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Health Promoting Properties of Garlic Allium sativum L. Consumption

Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 95 - 100, 01.06.2014


Garlic Allium sativum L. has been consumed for hundreds of years but recent studies have been focused on the medicinal properties of garlic consumption. Garlic not only possess antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties, but also its consumption positively influences human circulatory and immune system and hence have a wide range of health benefits. The inclusion of garlic to daily diets as sedatives, antibiotics, cure for gynecological disorders, skin diseases, pain relief, respiratory and digestive system disorders, aphrodisiac, anti carcinogenic, cardiovascular disease is more prominent nowadays. Besides the traditional uses, as a result of the increase in using natural products to alleviate and/or treat diseases, clinical studies on garlic have been rapidly increasing around the world in recent years. Commercial pills containing garlic extracts are increasing in number as a result of upcoming research. In this study, an overview on the health promoting properties of garlic Allium sativum L. consumption is presented


  • TÜİK. 2008. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri.
  • Erişim tarihi 11.12.2008.
  • Abdullah, T. H., Kirkpatrick, D.V., Carter, J., 1989. Enhancement of natural killer cell activity in AIDS with garlic. J. Oncol. 21: 52-53.
  • Kandil, O. M., Abdellah, T.H., Elkadi, A., 1987. Garlic and the Immune system in humans: ıts effects on natural killer cells. Fed. Proc. 46: 441.
  • Kandil, O.M., Abdullah, T.H., Tabuni, A.M., Elkadi, A., 1988. Potential role of Allium sativum in natural cytotoxicity. Arch. AIDS Res. 1: 230-231.
  • Haris, J.C., Cottrell, S.L., Plummer, S., Lloyd, D., 2001. Antimicrobial properties of Allium sativum (garlic). Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 57: 282-286.
  • Baytop, T., 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkilerle Tedavi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul, ISBN No: 9754200211.
  • Kütevin, Z., Türkeş, T., 1987. Sebzecilik ve Genel Sebze Tarımı Prensipleri ve Pratik Sebzecilik Yöntemleri. İnkilap Kitabevi, Ankara cad: 95, İstanbul.
  • Tung, Y., Chung, W., 1989. Stability of allicin in garlic juice. Journal of Food Science 54 (4): 977- 981.
  • Okada, Y., Tanaka, K., Fujita, I., Sato, E., Okajima, H., 2005. Antioxidant activity of thiosulfinates derived from garlic. Redox Rep. 10: 96-102.
  • Sela, U., Brill, A., Kalchenko, V., Dashevsky, O., Hershkoviz, R., 2008. Allicin inhibits blood vessel growth and downregulates Akt phosphorylation and actin polymerization. Nutr. Cancer. 60: 412-420.
  • Egen- Schwind, C., Eckard, R., Jekat, F.W., Winterhoff, H., 1992. Pharmacokinetics of vinyldithiins, transformation products of allicin. Planta Medical. 58: 128-133.
  • Arnault, I., Christides, J.P., Mandon, N., Haffner, T., Kahane, R., Auger, J., 2003. High- performance ion-pair chromatography method for simultaneous analysis of Alliin, deoxyalliin, allicin and dipeptide precursors in garlic products using multiple mass spectrometry and UV detection. J. Chrom. A. 991: 69-75.
  • Izigov, N., Farzam, N., Savion, N., 2011. S- allylmercapto-N-acetylcysteine up-regulates cellular glutathione and protects vascular endothelial cells from oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 50: 1131-1139.
  • Horev-Azaria, L., Eliav, S., Izigov, N., 2009. Allicin up-regulates cellular glutathione level in vascular endothelial cells. Eur. J. Nutr. 48: 67-74.
  • Fujisawa, H., Suma, K., Origuchi, K., Seki, T., Ariga, T., 2008. Thermostability of allicin determined by chemical and biological assays. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 72: 2877-2883.
  • Lachmann, G., Lorenz, D., Radeck, W., Steiper, M., 1994. Untersuchungen zur Pharmakokinetik der mit 35S markierten Knoblauchinhaltsstoffe Alliin, Allicin, und Vinyldithiine. Arzneimittelforschung 44: 734- 743.
  • Siegers, C.P., Steffen, B., Robke, A., Pentz, R., 1999. The effects of garlic preparations against human tumor cell proliferation. Phytomedicine 6: 7- 11.
