Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 70 - 86, 30.01.2021


China, which started to implement liberal economic policies within the framework of the pragmatist approach adopted by
Deng Xiapoing, who came to power in 1978, has transitioned from a closed economy to an open economy. Depending on this
vision of economic development, China has become a serious energy importer and a major exporter of commodities in terms
of the goods it produces. While having a constantly growing economy is important for the development of the country, the sustainability of growth has become critical for the continuity of the regime. On the other hand, the African continent has
become the focal point of global competition with the change in the foreign policy understanding of regional and global
actors rather than the secondary importance caused by the bipolar polarization of the cold war period. In this respect, the
African continent, where no state claiming to be a global power can remain indifferent with its demographic structure, rich
underground resources, potential to be an important market and the rate of votes in multinational organizations such as the
United Nations, is a very important region for China who wants to increase its economic and political influence in the
international conjuncture. stands out. China-Africa relations, which developed on the axis of national freedom and
independence in the context of opposition to colonialism and imperialist attitudes and policies, gained visibility with the
establishment of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum (FOCAC). In the study, China-Africa relations that are carried out
within the framework of the institutional structure of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum (FOCAC) by turning from
ideology to pragmatism are examined. In addition, the impact of African geopolitics on Chinese foreign policy is evaluated
within the framework of the main factors behind China’s comprehensive strategy for the African continent.


  • Agbebi, M. ve Virtanen, P. (2017). Dependency Theory-A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa, Forum for Development Studies, 429-451.
  • Aiping Z. ve Origin S. Z. (2018). Achievements, and Prospects of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China International Studies, 96-97.
  • Alao, A. (2007). Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa: The Tragedy of Endowment, University of Rochester Press. Alpay, Y. (2009). Çin Afrika’da Ne Yapıyor. Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi. Sayı 14, 1-18.
  • Altman, M. (2015). Talking China –Africa Trade Relations to New Heights, Daily China, 5 Eylül 2018 tarihinde,
  • Anshan L. (2012). The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: From a Sustainable Perspective , Centre for African Studies Peking University, 1-32.
  • Armaoğlu F. (2009). 20.Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarihi 1914-1995, Alkım Yayınevi.
  • Asha- Rose, M. Chinese Dream, African Dream: Achieving Common Development, 28 Ağustos 2018 tarihinde,
  • Aydın H. Afrika’da Kamu Diplomasisi: Çin ve Türkiye Muhasebesi, 28 Eylül 2017 tarihinde
  • Aydın H. Uluslararası Aktörlerin Afrika Zirveleri Nasıl Okunmalı? 21 Kasım 2019 tarihinde,
  • Brautigam D. (2008). China’s African Aid: Transatlantci Challenges. Washington D.C.: German Marshall Fund ofthe United States.
  • China Africa Bilateral Trade Data Overview,John Hopkins Scholl of Advanced International Studies, (tarih belirtilmemiş)
  • China in Africa The Role of FOCAC, Institude of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization, (tarih belirtilmemiş)
  • Chipaike R. ve Mhandara L. (2013). Evading Punishment: An Analysis of Zimbabwe-China Relations in an age of Sanctions, Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe ve Liu Hongwu, (der.), China Africa Relations Governance, Peace and Security, Institute for Peace and Security Studies and Institute of African Studies, 146-165.
  • Çin Afrika İşbirliğinden Yeni Yılda Dünyaya Yeni Bir Çehre 13 Ocak 2020 tarihinde
  • Dahir A.L. China’s Global Campaign to Promote its Literature Has Arrived in Africa, 27 Eylül 2019 tarihinde,
  • Declaration of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China- Africa Cooperation, 25 Aralık 2015 tarihinde
  • Durul T. ve Kabakçı F. Çin’de Dışa Açılımın 40 Yılı ve Geleceği, Anadolu Ajansı, 17 Kasım 2018 tarihinde,
  • Edoho, M. F. (2011). Globalization and Marginalization of Africa: Contextualization China- Africa Relations, Africa Today, Vol:58, No:1,102-124.
  • Enuka C. (2008). The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC): A Framework for China’s Re-engagement with Africa in the 21st Century, Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), Vol. 30, No. 2, 209-218.
  • Faces of Africa Kwame Nkrumah: a story of vision and tragedy,, 12 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde
  • Forum on China –Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021), 5 Eylül 2018 tarihinde,
  • Grieger, Gisela, (2019). China’s growing role as a security actor in Africa, EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service,1-22.
