Postmodernism is a movement whose limits are not clearly defined, besides this there are many differences of opinion about how and in what ways it is reflected in the works of art; according to some it is accepted as a style, whereas for the others, it is an ideology. Style according to its definition in dictionaries is an ideology for the authors such as Habermas and Jamesson, while for the authors like Baudrillard and Lyotard, postmodernism which is the name of a period created by media and technology which gave birth to new information and life-style is a debated subject on how it is reflected on art works. Therefore in this paper the researchers who look at postmodernism from different angles will be mentioned about their understanding of Postmodernism through primary sources and its reflections on art works through examples will be revealed in general terms. Later, the reflection of postmodernism on literature will be mentioned. While doing this, the previous researches and debates on postmodern literary theory will be evaluated. After these evaluations it will be pointed out which techniques and methods should be applied when subjecting a literary work to postmodern criticism. Along with this, the definitions of technique used by postmodernism and its scope and the reason why it should be used while studying a postmodern work will be explained. In addition and as a result of these discussions, it will be claimed that postmodernism should be evaluated as an ideology, by considering the fact that postmodernism is attempting to establish a postmodern society in the developing media age. In addition, it will be shown that there is no evaluation of the content of the work examined in postmodern literature studies, and therefore there is no theme that can be considered as a postmodern theme. It will be tried to explain through examples that Conspiracy Theories are a theme for postmodern literature, and then it will be shown why conspiracy theories should be considered as a postmodernist theme. Due to this ideological structure of postmodernism, it will be concluded as a natural consequence that postmodern literary theory will be shaped accordingly. Therefore, in the end it will be revealed that not every literary work that uses multi-narrative technique and progresses with figural plays, should be evaluated as postmodern.