Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 18 - 35, 31.01.2023


Devletin, güvenliğini tehdit ettiğini düşündüğü düşmanlara karşı uyguladığı şiddet, baskı ya da korkutma politikasına devlet terörizmi denmektedir. Devlet, terörizmi kendi kurumları ya da devlet dışı aktörlere destek vererek uygulamaktadır. Yukarıdan terörizm olarak ifade edilen devlet terörizmi, devletin kendi vatandaşlarına ya da diğer devletlerin vatandaşlarına karşı uygulanabilmektedir. Toplumların güvenliğini tehdit eden terörizm, devlet destekli olduğunda sivil can kayıpları daha fazla olmaktadır. Devletler, düşman olarak gördüğü bir gruba karşı ordu, sivil paramiliter gruplar, yasal sistemler, güvenlik görevlileri ve propaganda araçları gibi düzenli ve güçlü kaynaklara sahiptir. Devlet, bir grubu yok etmeye yönelik karar verdiğinde bu kaynakları kullanarak soykırım suçu işleyebilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı terörizm uygulayıcısı olan devletlerin bir gruba yönelttikleri kontrolsüz şiddetin nasıl soykırıma dönüştüğünü analiz etmektir. Bu bağlamda örnek vaka olarak Ruanda’da hükümetin halk üzerindeki söylemleri ve uyguladığı politikalar ele alınmış ve devlet desteği ile soykırıma evrilen iç savaş incelenmiştir. Literatürdeki çalışmalara bakıldığında; Ruanda katliamı, çoğunlukla Birleşmiş Milletler Barış Gücü’nün üstlendiği görev bağlamında ele alınmıştır. Yaşanan soykırım, sömürgeciliğin getirdiği ırk ayrımı kapsamında değerlendirilmiş ve devletin Ruanda’da uyguladığı şiddetin terörizm olarak ele alınmadığı görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada etnik ayrımcılığın körüklenmesinde ve uygulanan şiddetin soykırıma dönüşmesinde devletin sorumluluğu analiz edilerek literatürdeki eksikliğin giderilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • African Rights. (1995). Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance. London, African Rights.
  • Arend, A.C., Beck, R. (1993). International Law and the Use of Force, Routledge, New York.
  • Başak, C. (2003). Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemeleri ve Uluslararası Suçlar. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Blakeley, R. (2012). State Violence as State Terrorism, M. B. Smyth Ed, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence (s.63-78). London: Ashgate.
  • BM. (1945). Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, San Francisco.
  • Cassese, A. (1989). The International Commmunity’s ‘Legal’ Response to Terrorism. Int’l and Comp. L. Q, (38), 589-608.
  • Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990). The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Claridge, D. (1996). State Terrorism? Applying a Definitional Model. Terrorism and Political Violence. 8(3), 47-63. Collins. Death Squad.
  • Cisse, C. (1998). The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. T.M.C. Asser Press, Netherlands.
  • Defence Intelligence Report. (1994). Rwanda: The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Offensive (U). J2-210-94.
  • Defense Technical Information Center (1988). Libyan State Sponsored Terrorism – What Did Operation El Dorado Canyon Accomplish? (Report No. 88-2600). Air Command and Staff College, AirUniversity, Alabama. Dictionary Cambridge. Massacre. Erişim Tarihi Kasım 10, 2022,
  • Dinstein, Y. (1989). Terrorism As an International Crime, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv University, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht. Vol. 19, 55-73.
  • Erickson, Richard, J. (1989). Legitimate Use of Military Force Against State- Sponsored International Terrorism, Air Unv. Press, Alabama.
  • Erkmen, S. (2019). Silahlı Güçler; Ordular, Para-militer Yapılar, Özel Askeri Şirketler. Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No:39. Erol, M. S. ve Çelik, K. E. (2018). ABD'nin Suriye Politikasında Vekil Aktör Olarak Terör Örgütleri: YPG Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2 (2), 14-45.
  • Falk, R. (2003). A Dual Reality: Terrorism Against The State and Terrorism By The State, C. W. Kegley Ed, The New Global Terrorism Characteristics, Causes, Controls (s. 53-60). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Finley, Joanne S. (2019). Securitization, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang: Has PRC Counter-terrorism Evolved into State Terror?. Central Asian Survey, 38(1), 1-26.
  • Forges, A. D. (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York, Human Rights Watch.
  • Ganor, B. (2015). Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challange to the Liberal Democratic World. Colombia University Press.
  • Ganor, B. (2002). Defining terrorism: Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?. Police Practice Research: An International Journal, 3(4), 287-304.
  • Gavel, P. (1968). Remera: A Community in Eastern Ruanda. The Hague, Mouton.
