Aim & Scope

The aim of the Inonu University Journal of African Studies AFRICANIA, which will be published at least twice a year, is to bring to the attention of academic circles qualified and original studies dealing with the cultural, historical, political, social and economic aspects of the countries in the African continent and to enable the production and dissemination of academic knowledge. In this context, it aims to evaluate the accumulated knowledge about Africa from past to the present, correct and develop it when necessary and produce knowledge with new, original interdisciplinary studies. AFRICANIA, which is aiming to include studies dealing with the deep-rooted relations between Turkey and Africa, also aims to support the field with special issues it will publish throughout the year.
In addition to research and examination based studies in all fields of social science related to African countries, AFRICANIA also includes translation, compilation and book promotions related to Africa.

Inonu University Journal of African Studies AFRICANIA is an international peer-reviewed and open access journal that publishes studies on Africa and is published twice a year (January-July) and accepts articles in the following fields.
- History
- Sociology
- Economy
- Language, Literature and Art
- Theology
- Diaspora
- Education
- Region
- Health
- Sport
- Politics
- Geography
- Conflict and Resolution
- International Relations and Trade
- Public Administration and Political Science
- Turkey and Africa Relations
- Women and Youth Studies
- Culture and Folklore
- Law
- and it includes studies that include other fields of social sciences.

Period Months
January July