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Year 2014, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 205 - 244, 01.07.2014


Concomitant with the entry into force of Lisbon Treaty, a withdrawal clause is included in founding treaties which enables unconditional withdrawal option to every member state from the Union. The need for that clause in the Union and its possible effect(s) on the future of the European integration, whose aim is to establish an ever closer union among European citizens, are discussed in light of international and European Union Law. While the withdrawal clause clarifi es ambiguity on the right of withdrawal from the Union, it also emphasizes the sovereign rights of the member states. Even though it may seem like a controversy to the integration aim of the Union, not to recognize a right of withdrawal to member states who are opposed to advanced integration would also jeopardize the future of European integration


  •  ARSAVA, Füsun, “Üye Devletlerin Anayasa Tasarısı Işığında Statüsü ve Etki Olanakları”, Uluslar arası Hukuk ve Politika, C. 2, S. 1, 2006, s. 77-90.
  •  ATHANASSIOU, Phoebus, Withdrawal and Expulsion from the EU and EMU, Some Refl ections, European Central Bank Legal Working Paper Series, No.10, 2009, s. 1-48.
  •  BARNARD, Catherine, The Substantive Law of the EU: Four Freedoms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013
  •  BAYKAL, Sanem, “Avrupa Birliği Hukuku”, ( Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?F6E10F8892433CFFAAF6AA849816B2EF3 4A6A1C05169DACA, erişim 15 Nisan 2014).
  •  BERGLUND, Sara, “Prison or Voluntary Cooperation? The Possibility of Withdrawal from the European Union”, Scandinavian Political Studies, C. 29, Sa. 2, 2006, s. 147-167.
  •  BLAGOEV, Boyko, “Expulsion of a Member State from the EU after Lisbon: Political Threat or Legal Reality?”, Tilburg Law Review, C. 16, 2011, s. 191-237.
  •  CHALMERS, Damian / HADJIEMMANUIL, Christos / MONTI, Giorgio / TOMKINS, Adam, European Union Law, Cambridge University Press, 2007
  •  CORBETT, Richard, “Cameron’s double blackmail”,(http://www., erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  CRAIG, Paul / De BURCA, Grainne, EU Law: Texts, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013.
  •  DAMMANN, Jens C., “The Right to Leave the Eurozone “, Texas Internaional Law Journal, C. 1, Sa. 2, 2013, s. 125-155.
  •  De NORIEGA, Antonio Estella, The EU Principle of Subsidiarity and Its Critique, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.
  •  De SCHOUTHEETE, Philippe, “Institutional Reform in the EU”, European Policy Brief, No.19, 2014, s. 1-8 (http://www.egmontinstitute. be/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/EPB19.pdf, erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  De WAELE, Henri, “The European Union on the Road to a New Legal Order-The Changing Legality of Member State Withdrawal”, Tilburg Foreign Law Review, C. 12, 2005, s. 169-178.
  •  DIXON, Martin, Textbook on International Law, b. 6, Oxford 2007.
  •  DOĞAN, İlyas, Devletler Hukuku, b. 2, Ankara 2013.
  •  DOUKAS, Dimitrios, “The Verdict Of the German Federal Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty: Not guilty, but don’t do it again!”, European Law Review, C. 34, 2009, s. 866-888.
  •  DÖRR, Oliver / SCHMALENBACH, Kirsten, Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties, A Commentary, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
  •  EMMANOUILIDIS, Janis A., “Institutional Consequences of Differentiated Integration”, Bertelsmann Foundation and the Center for Applied Policy Research (C·A·P) Discussion Papers, 2007, s. 1-17.
  •  FRIEL, Raymond, “Secession from the European Union: Checking out of the Proverbial Cockroach Motel”, Fordham International Law, C. 27, Sa. 2, 2003, s. 590-641.
  •  FRIEL, Raymond, “Providing a Constitutional Framework for Withdrawal from the EU: Article 59 of the Draft European Constitution”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, C. 32, Sa. 2, 2004, s. 407-428.
  •  GÜNDÜZ, Aslan, Milletlerarası Hukuk: Temel Belgeler, Örnek Kararlar, b. 5, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2009.
  •  HARBO, Florentina, “Secession Right – an Anti-Federal principle? Comparative Study of Federal States and the EU”, Journal of Politics and Law, C. 1, Sa. 3, 2008, s.133-148.
  •  HARHOFF, Frederik, “Greenland’s Withdrawal from the European Communities”, Common Market Law Review, C. 20, Sa. 1, 1983, s. 13-33.
  •  HARTLEY, Trevor, The Foundations of European Union Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
  •  HILL, John, “The European Economic Community: The Right of Memberstate Withdrawal”, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, C. 12, 1982, s. 335-357.
  •  HOLZNER, Burkart / HOLZNER, Leslie, Transparency in Global Change, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2006.
  •  LENAERTS, Koen / VAN NUFFEL, Piet, European Union Law, Sweet&Maxwell, b. 3, 2010.
  •  LECHNER, Susanne / OHR, Renate, “The Right of Withdrawal in the Treaty of Lisbon: a game theoretic refl ection on different decision processes in the EU”, European Journal of Law and Economics, C. 32, Sa. 3, 2011, s. 357-375.
  •  MAJONE, Giandomenico, Rethinking the Union of Europe Post-Crisis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014.
  •  MALANCZUK, Peter, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law, Routledge, New York, 1997.
  •  MALATHOUNI, Eliza, “Should I Stay or Should I Go?: The Sunset Clause As Self Confidence or Suicide”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, C. 15, 2008, s. 115-124.
  •  MASON, Kevin, “European Communities Commission-GreenlandEC Commission Draft Approves Withdrawal of Greenland from the European Community and Proposes Terms for Economic Reassociation”, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law,C. 13, Sa. 3, 1983, s. 865.
  •  MİNDEK, Can, “Federal Almanya Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin Lizbon Antlaşması Kararı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı, ( almanya_anayasa_mahkemesi-can_mindek-temmuz_09.pdf, erişim 28 Temmuz 2011).
  •  ÖZDEMİR Haluk, “İngilizler ve Avrupa Bütünleşmesi”, Ankara Strateji Enstitüsü, ( ingilizler-ve-avrupa-butunlesmesi/, erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  ÖZEL, Saruhan, “İngiltere Sonunda Yol Ayrımına Geldi”, (http://, erişim 15 Nisan 2014).
  •  PAZARCI, Hüseyin, Uluslararası Hukuk, b. 11, Ankara 2012.
  •  SCHNEIDER, Gerald / CEDERMAN, Lars-Erik, “The Change of Tide in Political Cooperation: A Limited Information Model of European Integration”, Internatonal Organization, C. 48, Sa. 4, 1994, s. 633-662.
  •  SHORTEN, Andrew, “Constitutional Secession Rights, Blackmail threats and multinational democracy”, 2010, s. 1-16 (http://eis.bris., erişim 15 Kasım 2013).
  •  SOYKAN, Hacer, Avrupa Topluluğu Hukukunun Üye Ülkelerde Uygulanmasında Ulusal Mahkemeler ve Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı İlişkisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara, 2005.
  •  VAUBEL, Roland, “Secession in the European Union”, Economic Affairs, C. 33, sa. 3, 2013, s.288-302.
  •  VILLIGER, E. Mark, Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2009.
  •  Von ONDORZA, Nicolai, “Strengthening the Core or Splitting Europe? Prospects and Pitfalls of a Strategy of Differentiated Integration”, SWP Research Paper, 2013, s. 1-34 ( leadmin/ contents/products/research_papers/2013_RP02_orz.pdf, erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  WEISS, Frield, “Greenland’s withdrawal from the European Communities”, European Law Review, C. 10, 1985, s. 173-185.
  •  WEILER, Joseph, H. H., “Alternatives to Withdrawal from an International Organization: The Case of the European Community”, Israel Law Review, C. 20, 1985, s. 282-298.
  •  WOLF, Susan, Briefcase on European Community Law, Cavendish Publishing, London, 1999.
  •  WYROZUMSKA, Anna, “Withdrawal from the Union”, BLANKE, Herman-Joseph / MANGIAMELI, Stelio, (eds.) The European Union After Lisbon, Springer, Almanya 2012.
  •  ZBRIAL, Robert, “Searching for an optimal Withdrawal Clause for the European Union”, NIEDOBIEK, Matthias / ZEMANEK, (eds.) Jiří, The Constitutional Treaty-A Critical Appraisal, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2007, s. 298-328 (, erişim 11 Ekim 2013).

Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?

Year 2014, Volume: 18 Issue: 3, 205 - 244, 01.07.2014


Lizbon Antlaşmasının yürürlüğe girmesiyle kurucu antlaşmalara dahil olan çekilme hakkı, Birlik üyesi her devlete herhangi bir önkoşul getirmeksizin Birlikten çekilme hakkı tanımaktadır. Çekilme hakkını gerek uluslararası hukuk gerek Birlik hukuku kapsamında ele aldığımız çalışmamızda “Avrupa halkları arasında daha sıkı bir Birlik kurmak” hedefi ile yola çıkılan Avrupa Birliğinde çekilme hakkına ilişkin düzenleme yapılmasına neden ihtiyaç duyulduğu ve söz konusu düzenlemenin Birliğin geleceğini nasıl etkileyeceği başlıca araştırma konuları arasındadır. Yapılan düzenlemeyle çekilme hakkı hukuki bir zemine kavuşturularak belirsizlik giderilirken, üye devletlerin egemenlik yetkilerinin devamına vurgu yapılmıştır. Üye devletlere Birlikten çekilme hakkı tanınması her ne kadar entegrasyon amacına ters gibi görünse de daha ileri düzeyde entegrasyonu desteklemeyen üye devletleri Birlik içerisinde tutmak da entegrasyonun geleceğine zarar verecektir