  • French, H. W. “China in Africa: All Trade, With no Political Baggage”, 8 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde,
  • Heydarian, R. J. “Çin’in Afrika Atılımı”, 7 Şubat 2015 tarihinde,
  • Headley, T. “China Djibouti Base: A One Year Update”, The Diplomat 4 Aralık 2018 tarihinde,
  • Hinga, E.S. et. al. (2013). “China- Africa Cooperation – An Understanding Relationship Built on Mutual Respect and Common Benefits: A Review”, International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2(9), 26-32.
  • The 7th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Held in Beijing, 2 Eylül 2018 tarihinde,
  • President Jiang Zemin’s Visit to Six African Countries, (tarih belirtilmemiş),
  • Kılıç, F. (2019). Küresel İlişkiler Bağlamında Çin’in Afrika’daki Ekonomi Politiği: Nijerya, Angola, Sudan ve Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti Örnekleri, International Journal of Politics and Security, 1(1), 71-96.
  • Koşar, A. Çin’in Afrika İstilası, (tarih belirtilmemiş)
  • Larkin, B. D. (1971). China and Africa, 1949–70: the Foreign Policy of the People’s Republic of China, Center for Chinese Studies, No.5, Berkeley.
  • Luke, H. (2010). China and Africa Friends with Benefits, East Asia Forum Quarterly, ss.24-25.
  • Mbamalu, S. Lest we forget China trained African freedom fighters, 15 Ocak 2020 tarihinde,
  • Mlambo, C., (2016). China-Africa Relations: What Lies Beneath?, The Chinese Economy, 257-276.
  • Mohan, G. ve Power, Ma. (2008). New African Choices? The Politics of Chinese Engagement, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 35 No.1, 23-42.
  • Orakçı, S. Mitle Gerçek Arasında Yükselen Afrika, 31 Ekim 2018 tarihinde
  • Orakçı, S. Yükselen Güç Afrika, Business Diplomacy, 28 Ağustos 2019 tarihinde,
  • Pang, Z. (2013). The Non-interference Dilemma: Adapting China’s Approach to the New Context of African and International Realities, Berhe, M. G.and Hongwu, L. (der.), China Africa Relations Governance, Peace and Security, Institute for Peace and Security Studies and Institute of African Studies, 46-54.
  • Pigato, M. ve Gourdon, J. (2017). The Impact of Rising Chinese Trade and Development, Assistance in West Africa, Africa Trade Practice Working Paper Series, 1-25.
  • Shaw, T., (2007). Global and/or Regional development at the Start of the 21th Century? China, India and South Africa, Third World Quarterly, Vol.28, No.7, 1255-1270.
  • Shelton, G. ve Paruk, F. (2008). The Forum on China- Africa Cooperation A Strategic Opportunity, Institute for Security Studies.
  • Strange, A. (2013). China’s Development Finance to Africa: A Media-Based Approach to Data Collection, Center for Global Development, Washington, 1-63.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Africa in China Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center and Africa Growth Initiative, 1-39.
  • Taylor, I. (2006). China’s oil diplomacy in Africa, International Affairs, 82(5), 937-959.
  • Tepebaş, U. Yükselen Güçlerin Afrika’daki Kalkınma Politikları: Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Örneği, TASAM, 15 Mart 2011 tarihinde a3de-91c8167dce64.PDF.
  • The Bandung Conference 1955, 20 Mart 2005 tarihinde 04/20/content_435929.htm
  • The Forum on China- Africa Cooperation Johennesburg Action Plan (2016-2018), 25 Aralık 2015 tarihinde,
  • Tull, D. M. (2006). China’s engagement in Africa: scope, signifiance and consequences, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 44, Issue 03, September, 459-479
  • Turin, D. R. (2010). The Beijing Consensus: China’s Alternative Development Model, Inquiries Journal, Vol:2, No.1,1-2.
  • Üngör, Ç. (2009). Çin ve Üçüncü Dünya, İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, No.41, 27-38.
  • Worden, R. L. (1983). China’s Balancing Act: Cancun, the Third World, Latin America, Asian Survey, Vol.23, No 5. 619- 636.
  • Zeleza, P. T. (2014). “The Africa-China relationship: challenges and opportunities”, Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 48: 1, 145-169,145-169.


