Ahmed Vehbî is one of the poets from Afyonkarahisar. His father Ali Feyzi and grandfather Osman Raşid are poets of Classical Turkish literature who own a divan. Although he started secondary school after his first basic education, he left his education halfway and started working as a civil servant in the Land Registry Department.. During this time, he continued to attend the madrasah for a while and improved his knowledge. He has the ability to write poetry from his ancestors and started writing poetry at a young age. Vehbî, who read the poems of many poets, was influenced by Bağdatlı Rûhî, Ziyâ Pasha and Namık Kemal and loved Mehmet Âkif very much. He wrote poems in both aruz and syllabic meter. In addition to Divan style ghazals and folk literature epics, there is also a mawlid titled "Çizmecizâde Vehbî Efendi's Mevlid-i Şerifi Tesdisi". As the name suggests, the work was created by adding four verses to each couplet of Süleyman Çelebi Mevlidi. The original text of the mawlid is in a handwritten note book registered in the Afyonkarahisar Mufti Library. According to the information Vehbî gave in the note book, "Mevlid" was first written in three chapters. It was read in Hagia Sophia on the Night of Power in the month of Ramadan in 1931 and listened to the public via the radio and attracted great attention. With this study, Ahmed Vehbî was introduced, and the Latin script of the "Mevlid", which is a different example of its kind, was created based on the Arabic script. The couplets of Süleyman Çelebi in this text were compared with two scientific studies on Süleyman Çelebi Mawlid, and the differences identified were shown in the footnotes and the text created was presented to the world of science.