  •  ARSAVA, Füsun, “Üye Devletlerin Anayasa Tasarısı Işığında Statüsü ve Etki Olanakları”, Uluslar arası Hukuk ve Politika, C. 2, S. 1, 2006, s. 77-90.
  •  ATHANASSIOU, Phoebus, Withdrawal and Expulsion from the EU and EMU, Some Refl ections, European Central Bank Legal Working Paper Series, No.10, 2009, s. 1-48.
  •  BARNARD, Catherine, The Substantive Law of the EU: Four Freedoms, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013
  •  BAYKAL, Sanem, “Avrupa Birliği Hukuku”, ( Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?F6E10F8892433CFFAAF6AA849816B2EF3 4A6A1C05169DACA, erişim 15 Nisan 2014).
  •  BERGLUND, Sara, “Prison or Voluntary Cooperation? The Possibility of Withdrawal from the European Union”, Scandinavian Political Studies, C. 29, Sa. 2, 2006, s. 147-167.
  •  BLAGOEV, Boyko, “Expulsion of a Member State from the EU after Lisbon: Political Threat or Legal Reality?”, Tilburg Law Review, C. 16, 2011, s. 191-237.
  •  CHALMERS, Damian / HADJIEMMANUIL, Christos / MONTI, Giorgio / TOMKINS, Adam, European Union Law, Cambridge University Press, 2007
  •  CORBETT, Richard, “Cameron’s double blackmail”,(http://www., erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  CRAIG, Paul / De BURCA, Grainne, EU Law: Texts, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013.
  •  DAMMANN, Jens C., “The Right to Leave the Eurozone “, Texas Internaional Law Journal, C. 1, Sa. 2, 2013, s. 125-155.
  •  De NORIEGA, Antonio Estella, The EU Principle of Subsidiarity and Its Critique, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.
  •  De SCHOUTHEETE, Philippe, “Institutional Reform in the EU”, European Policy Brief, No.19, 2014, s. 1-8 (http://www.egmontinstitute. be/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/EPB19.pdf, erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  De WAELE, Henri, “The European Union on the Road to a New Legal Order-The Changing Legality of Member State Withdrawal”, Tilburg Foreign Law Review, C. 12, 2005, s. 169-178.
  •  DIXON, Martin, Textbook on International Law, b. 6, Oxford 2007.
  •  DOĞAN, İlyas, Devletler Hukuku, b. 2, Ankara 2013.
  •  DOUKAS, Dimitrios, “The Verdict Of the German Federal Constitutional Court on the Lisbon Treaty: Not guilty, but don’t do it again!”, European Law Review, C. 34, 2009, s. 866-888.
  •  DÖRR, Oliver / SCHMALENBACH, Kirsten, Vienna Convention on Law of Treaties, A Commentary, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012.
  •  EMMANOUILIDIS, Janis A., “Institutional Consequences of Differentiated Integration”, Bertelsmann Foundation and the Center for Applied Policy Research (C·A·P) Discussion Papers, 2007, s. 1-17.
  •  FRIEL, Raymond, “Secession from the European Union: Checking out of the Proverbial Cockroach Motel”, Fordham International Law, C. 27, Sa. 2, 2003, s. 590-641.
  •  FRIEL, Raymond, “Providing a Constitutional Framework for Withdrawal from the EU: Article 59 of the Draft European Constitution”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, C. 32, Sa. 2, 2004, s. 407-428.
  •  GÜNDÜZ, Aslan, Milletlerarası Hukuk: Temel Belgeler, Örnek Kararlar, b. 5, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul 2009.
  •  HARBO, Florentina, “Secession Right – an Anti-Federal principle? Comparative Study of Federal States and the EU”, Journal of Politics and Law, C. 1, Sa. 3, 2008, s.133-148.
  •  HARHOFF, Frederik, “Greenland’s Withdrawal from the European Communities”, Common Market Law Review, C. 20, Sa. 1, 1983, s. 13-33.
  •  HARTLEY, Trevor, The Foundations of European Union Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
  •  HILL, John, “The European Economic Community: The Right of Memberstate Withdrawal”, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, C. 12, 1982, s. 335-357.
  •  HOLZNER, Burkart / HOLZNER, Leslie, Transparency in Global Change, University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2006.
  •  LENAERTS, Koen / VAN NUFFEL, Piet, European Union Law, Sweet&Maxwell, b. 3, 2010.
  •  LECHNER, Susanne / OHR, Renate, “The Right of Withdrawal in the Treaty of Lisbon: a game theoretic refl ection on different decision processes in the EU”, European Journal of Law and Economics, C. 32, Sa. 3, 2011, s. 357-375.
  •  MAJONE, Giandomenico, Rethinking the Union of Europe Post-Crisis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2014.
