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Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği

Year 2012, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 217 - 266, 01.07.2012


Münhasır ekonomik bölge, ilk kez, 1982 Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi (BMDHS)’yle ihdas edilen ve kıyı devletine bir takım hak ve yetkiler veren bir deniz hukuku kavramıdır. Sözleşmeyle kıyı devletlerine, 200 mile kadar uzanan bir deniz alanında münhasır ekonomik bölge ilan etme hakkı tanınması, daha önce açık deniz statüsünde olan geniş bir alanın, kıyı devletlerinin deniz yetki alanlarına dahil olmasına yol açmıştır. Bu yeni durum, diğer sorunların yanında, burada yürütülen askerî faaliyetleri tartışmalı konuma sokmuş, konuyla ilgili olarak BMDHS’de açık hükümlerin bulunmaması ise yeni çatışma alanlarının doğmasına yol açmıştır. Bu kapsamda çalışmada; BMDHS ve uluslararası örf ve adet hukuku ışığında, münhasır ekonomik bölgede yürütülen yabancı askerî faaliyetlerin hukukî statüsü açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır


  • A Report of the Tokyo Meeting, The Regime of the Exclusive Economic Zone: Issues and Responses, East-West Center Yayını, Honolulu 2003.
  • A Summary of the Bali Dialogue, Military and Intelligence Gathering Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zones: Consensus and Disagreement, EastWest Center Yayını, Honolulu 2002.
  • AKİPEK, Ömer İlhan, Devletler Hukuku Kaynaklarından ve Belgelerinden Örnekler, Ankara 1966.
  • ANLAR GÜNEŞ, Şule, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi ve Deniz Çevresinin Korunması, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 56, Sa. 2, s. 1-37.
  • ATTARD, David J., The Exclusive Economic Zone in International Law, Oxford 1987.
  • BATEMAN, Sam, Prospective Guidelines for Navigation and Overfl ight in the Exclusive Economic Zone, ( MarStudies/2005/25.html, erişim 25 Haziran 2012).
  • BATEMAN, Sam, Hydrographic Surveying in the EEZ: Differences and Overlaps with Marine Scientifi c Research, Marine Policy, 2005, C. XXIX, s. 163-174.
  • BOCZEK, Boleslaw Adam, Peacetime Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Third Countries, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 19, Sa. 6, s. 445-468.
  • BOOTH, Ken, Law, Force and Diplomacy at Sea, London 1985.
  • BOZKURT, Enver, Uluslararası Hukuk Bakımından Münhasır Ekonomik Bölge Kavramının Ortaya Çıkışı, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika Dergisi, C. 2, Sa. 5, s. 50-74.
  • BOZKURT, Enver, Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanımı, b. 3, Ankara 2007.
  • BROWN, Edward Duncan, The Internationla law of the Sea, Volume I Introductory Manual, Aldershot 1994.
  • DE MURALT, R.W.G., The Military Aspects of the UN Law Of the Sea Convention, Netherlands International Law Review, C. 32, s. 78-99.
  • DIMITROV, Georgy, Possible New Restrictions on the Use of Naval Mines, GOLDBLAT, Jozef (ed.), Maritime Security: The Building of Confi dence içinde, New York 1992, s. 79-90.
  • DOĞRU, Sami, Uluslararası Hukukta Kıt’a Sahanlığı ve Ege Denizi Kıt’a Sahanlığı Uyuşmazlığı, Ankara 2003.
  • DUPUY, Rene-Jean, The Sea under National Competence, DUPUY, R. J. – VIGNES, D. (ed.), A Handbook on the Law of the Sea içinde, C. I, Dordrecht 1991, s. 247-314.
  • FEDHILA, Habib, Naval Manoeuvres and the Security of Coastal States, GOLDBLAT, Jozef (ed.), Maritime Security: The Building of Confi dence içinde, New York 1992, s. 119-128.
  • FRANCIONI, Francesco, Peacetime Use of Force, Military Activities, and the New Law of the Sea, Cornell International Law Journal, C. 18, Sa. 1, s. 203-226.