  • Hirsch, K., Danilenko, M., Giat, J., Miron, T., Rabinkov, A., Wilchek, M., Mirelman, D., Levy, J., Sharoni, Y., 2000. Effect of purified allicin, the major ıngredient of freshly crushed garlic, on cancer cell proliferation. Nutrition and Cancer 38 (2): 245-254.
  • Haber, D., Suschetet, M., Berges, R., Astorg, P., Siess, M.H., 1996. Inhibition of aflatoxin B1- and N- nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver preneoplastic foci in rats fed naturally occurring allyl sulfides. Nutr. Cancer. 25: 61-70.
  • Atanasova-Goranova, V.K., Dimova, V.K., Pevicharova, G.T.J., 1997. Effect of food products on endogenous generation of N-nitrosamines in rats. Nutr. 78: 335-345.
  • Dion, M. E., Agler, M., Milner, J. A., 1997. S-Allyl cysteine inhibits nitrosomorpholine formation and bioactivation. Nutr. Cancer 28: 1-6.
  • Kwak, M.K., Kim, S.G., Kwak, J.Y., Novak, R.F., Kim, N.D., 1994. Inhibition of cytochrome P4502E1 expression by organosulfur compounds allylsulfide, allylmercaptan and allylmethylsulfide in rats. Biochem. Pharmacol. 531-539.
  • Chen, L., Lee, M., Hong, J.Y., Huang, W., Wang, E., Yang, C.S., 1994. Relationship between cytochrome P450 2E1 and acetone catabolism in rats as studied with diallyl sulfide as an inhibitor. Biochem. Pharmacol. 48: 2199-2205.
  • Haber, D., Siess, M.H., Canivenc-Lavier, M., Lebon, A.M., Suschetet, M.J., 1995. Differential effects of dietary diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide on rat intestinal enzymes. Toxicol. Environ. Health 44(4): 423-434.
  • Guyonnet, D., Siess, M.H., Le Bon, A.M., Suschetet, M., 1999. Modulation of phase II enzymes by organosulfur compounds from allium vegetables in rat tissues. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 154: 50-58.
  • Haber, D., Siess, M.H., Waziers, I., Beau, P., Suschetet, M., 1994. Modification of hepatic drug- metabolizing in rat fed naturally occurring allyl sulphides. Xenobiotica 24: 169-182.
  • Hatano, S., Jimenez, A., Wargovitch, M.J., 1996. Chemopreventive effect of S-allylcysteine and its relationship to the detoxification enzyme glutathione S-transferase. Carcinogenesis 17: 1041-1044.
  • Singh, A., Singh, S.P., 1997. Modulatory potential of smokeless tobacco on the garlic, mace or black mustard-altered enzymes, sulfhydryl content and lipid peroxidation in murine system. Cancer Lett. 118: 109-114.
  • Sobenin, I.A., Pryanishnikov, V.V., Kunnova, L.M., Rabinovich, Y.A., Martirosyan, D.M., Orekhov, A.N., 2010. The effects of time-released garlic powder tablets on multifunctional cardiovascular risk in patients with coronary artery disease. Lipids Health Dis. 9: 119.
  • Tang, F.Y., Chiang, E.P., Pai, M.H., 2010. Consumption of S-allylcysteine inhibits the growth of human non-small-cell lung carcinoma in a mouse xenograft model. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 1156- 1164.
  • Xiao, D., Lew, K.L., Kimi, Y.A., Zeng, Y., Hahm, E.R., Dhir, R., 2006. Diallyl trisulfide suppresses growth of PC-3 human prostate cancer xenograft in vivo in association with Bax and Bak induction. Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 6836-6843.
  • Sriram, N., Kalayarasan, S., Ashokkumar, P., Sureshkumar, A., Sudhandiran, G., 2008. Diallyl sulfide induces apoptosis in Colo 320 DM human colon cancer cells: involvement of caspase-3, NF- kappaB, and ERK-2. Mol. Cell Biochem. 311: 157- 165.
  • Shin, H.A., Cha, Y.Y., Park, M.S., Kim, J.M., Lim, Y.C., 2010. Diallyl sulfide induces growth inhibition and apoptosis of anaplastic thyroid cancer cells by mitochondrial signaling pathway. Oral Oncol. 46: 15-18.
  • Wang, H.C., Yang, J.H., Hsieh, S.C., Sheen, L.Y., 2010. Allyl sulfides inhibit cell growth of skin cancer cells through induction of DNA damage mediated G2/M arrest and apoptosis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 7096-7103.
  • Wu, X.J., Hu, Y., Lamy, E., Mersch-Sundermann, V., 2009. Apoptosis induction in human lung adenocarcinoma cells by oilsoluble allyl sulfides: triggers, pathways, and modulators. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 50: 266-275.