Year 2021, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 70 - 86, 30.01.2021


1978 yılında iktidara gelen Deng Xiapoing’in benimsediği pragmatist yaklaşım çerçevesinde liberal ekonomi politikaları
uygulamaya başlayan Çin, kapalı ekonomiden dışa açık bir ekonomiye geçiş yapmıştır. Bu ekonomik gelişme vizyonuna
bağlı olarak Çin ciddi bir enerji ithalatçısı ve ürettiği mallar açısından da büyük bir emtia ihracatçısı haline gelmiştir. Çin için
sürekli büyüyen bir ekonomiye sahip olmak ülkenin gelişimi için önem arz ederken büyümenin ve rejimin devamlılığı
açısından da kritik bir hal almıştır. Diğer yandan Afrika kıtası soğuk savaş döneminin iki kutuplu kamplaşmasının neden
olduğu ikincil öneminden ziyade değişen kutuplaşma sisteminin bölgesel ve küresel aktörlerin dış politika anlayışlarında
yarattığı değişimle birlikte küresel rekabetin odak noktası olmuştur. Bu doğrultuda demografik yapısı, zengin yer altı
kaynakları, önemli bir pazar olma potansiyeli ve Birleşmiş Milletler gibi çok uluslu kuruluşlardaki oy oranıyla küresel güç
olma iddiasındaki hiçbir devletin ilgisiz kalamayacağı Afrika kıtası, uluslararası konjonktürde ekonomik ve siyasi etkisini
artırmak isteyen Çin için oldukça önemli bir bölge olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Sömürgecilik ve emperyalist tutum ve politikalara
karşıtlık bağlamında ulusal özgürlük ve bağımsızlık ilkeleri ekseninde gelişim gösteren Çin-Afrika ilişkileri, Çin-Afrika
İşbirliği Forumu (FOCAC)’nun kurulmasıyla görünürlük kazanmıştır. Çalışmada ideolojiden pragmatizme yönelerek ÇinAfrika İşbirliği Forumu (FOCAC)’nun kurumsal yapısı çerçevesinde sürdürülen Çin-Afrika ilişkileri incelenmektedir. Ayrıca
Çin’in, Afrika kıtasına yönelik kapsamlı stratejisinin ardındaki temel faktörler çerçevesinde Afrika jeopolitiğinin Çin dış
politikasına olan etkisi değerlendirilmektedir.


  • Agbebi, M. ve Virtanen, P. (2017). Dependency Theory-A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa, Forum for Development Studies, 429-451.
  • Aiping Z. ve Origin S. Z. (2018). Achievements, and Prospects of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China International Studies, 96-97.
  • Alao, A. (2007). Natural Resources and Conflict in Africa: The Tragedy of Endowment, University of Rochester Press. Alpay, Y. (2009). Çin Afrika’da Ne Yapıyor. Stratejik Araştırmalar Dergisi. Sayı 14, 1-18.
  • Altman, M. (2015). Talking China –Africa Trade Relations to New Heights, Daily China, 5 Eylül 2018 tarihinde,
  • Anshan L. (2012). The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation: From a Sustainable Perspective , Centre for African Studies Peking University, 1-32.
  • Armaoğlu F. (2009). 20.Yüzyıl Siyasi Tarihi 1914-1995, Alkım Yayınevi.
  • Asha- Rose, M. Chinese Dream, African Dream: Achieving Common Development, 28 Ağustos 2018 tarihinde,
  • Aydın H. Afrika’da Kamu Diplomasisi: Çin ve Türkiye Muhasebesi, 28 Eylül 2017 tarihinde
  • Aydın H. Uluslararası Aktörlerin Afrika Zirveleri Nasıl Okunmalı? 21 Kasım 2019 tarihinde,
  • Brautigam D. (2008). China’s African Aid: Transatlantci Challenges. Washington D.C.: German Marshall Fund ofthe United States.
  • China Africa Bilateral Trade Data Overview,John Hopkins Scholl of Advanced International Studies, (tarih belirtilmemiş)
  • China in Africa The Role of FOCAC, Institude of Developing Economies Japan External Trade Organization, (tarih belirtilmemiş)
  • Chipaike R. ve Mhandara L. (2013). Evading Punishment: An Analysis of Zimbabwe-China Relations in an age of Sanctions, Mulugeta Gebrehiwot Berhe ve Liu Hongwu, (der.), China Africa Relations Governance, Peace and Security, Institute for Peace and Security Studies and Institute of African Studies, 146-165.
  • Çin Afrika İşbirliğinden Yeni Yılda Dünyaya Yeni Bir Çehre 13 Ocak 2020 tarihinde
  • Dahir A.L. China’s Global Campaign to Promote its Literature Has Arrived in Africa, 27 Eylül 2019 tarihinde,
  • Declaration of the Johannesburg Summit of the Forum on China- Africa Cooperation, 25 Aralık 2015 tarihinde
  • Durul T. ve Kabakçı F. Çin’de Dışa Açılımın 40 Yılı ve Geleceği, Anadolu Ajansı, 17 Kasım 2018 tarihinde,
  • Edoho, M. F. (2011). Globalization and Marginalization of Africa: Contextualization China- Africa Relations, Africa Today, Vol:58, No:1,102-124.
  • Enuka C. (2008). The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC): A Framework for China’s Re-engagement with Africa in the 21st Century, Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS), Vol. 30, No. 2, 209-218.