  • GALDORISI, George V. – KAUFMAN, Alan G., Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Preventing Uncertainty and Defusing Confl ict, California Western International Law Journal, C. 32, Sa. 2, s. 253-301.
  • GENG, Jing, The Legality of Foreign Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone under UNCLOS, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, C. 28, Sa. 74, s. 22-30
  • GUIFANG, Xue, Marine Scientifi c Research and Hydrographic Survey in the EEZs: Closing up the Legal Loopholes?, NORDQUIST, M. H. – KOH, T. B. – MOORE, J. N. (ed.), Freedom of Seas, Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention içinde, Leiden 2009, s. 209-225.
  • GUIFANG, Xue, Guifang, Surveys and Research Activities in the EEZ, DUTTON, Peter (ed.), Military Activities in the EEZ içinde, Rhode Island 2010, s. 89-105.
  • GUOXING, Ji, The Legality of the “Impeccable Incident”, China Security, C. 5, Sa. 2, s. 16-21. (, erişim 20 Temmuz 2012).
  • GÜNDÜZ, Aslan, Milletlerarası Hukuk, Temel Belgeler Örnek Kararlar, B. 5, İstanbul 2003.
  • HAYASHI, Moritaka, Military and Intelligence Gathering Activities in the EEZ: Defi nition of Key Terms, Marine Policy, C. 29, Sa. 2, s. 123-137.
  • KESKİN, Funda, Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanma: Savaş, Karışma ve Birleşmiş Milletler, Ankara 1998.
  • KEYUAN, Zou, Law of the Sea Issues Between the United States and East Asian States, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 39, Sa. 1, s. 69-93.
  • KRASKA, James, Maritime Power and the Law of the Sea, Oxford 2011.
  • KURAN, Selami, Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku, b. 2, İstanbul 2007.
  • KWIATKOWSKA, Barbara, The 200 Mile Exclusive Economic Zone in the New Law of the Sea, Dordrecht 1989.
  • LARSON, David L., Security Issues and the Law of the Sea, London 1993.
  • LOWE, Alan V, Some Legal Problems Arising from the Use of the Seas for Military Purposes, Marine Policy, C. 12, Sa. 3, s. 286-296.
  • LOWE, Alan V, The Laws of War at Sea and the 1958 and 1982 Conventions, Marine Policy, C. 10, Sa. 3, s. 171-184.
  • LÜTEM, İlhan, Deniz Hukukunda Gelişmeler, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Konferansı, Ankara 1959.
  • MANDSAGER, Dennis, U.S. Free Navigation Program: Policy, procedure and Future”, SCHMITT, Michael N. (ed), The Law of Military Operations içinde, Newport 1998, s. 113-127.
  • MORGAN, Joseph R., Navies, Ocean Resources, and the Marine Enviroment, VAN DYKE, Jon M. – ZAELKE, Durwood, - HEWISON, Grant (ed.), Freedom fo the Seas in the 21st Century içinde, Washington 1993, s. 435-444.
  • NANDAN, Satya N. – ROSENNE, Shabtai, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 A Commentary, C. II, Dordrecht 1993.
  • ODA, Shigeru, Fisheries under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, American Journal of International Law, C. 77, Sa. 4, s. 739- 755 (KWIATKOWSKA, s. 231’den naklen).
  • OXMAN, Bernard H., The Regime of Warships Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Virginia Journal of International Law, C. 24, Sa. 4, s. 809-863.
  • ÖZMAN, M. Aydoğan, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi, İstanbul 1984.
  • ÖZMAN, M. Aydoğan, Deniz Hukuku, C. I, Ankara 2006.
  • PAZARCI, Hüseyin, Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri, C. II, b. 6, Ankara 1999.
  • PEDROZO, Raul Pete, Preserving National Rights and Freedoms: The Right to Conduct Military Activities in China’s Exclusive Economic Zone, Chinese Journal of International Law, C. 9, Sa. 2, s. 9-29. (http://, erişim 20 Haziran 2012).
