The efforts to register the vocabulary in Anatolian Dialects, which started in 1932, have made a great progress with the beginning of the publication process of Derleme Sözlüğü in 1963. In addition, the rich vocabulary in Anatolian dialects has been unearthed and continues to be unearthed with new studies based on material collected from every region, province, district and village. The vocabulary in the dialects is particular importance in terms of the preservation of archaic Turkish words. A portion of such words sound different in Turkey who are living with the Turkish. It is stated that these ancient words live in the same sense as their old form in Anatolian dialects or meaning expansion, meaning narrowing, etc. It is seen that it has survived to the present day. In this study, archaic words in Çorum dialect were determined and approximately 350 archaic words were determined. Since it is not possible to evaluate all the words within the framework of the article, it it not possible to evaluate the vocabulary in short, and today it is not used in the standart language or written language, but it is not very common in Anatolian dialects (belinlemek, bahanak, danlamak, gelengi, goynumek, günülemek, kağşamak, örklemek, süsmek, yumuş) origin information will be emphasized. Based on the earliest stages of the Turkish language, the changes that words have undergone in historical periods will be discussed. By specifying the oldnesses of the identified words in terms of structure and meaning, the usage of the words in these phases will be revealed by comparing them with the historical periods of Turkish.