  • Gelders, V. (1954). Native Political Organization in the Ruanda-Urundi. Civilisation, (4)1.
  • General Assembly of the United Nations. (1948). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (A/RES/3/260).
  • Hearing of Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Committe on the Judiciary United States Senate (1986). Libyan - Sponsored Terrorism: A Dilemma for Policymakers (Serial No. J-99-85). US Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • History. (2009, Ekim 14). Rwandan Genocide. Human Rights Watch World Report. (1994). Rwanda.
  • Kansu, A. (1994). Güney Afrika’da Demokratikleşme Süreci, Birikim Dergisi, (61), 54-73.
  • Lemarchand, R. (1970). Rwanda and Brundi. Praeger, New York.
  • Louis, W. R. (1963). Ruanda-Urundi 1884-1919. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Mamdani, M. (2002). When Victims Become Killers, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Maogoto, J. N. (2003). War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State Sponsored Terrorism., (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2022).
  • Martin, G. (2017). Terörizm, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar, Ankara, Adres Yayınları.
  • Mentan, T.(2004). Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty- First Century, England, Ashgate Pub.
  • Newbury, C. (1978). Ethnicity in Rwanda: The Case of Kinyaga. Africa: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, (48)1, s.17-29.
  • Newbury, C. (1988). The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda,1860-1960. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Newbury, C. (1995). Background to Genocide: Rwanda, A Journal of Opinion, (23)2. OUA. (2000). Rapport Sur Le Génocide Au Rwanda.
  • Prunier, G. (1995). The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reçber, K. (2014). Uluslararası Hukuk. Bursa: Dora Basım.
  • Rejali, D. (2007). Torture and Democracy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Rwandapedia. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. (15.10.2022 tarihinde) Schlagheck, D. M. (1990). The Superpowers, Foreign Policy and Terrorism, C. W. Kegley Edit. International Terrorism, Characteristics, Causes, Controls, London, MacMillan Education Ltd.
  • Segal, A. (1964). Massacre in Rwanda. London, Fabian Research Series.
  • Singh, K. R. (1995). International Terrorism as an Instrument of State Policy. International Studies, 32 (2), 119-137.
  • Stohl, M. (1984). National Interest and State Terrorism in International Affairs. Political Science, 36(1), 37-52.
  • Travalio, M. (2000). Terrorism, International Law and Use of Military Force, Wis. Int’l L. J., (18). 145-191 United Nation Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. (t.y.). Genocide.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council. 1994. Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives. A/49/508. United Nation Security Council. (1994). Final report of the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 935 (1994). No: 1405. https://documents-dds
  • United Nation Security Council. (1994). Adopted by the Security Council at its 3453rd meeting, on 8 November 1994,
  • United Nation Security Council 1995. International Crime Tribunal for Rwanda, Rules Of Procedure And Evidence.
  • Uvin, P. (1998). Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. Kumarian Press, West Hartford. Valentine, D. (2000). The Phoenix Programme. Universe.
Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 18 - 35, 31.01.2023



  • African Rights. (1995). Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance. London, African Rights.
  • Arend, A.C., Beck, R. (1993). International Law and the Use of Force, Routledge, New York.
  • Başak, C. (2003). Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemeleri ve Uluslararası Suçlar. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Blakeley, R. (2012). State Violence as State Terrorism, M. B. Smyth Ed, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence (s.63-78). London: Ashgate.
  • BM. (1945). Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, San Francisco.
  • Cassese, A. (1989). The International Commmunity’s ‘Legal’ Response to Terrorism. Int’l and Comp. L. Q, (38), 589-608.
  • Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990). The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Claridge, D. (1996). State Terrorism? Applying a Definitional Model. Terrorism and Political Violence. 8(3), 47-63. Collins. Death Squad.
  • Cisse, C. (1998). The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. T.M.C. Asser Press, Netherlands.
  • Defence Intelligence Report. (1994). Rwanda: The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Offensive (U). J2-210-94.
  • Defense Technical Information Center (1988). Libyan State Sponsored Terrorism – What Did Operation El Dorado Canyon Accomplish? (Report No. 88-2600). Air Command and Staff College, AirUniversity, Alabama. Dictionary Cambridge. Massacre. Erişim Tarihi Kasım 10, 2022,
  • Dinstein, Y. (1989). Terrorism As an International Crime, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv University, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht. Vol. 19, 55-73.
  • Erickson, Richard, J. (1989). Legitimate Use of Military Force Against State- Sponsored International Terrorism, Air Unv. Press, Alabama.
  • Erkmen, S. (2019). Silahlı Güçler; Ordular, Para-militer Yapılar, Özel Askeri Şirketler. Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No:39. Erol, M. S. ve Çelik, K. E. (2018). ABD'nin Suriye Politikasında Vekil Aktör Olarak Terör Örgütleri: YPG Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2 (2), 14-45.