  •  MALANCZUK, Peter, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law, Routledge, New York, 1997.
  •  MALATHOUNI, Eliza, “Should I Stay or Should I Go?: The Sunset Clause As Self Confidence or Suicide”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, C. 15, 2008, s. 115-124.
  •  MASON, Kevin, “European Communities Commission-GreenlandEC Commission Draft Approves Withdrawal of Greenland from the European Community and Proposes Terms for Economic Reassociation”, Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law,C. 13, Sa. 3, 1983, s. 865.
  •  MİNDEK, Can, “Federal Almanya Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin Lizbon Antlaşması Kararı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme”, İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı, ( almanya_anayasa_mahkemesi-can_mindek-temmuz_09.pdf, erişim 28 Temmuz 2011).
  •  ÖZDEMİR Haluk, “İngilizler ve Avrupa Bütünleşmesi”, Ankara Strateji Enstitüsü, ( ingilizler-ve-avrupa-butunlesmesi/, erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  ÖZEL, Saruhan, “İngiltere Sonunda Yol Ayrımına Geldi”, (http://, erişim 15 Nisan 2014).
  •  PAZARCI, Hüseyin, Uluslararası Hukuk, b. 11, Ankara 2012.
  •  SCHNEIDER, Gerald / CEDERMAN, Lars-Erik, “The Change of Tide in Political Cooperation: A Limited Information Model of European Integration”, Internatonal Organization, C. 48, Sa. 4, 1994, s. 633-662.
  •  SHORTEN, Andrew, “Constitutional Secession Rights, Blackmail threats and multinational democracy”, 2010, s. 1-16 (http://eis.bris., erişim 15 Kasım 2013).
  •  SOYKAN, Hacer, Avrupa Topluluğu Hukukunun Üye Ülkelerde Uygulanmasında Ulusal Mahkemeler ve Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı İlişkisi, Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, Ankara, 2005.
  •  VAUBEL, Roland, “Secession in the European Union”, Economic Affairs, C. 33, sa. 3, 2013, s.288-302.
  •  VILLIGER, E. Mark, Commentary on the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2009.
  •  Von ONDORZA, Nicolai, “Strengthening the Core or Splitting Europe? Prospects and Pitfalls of a Strategy of Differentiated Integration”, SWP Research Paper, 2013, s. 1-34 ( leadmin/ contents/products/research_papers/2013_RP02_orz.pdf, erişim 11 Nisan 2014).
  •  WEISS, Frield, “Greenland’s withdrawal from the European Communities”, European Law Review, C. 10, 1985, s. 173-185.
  •  WEILER, Joseph, H. H., “Alternatives to Withdrawal from an International Organization: The Case of the European Community”, Israel Law Review, C. 20, 1985, s. 282-298.
  •  WOLF, Susan, Briefcase on European Community Law, Cavendish Publishing, London, 1999.
  •  WYROZUMSKA, Anna, “Withdrawal from the Union”, BLANKE, Herman-Joseph / MANGIAMELI, Stelio, (eds.) The European Union After Lisbon, Springer, Almanya 2012.
  •  ZBRIAL, Robert, “Searching for an optimal Withdrawal Clause for the European Union”, NIEDOBIEK, Matthias / ZEMANEK, (eds.) Jiří, The Constitutional Treaty-A Critical Appraisal, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2007, s. 298-328 (, erişim 11 Ekim 2013).
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

A Aslı Bilgin This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 18 Issue: 3


APA Bilgin, A. A. (2014). Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(3), 205-244.
AMA Bilgin AA. Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?. HBV-FLJ. July 2014;18(3):205-244.
Chicago Bilgin, A Aslı. “Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?”. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18, no. 3 (July 2014): 205-44.
EndNote Bilgin AA (July 1, 2014) Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18 3 205–244.
IEEE A. A. Bilgin, “Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?”, HBV-FLJ, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 205–244, 2014.
ISNAD Bilgin, A Aslı. “Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?”. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 18/3 (July 2014), 205-244.
JAMA Bilgin AA. Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?. HBV-FLJ. 2014;18:205–244.
MLA Bilgin, A Aslı. “Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?”. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 18, no. 3, 2014, pp. 205-44.
Vancouver Bilgin AA. Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇nden Çekı̇lme Hakkı: Sonun Başlangıcı mı?. HBV-FLJ. 2014;18(3):205-44.