  • Faces of Africa Kwame Nkrumah: a story of vision and tragedy,, 12 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde
  • Forum on China –Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021), 5 Eylül 2018 tarihinde,
  • Grieger, Gisela, (2019). China’s growing role as a security actor in Africa, EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service,1-22.
  • French, H. W. “China in Africa: All Trade, With no Political Baggage”, 8 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde,
  • Heydarian, R. J. “Çin’in Afrika Atılımı”, 7 Şubat 2015 tarihinde,
  • Headley, T. “China Djibouti Base: A One Year Update”, The Diplomat 4 Aralık 2018 tarihinde,
  • Hinga, E.S. et. al. (2013). “China- Africa Cooperation – An Understanding Relationship Built on Mutual Respect and Common Benefits: A Review”, International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2(9), 26-32.
  • The 7th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) Held in Beijing, 2 Eylül 2018 tarihinde,
  • President Jiang Zemin’s Visit to Six African Countries, (tarih belirtilmemiş),
  • Kılıç, F. (2019). Küresel İlişkiler Bağlamında Çin’in Afrika’daki Ekonomi Politiği: Nijerya, Angola, Sudan ve Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti Örnekleri, International Journal of Politics and Security, 1(1), 71-96.
  • Koşar, A. Çin’in Afrika İstilası, (tarih belirtilmemiş)
  • Larkin, B. D. (1971). China and Africa, 1949–70: the Foreign Policy of the People’s Republic of China, Center for Chinese Studies, No.5, Berkeley.
  • Luke, H. (2010). China and Africa Friends with Benefits, East Asia Forum Quarterly, ss.24-25.
  • Mbamalu, S. Lest we forget China trained African freedom fighters, 15 Ocak 2020 tarihinde,
  • Mlambo, C., (2016). China-Africa Relations: What Lies Beneath?, The Chinese Economy, 257-276.
  • Mohan, G. ve Power, Ma. (2008). New African Choices? The Politics of Chinese Engagement, Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 35 No.1, 23-42.
  • Orakçı, S. Mitle Gerçek Arasında Yükselen Afrika, 31 Ekim 2018 tarihinde
  • Orakçı, S. Yükselen Güç Afrika, Business Diplomacy, 28 Ağustos 2019 tarihinde,
  • Pang, Z. (2013). The Non-interference Dilemma: Adapting China’s Approach to the New Context of African and International Realities, Berhe, M. G.and Hongwu, L. (der.), China Africa Relations Governance, Peace and Security, Institute for Peace and Security Studies and Institute of African Studies, 46-54.
  • Pigato, M. ve Gourdon, J. (2017). The Impact of Rising Chinese Trade and Development, Assistance in West Africa, Africa Trade Practice Working Paper Series, 1-25.
  • Shaw, T., (2007). Global and/or Regional development at the Start of the 21th Century? China, India and South Africa, Third World Quarterly, Vol.28, No.7, 1255-1270.
  • Shelton, G. ve Paruk, F. (2008). The Forum on China- Africa Cooperation A Strategic Opportunity, Institute for Security Studies.
  • Strange, A. (2013). China’s Development Finance to Africa: A Media-Based Approach to Data Collection, Center for Global Development, Washington, 1-63.
  • Sun, Y. (2014). Africa in China Foreign Policy, John L. Thornton China Center and Africa Growth Initiative, 1-39.
  • Taylor, I. (2006). China’s oil diplomacy in Africa, International Affairs, 82(5), 937-959.
  • Tepebaş, U. Yükselen Güçlerin Afrika’daki Kalkınma Politikları: Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Örneği, TASAM, 15 Mart 2011 tarihinde a3de-91c8167dce64.PDF.
  • The Bandung Conference 1955, 20 Mart 2005 tarihinde 04/20/content_435929.htm
  • The Forum on China- Africa Cooperation Johennesburg Action Plan (2016-2018), 25 Aralık 2015 tarihinde,
  • Tull, D. M. (2006). China’s engagement in Africa: scope, signifiance and consequences, The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 44, Issue 03, September, 459-479
  • Turin, D. R. (2010). The Beijing Consensus: China’s Alternative Development Model, Inquiries Journal, Vol:2, No.1,1-2.
  • Üngör, Ç. (2009). Çin ve Üçüncü Dünya, İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, No.41, 27-38.
  • Worden, R. L. (1983). China’s Balancing Act: Cancun, the Third World, Latin America, Asian Survey, Vol.23, No 5. 619- 636.
  • Zeleza, P. T. (2014). “The Africa-China relationship: challenges and opportunities”, Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 48: 1, 145-169,145-169.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Gözde Söğütlü This is me 0000-0002-5263-0886

Publication Date January 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 1 Issue: 1