  • PEDROZO, Raul Pete, Coastal State Jurisdiction over Marine Data Collection in the Exclusive Economic Zone, US Views, DUTTON, Peter (ed.), Military Activities in the EEZ içinde, Rhode Island 2010, s. 23-36.
  • PEDROZO, Raul Pete, Close Encounters at Sea, Naval War Collage Review, C. 62, Sa. 3, s. 101-111.
  • PINTO, Christopher, Maritime Security and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, GOLDBLAT, Jozef (ed.), Maritime Security: The Building of Confi dence içinde, New York 1992, s. 9-54.
  • PIRTLE, Charles E., Military Uses of Oceans Space and the Law of the Sea in the New Millennium, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 31, Sa. 1, s. 7-45.
  • ROACH, J. Ashley – SMITH, Robert W., International Law Studies 1994, Excessive Maritime Claims, V. 66, Rhode Island 1994
  • ROACH, J. Ashley, Marine Scientifi c Research and the New Law of the Sea, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 27, Sa. 1, s. 59-69
  • SCOVAZZI, Tullio, Coastal State Practice in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Right of Foreign States to Use This Zone, CLINGAN, Thomas A. (ed.), The Law of the Sea: What Lies Ahead? içinde, Miami 1986, s. 310-337.
  • SONG, Yann-Huei, China and the Military Use of the Ocean, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 20, Sa. 2, s. 213-235.
  • SOONS, Alfred H. A., Marine Scientifi c Research and Law of the Sea, London 1982.
  • STEPHENS, Dale G., The Impact of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention on the Conduct of Peacetime Naval/military Operations, California Western International Law Journal, C. 29, s. 283- 311.
  • TOLUNER Sevin, Milletlerarası Hukuk Dersleri, Devletin Yetkisi, b. 4, İstanbul 1989.
  • TOPSOY, Fevzi, Denize İlişkin Bilimsel Araştırmalar (MSR) ve Türkiye, Ankara 2011.
  • TOPSOY, Fevzi, 1982 Birleşmiş̧ Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi Kapsamında “Barışçıl Amaçlar” Teriminin Anlamı, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 61, Sa. 1, s. 383-414.
  • TREVES, Tullio, Military Installations, Structures, and Devices on the Seabed, American Journal of International Law, C. 74, Sa. 4, s. 808- 857.
  • WALKER, George K., Defi ning Terms in the 1982 Law Of The Sea Convention IV: The Last Round of Defi nitions Proposed by the International Law Association (American Branch) Law of the Sea Committee, California Western International Law Journal, C. 36, Sa.1, s. 133-183.
  • WANG, James C. F., Handbook on Ocean Politics and Law, London 1992.
  • WEGELEIN, Florian. H., Marine Scientifi c Research, Boston 2005.
  • WILLIAMS, Andrew S., Aerial Reconnaissance by Military Aircraft in the Exclusive Economic Zone, DUTTON, Peter (ed.), Military Activities in the EEZ içinde, Rhode Island 2010, s. 49-74.
  • WILSON, Brian, An Avoidable maritime Confl ict: Disputes Regarding Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone, Journal of Maritime and Commerce, C. 41, Sa. 3, s. 421-437.
  • WILSON, Brian – KRASKA, James, American Security and Law of the Sea, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 40, Sa. 3, s. 268-290.
  • VALENCIA, Mark J., Introduction: Military and Intelligence Gathering Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zones: Consensus and Disagreement II, Marine Policy, C. 29, Sa. 1, s. 97-99.
  • VALENCIA, Mark, The Impeccable Incident: Truth and Consequences, China Security, C. 5, Sa. 2, s. 22-28.
  • VAN DYKE, Jon M., Military Ships and Planes Operating in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Another Country, Marine Policy, C. 28, Sa. 1, s. 29-39.
