Current Issue

Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 2/28/25

Year: 2025
Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
Asst. Prof. Dr. Deniz MERDİN TOKAT GAZİOSMANPAŞA ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-6213-6761
Industrial Engineering
New Media, Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology, Communication Studies, Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies, Media Technologies
Dr. Emin ÖZEN T.C. MİLLİ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI 0000-0001-7026-1503
Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Educational Technology and Computing, Open and Distance Learning, Scale Development, Education Management, Mathematics Education
Organizasyon, Organisational Behaviour, Entrepreneurship
Measurement and Evaluation in Education (Other)
Marketing Management, Marketing, Service Marketing
Talha Burak ALAKUŞ KIRKLARELİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0003-3136-3341
Artificial Intelligence (Other), Software Architecture, Decision Support and Group Support Systems, Information and Computing Sciences, Pattern Recognition, Human-Computer Interaction

Academic Journal of Information Technology (Bilişim Teknolojileri Online Dergisi), academics from around the world, especially in Turkey, aims to bring together sector representatives and experts. It aims to bring the academic and sectoral developments that arise with their studies based on information technologies and communication sciences into the literature.

AJIT-e is an international refereed journal. It is published four times a year in both languages, in Turkish and English. AJIT-e broadcast areas include:

Media and Communication Sciences

Health Technologies

Computer Forensics


Document and Records Management

Knowledge Security

Knowledge Management

Informatics Ethics

Legal Informatics

Informatics Theory

Distributed Informatics Systems









E-Publishing and E- Publication


E-Business / E-Commerce

Hospital Information Systems



Decision Support Systems

Enterprise Resource Planning

Project Management

Radiology Information Systems

Digital Entertainment and Games

Digital Rights Management

Digital Communication Environments/Media

Digital Communication Systems

Health Information Strategies

Health Information Strategies

System Analysis and Design

Social Networks

Supply Chain Management


Medical Informatics

Data Warehouses / Data Islets

Data Security

Data Mining

Database Management Systems

Artificial Intelligence

Management Information Systems

New Media /Communication Environments

Communication Informatics

Business Mind

Business Informatics

The whole process is progressing over the Dergipark. Detailed narrative on how to send the article to Dergipark: You can contact in case you encounter any problems.

Writing Language

  1. Articles submitted to the journal are accepted in Turkish or English. The articles to be published must include Turkish and English abstracts and keywords determined by their authors.

Writing Rules

         Style of the Article

  1.   Articles submitted to our journal must be fit for our template. Otherwise, the editorial board requests the author to make the necessary arrangements before appointing a referee. If the necessary regulation is not made within 15 days by the author of the editorial board stated in article 28,  he has the right to reject the article.
  2.   If the writing language of the article is Turkish, first, Turkish abstract and keywords must be included under the title of Turkish. Then, English abstracts and keywords must be included under the heading in English.
  3.    If the writing language of the article is English, first, English abstract and keywords must be included under the title of English. Then, Turkish abstracts and keywords must be included under the heading in Turkish.
  4.   The footnote condition specified in article 21 should be given under the title in the language in which the article was written.
  5.   Only the initials of the article title must be capitalized. The font of the article title must be Palatino Linotype, font size 14 and bold.
  6.   The Name of the Author (bold, initials are capitalized), University, Department, Academic Title, e-mail, ORCID ID (italics, initials are capital) should be placed just below the title in the language in which the article is written. The font of the title mut be Palatino Linotype, font size mut be 11.
  7.   Immediately after the abstract section, there must be an INTRODUCTION that specifies the purpose, scope, and methods of the article. Additionally, the article must be edited to include Result and Bibliography.


  1.   It must be written separately in Turkish and English, not less than 100 words, not more than 300 words. The abstract must reflect the main idea of the article and its contribution to science. At the bottom of the abstract, there must be at least 3 and at most 5 keywords as in the template. The abstract's font must be Palatino Linotype, font size 10 and italic. The keywords must be written in bold capital letters. No citation must be made in the summary.

