Among the works written in the Old Anatolian Turkish period, the translations and tafsirs of the Quran have an important place. While some of these translations and tafsirs deal with the whole Quran, others are based on only a part of it. The most known of these partial tafsirs is the Amma Cuzu, which is in the thirtieth part of the Quran. One of the tafsirs of the Amme Cuzu written in the Old Anatolian Turkish period is the one written by Üveys bin Hoca Osman bin Emîr Ilyâs bin Evliya. The tafsir thought to have been written at the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century, is a prose work worth examining because it reflects the linguistic features of its own period. In addition to the vocabulary and grammatical structure of the text that we have prepared as a master's thesis, one of the striking language features is the sentence structures of the text. The work, in which inverted sentences and Persian sentence structures are abundant, was written in a speech style that is almost like a sermon. It is understood that the author, whose detailed information we could not find as a result of our research, was the son of a religious functionary from the note he made in the introduction. The author, who is likely to be a a religious functionary himself, wrote his work as if it was addressed to the public. This speaking style is naturally reflected in the syntax. Short and successive sentences are linked by conjunctions; Thus, long sentences containing a few lines were formed. The inverted and compound sentences that appear in the sentence structure of the text and the sentences formed with adverbs and conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence are important in terms of showing the syntactic structure of the Old Anatolian Turkish period. In this article, the text which has four copies, which was prepared on the basis of the Süleymaniye copy of the work, it has been tried to be analyzed by classifying some sentence examples quoted from the text.