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French Nietzscheanism: Remembering Michel Foucault

Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 30, 01.06.2024


Jean Baudrillard claimed in his 1977 book Oublier Foucault (trans. Forgetting Foucault) that “Foucault’s discourse is a mirror of the forces he describes”. According to Foucault, desire, sexuality, madness, oppression, power, power, body, discipline etc. The reason behind the development of comments and discourses on the subject was that all these issues had lost their meaning. Baudrillard’s work is one of the best introductory works on this subject. The books in the new “Foreign Agents” series that started in 1983, but the attack on Foucault has made it somewhat problematic. Thus, with the overlap between this new version of power and the new version of desire proposed by Deleuze and Lyotard, which was not accidental; In Foucault, desire was simply replaced by power. In Foucault there is no desire, its place has already been taken. Power mingles with desire, and desire mingles with power. This is why Baudrillard suggests forgetting this philosopher. Foucault’s discourse of knowledge/ power is also related to French Nietzscheism. In this article, Foucault’s thoughts will be evaluated in the context of French Nietzscheism. The article discusses current debates on French Nietzscheanism and studies on Nietzsche with a focus on Foucault. The purpose of this text is to clarify some of Foucault’s complex ideas. The result and our suggestion is that Foucault is an unforgettable philosopher.


  • Bataılle, Georges. (1937). “Réparation à Nietzsche: Nietzsche et les fascistes”, in Acéphale, No:2, Janvier, p. 3-13.
  • Benedict, Ruth. (2005). Patterns of Culture, New York: Mariner Books.
  • Biebricher, T. (2005). Habermas, Foucault and Nietzsche: A double misunderstanding. Foucault Studies, 1-26.
  • Bouveresse, Jacques and Kovacscis, Adan. (2020). Nietzsche contra Foucault: Sobre la verdad, el conocimiento y el poder. ‎ Español: Ediciones del Subsuelo.
  • Defert, Daniel. (2013). “Chronology,” in C. Falzon, T. O'Leary, and J. Sawicki (eds.), A Companion to Foucault, Blackwell.
  • Eribon, Didier. (1991). Michel Foucault. Betsy Wing (translator). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Flyvbjerg, B. (2000, April). Ideal theory, real rationality: Habermas versus Foucault and Nietzsche. In Paper for the Political Studies Association’s 50th Annual Conference, The Challenges for Democracy in the 21st Century, London School of Economics and Political Science (pp. 10-13).
  • Foucault, Michel & Rabinow, Paul. (1998). Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth (Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 1). London: The New Press.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1980). “Prison Talk,” Colin Gordon (trans.), in Power/ Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977, Colin Gordon (ed.) New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1982). The Subject and Power. University of Chicago Press.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1984). “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”. The Foucault Reader. Edited by Paul Rabinow. Pantheon Books, pp. 76-100.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1994). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, London: Vintage; Reissue edition.
  • Foucault, Michel. (2005). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Foucault, Michel. (2009). “Preface to the 1961 edition”. History of Madness. Translated by Khalfa J. NY: Routledge.
  • Foucault, Michel. (2020). Deliliğin Tarihi. Çev. Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay. İstanbul: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Girard, R. (Sep., 1984). “Dionysus versus the Crucified”, MLN, Vol. 99, No. 4.
  • Heidegger, M. (1993). Letter on humanism. Basic writings, 204.
  • Hyppolite, J. (1974). Genesis and structure of Hegel’s “Phenomenology of spirit”. Northwestern University Press.
  • Jacobs, I., & Wilson, T. (2023). Alexandre Kojève and Russian philosophy: Guest editors’ introduction. Studies in East European Thought.
  • Lash, S. (1984). Genealogy and the Body: Foucault/Deleuze/Nietzsche. Theory, Culture & Society, 2(2), 1-17.
  • Mahon, Michael. (1992). Foucault’s Nietzschean Genealogy: Truth, Power, and the Subject. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Marshall, J. D. (30 June 1996). Michel Foucault: Personal Autonomy and Education. Springer.
  • Megill, Allan. (1985). Prophets of Extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, University of California Press.
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2012). Wagner Olayı-Nietzsche Wagner’e Karşı, Çev. M. Osman Toklu. İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2019). Tragedyanın Doğuşu. Çev. Mustafa Tüzel. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2021). Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt: Herkes ve Hiç Kimse İçin Bir Kitap. Çev. Regaip Minareci, İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • Olssen, Mark. (2015). Toward a Global Thin Community: Nietzsche, Foucault, and the Cosmopolitan Commitment. London: Routledge.
  • Owen, David. (1997). Maturity and Modernity: Nietzsche, Weber, Foucault and the Ambivalence of Reason. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Peters, M. A., Neilson, D., & Jackson, L. (2022). Post-marxism, humanism and (post) structuralism: Educational philosophy and theory. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(14).
  • Rosenberg, Alan and Westfall, Joseph. (2018). Foucault and Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter, Bloomsbury.
  • Rosenberg, Alan ve Westfall, Joseph. (2018). Foucault and Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter. New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Schrift, Alan D. (2010). “French Nietzscheanism”, In Schrift, Alan D. (ed.). Poststructuralism and Critical Theory’s Second Generation. The History of Continental Philosophy. Vol. 6. Durham, UK: Acumen. (pp. 19-46).
  • Schrift, Alan D. (2014). Poststructuralism and Critical Theory’s Second Generation, Routledge, ch. 1: French Nietzscheanism.
  • Scott, C. E. (1990). The Question of Ethics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger.
  • Scott, Charles E. (1990). The Question of Ethics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger. Indiana University Press.
  • Shapiro, G. (2003). Archaeologies of vision: Foucault and Nietzsche on seeing and saying. University of Chicago Press.
  • Shapiro, Gary (2003). Archaeologies of Vision: Foucault and Nietzsche on Seeing and Saying. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Sluga, H. (1993). Heidegger’s crisis: Philosophy and politics in Nazi Germany. Harvard University Press.
  • Stokes, Philip. (2004). Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers. Kettering: Index Books. Tuana, Nancy and Scott, Charles E. (2020). Beyond Philosophy Nietzsche, Foucault, Anzaldúa. Indiana: İ. University Press. Ure, M. V. (2007). Senecan Moods: Foucault and Nietzsche on the Art of the Self. Foucault Studies, 19-52.
  • Wagner à Bayreuth, Richard. (1877) Nıetzsche, Friedrich (Richard Wagner in Bayreuth [First French Version], Paris: Schmeitzner Chemnitz.
  • Weeks, Jeffrey. (2005). “Remembering Foucault”. Journal of the History of Sexuality Vol. 14, No. 1/2, Special Issue: Studying the History of Sexuality: Theory, Methods, Praxis (Jan. - Apr.,)


Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 1 - 30, 01.06.2024


Jean Baudrillard, 1977 tarihli Oublier Foucault adlı kitabında (çev. Foucault’yu Unutmak) “Foucault’nun söyleminin, tanımladığı güçlerin bir aynası olduğunu” iddia etmiştir. Ona göre Foucault’nun arzu, cinsellik, delilik, baskı, iktidar, güç, beden, disiplin vs. üzerine yorumlar ve söylemler geliştirmesinin altında bütün bu konuların anlamını yitirmiş olması yatmaktaydı. Baudrillard’ın eseri bu konuya giriş niteliğinde olan en iyi çalışmalardan biridir. 1983 yılında başlayan yeni “Yabancı Ajanlar” serisinin kitapları, ancak Foucault’ya yapılan saldırı onu biraz sorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu nedenle, iktidarın bu yeni versiyonu ile arzunun Deleuze ve Lyotard tarafından önerilen yeni versiyonu arasındaki örtüşme ile ki bu tesadüfi değildi; basitçe Foucault’da arzunun yerini iktidar almaktaydı. Foucault’da arzu yoktur, onun yeri çoktan alınmıştır. İktidar arzuya karışır, arzu ise güce karışır. İşte bu nedenle Baudrillard, bu filozofu unutmayı öne sürer. Foucault’nun bilgi/ iktidar söylemi, Fransız Nietzscheciliği ile de bağlantılıdır. Bu makalede Foucault’nun düşünceleri Fransız Nietzscheciliği bağlamında değerlendirilecektir. Makalede; Fransız Nietzscheciliği ve Foucault ile Nietzsche çalışmaları hakkında güncel tartışmalara yer verilmiştir. Bu metnin yazılma amacı Foucault’nun karmaşık bazı fikirlerine açıklık getirmektir. Sonuç ve önerimiz Foucault’un unutulmayacak düzeyde bir filozof olmasıdır.

