Ülkemizde, zengin kültürümüzü yansýtan geleneksel müziklerimizin yeri ve önemi
çok büyüktür. Geleneksel müziklerimizin kendine özgü zengin makamlarý keman eðitimi için
deðerli bir malzemedir. Bu malzemeden keman eðitiminde yeterince faydalanabilmek için
makamsal etüd ve alýþtýrmalara ihtiyaç vardýr. Mevcut makamsal keman etüd ve alýþtýrmalarý
sayý bakýmýndan yeterli deðildir. Makamsal keman etüdü hazýrlamak için hem makamýn hem
de kemanýn özelliklerinin incelenmesi ve bilinmesi gereklidir. Bu nedenle bu çalýþmada,
makamsal ezgiler ve keman etüdleri istatistiksel yöntemlerle analiz edilerek kiþisel bilgi,
beceri ve yetenekler yerine ölçüm ve hesaplamalara dayalý bilgiler elde edilmiþtir. Elde edilen
bilgiler doðrultusunda, Mozart ve Haydn gibi bir çok bestecinin kullandýðý, tüm dünyada
bilinen ve kabul gören Kirnberger’in besteleme yöntemi kullanýlarak makamsal etüd ve
alýþtýrmalar hazýrlanmýþtýr. Bu çalýþma, hazýrlanan keman etüdlerinin ölçüm ve hesaplamalara
dayalý olmasý ve Kirnberger’ýn besteleme yönteminin makamsal keman etüd ve alýþtýrmalar
hazýrlama alanýnda ilk defa kullanýlmasý bakýmýndan önem taþýmaktadýr
In Turkey, the traditional music which reflects our rich culture has a special position
and great importance. The rich and original maqams of traditional Turkish music are very
valuable materials for violin education. In order to benefit properly from these materials, violin
etudes and studies in different maqams are needed. Existing makam violin etudes are not
sufficent in number. To prepare a maqam violin etude, both the features of the maqam and the
violin should be searched and known well. For this reason, in this study, instead of using
personel knowledge, experience and talents, results gained by analysing maqam melodies,
violin etudes and exercises with statistical methods are used. According to the results of the
analyses, etudes and studies are prepared in nihavend maqam by using Kirnberger’s
composing method, which is used by many famous composers like Mozart, Haydn and is a
well known and accepted method all around the world. This study is important because the
violin etudes are prepared basing on statistical results and measurements; and Kingsberger’s
composing method has been used for the first time in preparing violin etudes in maqams.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 15, 2016 |
Submission Date | January 28, 2015 |
Published in Issue | Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 1 |