Research Article
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Okulu Bırakmanın Önlenmesi Ve Önlemeye Yönelik Uygulamalar

Year 2008, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 91 - 104, 15.03.2016


Okulu býrakma (okul terki) yaygýn eðitsel problemlerden biridir. Bununla ilgili oraný
azaltmak birçok ülkenin eðitsel önceliklerinden biri haline gelmiþtir. Gerçekte düþük okulu
býrakma oraný, eðitim sisteminin kalitesinin bir göstergesi olarak alýnmaktadýr. Okulu býrakma
olayýný azaltmayý ve okulu baþarýyla tamamlamayý hedefleyen; akademik baþarý programlarý,
devam takibi uygulamalarý, psikolojik danýþmanlýk hizmetleri, okul sonrasý eðitsel kulüpler,
akran öðreticiliði, özgeci davranýþ geliþtirme, davranýþ yönetimi, atýlganlýk eðitimi, mesleki
eðitim, alternatif okul programlarý gibi birçok önleme ve müdahale uygulamalarý/programlarý
bulunmaktadýr. Bu programlardan, okulu býrakma probleminin karmaþýk ve bütüncül doðasýna
uygun olmasý ve de okul yöneticileri, öðretmenler, veliler, psikolojik danýþmanlar ve diðer
eðitsel birimlerin ortak çabalarýný birleþtirici olmasý beklenmektedir


  • Arons, R.D. & Schwatz, F.S. (1993). Interdisciplinary Coleadership of High School Groups for Prevention: Practice Issues. Social Work, 38 (1), 9-14.
  • Battin-Pearson ve Ark. (2000). Predictors of Early High School Dropout. A Test of Five Theories. Journal of Edecational Psychology, 92 (3), 568-582.
  • Beatty, A., Neisser, U., Trent, W.T. & Heubert, J.P. (2001).Understanding Dropouts: Statistics, Strategies and High-Stakes Testing. Washington: National Academy Pres.
  • Blum, D.J. & Jones, L.A. (1993). Academic Growth Group and Mentoring Program for Potentional Dropouts. School Counselor, 40 (3), 217-228.
  • Bozanoðlu, Ý. (2005).Biliþsel-Davranýþçý Yaklaþýma Dayalý Grup Rehberliðinin Güdülenme, Benlik Saygýsý, Baþarý ve Sýnav Kaygýsý Düzeylerine Etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Eðitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 38 (1), 17-42.
  • Campbell, L.A. (2004). As Strong As the Weakest Link: Urban High School Dropout. High School Journal, 87 (2), 16-24.
  • Cassel, R.N. (2003). A High School Drop-Out Prevention Program For The At-Risk Sophomore Students.Education, 123 (4), 649-659.
  • Christenson, S.L. & Thurlow, M.L. (2004). School Dropouts: Prevention Considetrations, Ýnterventions and Challenges. Current Directions ýn Psychological Science, 13, 36-39.
  • Chistenson, S.L., Sinclair, M.F., Lehr, C.A. & Godber, Y. (2001). Promoting Successful School Completion: Critical Conceptual and Metodological Guidelines. School Psychology Quarterly, 16 (4), 468-484.
  • Chistle, C.A., Jolivetti, K. & Nelson, M. (2007). School Characteristics Related to High School Dropout Rates.Remedial and Special Education, 28 (6), 325-339.
  • Conover-Myll, N. (1988). The Dropout Prevention Handbook: A Guide for Administrators, Counselors and Teachers. New York: Parker Publishing Company.
  • Dekkers, H. & Claassen, A. (2001). Dropouts- Disadventeged By Defination? A Study of The Perspective of Early School Leavers. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 27, 341- 354.
  • Doll, B. & Hess, R.S. (2001). Trough ANew Lens: Contempoarary Psychological Prespectives on School Completion and Dropping out of High School. School Pschology Quarterly, 16 (4), 351-356.
