to the official authorities and officials of Israel, it was determined that other actors were also active in the sharing of content that was fabricated, presented false information, and employed manipulation.


  • Aïmeur, E., Amri, S. and Brassard, G. (2023). Fake news, disinformation and misinformation in social media: a review. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 13.
  • Ali, M. S. (2024). AI-driven digital media technologies’ generation, and spread of deleterious disinformation: solutions through multi-faceted approach of ai tools & social media industries, regulations and digital literacy. Policy Research Journal, 2(4), 801-804.
  • Allcott, H. and Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social media and fake news in the 2016 election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211-236. doi:
  • Alsubari, A.; Alhiba, M.; Enan, A.; Aldawla, N. N. H. and Alsurori, M. (2024). Online news channel streaming: a comprehensive analysis of channel and user engagement during the Israel-Palestine conflict. 04 March 2024, Preprint (version 3) available at Research Square.
  • Al-Zaman, S. (2019). Digital disinformation and communalism in Bangladesh. China Media Research, 15(2), 68-76. doi:
  • Arcos, R., Gertrudix, M., Arribas, C. and Cardarilli, M. (2022). Responses to digital disinformation as part of hybrid threats: a systematic review on the effects of disinformation and the effectiveness of fact-checking/debunking. Open Research Europe, 2(8), 1-19.
  • Avşar, Z. ve Koyuncu, S. (2024). 7 Ekim sonrası Gazze’ye İsrail saldırıları ve dezenformasyon. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2, Gazze, 363-404.
  • Aydın, A. F. (2024). Sosyal medyada propaganda ve algı yönetimi: İsrail-Filistin savaşı örneği. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2, Gazze, 65-99.
  • Bennett, W. L. and Livingston, S. (2018). The disinformation order: Disruptive communication and the decline of democratic institutions. European Journal of Communication, 33(2), 122-139.
  • Birkland, T. A. (2019). An introduction to the policy process - theories, concepts, and models of public policy making (5th Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Bradshaw, S. and Howard, P. N. (2018). The global organization of social media disinformation campaigns. Journal of International Affairs, 71(1).
  • Brautović, M. (2024). Journalistic sources on the Israel/Hamas conflict in the Croatian media. Adria Digital Media Observatory Report, Dubrovnik.
  • Cabañes, J. V. A. (2020). Digital disinformation and the imaginative dimension of communication. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97, 435 - 452.
  • Cook, J., Lewandowsky, S. and Ecker, U. (2017). Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence. PLoS ONE, 12.
  • Fallis, D. (2015). What is disinformation? Library Trends, 63(3), 401–426.
  • Freelon, D. and Wells, C. (2020). Disinformation as political communication. Political Communication, 37(2), 145-156. doi:
  • Geneş, M., ve Taydaş, O. (2024). Dezenformasyon ile algı yaratmak ve bilgi kontrolü: İsrail – Filistin savaşı örneği. İletişim ve Diplomasi (12), 5-24. doi:10.54722/iletisimvediplomasi.1487823
  • Golovchenko, Y., Hartmann, M. and Adler‐Nissen, R. (2018). State, media and civil society in the information warfare over Ukraine: citizen curators of digital disinformation. International Affairs, 94(5), 975-994.
  • Gölcü, A. ve Demirata, B. K. (2024). İsrail’in dezenformasyon stratejisini çözümlemek: Gazze saldırıları örneği. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2, Gazze, 195-226.
  • Grynko, A. and Baeriswyl, O. (2023). Digital disinformation campaign around the war in Ukraine:  case of alternative media in Switzerland case of alternative media in Switzerland. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies, 16(1), 183-202. doi:
  • Guess, A. M. and Lyons, B. A. (2020). Misinformation, disinformation, and online propaganda. N. Persily and J. A. Tucker (Ed.), Social Media and Democracy - The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform in (pp. 10-33). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Humprecht, E. (2018). Where ‘fake news’ flourishes: a comparison across four Western democracies. Information, Communication & Society, 22, 1973 - 1988.
  • Iosifidis, P. and Nicoli, N. (2020). Digital democracy, social media and disinformation. New York: Routledge.