  • Falk, R. (2003). A Dual Reality: Terrorism Against The State and Terrorism By The State, C. W. Kegley Ed, The New Global Terrorism Characteristics, Causes, Controls (s. 53-60). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Finley, Joanne S. (2019). Securitization, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang: Has PRC Counter-terrorism Evolved into State Terror?. Central Asian Survey, 38(1), 1-26.
  • Forges, A. D. (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York, Human Rights Watch.
  • Ganor, B. (2015). Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challange to the Liberal Democratic World. Colombia University Press.
  • Ganor, B. (2002). Defining terrorism: Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?. Police Practice Research: An International Journal, 3(4), 287-304.
  • Gavel, P. (1968). Remera: A Community in Eastern Ruanda. The Hague, Mouton.
  • Gelders, V. (1954). Native Political Organization in the Ruanda-Urundi. Civilisation, (4)1.
  • General Assembly of the United Nations. (1948). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (A/RES/3/260).
  • Hearing of Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Committe on the Judiciary United States Senate (1986). Libyan - Sponsored Terrorism: A Dilemma for Policymakers (Serial No. J-99-85). US Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • History. (2009, Ekim 14). Rwandan Genocide. Human Rights Watch World Report. (1994). Rwanda.
  • Kansu, A. (1994). Güney Afrika’da Demokratikleşme Süreci, Birikim Dergisi, (61), 54-73.
  • Lemarchand, R. (1970). Rwanda and Brundi. Praeger, New York.
  • Louis, W. R. (1963). Ruanda-Urundi 1884-1919. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Mamdani, M. (2002). When Victims Become Killers, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Maogoto, J. N. (2003). War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State Sponsored Terrorism., (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2022).
  • Martin, G. (2017). Terörizm, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar, Ankara, Adres Yayınları.
  • Mentan, T.(2004). Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty- First Century, England, Ashgate Pub.
  • Newbury, C. (1978). Ethnicity in Rwanda: The Case of Kinyaga. Africa: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, (48)1, s.17-29.
  • Newbury, C. (1988). The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda,1860-1960. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Newbury, C. (1995). Background to Genocide: Rwanda, A Journal of Opinion, (23)2. OUA. (2000). Rapport Sur Le Génocide Au Rwanda.
  • Prunier, G. (1995). The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reçber, K. (2014). Uluslararası Hukuk. Bursa: Dora Basım.
  • Rejali, D. (2007). Torture and Democracy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Rwandapedia. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. (15.10.2022 tarihinde) Schlagheck, D. M. (1990). The Superpowers, Foreign Policy and Terrorism, C. W. Kegley Edit. International Terrorism, Characteristics, Causes, Controls, London, MacMillan Education Ltd.
  • Segal, A. (1964). Massacre in Rwanda. London, Fabian Research Series.
  • Singh, K. R. (1995). International Terrorism as an Instrument of State Policy. International Studies, 32 (2), 119-137.
  • Stohl, M. (1984). National Interest and State Terrorism in International Affairs. Political Science, 36(1), 37-52.
  • Travalio, M. (2000). Terrorism, International Law and Use of Military Force, Wis. Int’l L. J., (18). 145-191 United Nation Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. (t.y.). Genocide.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council. 1994. Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives. A/49/508. United Nation Security Council. (1994). Final report of the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 935 (1994). No: 1405. https://documents-dds
  • United Nation Security Council. (1994). Adopted by the Security Council at its 3453rd meeting, on 8 November 1994,
  • United Nation Security Council 1995. International Crime Tribunal for Rwanda, Rules Of Procedure And Evidence.
  • Uvin, P. (1998). Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. Kumarian Press, West Hartford. Valentine, D. (2000). The Phoenix Programme. Universe.
Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 18 - 35, 31.01.2023



  • African Rights. (1995). Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance. London, African Rights.
  • Arend, A.C., Beck, R. (1993). International Law and the Use of Force, Routledge, New York.
  • Başak, C. (2003). Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemeleri ve Uluslararası Suçlar. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Blakeley, R. (2012). State Violence as State Terrorism, M. B. Smyth Ed, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence (s.63-78). London: Ashgate.
  • BM. (1945). Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, San Francisco.
  • Cassese, A. (1989). The International Commmunity’s ‘Legal’ Response to Terrorism. Int’l and Comp. L. Q, (38), 589-608.
  • Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990). The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Claridge, D. (1996). State Terrorism? Applying a Definitional Model. Terrorism and Political Violence. 8(3), 47-63. Collins. Death Squad.
  • Cisse, C. (1998). The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. T.M.C. Asser Press, Netherlands.