  • Downing, J. & Harrison, T.C. (1990). Dropout prevention: A Practical Approach. School Counselor, 38 (1), 67-74.
  • Egyed, C.L., Mc Intoch, D.E. & Bull, K.S. (1998). School Psychologists’ perceptions of Priorities for Dealing With the Dropout Problem. Psychology in the Schools, 35(2), 153-162.
  • Ellenbogen, S. & Chamberland, C. (1997). The Peer Relations of Dropouts. A Comparative Study of a Risk and Not At-Risk Youths. Journal of Adolescence, 20, 355-367.
  • Franklin, C., Streeter, C.L., Kim, J.S. & Tripodi, S.j. (2007). The Effectiveness of a SolutionFocused, Public Alternative School For Dropout Prevention and Retrieval. Children & Schools, 29 (3), 133-143. Graeff-Martins, A.S., Oswald, S., Comassetto, J.O., Kieling, C.,Goncalves, R.R. & Rohde,
  • L.A. (2006). A Package of Intervention to Reduce School Dropout in Public Schools in a Developing Country. Europian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 15(8), 442-449.
  • Hayes, R.L., Nelson J., Tabin, M., Pearson, G. & Worthy, C. (2002):Using School Wide Data to Advocate For Students Success. Profesional School Counseling, 6 (2), 86-95.
  • Hoz, R., Kainan, A. & Reid, I. (2000). Negev -Bedouin Parents’views on the Reason for School Dropout. Research ýn Education, 63, 68-81.
  • Kronick, R.F. (1994). The Imperative of Dealing With Dropouts: Theory, Practice and Reform. Education, 114 (4), 530-538.
  • Lehr, C.A., Hansen, A., Sinclair, M.F. & Christenson, S.L.(2003). Moving Beyond Dropout Towards School Completion. An Integrative Review of Data-Based Intervention. School Psychology Review, 32(3) Novicki, S., Duke, M.P., Sisney, S., Stricker, B. & Tyler, M.A. (2004). Reducing the Drop-Out Rate of At-Risk High School Students: The Effective Learning Program (ELP). Genetic. Social and General Psychology Monographs, 130 (3), 225-259.
  • Mueller, D., Giacomazzi, A.& Stoddart, A. (2006). Dealing with Chronic Absenteesim and Its Related Consequences: The Process and Short-Term Effects of a Diversionary Juvenile Court Intervention. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 11(2), 199-219.
  • Mahoney, J.L. & Cairns, R.B. (1997). Do Extracurricular Activities Protest Against Early School Dropout?. Developmental Psychology, 33(2), 241-2353.
  • Orthner, D.K. & Randolp, K.A. (1999). Welfare Reform and High School Dropout Patterns for Children.Children and Youth Sercvices Review, 20 (9/10), 881-900.
  • Prevatt, F. & Kelly, F.D. (2003). Dropping Out Of School: AReview of Ýntervention Programs. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 377-395.
  • Rees, D.L. & Mocan, H.N. (1997). Labor Market Conditions and the High School Dropout Rate. Evidence From NewYork State: Ecomomics of Education Review, 16 (2); 103- 109.
  • Resmi Gazete (19.01.2007) Milli Eðitim Bakanlýðý, Ortaöðretim Kurumlarý Ödül ve Disiplin Yönetmeliði, 26408
  • Rosenthal, B.S. (1998). Non-School Correletes of Dropout: An Integrative Review of the Literatüre. Children & Youth Service Review, 20 (5), 413-433.
  • Stanard, R.P. (2003). High School Graduation Rates In United States: Implications For The Counseling Profession. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81 (2), 217-222.
  • Sherrow, V. (1996). Life Issues: Dropping Out. New York: Benchmark Books. South, S.J., Haynie, D.L. & Bose, S. (2007).Student Mobility and School Dropout. Social Science Research,36, 68-94.
