(1) The submission, categorization by relevant committees, preliminary review, assignment to reviewers, publication process, and digital archiving of all articles submitted to the journal are managed through the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Dergi-Park service system.
(2) Articles submitted to the journal are first evaluated by the journal’s secretariat and editor. At this stage, papers that do not comply with the journal’s publication and writing guidelines, its aims and scope, are weak in language and expression, contain critical scientific errors, lack originality, or fail to meet publication policies, will be returned to the author without entering the review process. The editor holds full authority to decide whether a paper meets the necessary conditions to proceed. Input from members of the Editorial Board may also be sought in this regard. Articles that conform to the journal's content and writing rules are included in the review process.
(3) A “similarity/plagiarism report” and an “Ethics Committee Approval” are required for submitted articles.
(4) A double-blind review process, where the identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed, is used to evaluate articles submitted for publication. The review process requires the article to be sent to at least two reviewers. Although a majority of favorable reviewer opinions are required for acceptance, the final decision on whether an article is published lies with the editor.
(5) Reviewers are given one month to complete their evaluation of an article. Authors are expected to address any revision requests within one month, following the “revision report.” If necessary, this period can be extended by the field editor. Reviewers may request multiple revisions, or they may reject articles if the suggested revisions are not addressed.
(6) After acceptance, a declaration of transfer of publication rights is obtained from the author(s) for articles ready for publication. Authors who submit their work through the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Dergi-Park system are deemed to have read and accepted the publication rights transfer agreement uploaded to the system.
(7) Accepted articles that are approved for publication by the relevant committees are assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number in order of their acceptance date. They are then published in the relevant issue upon the recommendation of the University Publishing Commission and approval by the University Administrative Board.