  • Defence Intelligence Report. (1994). Rwanda: The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Offensive (U). J2-210-94.
  • Defense Technical Information Center (1988). Libyan State Sponsored Terrorism – What Did Operation El Dorado Canyon Accomplish? (Report No. 88-2600). Air Command and Staff College, AirUniversity, Alabama. Dictionary Cambridge. Massacre. Erişim Tarihi Kasım 10, 2022,
  • Dinstein, Y. (1989). Terrorism As an International Crime, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv University, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht. Vol. 19, 55-73.
  • Erickson, Richard, J. (1989). Legitimate Use of Military Force Against State- Sponsored International Terrorism, Air Unv. Press, Alabama.
  • Erkmen, S. (2019). Silahlı Güçler; Ordular, Para-militer Yapılar, Özel Askeri Şirketler. Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No:39. Erol, M. S. ve Çelik, K. E. (2018). ABD'nin Suriye Politikasında Vekil Aktör Olarak Terör Örgütleri: YPG Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2 (2), 14-45.
  • Falk, R. (2003). A Dual Reality: Terrorism Against The State and Terrorism By The State, C. W. Kegley Ed, The New Global Terrorism Characteristics, Causes, Controls (s. 53-60). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Finley, Joanne S. (2019). Securitization, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang: Has PRC Counter-terrorism Evolved into State Terror?. Central Asian Survey, 38(1), 1-26.
  • Forges, A. D. (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York, Human Rights Watch.
  • Ganor, B. (2015). Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challange to the Liberal Democratic World. Colombia University Press.
  • Ganor, B. (2002). Defining terrorism: Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?. Police Practice Research: An International Journal, 3(4), 287-304.
  • Gavel, P. (1968). Remera: A Community in Eastern Ruanda. The Hague, Mouton.
  • Gelders, V. (1954). Native Political Organization in the Ruanda-Urundi. Civilisation, (4)1.
  • General Assembly of the United Nations. (1948). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (A/RES/3/260).
  • Hearing of Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Committe on the Judiciary United States Senate (1986). Libyan - Sponsored Terrorism: A Dilemma for Policymakers (Serial No. J-99-85). US Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • History. (2009, Ekim 14). Rwandan Genocide. Human Rights Watch World Report. (1994). Rwanda.
  • Kansu, A. (1994). Güney Afrika’da Demokratikleşme Süreci, Birikim Dergisi, (61), 54-73.
  • Lemarchand, R. (1970). Rwanda and Brundi. Praeger, New York.
  • Louis, W. R. (1963). Ruanda-Urundi 1884-1919. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Mamdani, M. (2002). When Victims Become Killers, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Maogoto, J. N. (2003). War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State Sponsored Terrorism., (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2022).
  • Martin, G. (2017). Terörizm, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar, Ankara, Adres Yayınları.
  • Mentan, T.(2004). Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty- First Century, England, Ashgate Pub.
  • Newbury, C. (1978). Ethnicity in Rwanda: The Case of Kinyaga. Africa: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, (48)1, s.17-29.
  • Newbury, C. (1988). The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda,1860-1960. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Newbury, C. (1995). Background to Genocide: Rwanda, A Journal of Opinion, (23)2. OUA. (2000). Rapport Sur Le Génocide Au Rwanda.
  • Prunier, G. (1995). The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reçber, K. (2014). Uluslararası Hukuk. Bursa: Dora Basım.
  • Rejali, D. (2007). Torture and Democracy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Rwandapedia. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. (15.10.2022 tarihinde) Schlagheck, D. M. (1990). The Superpowers, Foreign Policy and Terrorism, C. W. Kegley Edit. International Terrorism, Characteristics, Causes, Controls, London, MacMillan Education Ltd.
  • Segal, A. (1964). Massacre in Rwanda. London, Fabian Research Series.
  • Singh, K. R. (1995). International Terrorism as an Instrument of State Policy. International Studies, 32 (2), 119-137.
  • Stohl, M. (1984). National Interest and State Terrorism in International Affairs. Political Science, 36(1), 37-52.
  • Travalio, M. (2000). Terrorism, International Law and Use of Military Force, Wis. Int’l L. J., (18). 145-191 United Nation Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. (t.y.). Genocide.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council. 1994. Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives. A/49/508. United Nation Security Council. (1994). Final report of the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 935 (1994). No: 1405. https://documents-dds
  • United Nation Security Council. (1994). Adopted by the Security Council at its 3453rd meeting, on 8 November 1994,
  • United Nation Security Council 1995. International Crime Tribunal for Rwanda, Rules Of Procedure And Evidence.
  • Uvin, P. (1998). Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. Kumarian Press, West Hartford. Valentine, D. (2000). The Phoenix Programme. Universe.
Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 18 - 35, 31.01.2023



  • African Rights. (1995). Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance. London, African Rights.
  • Arend, A.C., Beck, R. (1993). International Law and the Use of Force, Routledge, New York.
  • Başak, C. (2003). Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemeleri ve Uluslararası Suçlar. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Blakeley, R. (2012). State Violence as State Terrorism, M. B. Smyth Ed, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence (s.63-78). London: Ashgate.
  • BM. (1945). Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, San Francisco.
  • Cassese, A. (1989). The International Commmunity’s ‘Legal’ Response to Terrorism. Int’l and Comp. L. Q, (38), 589-608.
  • Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990). The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Claridge, D. (1996). State Terrorism? Applying a Definitional Model. Terrorism and Political Violence. 8(3), 47-63. Collins. Death Squad.
  • Cisse, C. (1998). The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. T.M.C. Asser Press, Netherlands.
  • Defence Intelligence Report. (1994). Rwanda: The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Offensive (U). J2-210-94.
  • Defense Technical Information Center (1988). Libyan State Sponsored Terrorism – What Did Operation El Dorado Canyon Accomplish? (Report No. 88-2600). Air Command and Staff College, AirUniversity, Alabama. Dictionary Cambridge. Massacre. Erişim Tarihi Kasım 10, 2022,
  • Dinstein, Y. (1989). Terrorism As an International Crime, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv University, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht. Vol. 19, 55-73.
  • Erickson, Richard, J. (1989). Legitimate Use of Military Force Against State- Sponsored International Terrorism, Air Unv. Press, Alabama.
  • Erkmen, S. (2019). Silahlı Güçler; Ordular, Para-militer Yapılar, Özel Askeri Şirketler. Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No:39. Erol, M. S. ve Çelik, K. E. (2018). ABD'nin Suriye Politikasında Vekil Aktör Olarak Terör Örgütleri: YPG Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2 (2), 14-45.
  • Falk, R. (2003). A Dual Reality: Terrorism Against The State and Terrorism By The State, C. W. Kegley Ed, The New Global Terrorism Characteristics, Causes, Controls (s. 53-60). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Finley, Joanne S. (2019). Securitization, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang: Has PRC Counter-terrorism Evolved into State Terror?. Central Asian Survey, 38(1), 1-26.
  • Forges, A. D. (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York, Human Rights Watch.
  • Ganor, B. (2015). Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challange to the Liberal Democratic World. Colombia University Press.
  • Ganor, B. (2002). Defining terrorism: Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?. Police Practice Research: An International Journal, 3(4), 287-304.
  • Gavel, P. (1968). Remera: A Community in Eastern Ruanda. The Hague, Mouton.
  • Gelders, V. (1954). Native Political Organization in the Ruanda-Urundi. Civilisation, (4)1.
  • General Assembly of the United Nations. (1948). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (A/RES/3/260).
  • Hearing of Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Committe on the Judiciary United States Senate (1986). Libyan - Sponsored Terrorism: A Dilemma for Policymakers (Serial No. J-99-85). US Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • History. (2009, Ekim 14). Rwandan Genocide. Human Rights Watch World Report. (1994). Rwanda.
  • Kansu, A. (1994). Güney Afrika’da Demokratikleşme Süreci, Birikim Dergisi, (61), 54-73.
  • Lemarchand, R. (1970). Rwanda and Brundi. Praeger, New York.
  • Louis, W. R. (1963). Ruanda-Urundi 1884-1919. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Mamdani, M. (2002). When Victims Become Killers, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Maogoto, J. N. (2003). War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State Sponsored Terrorism., (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2022).
  • Martin, G. (2017). Terörizm, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar, Ankara, Adres Yayınları.
  • Mentan, T.(2004). Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty- First Century, England, Ashgate Pub.
  • Newbury, C. (1978). Ethnicity in Rwanda: The Case of Kinyaga. Africa: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, (48)1, s.17-29.
  • Newbury, C. (1988). The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda,1860-1960. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Newbury, C. (1995). Background to Genocide: Rwanda, A Journal of Opinion, (23)2. OUA. (2000). Rapport Sur Le Génocide Au Rwanda.
  • Prunier, G. (1995). The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reçber, K. (2014). Uluslararası Hukuk. Bursa: Dora Basım.
  • Rejali, D. (2007). Torture and Democracy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Rwandapedia. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. (15.10.2022 tarihinde) Schlagheck, D. M. (1990). The Superpowers, Foreign Policy and Terrorism, C. W. Kegley Edit. International Terrorism, Characteristics, Causes, Controls, London, MacMillan Education Ltd.
  • Segal, A. (1964). Massacre in Rwanda. London, Fabian Research Series.