  • Srebnik, D.S. & Elias, M.J. (1993). An Ecological, Interpersonal Skills Approach to Drop-Out Prevention. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63(4), 526-535.
  • Suh, S. & Suh, J. (2006). Educational Engagement and Degree Attainment Among High School Dropouts.Educational Research and Quarterly, 29 (3), 11-20.
  • Suh, S., Suh, J. & Houston, I. (2007).Perdictors Of Categorical At-Risk High School Dropouts. Journal of Counseling And Development, 85, 196-203. Þahin, Y. & Uysal, A. (2007, 5-7 Eylül). Ortaöðretimde Okulu Býrakma Olgusunun Sosyolojik Analizi. 16. Eðitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Tokat-Türkiye
  • Tebliðler Dergisi (2567-Aralýk 2004). Milli Eðitim Bakanlýðý Ortaöðretim Kurumlarý Sýnýf Geçme ve Sýnav Yönetmeliði. (14-01-2008 tarihinde adresinden alýnmýþtýr).
  • Tiggemann, M. & Winefield, A.H. (1989). Predictors of Employement, Unemployment and Further Study Among School-Leavers. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 62, 213-221.
  • Trusty, J. (1996). Counseling for Dropout Prevention: Implications From Multicultural Counseling. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 24 (2). Uysal, A. & Þahin, Y. (2007,5-7Eylül). Ortaöðretimde Okulu Býrakma Olgusunu Tetikleyen Yapýsal/Çevresel Faktörler. 16. Eðitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 5-7 Eylül 2007. Tokat- Türkiye
  • Warren, J.R. & Lee, J.C. (2002). The Impact of Adolescent Employment on High School Dropout: Differences by Individual and Labor-Market Characteristics. Social Science Research, 32, 98-128.
  • Wegner, L., Flisher, A.J., Chicopvu, P., Lombard, C. & King, G. (2007). Leisure Boredom and High School Dropout in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Adolescence, 1-11.
  • Vitero, F.,Larocque, D., Janosz, M., & Tremblay, R.E. (2001). Negative Social Expriences and Dropping out of School. Educational Psychology, 21 (4), 401-415.


Year 2008, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 91 - 104, 15.03.2016


School dropout is one of the problems in general education and reducing the dropout
rate has become an educational priority in a lot of countries. A low dropout rate is used as an
indicator of the quality of the school system. There are a lot of prevention and interventation
practices/programs aimed at dropout and succesful school completion such as; academic
achievement programs, attendance mentoring, counseling services, after-school educational
clubs, peer tutoring, prosocial skill development, behavior management training, positive
assertiveness, vocational training and alternative school programs. It is expected that these
programs must address the complex and interactive nature of the dropouts problem sufficiently
and must be joined with the common efforts of educational agents such as administrators,
teachers, parents, counselors and others. 


  • Arons, R.D. & Schwatz, F.S. (1993). Interdisciplinary Coleadership of High School Groups for Prevention: Practice Issues. Social Work, 38 (1), 9-14.
  • Battin-Pearson ve Ark. (2000). Predictors of Early High School Dropout. A Test of Five Theories. Journal of Edecational Psychology, 92 (3), 568-582.
  • Beatty, A., Neisser, U., Trent, W.T. & Heubert, J.P. (2001).Understanding Dropouts: Statistics, Strategies and High-Stakes Testing. Washington: National Academy Pres.
  • Blum, D.J. & Jones, L.A. (1993). Academic Growth Group and Mentoring Program for Potentional Dropouts. School Counselor, 40 (3), 217-228.
  • Bozanoðlu, Ý. (2005).Biliþsel-Davranýþçý Yaklaþýma Dayalý Grup Rehberliðinin Güdülenme, Benlik Saygýsý, Baþarý ve Sýnav Kaygýsý Düzeylerine Etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Eðitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 38 (1), 17-42.