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  • Bataılle, Georges. (1937). “Réparation à Nietzsche: Nietzsche et les fascistes”, in Acéphale, No:2, Janvier, p. 3-13.
  • Benedict, Ruth. (2005). Patterns of Culture, New York: Mariner Books.
  • Biebricher, T. (2005). Habermas, Foucault and Nietzsche: A double misunderstanding. Foucault Studies, 1-26.
  • Bouveresse, Jacques and Kovacscis, Adan. (2020). Nietzsche contra Foucault: Sobre la verdad, el conocimiento y el poder. ‎ Español: Ediciones del Subsuelo.
  • Defert, Daniel. (2013). “Chronology,” in C. Falzon, T. O'Leary, and J. Sawicki (eds.), A Companion to Foucault, Blackwell.
  • Eribon, Didier. (1991). Michel Foucault. Betsy Wing (translator). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Flyvbjerg, B. (2000, April). Ideal theory, real rationality: Habermas versus Foucault and Nietzsche. In Paper for the Political Studies Association’s 50th Annual Conference, The Challenges for Democracy in the 21st Century, London School of Economics and Political Science (pp. 10-13).
  • Foucault, Michel & Rabinow, Paul. (1998). Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth (Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 1). London: The New Press.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1980). “Prison Talk,” Colin Gordon (trans.), in Power/ Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings, 1972-1977, Colin Gordon (ed.) New York: Pantheon Books.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1982). The Subject and Power. University of Chicago Press.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1984). “Nietzsche, Genealogy, History”. The Foucault Reader. Edited by Paul Rabinow. Pantheon Books, pp. 76-100.
  • Foucault, Michel. (1994). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences, London: Vintage; Reissue edition.
  • Foucault, Michel. (2005). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Foucault, Michel. (2009). “Preface to the 1961 edition”. History of Madness. Translated by Khalfa J. NY: Routledge.
  • Foucault, Michel. (2020). Deliliğin Tarihi. Çev. Mehmet Ali Kılıçbay. İstanbul: İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
  • Girard, R. (Sep., 1984). “Dionysus versus the Crucified”, MLN, Vol. 99, No. 4.
  • Heidegger, M. (1993). Letter on humanism. Basic writings, 204.
  • Hyppolite, J. (1974). Genesis and structure of Hegel’s “Phenomenology of spirit”. Northwestern University Press.
  • Jacobs, I., & Wilson, T. (2023). Alexandre Kojève and Russian philosophy: Guest editors’ introduction. Studies in East European Thought.
  • Lash, S. (1984). Genealogy and the Body: Foucault/Deleuze/Nietzsche. Theory, Culture & Society, 2(2), 1-17.
  • Mahon, Michael. (1992). Foucault’s Nietzschean Genealogy: Truth, Power, and the Subject. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Marshall, J. D. (30 June 1996). Michel Foucault: Personal Autonomy and Education. Springer.
  • Megill, Allan. (1985). Prophets of Extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault, Derrida, University of California Press.
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2012). Wagner Olayı-Nietzsche Wagner’e Karşı, Çev. M. Osman Toklu. İstanbul: Say Yayınları.
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2019). Tragedyanın Doğuşu. Çev. Mustafa Tüzel. İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2021). Böyle Buyurdu Zerdüşt: Herkes ve Hiç Kimse İçin Bir Kitap. Çev. Regaip Minareci, İstanbul: Can Yayınları.
  • Olssen, Mark. (2015). Toward a Global Thin Community: Nietzsche, Foucault, and the Cosmopolitan Commitment. London: Routledge.
  • Owen, David. (1997). Maturity and Modernity: Nietzsche, Weber, Foucault and the Ambivalence of Reason. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Peters, M. A., Neilson, D., & Jackson, L. (2022). Post-marxism, humanism and (post) structuralism: Educational philosophy and theory. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(14).
  • Rosenberg, Alan and Westfall, Joseph. (2018). Foucault and Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter, Bloomsbury.
  • Rosenberg, Alan ve Westfall, Joseph. (2018). Foucault and Nietzsche: A Critical Encounter. New York: Bloomsbury.
  • Schrift, Alan D. (2010). “French Nietzscheanism”, In Schrift, Alan D. (ed.). Poststructuralism and Critical Theory’s Second Generation. The History of Continental Philosophy. Vol. 6. Durham, UK: Acumen. (pp. 19-46).
  • Schrift, Alan D. (2014). Poststructuralism and Critical Theory’s Second Generation, Routledge, ch. 1: French Nietzscheanism.
  • Scott, C. E. (1990). The Question of Ethics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger.
  • Scott, Charles E. (1990). The Question of Ethics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Heidegger. Indiana University Press.
  • Shapiro, G. (2003). Archaeologies of vision: Foucault and Nietzsche on seeing and saying. University of Chicago Press.
  • Shapiro, Gary (2003). Archaeologies of Vision: Foucault and Nietzsche on Seeing and Saying. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Sluga, H. (1993). Heidegger’s crisis: Philosophy and politics in Nazi Germany. Harvard University Press.
  • Stokes, Philip. (2004). Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers. Kettering: Index Books. Tuana, Nancy and Scott, Charles E. (2020). Beyond Philosophy Nietzsche, Foucault, Anzaldúa. Indiana: İ. University Press. Ure, M. V. (2007). Senecan Moods: Foucault and Nietzsche on the Art of the Self. Foucault Studies, 19-52.
  • Wagner à Bayreuth, Richard. (1877) Nıetzsche, Friedrich (Richard Wagner in Bayreuth [First French Version], Paris: Schmeitzner Chemnitz.
  • Weeks, Jeffrey. (2005). “Remembering Foucault”. Journal of the History of Sexuality Vol. 14, No. 1/2, Special Issue: Studying the History of Sexuality: Theory, Methods, Praxis (Jan. - Apr.,)
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology of Science and Information, Communication Sociology, Modernization Sociology
Journal Section Derleme Makale

Arif Akbaş 0000-0002-8480-4350

Publication Date June 1, 2024
Submission Date September 24, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Akbaş, A. (2024). FRANSIZ NİETZSCHECİLİĞİ: MİCHEL FOUCAULT’YU HATIRLAMAK. Aydın İnsan Ve Toplum Dergisi, 10(1), 1-30.

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