The article's title should be written first in Turkish and then in English in capital letters and bold, not exceeding 12 words.
Internal headings should be written in bold and capitalized initial letters of all words (except conjunctions) without numbers and letters at the beginning according to the article's subject.
Author(s) Name
Manuscripts are sent to the referees directly through the system (without making any changes to the file uploaded by the author). To ensure author-referee confidentiality, there should not be any information identifying the author of the article. For this reason, the name(s) of the author(s) should not be included both in the article and in the file name.
For manuscripts whose referee process has been completed, when the author is asked to send the final version of the manuscript, he/she is asked to write his/her name, surname, institutional contact information, e-mail address, ORCID number in Turkish and English, just below the title, right justified.
The abstract should be written in both English and Turkish under the title “Abstract” and “Abstract”. It should be written in 10-point font size, single-spaced, justified on both sides, and should not exceed 300 words. Turkish and English keywords should be written under the headings “Keywords” and “Keywords” with a minimum of 5 words and a maximum of 10 words. Turkish abstract should be followed by “Key Words” in Turkish and English abstract should be followed by “Key Words” in English.
Section Headings
In 11-point font size, the first letter of the words should be capitalized, bold, and centered, and they should be listed consecutively without numbering.
Sub-Section Headings
In 11-point font size, the first letter of the words should be capitalized, bold, and centered.
1) Main text:
a) A4 paper size, with 5 cm margins on the top and bottom edges and 4.5 cm margins on the right and left edges.
b) It should be written in 11-point Times New Roman font.
c) 1.15 line spacing should be left.
d) It should be justified on both sides.
e) Paragraphs in the manuscript should be indented 1.25 cm, 0 nk line space should be left between paragraphs and page numbers should be placed in the upper right corner.
f) In the work, the first letter of each word should be capitalized above the names of charts and tables. Pictures, figures, and graphics should be shown under the name “Figure” and figures and graphics should be drawn on the computer. Figures should be numbered consecutively and the names of the figures should be written below the figure with the first letter of each word capitalized.
g) Please create your tables from the Insert table option and be careful not to organize them as images. If your tables are large, you can reduce the font size. Make sure that the fonts in the texts and other places are arranged according to the font requested in the template.
2) Citations and References:
All direct quotations should be enclosed in quotation marks. In direct quotations, if the quoted section exceeds 40 words, it should be given as a block quote. Block quotations should be written in 10-point font size, 1 cm from the right and left.
APA Citation System is applied in our journal. However, although it is accepted to make explanations with footnotes under the page, which is compulsory in some disciplines, the footnote system is not accepted in the citation.
When the APA System (in-text) is used, the following points should be noted:
- The surname of the author, the date of publication of the work: and the page number of the citation should be indicated by opening parentheses in the appropriate place in the text. Example:
“Since the Kyrgyz have left indelible traces in history by playing an active role in the formation of many historical events, they are generally recognized among the ancient Turkic tribes and communities with their nomadic life, warrior identity, and unique folk narrative Manas Epic” (Alyılmaz, 2013, p. 1).
-If the author's name is given in the text, the publication date and page of the source should be written. Example:
Regarding the effects of common values on society, Alyılmaz (2014, p. 77) says, “Common values play a major role in the formation and unity of societies. Common values are the product of common life and beliefs, goals and needs”.
- In consecutive quotations from the same work or article in the text of the article, there should be no abbreviations such as age., agm., etc., and the same method should be continued.
-If more than one work of the author published in the same year is cited, letter coding should be added at the end of the year of publication. Example:
(Köprülü, 1966a; Köprülü, 1966b ...)
- If the source is multi-authored, the surname of both authors should be used, and in works with more than two authors, the phrase “et al.” should be used after the surname of the first author. Example:
(Türkmen & Cemiloğlu, 2009: 20; Olcay et al., 1998: 10) All authors should be given in the References section.
-If more than one source is cited in the text, the sources should be separated by semicolons (Köprülü, 1966, p. 10; Kaplan, 2004, p. 15; Tanpınar, 1969, p. 20; ...)
-If it is necessary to cite a publication that cannot be found, even if it is not deemed appropriate by our journal, the original source should also be cited. Example:
(Köprülü, 1931 cited in Şahin, 2002, p. 25)
-If an oral source is used, the name and surname of the source person should be indicated in parentheses.
- For works or manuscripts with uncertain publication dates, only the author's name should be written, and for works without the author's name, the title of the work should be written.
-In quotations from the internet, the internet address and the date of access to the address should be specified by creating a subheading under the bibliography with the name of Internet titles in the bibliography section. Example:
URL 1: http://tdkterim.gov.tr/bts (Date of Access: 05.04.2011)
The References section should be located at the end of the article text, only the sources cited in the article text should be included and should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author. If an author has more than one work, the publication date should be taken into account in the order. If an author has more than one work published in the same year, the references should be coded as a, b, c.
In oral sources, the surname, name, place and date of birth, occupation, and other explanatory information should be briefly included. Example:
Fuat Özdemir- Ashiq Fuat Çerkezoğlu. Born in 1950 in Narman, folk minstrel
For sources that do not have some information, statements such as “no place of publication, no publisher, no date” should be added to the relevant place.
In ancient sources or in old works that are continuously printed, the name of the author (since there is no name-surname) should be written as it is, and the date of printing of the existing copy should be written after the name of the work.
Ancient Sources
Evliya Çelebi. Seyahatname. (sad. T. Temelkuran- N. Aktaş). 1986. İstanbul: Üçdal Yayınevi
Ksenophon. Anabasis / Onbinlerin dönüşü. (çev. T. Gökçöl). 1974. İstanbul: Hürriyet Yayınları
Alyılmaz, C. (2005). Orhun yazıtlarının bugünkü durumu. Ankara: Kurmay Yayınları.
Durmuş, İ. (1993). İskitler (Sakalar). Ankara.
Köprülü, M. F. (1966a). Türk edebiyatında ilk mutasavvıflar. Ankara: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları.
Köprülü, M. F. (1966b). Edebiyat araştırmaları. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
Book Chapter / Encyclopedia Article
Şahin, N. (2021). Eğitimde teknoloji kullanımı ile ilgili sorunlar’. 21. YY. eğitim teknolojisi (Ed. M. F. Özcan ve N. Şahin) içinde (s. 71-86). İstanbul: Eğitim Yayınevi.
Belli, O. (1982). “Urartular”. Anadolu uygarlıkları ansiklopedisi-I içinde (s. 139-208). İstanbul: Görsel Yayınları.
Alyılmaz, C. (2015). “Türk dünyası vatandaşlığı”na doğru. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1), 69-76.
Oğuz, M. Ö. (2010). Sözel belleğin tarihe tanıklığı ve âşıkların inanılan biyografileri. Milli Folklor, 87, 5-12.
Translation - Compilation
Naskali, E. G. (haz.). (1999). Altay destanı Maaday Kara. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları.
Eliade, M. (1999). Şamanizm. (çev. İsmet Birkan). Ankara: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
Kılıç, M., & Topaloğlu. Y. (2018). “Antik kaynaklara göre Doğu Anadolu mimarisi”. Kurtuluşunun 100. Yılında Uluslararası Erzurum Sempozyumu. 12-13 Mart 2018. Erzurum. 842-874
Şahin, N. (2017). Cengiz Aytmatov’un eserlerinin değerler eğitimi bağlamında incelenmesi ve ortaokul Türkçe ders kitapları için metin önerileri. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Erzurum.
Thank you for your understanding and contributions.