  • Jowett, G. S. and O’Donnell, V. (2014). Propaganda & persuasion (6th ed.). California: Sage Publications.
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2023). Olağanüstü hallerde sosyal medyada dezenformasyonla mücadele ve kriz iletişimi: Kahramanmaraş depremi üzerine bir analiz. Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi (10), 68-86. doi:10.56676/kiad.1264562
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2024). The Republic of Türkiye’s diplomatic stance from the perspective of public diplomacy and its response to disinformation: Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 11(2), 461-479.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content analysis - an introduction to its methodology (4th ed.). California: Sage Publications.
  • La Cour, C. H. (2020). Theorising digital disinformation in international relations. International politics, 57(4), 704-723. doi:
  • Lazer, D. M. J., Baum, M. A., Benkler, Y., Berinsky, A. J., Greenhill, K. M., Menczer, F and Zittrain, J. L. (2018). The science of fake news. Science, 359(6380), 1094-1096. doi:10.1126/science.aao2998
  • Łukasik-Turecka, A. and Malužinas, M. (2023). Digital disinformation during the 2020 parliamentary elections in Lithuania. M. Musiał-Karg and Ó. G. Luengo (Ed.), Digital Communication and Populism in Times of Covid-19: Cases, Strategies, Examples in (pp. 75-89). Cham: Springer.
  • Maharani, N. A. M. (2024). Social media as a primary source of information: exploring its role in disseminating the current situation in Palestine. Gema Wiralodra, 15(1), 275-281. doi:10.31943/gw.v15i1.628
  • Marsden, C. T., Meyer, T. and Brown, I. (2020). Platform values and democratic elections: how can the law regulate digital disinformation? Comput. Law Secur. Rev., 36, 105373.
  • Martens, B., Aguiar, L., Gomez-Herrera, E. and Mueller-Langer, F. (2018). The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news. Political Communication eJournal.
  • Maschmeyer, L. (2021). Digital disinformation: evidence from Ukraine. ETH Zürich, (28),
  • Oguejiofor, P. O. (2024). The role of social media in shaping narratives and perceptions in the Israeli-Gaza conflict that escalated on october 2023. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research, 8(4), 74-82.
  • Roberts, T. and Karekwaivanane, G. H. (2024). Digital disinformation in Africa: A critical approach. Roberts, T. and Karekwaivanane, G. H. (Ed.), Digital Disinformation in Africa Hashtag Politics, Power and Propaganda, in (pp. 1-24). London: Zed Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Sáez-Trumper, D. (2019). Online disinformation and the role of wikipedia. ArXiv, abs/1910.12596
  • Shahi, G. K. (2024). Warclaim: a dataset for fake news on 2023 Israel–Hamas war. In Companion Publication of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference (Websci Companion '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, 19–21. doi:
  • Shu, K., Bhattacharjee, A., Alatawi, F. H., Nazer, T. H., Ding, K., Karami, M. and Liu, H. (2020). Combating disinformation in a social media age. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10.
  • Shultz, R. and Goodson, R. (1984). Dezinformatsia: active measures in Soviet strategy. New York: Pergamon Press.
  • Skarzauskiene, A., Maciuliene, M. and Ramasauskaite, O. (2020). The digital media in Lithuania: combating disinformation and fake news. Acta Informatica Pragensia, 9(2), 74-91.
  • Sunvy, A. S. and Reza, R. B. (2023). The role of fact-checking sites during the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, 16(2), 95-105. doi:
  • Şentuna, B., Han, B. ve Kılınç Olgaç, B. (2023). Post-truth ve İsrail - Filistin savaşı. Sosyal Aktörler ve Deneyimler Dergisi, (1), 3-9.
  • Tandoc, E. C., Lim, Z. W. and Ling, R. (2018). Defining “fake news”. Digital Journalism, 6(2), 137-153. doi:
  • Uzun, B. (2024). Sosyal medyada dezenformasyon: Gazze savaşına ilişkin haberlerin üzerinden incelenmesi. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 10(5), 755-765.
  • Wang, Y., Mckee, M., Torbica, A. and Stuckler, D. (2019). Systematic literature review on the spread of health-related misinformation on social media. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 240.