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Year 2012, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 217 - 266, 01.07.2012


The exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is a concept of law of the sea that is created as fi rst time by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and authorizes some rights and jurisdiction to the coastal state. The coastal states is entitlement to declare an EEZ in a sea area which extends to 200 miles from their coasts, by the UNCLOS, caused a large area which is previously at “high sea status” to be included in the maritime jurisdiction areas of coastal states. This new position, besides other problems, has been put the military activities into a controversial position carried out in this area. On the other hand, the absence of clear provisions on the subject in the UNCLOS has created new confl ict areas. In this context, in the study; it is tried to explain the legal status of the foreign military activities, which is carried out in the EEZ


  • A Report of the Tokyo Meeting, The Regime of the Exclusive Economic Zone: Issues and Responses, East-West Center Yayını, Honolulu 2003.
  • A Summary of the Bali Dialogue, Military and Intelligence Gathering Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zones: Consensus and Disagreement, EastWest Center Yayını, Honolulu 2002.
  • AKİPEK, Ömer İlhan, Devletler Hukuku Kaynaklarından ve Belgelerinden Örnekler, Ankara 1966.
  • ANLAR GÜNEŞ, Şule, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi ve Deniz Çevresinin Korunması, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 56, Sa. 2, s. 1-37.
  • ATTARD, David J., The Exclusive Economic Zone in International Law, Oxford 1987.
  • BATEMAN, Sam, Prospective Guidelines for Navigation and Overfl ight in the Exclusive Economic Zone, ( MarStudies/2005/25.html, erişim 25 Haziran 2012).
  • BATEMAN, Sam, Hydrographic Surveying in the EEZ: Differences and Overlaps with Marine Scientifi c Research, Marine Policy, 2005, C. XXIX, s. 163-174.
  • BOCZEK, Boleslaw Adam, Peacetime Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Third Countries, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 19, Sa. 6, s. 445-468.
  • BOOTH, Ken, Law, Force and Diplomacy at Sea, London 1985.
  • BOZKURT, Enver, Uluslararası Hukuk Bakımından Münhasır Ekonomik Bölge Kavramının Ortaya Çıkışı, Uluslararası Hukuk ve Politika Dergisi, C. 2, Sa. 5, s. 50-74.
  • BOZKURT, Enver, Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanımı, b. 3, Ankara 2007.
  • BROWN, Edward Duncan, The Internationla law of the Sea, Volume I Introductory Manual, Aldershot 1994.
  • DE MURALT, R.W.G., The Military Aspects of the UN Law Of the Sea Convention, Netherlands International Law Review, C. 32, s. 78-99.
  • DIMITROV, Georgy, Possible New Restrictions on the Use of Naval Mines, GOLDBLAT, Jozef (ed.), Maritime Security: The Building of Confi dence içinde, New York 1992, s. 79-90.
  • DOĞRU, Sami, Uluslararası Hukukta Kıt’a Sahanlığı ve Ege Denizi Kıt’a Sahanlığı Uyuşmazlığı, Ankara 2003.
  • DUPUY, Rene-Jean, The Sea under National Competence, DUPUY, R. J. – VIGNES, D. (ed.), A Handbook on the Law of the Sea içinde, C. I, Dordrecht 1991, s. 247-314.
  • FEDHILA, Habib, Naval Manoeuvres and the Security of Coastal States, GOLDBLAT, Jozef (ed.), Maritime Security: The Building of Confi dence içinde, New York 1992, s. 119-128.
  • FRANCIONI, Francesco, Peacetime Use of Force, Military Activities, and the New Law of the Sea, Cornell International Law Journal, C. 18, Sa. 1, s. 203-226.
  • GALDORISI, George V. – KAUFMAN, Alan G., Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone: Preventing Uncertainty and Defusing Confl ict, California Western International Law Journal, C. 32, Sa. 2, s. 253-301.
  • GENG, Jing, The Legality of Foreign Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone under UNCLOS, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, C. 28, Sa. 74, s. 22-30
  • GUIFANG, Xue, Marine Scientifi c Research and Hydrographic Survey in the EEZs: Closing up the Legal Loopholes?, NORDQUIST, M. H. – KOH, T. B. – MOORE, J. N. (ed.), Freedom of Seas, Passage Rights and the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention içinde, Leiden 2009, s. 209-225.