  • Das, A., Banik, N.L,, Ray, S.K., 2007. Garlic compounds generate reactive oxygen species leading to activation of stres kinases and cysteine proteases for apoptosis in human glioblastoma T98 G and U87MG cells. Cancer 110: 1083-1095.
  • Gunadharini, D.N., Arunkumar, A., Krishnamoorthy, G., Muthuvel, R., Vijayababu, M.R., Kanagaraj, P., 2006. Antiproliferative effect of diallyl disulfide (DADS) on prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Cell Biochem Funct. 24: 407-412.
  • Arunkumar, A., Vijayababu, M.R., Srinivasan, N., Aruldhas, M.M., Arunakaran, J., 2006. Garlic compound, diallyl disulfide induces cell cycle arrest in prostate cancer cell line PC-3. Mol. Cell Biochem. 288: 107-113.
  • Li, N., Guo, R., Li, W., Shao, J., Li, S., Zhao, K., 2006. A proteomic investigation into a human gastric cancer cell line BGC823 treated with diallyl trisulfide. Carcinogenesis 27: 1222-1231.
  • Druesne, N., Pagniez, A., Mayeur, C., Thomas, M., Cherbuy, C., Duee, P.H., 2004. Diallyl disulfide (DADS) increases histone acetylation and p21(waf1/cip1) expression in human colon tumor cell lines. Carcinogenesis 25: 1227-1236.
  • Lei, X.Y., Yao, S.Q., Zu, X.Y., Huang, Z.X., Liu, L.J., Zhong, M., 2008. Apoptosis induced by diallyl disulfide in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 29: 1233-1239.
  • D’Argenio, G., Mazzone, G., Ribecco, M., Lembo, V., Vitaglione, P., Guarino, M., Morisco, F., Napolitano, M., Fogliano, V., Caporaso, N., 2012. Garlic extract attenuating rat liver fibrosis by inhibiting TGF-b1. Clinical Nutrition, in press.
  • Feng, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, Q., Jiang, Y., Shang, H., Ca, L., 2012. Allicin enhances host pro- inflammatory immune responses and protects against acute murine malaria infection. Malaria Journal 11:268.
  • Nkrumah-Elie, Y.M., Reuben, Y.S., Hudson, A., Taka, E., Badisa, R., Ardley, T., Israel, B., Sadrud- Din, S.Y., Oriaku, E., Darling-Reed, S.F., 2012. Diallyl trisulfide as an inhibitor of benzo(a)pyrene- induced precancerous carcinogenesis in MCF-10A cells. Food and Chemical Toxicol. 50: 2524-2530.
  • Sharma, D-K., Manral, A., Saini, V., Singh, A., Srinivasan, B-P., Tiwari, M., 2012. Novel diallyldisulfide analogs ameliorate cardiovascular remodeling hypertension. European Journal of Pharmacology 691: 198-208. with L-NAME-induced
  • Calvo-Gomez, O., Morales-Lopez, J., Lopez, M.G., 2004. Solid-phase
  • microextraction-gas chromatographicmass spectrometric analysis of garlic oil obtained by hydrodistillation. J. Chromatogr. A. 1036: 91-93.
  • Sheen, L.Y., Lin, S.Y., Tsai, S.J., 1991. Preparation of spray dried microcapsules with various amounts of basil, garlic and ginger essential oils and changes in oil signal transduction pathways. Biochem. Pharmacol. 64: 765-770.
  • Lawson, L.D., Wang, Z.J., Hughes, B.G., 1991. Identification and HPLC quantitation of the sulfides and dialk(en)yl thiosulfinates in commercial garlic products. Planta Med. 57: 363-370.
  • Wang, H.C., Pao, J., Lin, S.Y,, Sheen, L.Y., 2012. Molecular mechanisms of garlic-derived allyl sulfides in the inhibition of skin cancer progression. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1271: 44-52.
  • Huang, Y.T., Yao, C.H., Way, C.L., Lee, K.W., Tsai, C.Y., Ou, H.C., Kuo, W.W., 2012. Diallyl trisulfide & diallyl disulfide ameliorate cardiac dysfunction by suppressing apoptotic and enhancing survival pathways in experimental diabetic rats reticles. J. Appl. Physiol. (in press).
  • Chu, Y.L., Ho, C.T., Chung, J.G., Rajasekaran, R., Sheen, L.Y., 2012. Allicin Induces p53-Mediated Autophagy in Hep G2 Human Liver Cancer Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 8363-8371.