  • Wardle, C. and Derakhshan, H. (2017). Information disorder: toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
  • Weikmann, T. and Lecheler, S. (2023). Visual disinformation in a digital age: a literature synthesis and research agenda. New Media & Society, 25(12), 3696-3713. doi:10.1177/14614448221141648
  • Załoga, W. (2022). Disinformation in the age of the digital revolution in the aspect of state security. Wiedza Obronna, 280(3), 43-62. doi:
  • Zhou, X. and Zafarani, R. (2018). A survey of fake news: fundamental theories, detection methods, and opportunities. ArXiv, abs/1812.00315.

Sosyal Medyada Dijital Dezenformasyon: İletişim Başkanlığı Filistin Özel Bülteni Üzerine Bir Analiz

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 11 Sayı: Filistin Özel Sayısı, 163 - 182, 28.02.2025


Sosyal medyanın erişim kolaylığı, yaygın kullanımı ve düşük maliyetli dağıtım kanalı olması bir yandan haber paylaşımını kolaylaştırırken diğer taraftan burada paylaşılan haberlerin doğruluğu ile ilgili sorunları gündeme getirmektedir. Sosyal medyanın haber paylaşımında sunduğu imkânlar aynı zamanda dezenformasyona hizmet eden bir araç haline gelmesine sebep olmaktadır. Stratejik bir amaç doğrultusunda kamuoyunun yönlendirmek için bilginin kasıtlı olarak değiştirilmesini ifade eden dezenformasyon, günümüz dünyasında propaganda ve ideolojik manipülasyonun oluşturulması için sosyal medya aracılığı ile yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Savaşlar, küresel krizler, doğal afetler, seçimler gibi olağanüstü dönemler dezenformasyon içeriklerinin daha fazla yayıldığı dönemler olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Bu makale, 7 Ekim 2023 tarihinde başlayan İsrail-Filistin Savaşı sırasında sahte haber içeriklerinin sosyal medyada yaygın şekilde paylaşılmasıyla dezenformasyon faaliyetlerinin hangi boyutta gerçekleştiği problemine odaklanmaktadır. Buradan hareketle çalışmanın amacı İsrail-Filistin savaşında paylaşılan dezenformasyon içeriklerinin boyutlarının ortaya konulmasıdır. Çalışmada İletişim Başkanlığı tarafından savaşın birinci yıldönümünde yayınlanan Filistin Özel Bültenindeki 177 paylaşım içerik analizi yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre dezenformasyon içeriklerinin toplumu yönlendirme amacı taşıyan yanlış içerikler olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Uydurma, Hatalı İlişkilendirme ve Manipülasyon içeriklerinin ön planda olduğu içeriklerin paylaşılmasında İsrail’in resmî makamları ve yetkililerinin yanı sıra diğer aktörlerin de faaliyette bulunduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Aïmeur, E., Amri, S. and Brassard, G. (2023). Fake news, disinformation and misinformation in social media: a review. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 13.
  • Ali, M. S. (2024). AI-driven digital media technologies’ generation, and spread of deleterious disinformation: solutions through multi-faceted approach of ai tools & social media industries, regulations and digital literacy. Policy Research Journal, 2(4), 801-804.
  • Allcott, H. and Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social media and fake news in the 2016 election. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(2), 211-236. doi:
  • Alsubari, A.; Alhiba, M.; Enan, A.; Aldawla, N. N. H. and Alsurori, M. (2024). Online news channel streaming: a comprehensive analysis of channel and user engagement during the Israel-Palestine conflict. 04 March 2024, Preprint (version 3) available at Research Square.
  • Al-Zaman, S. (2019). Digital disinformation and communalism in Bangladesh. China Media Research, 15(2), 68-76. doi:
  • Arcos, R., Gertrudix, M., Arribas, C. and Cardarilli, M. (2022). Responses to digital disinformation as part of hybrid threats: a systematic review on the effects of disinformation and the effectiveness of fact-checking/debunking. Open Research Europe, 2(8), 1-19.
  • Avşar, Z. ve Koyuncu, S. (2024). 7 Ekim sonrası Gazze’ye İsrail saldırıları ve dezenformasyon. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2, Gazze, 363-404.