  • GUIFANG, Xue, Guifang, Surveys and Research Activities in the EEZ, DUTTON, Peter (ed.), Military Activities in the EEZ içinde, Rhode Island 2010, s. 89-105.
  • GUOXING, Ji, The Legality of the “Impeccable Incident”, China Security, C. 5, Sa. 2, s. 16-21. (, erişim 20 Temmuz 2012).
  • GÜNDÜZ, Aslan, Milletlerarası Hukuk, Temel Belgeler Örnek Kararlar, B. 5, İstanbul 2003.
  • HAYASHI, Moritaka, Military and Intelligence Gathering Activities in the EEZ: Defi nition of Key Terms, Marine Policy, C. 29, Sa. 2, s. 123-137.
  • KESKİN, Funda, Uluslararası Hukukta Kuvvet Kullanma: Savaş, Karışma ve Birleşmiş Milletler, Ankara 1998.
  • KEYUAN, Zou, Law of the Sea Issues Between the United States and East Asian States, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 39, Sa. 1, s. 69-93.
  • KRASKA, James, Maritime Power and the Law of the Sea, Oxford 2011.
  • KURAN, Selami, Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku, b. 2, İstanbul 2007.
  • KWIATKOWSKA, Barbara, The 200 Mile Exclusive Economic Zone in the New Law of the Sea, Dordrecht 1989.
  • LARSON, David L., Security Issues and the Law of the Sea, London 1993.
  • LOWE, Alan V, Some Legal Problems Arising from the Use of the Seas for Military Purposes, Marine Policy, C. 12, Sa. 3, s. 286-296.
  • LOWE, Alan V, The Laws of War at Sea and the 1958 and 1982 Conventions, Marine Policy, C. 10, Sa. 3, s. 171-184.
  • LÜTEM, İlhan, Deniz Hukukunda Gelişmeler, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Konferansı, Ankara 1959.
  • MANDSAGER, Dennis, U.S. Free Navigation Program: Policy, procedure and Future”, SCHMITT, Michael N. (ed), The Law of Military Operations içinde, Newport 1998, s. 113-127.
  • MORGAN, Joseph R., Navies, Ocean Resources, and the Marine Enviroment, VAN DYKE, Jon M. – ZAELKE, Durwood, - HEWISON, Grant (ed.), Freedom fo the Seas in the 21st Century içinde, Washington 1993, s. 435-444.
  • NANDAN, Satya N. – ROSENNE, Shabtai, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 A Commentary, C. II, Dordrecht 1993.
  • ODA, Shigeru, Fisheries under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, American Journal of International Law, C. 77, Sa. 4, s. 739- 755 (KWIATKOWSKA, s. 231’den naklen).
  • OXMAN, Bernard H., The Regime of Warships Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Virginia Journal of International Law, C. 24, Sa. 4, s. 809-863.
  • ÖZMAN, M. Aydoğan, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi, İstanbul 1984.
  • ÖZMAN, M. Aydoğan, Deniz Hukuku, C. I, Ankara 2006.
  • PAZARCI, Hüseyin, Uluslararası Hukuk Dersleri, C. II, b. 6, Ankara 1999.
  • PEDROZO, Raul Pete, Preserving National Rights and Freedoms: The Right to Conduct Military Activities in China’s Exclusive Economic Zone, Chinese Journal of International Law, C. 9, Sa. 2, s. 9-29. (http://, erişim 20 Haziran 2012).
  • PEDROZO, Raul Pete, Coastal State Jurisdiction over Marine Data Collection in the Exclusive Economic Zone, US Views, DUTTON, Peter (ed.), Military Activities in the EEZ içinde, Rhode Island 2010, s. 23-36.
  • PEDROZO, Raul Pete, Close Encounters at Sea, Naval War Collage Review, C. 62, Sa. 3, s. 101-111.