  • World Health Organization. 2011a. Global status report 0/en/. Erişim Tarihi: 05.04.2013. diseases.
  • World Health Organization. 2011b. Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control. 564373_eng.pdf.Erişim Tarihi: 05.04.2013.
  • Arzanlou, M., Bohlooli, S., Jannati, E., Mirzanejad- Asl, H., 2011. Allicin from garlic neutralizes the hemolytic activity of intra- and extra-cellular pneumolysin O in vitro. Toxicon. 57: 540-545.

Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları

Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 95 - 100, 01.06.2014


Sarımsak Allium sativum L. medikal özelliklerinden dolayı yüzlerce yıldır kullanılmasına rağmen son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar sarımsağın sağlık üzerine etkilerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Sarımsak antibakteriyel, antifungal ve antimikrobiyal özelliklerinin yanı sıra dolaşım ve bağışıklık sistemi yararlarına etkileri ile de geniş spektrumlu bir sebzedir. Bu ürünün, birçok ülkede sakinleştirici, antibiyotik, kadın hastalıkları, deri hastalıkları tedavisi, ağrı kesici, solunum ve sindirim sistemleri rahatsızlıklarında, afrodizyak, kalp damar rahatsızlıkları ve anti kanserojen özelliğinden dolayı günlük beslenme programlarında yer almasının önemi ve gerekliliği son yıllarda çok daha fazla vurgulanmaktadır. Geleneksel kullanımlarının yanında, son yıllarda hastalık seyrinin azaltılması ve/veya tedavisinde doğal ürünlerin kullanımının artması sonucu, dünyada bu ürünler üzerinde yapılan klinik çalışmalar da hızla artmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonucunda bulunan sarımsak hammaddeli ticari ilaçların sayısı da sürekli olarak artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada sarımsağın insan sağlığına yararları konusunda yapılan araştırmalar ile ilgili bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır


  • TÜİK. 2008. Bitkisel Üretim İstatistikleri.
  • Erişim tarihi 11.12.2008.
  • Abdullah, T. H., Kirkpatrick, D.V., Carter, J., 1989. Enhancement of natural killer cell activity in AIDS with garlic. J. Oncol. 21: 52-53.
  • Kandil, O. M., Abdellah, T.H., Elkadi, A., 1987. Garlic and the Immune system in humans: ıts effects on natural killer cells. Fed. Proc. 46: 441.
  • Kandil, O.M., Abdullah, T.H., Tabuni, A.M., Elkadi, A., 1988. Potential role of Allium sativum in natural cytotoxicity. Arch. AIDS Res. 1: 230-231.
  • Haris, J.C., Cottrell, S.L., Plummer, S., Lloyd, D., 2001. Antimicrobial properties of Allium sativum (garlic). Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 57: 282-286.
  • Baytop, T., 1999. Türkiye’de Bitkilerle Tedavi. Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, İstanbul, ISBN No: 9754200211.
  • Kütevin, Z., Türkeş, T., 1987. Sebzecilik ve Genel Sebze Tarımı Prensipleri ve Pratik Sebzecilik Yöntemleri. İnkilap Kitabevi, Ankara cad: 95, İstanbul.
  • Tung, Y., Chung, W., 1989. Stability of allicin in garlic juice. Journal of Food Science 54 (4): 977- 981.
  • Okada, Y., Tanaka, K., Fujita, I., Sato, E., Okajima, H., 2005. Antioxidant activity of thiosulfinates derived from garlic. Redox Rep. 10: 96-102.
  • Sela, U., Brill, A., Kalchenko, V., Dashevsky, O., Hershkoviz, R., 2008. Allicin inhibits blood vessel growth and downregulates Akt phosphorylation and actin polymerization. Nutr. Cancer. 60: 412-420.
  • Egen- Schwind, C., Eckard, R., Jekat, F.W., Winterhoff, H., 1992. Pharmacokinetics of vinyldithiins, transformation products of allicin. Planta Medical. 58: 128-133.
  • Arnault, I., Christides, J.P., Mandon, N., Haffner, T., Kahane, R., Auger, J., 2003. High- performance ion-pair chromatography method for simultaneous analysis of Alliin, deoxyalliin, allicin and dipeptide precursors in garlic products using multiple mass spectrometry and UV detection. J. Chrom. A. 991: 69-75.
  • Izigov, N., Farzam, N., Savion, N., 2011. S- allylmercapto-N-acetylcysteine up-regulates cellular glutathione and protects vascular endothelial cells from oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 50: 1131-1139.