  • Aydın, A. F. (2024). Sosyal medyada propaganda ve algı yönetimi: İsrail-Filistin savaşı örneği. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2, Gazze, 65-99.
  • Bennett, W. L. and Livingston, S. (2018). The disinformation order: Disruptive communication and the decline of democratic institutions. European Journal of Communication, 33(2), 122-139.
  • Birkland, T. A. (2019). An introduction to the policy process - theories, concepts, and models of public policy making (5th Ed.). New York: Routledge.
  • Bradshaw, S. and Howard, P. N. (2018). The global organization of social media disinformation campaigns. Journal of International Affairs, 71(1).
  • Brautović, M. (2024). Journalistic sources on the Israel/Hamas conflict in the Croatian media. Adria Digital Media Observatory Report, Dubrovnik.
  • Cabañes, J. V. A. (2020). Digital disinformation and the imaginative dimension of communication. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97, 435 - 452.
  • Cook, J., Lewandowsky, S. and Ecker, U. (2017). Neutralizing misinformation through inoculation: Exposing misleading argumentation techniques reduces their influence. PLoS ONE, 12.
  • Fallis, D. (2015). What is disinformation? Library Trends, 63(3), 401–426.
  • Freelon, D. and Wells, C. (2020). Disinformation as political communication. Political Communication, 37(2), 145-156. doi:
  • Geneş, M., ve Taydaş, O. (2024). Dezenformasyon ile algı yaratmak ve bilgi kontrolü: İsrail – Filistin savaşı örneği. İletişim ve Diplomasi (12), 5-24. doi:10.54722/iletisimvediplomasi.1487823
  • Golovchenko, Y., Hartmann, M. and Adler‐Nissen, R. (2018). State, media and civil society in the information warfare over Ukraine: citizen curators of digital disinformation. International Affairs, 94(5), 975-994.
  • Gölcü, A. ve Demirata, B. K. (2024). İsrail’in dezenformasyon stratejisini çözümlemek: Gazze saldırıları örneği. Ombudsman Akademik, Özel Sayı 2, Gazze, 195-226.
  • Grynko, A. and Baeriswyl, O. (2023). Digital disinformation campaign around the war in Ukraine:  case of alternative media in Switzerland case of alternative media in Switzerland. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies, 16(1), 183-202. doi:
  • Guess, A. M. and Lyons, B. A. (2020). Misinformation, disinformation, and online propaganda. N. Persily and J. A. Tucker (Ed.), Social Media and Democracy - The State of the Field, Prospects for Reform in (pp. 10-33). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Humprecht, E. (2018). Where ‘fake news’ flourishes: a comparison across four Western democracies. Information, Communication & Society, 22, 1973 - 1988.
  • Iosifidis, P. and Nicoli, N. (2020). Digital democracy, social media and disinformation. New York: Routledge.
  • Jowett, G. S. and O’Donnell, V. (2014). Propaganda & persuasion (6th ed.). California: Sage Publications.
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2023). Olağanüstü hallerde sosyal medyada dezenformasyonla mücadele ve kriz iletişimi: Kahramanmaraş depremi üzerine bir analiz. Kastamonu İletişim Araştırmaları Dergisi (10), 68-86. doi:10.56676/kiad.1264562
  • Koçyiğit, A. (2024). The Republic of Türkiye’s diplomatic stance from the perspective of public diplomacy and its response to disinformation: Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 11(2), 461-479.
  • Krippendorff, K. (2018). Content analysis - an introduction to its methodology (4th ed.). California: Sage Publications.
  • La Cour, C. H. (2020). Theorising digital disinformation in international relations. International politics, 57(4), 704-723. doi:
  • Lazer, D. M. J., Baum, M. A., Benkler, Y., Berinsky, A. J., Greenhill, K. M., Menczer, F and Zittrain, J. L. (2018). The science of fake news. Science, 359(6380), 1094-1096. doi:10.1126/science.aao2998
  • Łukasik-Turecka, A. and Malužinas, M. (2023). Digital disinformation during the 2020 parliamentary elections in Lithuania. M. Musiał-Karg and Ó. G. Luengo (Ed.), Digital Communication and Populism in Times of Covid-19: Cases, Strategies, Examples in (pp. 75-89). Cham: Springer.