  • PINTO, Christopher, Maritime Security and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, GOLDBLAT, Jozef (ed.), Maritime Security: The Building of Confi dence içinde, New York 1992, s. 9-54.
  • PIRTLE, Charles E., Military Uses of Oceans Space and the Law of the Sea in the New Millennium, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 31, Sa. 1, s. 7-45.
  • ROACH, J. Ashley – SMITH, Robert W., International Law Studies 1994, Excessive Maritime Claims, V. 66, Rhode Island 1994
  • ROACH, J. Ashley, Marine Scientifi c Research and the New Law of the Sea, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 27, Sa. 1, s. 59-69
  • SCOVAZZI, Tullio, Coastal State Practice in the Exclusive Economic Zone: The Right of Foreign States to Use This Zone, CLINGAN, Thomas A. (ed.), The Law of the Sea: What Lies Ahead? içinde, Miami 1986, s. 310-337.
  • SONG, Yann-Huei, China and the Military Use of the Ocean, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 20, Sa. 2, s. 213-235.
  • SOONS, Alfred H. A., Marine Scientifi c Research and Law of the Sea, London 1982.
  • STEPHENS, Dale G., The Impact of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention on the Conduct of Peacetime Naval/military Operations, California Western International Law Journal, C. 29, s. 283- 311.
  • TOLUNER Sevin, Milletlerarası Hukuk Dersleri, Devletin Yetkisi, b. 4, İstanbul 1989.
  • TOPSOY, Fevzi, Denize İlişkin Bilimsel Araştırmalar (MSR) ve Türkiye, Ankara 2011.
  • TOPSOY, Fevzi, 1982 Birleşmiş̧ Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi Kapsamında “Barışçıl Amaçlar” Teriminin Anlamı, Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, C. 61, Sa. 1, s. 383-414.
  • TREVES, Tullio, Military Installations, Structures, and Devices on the Seabed, American Journal of International Law, C. 74, Sa. 4, s. 808- 857.
  • WALKER, George K., Defi ning Terms in the 1982 Law Of The Sea Convention IV: The Last Round of Defi nitions Proposed by the International Law Association (American Branch) Law of the Sea Committee, California Western International Law Journal, C. 36, Sa.1, s. 133-183.
  • WANG, James C. F., Handbook on Ocean Politics and Law, London 1992.
  • WEGELEIN, Florian. H., Marine Scientifi c Research, Boston 2005.
  • WILLIAMS, Andrew S., Aerial Reconnaissance by Military Aircraft in the Exclusive Economic Zone, DUTTON, Peter (ed.), Military Activities in the EEZ içinde, Rhode Island 2010, s. 49-74.
  • WILSON, Brian, An Avoidable maritime Confl ict: Disputes Regarding Military Activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone, Journal of Maritime and Commerce, C. 41, Sa. 3, s. 421-437.
  • WILSON, Brian – KRASKA, James, American Security and Law of the Sea, Ocean Development and International Law, C. 40, Sa. 3, s. 268-290.
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fevzi Topsoy This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA Topsoy, F. (2012). Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(3), 217-266.
AMA Topsoy F. Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği. HBV-FLJ. July 2012;16(3):217-266.
Chicago Topsoy, Fevzi. “Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği”. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 16, no. 3 (July 2012): 217-66.
EndNote Topsoy F (July 1, 2012) Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 16 3 217–266.
IEEE F. Topsoy, “Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği”, HBV-FLJ, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 217–266, 2012.
ISNAD Topsoy, Fevzi. “Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği”. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 16/3 (July 2012), 217-266.
JAMA Topsoy F. Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği. HBV-FLJ. 2012;16:217–266.
MLA Topsoy, Fevzi. “Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği”. Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 3, 2012, pp. 217-66.
Vancouver Topsoy F. Münhasır Ekonomik Bölgede Yürütülen Yabancı Askerî Faaliyetlerin Hukukî Niteliği. HBV-FLJ. 2012;16(3):217-66.