  • Horev-Azaria, L., Eliav, S., Izigov, N., 2009. Allicin up-regulates cellular glutathione level in vascular endothelial cells. Eur. J. Nutr. 48: 67-74.
  • Fujisawa, H., Suma, K., Origuchi, K., Seki, T., Ariga, T., 2008. Thermostability of allicin determined by chemical and biological assays. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 72: 2877-2883.
  • Lachmann, G., Lorenz, D., Radeck, W., Steiper, M., 1994. Untersuchungen zur Pharmakokinetik der mit 35S markierten Knoblauchinhaltsstoffe Alliin, Allicin, und Vinyldithiine. Arzneimittelforschung 44: 734- 743.
  • Siegers, C.P., Steffen, B., Robke, A., Pentz, R., 1999. The effects of garlic preparations against human tumor cell proliferation. Phytomedicine 6: 7- 11.
  • Hirsch, K., Danilenko, M., Giat, J., Miron, T., Rabinkov, A., Wilchek, M., Mirelman, D., Levy, J., Sharoni, Y., 2000. Effect of purified allicin, the major ıngredient of freshly crushed garlic, on cancer cell proliferation. Nutrition and Cancer 38 (2): 245-254.
  • Haber, D., Suschetet, M., Berges, R., Astorg, P., Siess, M.H., 1996. Inhibition of aflatoxin B1- and N- nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver preneoplastic foci in rats fed naturally occurring allyl sulfides. Nutr. Cancer. 25: 61-70.
  • Atanasova-Goranova, V.K., Dimova, V.K., Pevicharova, G.T.J., 1997. Effect of food products on endogenous generation of N-nitrosamines in rats. Nutr. 78: 335-345.
  • Dion, M. E., Agler, M., Milner, J. A., 1997. S-Allyl cysteine inhibits nitrosomorpholine formation and bioactivation. Nutr. Cancer 28: 1-6.
  • Kwak, M.K., Kim, S.G., Kwak, J.Y., Novak, R.F., Kim, N.D., 1994. Inhibition of cytochrome P4502E1 expression by organosulfur compounds allylsulfide, allylmercaptan and allylmethylsulfide in rats. Biochem. Pharmacol. 531-539.
  • Chen, L., Lee, M., Hong, J.Y., Huang, W., Wang, E., Yang, C.S., 1994. Relationship between cytochrome P450 2E1 and acetone catabolism in rats as studied with diallyl sulfide as an inhibitor. Biochem. Pharmacol. 48: 2199-2205.
  • Haber, D., Siess, M.H., Canivenc-Lavier, M., Lebon, A.M., Suschetet, M.J., 1995. Differential effects of dietary diallyl sulfide and diallyl disulfide on rat intestinal enzymes. Toxicol. Environ. Health 44(4): 423-434.
  • Guyonnet, D., Siess, M.H., Le Bon, A.M., Suschetet, M., 1999. Modulation of phase II enzymes by organosulfur compounds from allium vegetables in rat tissues. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 154: 50-58.
  • Haber, D., Siess, M.H., Waziers, I., Beau, P., Suschetet, M., 1994. Modification of hepatic drug- metabolizing in rat fed naturally occurring allyl sulphides. Xenobiotica 24: 169-182.
  • Hatano, S., Jimenez, A., Wargovitch, M.J., 1996. Chemopreventive effect of S-allylcysteine and its relationship to the detoxification enzyme glutathione S-transferase. Carcinogenesis 17: 1041-1044.
  • Singh, A., Singh, S.P., 1997. Modulatory potential of smokeless tobacco on the garlic, mace or black mustard-altered enzymes, sulfhydryl content and lipid peroxidation in murine system. Cancer Lett. 118: 109-114.
  • Sobenin, I.A., Pryanishnikov, V.V., Kunnova, L.M., Rabinovich, Y.A., Martirosyan, D.M., Orekhov, A.N., 2010. The effects of time-released garlic powder tablets on multifunctional cardiovascular risk in patients with coronary artery disease. Lipids Health Dis. 9: 119.
  • Tang, F.Y., Chiang, E.P., Pai, M.H., 2010. Consumption of S-allylcysteine inhibits the growth of human non-small-cell lung carcinoma in a mouse xenograft model. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 1156- 1164.