  • Campbell, L.A. (2004). As Strong As the Weakest Link: Urban High School Dropout. High School Journal, 87 (2), 16-24.
  • Cassel, R.N. (2003). A High School Drop-Out Prevention Program For The At-Risk Sophomore Students.Education, 123 (4), 649-659.
  • Christenson, S.L. & Thurlow, M.L. (2004). School Dropouts: Prevention Considetrations, Ýnterventions and Challenges. Current Directions ýn Psychological Science, 13, 36-39.
  • Chistenson, S.L., Sinclair, M.F., Lehr, C.A. & Godber, Y. (2001). Promoting Successful School Completion: Critical Conceptual and Metodological Guidelines. School Psychology Quarterly, 16 (4), 468-484.
  • Chistle, C.A., Jolivetti, K. & Nelson, M. (2007). School Characteristics Related to High School Dropout Rates.Remedial and Special Education, 28 (6), 325-339.
  • Conover-Myll, N. (1988). The Dropout Prevention Handbook: A Guide for Administrators, Counselors and Teachers. New York: Parker Publishing Company.
  • Dekkers, H. & Claassen, A. (2001). Dropouts- Disadventeged By Defination? A Study of The Perspective of Early School Leavers. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 27, 341- 354.
  • Doll, B. & Hess, R.S. (2001). Trough ANew Lens: Contempoarary Psychological Prespectives on School Completion and Dropping out of High School. School Pschology Quarterly, 16 (4), 351-356.
  • Downing, J. & Harrison, T.C. (1990). Dropout prevention: A Practical Approach. School Counselor, 38 (1), 67-74.
  • Egyed, C.L., Mc Intoch, D.E. & Bull, K.S. (1998). School Psychologists’ perceptions of Priorities for Dealing With the Dropout Problem. Psychology in the Schools, 35(2), 153-162.
  • Ellenbogen, S. & Chamberland, C. (1997). The Peer Relations of Dropouts. A Comparative Study of a Risk and Not At-Risk Youths. Journal of Adolescence, 20, 355-367.
  • Franklin, C., Streeter, C.L., Kim, J.S. & Tripodi, S.j. (2007). The Effectiveness of a SolutionFocused, Public Alternative School For Dropout Prevention and Retrieval. Children & Schools, 29 (3), 133-143. Graeff-Martins, A.S., Oswald, S., Comassetto, J.O., Kieling, C.,Goncalves, R.R. & Rohde,
  • L.A. (2006). A Package of Intervention to Reduce School Dropout in Public Schools in a Developing Country. Europian Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 15(8), 442-449.
  • Hayes, R.L., Nelson J., Tabin, M., Pearson, G. & Worthy, C. (2002):Using School Wide Data to Advocate For Students Success. Profesional School Counseling, 6 (2), 86-95.
  • Hoz, R., Kainan, A. & Reid, I. (2000). Negev -Bedouin Parents’views on the Reason for School Dropout. Research ýn Education, 63, 68-81.
  • Kronick, R.F. (1994). The Imperative of Dealing With Dropouts: Theory, Practice and Reform. Education, 114 (4), 530-538.
  • Lehr, C.A., Hansen, A., Sinclair, M.F. & Christenson, S.L.(2003). Moving Beyond Dropout Towards School Completion. An Integrative Review of Data-Based Intervention. School Psychology Review, 32(3) Novicki, S., Duke, M.P., Sisney, S., Stricker, B. & Tyler, M.A. (2004). Reducing the Drop-Out Rate of At-Risk High School Students: The Effective Learning Program (ELP). Genetic. Social and General Psychology Monographs, 130 (3), 225-259.
  • Mueller, D., Giacomazzi, A.& Stoddart, A. (2006). Dealing with Chronic Absenteesim and Its Related Consequences: The Process and Short-Term Effects of a Diversionary Juvenile Court Intervention. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 11(2), 199-219.