  • Singh, K. R. (1995). International Terrorism as an Instrument of State Policy. International Studies, 32 (2), 119-137.
  • Stohl, M. (1984). National Interest and State Terrorism in International Affairs. Political Science, 36(1), 37-52.
  • Travalio, M. (2000). Terrorism, International Law and Use of Military Force, Wis. Int’l L. J., (18). 145-191 United Nation Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. (t.y.). Genocide.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council. 1994. Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives. A/49/508. United Nation Security Council. (1994). Final report of the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 935 (1994). No: 1405. https://documents-dds
  • United Nation Security Council. (1994). Adopted by the Security Council at its 3453rd meeting, on 8 November 1994,
  • United Nation Security Council 1995. International Crime Tribunal for Rwanda, Rules Of Procedure And Evidence.
  • Uvin, P. (1998). Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. Kumarian Press, West Hartford. Valentine, D. (2000). The Phoenix Programme. Universe.
Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 18 - 35, 31.01.2023



  • African Rights. (1995). Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance. London, African Rights.
  • Arend, A.C., Beck, R. (1993). International Law and the Use of Force, Routledge, New York.
  • Başak, C. (2003). Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemeleri ve Uluslararası Suçlar. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Blakeley, R. (2012). State Violence as State Terrorism, M. B. Smyth Ed, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence (s.63-78). London: Ashgate.
  • BM. (1945). Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, San Francisco.
  • Cassese, A. (1989). The International Commmunity’s ‘Legal’ Response to Terrorism. Int’l and Comp. L. Q, (38), 589-608.
  • Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990). The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Claridge, D. (1996). State Terrorism? Applying a Definitional Model. Terrorism and Political Violence. 8(3), 47-63. Collins. Death Squad.
  • Cisse, C. (1998). The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. T.M.C. Asser Press, Netherlands.
  • Defence Intelligence Report. (1994). Rwanda: The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Offensive (U). J2-210-94.
  • Defense Technical Information Center (1988). Libyan State Sponsored Terrorism – What Did Operation El Dorado Canyon Accomplish? (Report No. 88-2600). Air Command and Staff College, AirUniversity, Alabama. Dictionary Cambridge. Massacre. Erişim Tarihi Kasım 10, 2022,
  • Dinstein, Y. (1989). Terrorism As an International Crime, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv University, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht. Vol. 19, 55-73.
  • Erickson, Richard, J. (1989). Legitimate Use of Military Force Against State- Sponsored International Terrorism, Air Unv. Press, Alabama.
  • Erkmen, S. (2019). Silahlı Güçler; Ordular, Para-militer Yapılar, Özel Askeri Şirketler. Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No:39. Erol, M. S. ve Çelik, K. E. (2018). ABD'nin Suriye Politikasında Vekil Aktör Olarak Terör Örgütleri: YPG Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2 (2), 14-45.
  • Falk, R. (2003). A Dual Reality: Terrorism Against The State and Terrorism By The State, C. W. Kegley Ed, The New Global Terrorism Characteristics, Causes, Controls (s. 53-60). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Finley, Joanne S. (2019). Securitization, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang: Has PRC Counter-terrorism Evolved into State Terror?. Central Asian Survey, 38(1), 1-26.
  • Forges, A. D. (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York, Human Rights Watch.
  • Ganor, B. (2015). Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challange to the Liberal Democratic World. Colombia University Press.
  • Ganor, B. (2002). Defining terrorism: Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?. Police Practice Research: An International Journal, 3(4), 287-304.
  • Gavel, P. (1968). Remera: A Community in Eastern Ruanda. The Hague, Mouton.
  • Gelders, V. (1954). Native Political Organization in the Ruanda-Urundi. Civilisation, (4)1.
  • General Assembly of the United Nations. (1948). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (A/RES/3/260).
  • Hearing of Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Committe on the Judiciary United States Senate (1986). Libyan - Sponsored Terrorism: A Dilemma for Policymakers (Serial No. J-99-85). US Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • History. (2009, Ekim 14). Rwandan Genocide. Human Rights Watch World Report. (1994). Rwanda.
  • Kansu, A. (1994). Güney Afrika’da Demokratikleşme Süreci, Birikim Dergisi, (61), 54-73.
  • Lemarchand, R. (1970). Rwanda and Brundi. Praeger, New York.
  • Louis, W. R. (1963). Ruanda-Urundi 1884-1919. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Mamdani, M. (2002). When Victims Become Killers, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Maogoto, J. N. (2003). War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State Sponsored Terrorism., (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2022).
  • Martin, G. (2017). Terörizm, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar, Ankara, Adres Yayınları.
  • Mentan, T.(2004). Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty- First Century, England, Ashgate Pub.