Body Text

  1.   The article must be written in A4 dimensions and the Word program must be used.
  2.   Line spacing is 1.15 cm.
  3.   The font is Palatino Linotype, the font size is 11.
  4.   The paragraph spacing must be 8pt.

Chapter Heading

  1.   Main headings and subheadings can be used to determine the structure of the article and to ensure a regular information transfer in the main text.
  2.   After the INTRODUCTION is numbered 1, the number must be assigned to other headings. 
  3.   The font is Palatino Linotype, the font size is 12.
  4.   Levels of Heading must be selects in styles in Word.
  5.   Main headings must be written in capital letters. Subheadings must be written in lowercase and bold, with the first letters capital.

Figure and Tables

  1.   The figure number and description must be below the figure.
  2.   In the tables, the number and explanation must be above the table.
  3.   Paragraph spacing must be 0pt in all directions, font size must be 10. Table height should be as narrow as possible depending on the content.
  4.   Table and figure descriptions’ font size must be 10. 

Bibliography Style

  1.   AJIT-e uses the latest version of APA (Version 7) as its bibliography.
  2.   Page, paragraph etc. information should be included in citation. Example: Incorrect: (Tingöy, 2009: 23) Correct: (Tingöy, 2009, s. 23) 
  3. The most commonly used bibliography types in APA version 7 are:

    Single Author Book
     Tingöy, Ö. (2009). Bilişim Çağında Etik. Seçkin Yayıncılık
    In-text: (Tingöy, 2009, p. 23)

    Book with Two Authors
    Binark, M., & Bayraktutan, G. (2018). Ayın Karanlık Yüzü: Yeni Medya ve Etik. Kalkedon Yayıncılık
    In-text: (Binark & Bayraktutan, 2018, p. 94)

    Book with Three Authors
    Binark, M., Bayraktutan, G., & Durna, T. (2020). İletişim Hakkı ve Yeni Medya Tehditler ve Olanaklar. Uğur Mumcu Vakfı Yayınları.
    In-text: (Binark et al., 2020, p. 16)

    Book with More Than Three Authors
    Turban, E., Outland, J., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T.-P., & Turban, D. C. (2018). Electronic Commerce 2018: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective. Springer International Publishing.
    In-text: (Turban et al., 2018, p. 314)

    Translated books
    Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2018). Derin Öğrenme (Fatoş Yarman Vural, R. G. Cinbiş, & S. Kalkan, Trans.). Buzdağı Yayınevi.
    In-text: (Goodfellow et al., 2018, p. 59)

    Book with Editor
     Genel, M. G. (Ed.). (2015). Yeni Medya Araştırmaları 1. Ekin Basım Yayın Dağıtım.
    In-text: (Genel, 2015, p. 159)

    Journal Articles
     Gülmammadzade, U., & Işıklı, Ş. (2020). Instagramda Benlik Sunumu: Takipçi Etkisi Üzerine Dramaturjik Bir İnceleme. AJIT-e: Online Academic Journal of Information Technology, 11(43), 74-104.
    In-text: (Gülmammadzade & Işıklı, 2020, p. 76)

    Web Pages
    Akan, Y. (2018, Haziran 9). Yeni Medya Nedir ve Ne İş Yapar? | Pazarlama Türkiye.
    In-text: (Akan, 2018, para. 2) - (Para., is the abbreviation of paragraph.)

  4.   Bibliography indent must be 1.25 cm hanging and font size must be 10.
  5.   AJIT-e recommends using reference management systems such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote.

Since 2010, the year it was founded in AJIT-e, the journal secretariat, editors and referees voluntarily carry out the whole process. However, the server and domain costs, Crossref membership fees and article registration fees received by Crossref on each DOI record, and many more costs, require the support of authors. For this reason, Society of Academic Research on Informatics has been established to continue the existence of our journal, which has been published for more than 10 years. Students and young academics are supported, and scientific activities are organized by the association, especially the publication of the journal. In this context, 500 Turkish Lira Article Processing Charge (APC) was decided from articles. The editorial board of the journal is waiting for your support in this regard.