  • Mahoney, J.L. & Cairns, R.B. (1997). Do Extracurricular Activities Protest Against Early School Dropout?. Developmental Psychology, 33(2), 241-2353.
  • Orthner, D.K. & Randolp, K.A. (1999). Welfare Reform and High School Dropout Patterns for Children.Children and Youth Sercvices Review, 20 (9/10), 881-900.
  • Prevatt, F. & Kelly, F.D. (2003). Dropping Out Of School: AReview of Ýntervention Programs. Journal of School Psychology, 41, 377-395.
  • Rees, D.L. & Mocan, H.N. (1997). Labor Market Conditions and the High School Dropout Rate. Evidence From NewYork State: Ecomomics of Education Review, 16 (2); 103- 109.
  • Resmi Gazete (19.01.2007) Milli Eðitim Bakanlýðý, Ortaöðretim Kurumlarý Ödül ve Disiplin Yönetmeliði, 26408
  • Rosenthal, B.S. (1998). Non-School Correletes of Dropout: An Integrative Review of the Literatüre. Children & Youth Service Review, 20 (5), 413-433.
  • Stanard, R.P. (2003). High School Graduation Rates In United States: Implications For The Counseling Profession. Journal of Counseling and Development, 81 (2), 217-222.
  • Sherrow, V. (1996). Life Issues: Dropping Out. New York: Benchmark Books. South, S.J., Haynie, D.L. & Bose, S. (2007).Student Mobility and School Dropout. Social Science Research,36, 68-94.
  • Srebnik, D.S. & Elias, M.J. (1993). An Ecological, Interpersonal Skills Approach to Drop-Out Prevention. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63(4), 526-535.
  • Suh, S. & Suh, J. (2006). Educational Engagement and Degree Attainment Among High School Dropouts.Educational Research and Quarterly, 29 (3), 11-20.
  • Suh, S., Suh, J. & Houston, I. (2007).Perdictors Of Categorical At-Risk High School Dropouts. Journal of Counseling And Development, 85, 196-203. Þahin, Y. & Uysal, A. (2007, 5-7 Eylül). Ortaöðretimde Okulu Býrakma Olgusunun Sosyolojik Analizi. 16. Eðitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Tokat-Türkiye
  • Tebliðler Dergisi (2567-Aralýk 2004). Milli Eðitim Bakanlýðý Ortaöðretim Kurumlarý Sýnýf Geçme ve Sýnav Yönetmeliði. (14-01-2008 tarihinde adresinden alýnmýþtýr).
  • Tiggemann, M. & Winefield, A.H. (1989). Predictors of Employement, Unemployment and Further Study Among School-Leavers. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 62, 213-221.
  • Trusty, J. (1996). Counseling for Dropout Prevention: Implications From Multicultural Counseling. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 24 (2). Uysal, A. & Þahin, Y. (2007,5-7Eylül). Ortaöðretimde Okulu Býrakma Olgusunu Tetikleyen Yapýsal/Çevresel Faktörler. 16. Eðitim Bilimleri Kongresi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 5-7 Eylül 2007. Tokat- Türkiye
  • Warren, J.R. & Lee, J.C. (2002). The Impact of Adolescent Employment on High School Dropout: Differences by Individual and Labor-Market Characteristics. Social Science Research, 32, 98-128.
  • Wegner, L., Flisher, A.J., Chicopvu, P., Lombard, C. & King, G. (2007). Leisure Boredom and High School Dropout in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Adolescence, 1-11.
  • Vitero, F.,Larocque, D., Janosz, M., & Tremblay, R.E. (2001). Negative Social Expriences and Dropping out of School. Educational Psychology, 21 (4), 401-415.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Aslı Taylı This is me

Publication Date March 15, 2016
Submission Date January 28, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Taylı, A. (2016). Okulu Bırakmanın Önlenmesi Ve Önlemeye Yönelik Uygulamalar. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 91-104.