  • Maharani, N. A. M. (2024). Social media as a primary source of information: exploring its role in disseminating the current situation in Palestine. Gema Wiralodra, 15(1), 275-281. doi:10.31943/gw.v15i1.628
  • Marsden, C. T., Meyer, T. and Brown, I. (2020). Platform values and democratic elections: how can the law regulate digital disinformation? Comput. Law Secur. Rev., 36, 105373.
  • Martens, B., Aguiar, L., Gomez-Herrera, E. and Mueller-Langer, F. (2018). The digital transformation of news media and the rise of disinformation and fake news. Political Communication eJournal.
  • Maschmeyer, L. (2021). Digital disinformation: evidence from Ukraine. ETH Zürich, (28),
  • Oguejiofor, P. O. (2024). The role of social media in shaping narratives and perceptions in the Israeli-Gaza conflict that escalated on october 2023. International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research, 8(4), 74-82.
  • Roberts, T. and Karekwaivanane, G. H. (2024). Digital disinformation in Africa: A critical approach. Roberts, T. and Karekwaivanane, G. H. (Ed.), Digital Disinformation in Africa Hashtag Politics, Power and Propaganda, in (pp. 1-24). London: Zed Bloomsbury Publishing.
  • Sáez-Trumper, D. (2019). Online disinformation and the role of wikipedia. ArXiv, abs/1910.12596
  • Shahi, G. K. (2024). Warclaim: a dataset for fake news on 2023 Israel–Hamas war. In Companion Publication of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference (Websci Companion '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, 19–21. doi:
  • Shu, K., Bhattacharjee, A., Alatawi, F. H., Nazer, T. H., Ding, K., Karami, M. and Liu, H. (2020). Combating disinformation in a social media age. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 10.
  • Shultz, R. and Goodson, R. (1984). Dezinformatsia: active measures in Soviet strategy. New York: Pergamon Press.
  • Skarzauskiene, A., Maciuliene, M. and Ramasauskaite, O. (2020). The digital media in Lithuania: combating disinformation and fake news. Acta Informatica Pragensia, 9(2), 74-91.
  • Sunvy, A. S. and Reza, R. B. (2023). The role of fact-checking sites during the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, 16(2), 95-105. doi:
  • Şentuna, B., Han, B. ve Kılınç Olgaç, B. (2023). Post-truth ve İsrail - Filistin savaşı. Sosyal Aktörler ve Deneyimler Dergisi, (1), 3-9.
  • Tandoc, E. C., Lim, Z. W. and Ling, R. (2018). Defining “fake news”. Digital Journalism, 6(2), 137-153. doi:
  • Uzun, B. (2024). Sosyal medyada dezenformasyon: Gazze savaşına ilişkin haberlerin üzerinden incelenmesi. International Social Sciences Studies Journal, 10(5), 755-765.
  • Wang, Y., Mckee, M., Torbica, A. and Stuckler, D. (2019). Systematic literature review on the spread of health-related misinformation on social media. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 240.
  • Wardle, C. and Derakhshan, H. (2017). Information disorder: toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
  • Weikmann, T. and Lecheler, S. (2023). Visual disinformation in a digital age: a literature synthesis and research agenda. New Media & Society, 25(12), 3696-3713. doi:10.1177/14614448221141648
  • Załoga, W. (2022). Disinformation in the age of the digital revolution in the aspect of state security. Wiedza Obronna, 280(3), 43-62. doi:
  • Zhou, X. and Zafarani, R. (2018). A survey of fake news: fundamental theories, detection methods, and opportunities. ArXiv, abs/1812.00315.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyal Medya Çalışmaları, İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

İbrahim Yıldız 0000-0002-2542-389X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Aralık 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 11 Sayı: Filistin Özel Sayısı

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, İ. (2025). Sosyal Medyada Dijital Dezenformasyon: İletişim Başkanlığı Filistin Özel Bülteni Üzerine Bir Analiz. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 11(Filistin Özel Sayısı), 163-182.