Süleymân-nâme written by Karaçelebi-zâde Abdülazîz Efendi, has features that cannot be evaluated only as a historical work. The work, which is handled with evaluations as well as having a pleasant narration and an ornate narrative, tells the events from the enthronement of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman until his death. In addition, it is the only Süleyman-name written in the 17th century, which also mentions the lives of viziers and scholars of the Kanuni period. In the study, the biographies of the scholars, which are the last part of the work, were examined in terms of their narrative features and the way the biographies presented the information. In the biographies, the lives of Ottoman scholars are described in short and medium length texts. It was questioned whether the biographies, which were examined under two main headings as the forms of presentation of information and the forms of expression, differ from each other. Thus, it will be decided whether the whole work is written as a whole with the same narrative style. In the context of this work, opinions will be presented about whether it is correct to state that the whole work was written in a certain, single style, if there are different forms of expression in the work and its parts. In the light of these views, the use of plain, medium, ornate terms for prose works of classical Turkish literature will be questioned.