  • Newbury, C. (1978). Ethnicity in Rwanda: The Case of Kinyaga. Africa: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, (48)1, s.17-29.
  • Newbury, C. (1988). The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda,1860-1960. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Newbury, C. (1995). Background to Genocide: Rwanda, A Journal of Opinion, (23)2. OUA. (2000). Rapport Sur Le Génocide Au Rwanda.
  • Prunier, G. (1995). The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reçber, K. (2014). Uluslararası Hukuk. Bursa: Dora Basım.
  • Rejali, D. (2007). Torture and Democracy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Rwandapedia. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. (15.10.2022 tarihinde) Schlagheck, D. M. (1990). The Superpowers, Foreign Policy and Terrorism, C. W. Kegley Edit. International Terrorism, Characteristics, Causes, Controls, London, MacMillan Education Ltd.
  • Segal, A. (1964). Massacre in Rwanda. London, Fabian Research Series.
  • Singh, K. R. (1995). International Terrorism as an Instrument of State Policy. International Studies, 32 (2), 119-137.
  • Stohl, M. (1984). National Interest and State Terrorism in International Affairs. Political Science, 36(1), 37-52.
  • Travalio, M. (2000). Terrorism, International Law and Use of Military Force, Wis. Int’l L. J., (18). 145-191 United Nation Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. (t.y.). Genocide.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council. 1994. Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives. A/49/508. United Nation Security Council. (1994). Final report of the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 935 (1994). No: 1405. https://documents-dds
  • United Nation Security Council. (1994). Adopted by the Security Council at its 3453rd meeting, on 8 November 1994,
  • United Nation Security Council 1995. International Crime Tribunal for Rwanda, Rules Of Procedure And Evidence.
  • Uvin, P. (1998). Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. Kumarian Press, West Hartford. Valentine, D. (2000). The Phoenix Programme. Universe.
Year 2023, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 18 - 35, 31.01.2023



  • African Rights. (1995). Rwanda: Death, Despair and Defiance. London, African Rights.
  • Arend, A.C., Beck, R. (1993). International Law and the Use of Force, Routledge, New York.
  • Başak, C. (2003). Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemeleri ve Uluslararası Suçlar. Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Blakeley, R. (2012). State Violence as State Terrorism, M. B. Smyth Ed, The Ashgate Research Companion to Political Violence (s.63-78). London: Ashgate.
  • BM. (1945). Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması, San Francisco.
  • Cassese, A. (1989). The International Commmunity’s ‘Legal’ Response to Terrorism. Int’l and Comp. L. Q, (38), 589-608.
  • Chalk, F. & Jonassohn, K. (1990). The History and Sociology of Genocide: Analyses and Case Studies. New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Claridge, D. (1996). State Terrorism? Applying a Definitional Model. Terrorism and Political Violence. 8(3), 47-63. Collins. Death Squad.
  • Cisse, C. (1998). The End of a Culture of Impunity in Rwanda? Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law. T.M.C. Asser Press, Netherlands.
  • Defence Intelligence Report. (1994). Rwanda: The Rwandan Patriotic Front’s Offensive (U). J2-210-94.
  • Defense Technical Information Center (1988). Libyan State Sponsored Terrorism – What Did Operation El Dorado Canyon Accomplish? (Report No. 88-2600). Air Command and Staff College, AirUniversity, Alabama. Dictionary Cambridge. Massacre. Erişim Tarihi Kasım 10, 2022,
  • Dinstein, Y. (1989). Terrorism As an International Crime, Israel Yearbook on Human Rights. Tel Aviv University, Martinus Nijhoff Pub., Dordrecht. Vol. 19, 55-73.
  • Erickson, Richard, J. (1989). Legitimate Use of Military Force Against State- Sponsored International Terrorism, Air Unv. Press, Alabama.
  • Erkmen, S. (2019). Silahlı Güçler; Ordular, Para-militer Yapılar, Özel Askeri Şirketler. Güvenlik Yazıları Serisi, No:39. Erol, M. S. ve Çelik, K. E. (2018). ABD'nin Suriye Politikasında Vekil Aktör Olarak Terör Örgütleri: YPG Örneği. Bölgesel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2 (2), 14-45.
  • Falk, R. (2003). A Dual Reality: Terrorism Against The State and Terrorism By The State, C. W. Kegley Ed, The New Global Terrorism Characteristics, Causes, Controls (s. 53-60). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Finley, Joanne S. (2019). Securitization, Insecurity and Conflict in Contemporary Xinjiang: Has PRC Counter-terrorism Evolved into State Terror?. Central Asian Survey, 38(1), 1-26.
  • Forges, A. D. (1999). Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda. New York, Human Rights Watch.
  • Ganor, B. (2015). Global Alert: The Rationality of Modern Islamist Terrorism and the Challange to the Liberal Democratic World. Colombia University Press.
  • Ganor, B. (2002). Defining terrorism: Is one man's terrorist another man's freedom fighter?. Police Practice Research: An International Journal, 3(4), 287-304.
  • Gavel, P. (1968). Remera: A Community in Eastern Ruanda. The Hague, Mouton.
  • Gelders, V. (1954). Native Political Organization in the Ruanda-Urundi. Civilisation, (4)1.
  • General Assembly of the United Nations. (1948). Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (A/RES/3/260).
  • Hearing of Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism of the Committe on the Judiciary United States Senate (1986). Libyan - Sponsored Terrorism: A Dilemma for Policymakers (Serial No. J-99-85). US Government Printing Office, Washington.
  • History. (2009, Ekim 14). Rwandan Genocide. Human Rights Watch World Report. (1994). Rwanda.
  • Kansu, A. (1994). Güney Afrika’da Demokratikleşme Süreci, Birikim Dergisi, (61), 54-73.
  • Lemarchand, R. (1970). Rwanda and Brundi. Praeger, New York.
  • Louis, W. R. (1963). Ruanda-Urundi 1884-1919. Clarendon Press, Oxford.
  • Mamdani, M. (2002). When Victims Become Killers, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
  • Maogoto, J. N. (2003). War on the Enemy: Self-Defence and State Sponsored Terrorism., (Erişim Tarihi: 25.02.2022).
  • Martin, G. (2017). Terörizm, Kavramlar ve Kuramlar, Ankara, Adres Yayınları.
  • Mentan, T.(2004). Dilemmas of Weak States: Africa and Transnational Terrorism in the Twenty- First Century, England, Ashgate Pub.
  • Newbury, C. (1978). Ethnicity in Rwanda: The Case of Kinyaga. Africa: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, (48)1, s.17-29.
  • Newbury, C. (1988). The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda,1860-1960. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Newbury, C. (1995). Background to Genocide: Rwanda, A Journal of Opinion, (23)2. OUA. (2000). Rapport Sur Le Génocide Au Rwanda.
  • Prunier, G. (1995). The Rwanda Crisis: History of a Genocide. New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Reçber, K. (2014). Uluslararası Hukuk. Bursa: Dora Basım.
  • Rejali, D. (2007). Torture and Democracy. Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press. Rwandapedia. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. (15.10.2022 tarihinde) Schlagheck, D. M. (1990). The Superpowers, Foreign Policy and Terrorism, C. W. Kegley Edit. International Terrorism, Characteristics, Causes, Controls, London, MacMillan Education Ltd.
  • Segal, A. (1964). Massacre in Rwanda. London, Fabian Research Series.
  • Singh, K. R. (1995). International Terrorism as an Instrument of State Policy. International Studies, 32 (2), 119-137.
  • Stohl, M. (1984). National Interest and State Terrorism in International Affairs. Political Science, 36(1), 37-52.
  • Travalio, M. (2000). Terrorism, International Law and Use of Military Force, Wis. Int’l L. J., (18). 145-191 United Nation Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. (t.y.). Genocide.
  • United Nations General Assembly Security Council. 1994. Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives. A/49/508. United Nation Security Council. (1994). Final report of the Commission of Experts established pursuant to Security Council resolution 935 (1994). No: 1405. https://documents-dds
  • United Nation Security Council. (1994). Adopted by the Security Council at its 3453rd meeting, on 8 November 1994,
  • United Nation Security Council 1995. International Crime Tribunal for Rwanda, Rules Of Procedure And Evidence.
  • Uvin, P. (1998). Aiding Violence: The Development Enterprise in Rwanda. Kumarian Press, West Hartford. Valentine, D. (2000). The Phoenix Programme. Universe.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Nilüfer Önen 0000-0003-4876-0247

Publication Date January 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Önen, N. (2023). SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ. Africania, 3(1), 18-35.
AMA Önen N. SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ. Africania. January 2023;3(1):18-35.
Chicago Önen, Nilüfer. “SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ”. Africania 3, no. 1 (January 2023): 18-35.
EndNote Önen N (January 1, 2023) SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ. Africania 3 1 18–35.
IEEE N. Önen, “SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ”, Africania, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18–35, 2023.
ISNAD Önen, Nilüfer. “SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ”. Africania 3/1 (January 2023), 18-35.
MLA Önen, Nilüfer. “SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ”. Africania, vol. 3, no. 1, 2023, pp. 18-35.
Vancouver Önen N. SOYKIRIM YAPAN DEVLET TERÖRİZMİ: RUANDA ÖRNEĞİ. Africania. 2023;3(1):18-35.