  • Xiao, D., Lew, K.L., Kimi, Y.A., Zeng, Y., Hahm, E.R., Dhir, R., 2006. Diallyl trisulfide suppresses growth of PC-3 human prostate cancer xenograft in vivo in association with Bax and Bak induction. Clin. Cancer Res. 12: 6836-6843.
  • Sriram, N., Kalayarasan, S., Ashokkumar, P., Sureshkumar, A., Sudhandiran, G., 2008. Diallyl sulfide induces apoptosis in Colo 320 DM human colon cancer cells: involvement of caspase-3, NF- kappaB, and ERK-2. Mol. Cell Biochem. 311: 157- 165.
  • Shin, H.A., Cha, Y.Y., Park, M.S., Kim, J.M., Lim, Y.C., 2010. Diallyl sulfide induces growth inhibition and apoptosis of anaplastic thyroid cancer cells by mitochondrial signaling pathway. Oral Oncol. 46: 15-18.
  • Wang, H.C., Yang, J.H., Hsieh, S.C., Sheen, L.Y., 2010. Allyl sulfides inhibit cell growth of skin cancer cells through induction of DNA damage mediated G2/M arrest and apoptosis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 7096-7103.
  • Wu, X.J., Hu, Y., Lamy, E., Mersch-Sundermann, V., 2009. Apoptosis induction in human lung adenocarcinoma cells by oilsoluble allyl sulfides: triggers, pathways, and modulators. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. 50: 266-275.
  • Das, A., Banik, N.L,, Ray, S.K., 2007. Garlic compounds generate reactive oxygen species leading to activation of stres kinases and cysteine proteases for apoptosis in human glioblastoma T98 G and U87MG cells. Cancer 110: 1083-1095.
  • Gunadharini, D.N., Arunkumar, A., Krishnamoorthy, G., Muthuvel, R., Vijayababu, M.R., Kanagaraj, P., 2006. Antiproliferative effect of diallyl disulfide (DADS) on prostate cancer cell line LNCaP. Cell Biochem Funct. 24: 407-412.
  • Arunkumar, A., Vijayababu, M.R., Srinivasan, N., Aruldhas, M.M., Arunakaran, J., 2006. Garlic compound, diallyl disulfide induces cell cycle arrest in prostate cancer cell line PC-3. Mol. Cell Biochem. 288: 107-113.
  • Li, N., Guo, R., Li, W., Shao, J., Li, S., Zhao, K., 2006. A proteomic investigation into a human gastric cancer cell line BGC823 treated with diallyl trisulfide. Carcinogenesis 27: 1222-1231.
  • Druesne, N., Pagniez, A., Mayeur, C., Thomas, M., Cherbuy, C., Duee, P.H., 2004. Diallyl disulfide (DADS) increases histone acetylation and p21(waf1/cip1) expression in human colon tumor cell lines. Carcinogenesis 25: 1227-1236.
  • Lei, X.Y., Yao, S.Q., Zu, X.Y., Huang, Z.X., Liu, L.J., Zhong, M., 2008. Apoptosis induced by diallyl disulfide in human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 29: 1233-1239.
  • D’Argenio, G., Mazzone, G., Ribecco, M., Lembo, V., Vitaglione, P., Guarino, M., Morisco, F., Napolitano, M., Fogliano, V., Caporaso, N., 2012. Garlic extract attenuating rat liver fibrosis by inhibiting TGF-b1. Clinical Nutrition, in press.
  • Feng, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, Q., Jiang, Y., Shang, H., Ca, L., 2012. Allicin enhances host pro- inflammatory immune responses and protects against acute murine malaria infection. Malaria Journal 11:268.
  • Nkrumah-Elie, Y.M., Reuben, Y.S., Hudson, A., Taka, E., Badisa, R., Ardley, T., Israel, B., Sadrud- Din, S.Y., Oriaku, E., Darling-Reed, S.F., 2012. Diallyl trisulfide as an inhibitor of benzo(a)pyrene- induced precancerous carcinogenesis in MCF-10A cells. Food and Chemical Toxicol. 50: 2524-2530.
  • Sharma, D-K., Manral, A., Saini, V., Singh, A., Srinivasan, B-P., Tiwari, M., 2012. Novel diallyldisulfide analogs ameliorate cardiovascular remodeling hypertension. European Journal of Pharmacology 691: 198-208. with L-NAME-induced
  • Calvo-Gomez, O., Morales-Lopez, J., Lopez, M.G., 2004. Solid-phase
  • microextraction-gas chromatographicmass spectrometric analysis of garlic oil obtained by hydrodistillation. J. Chromatogr. A. 1036: 91-93.
  • Sheen, L.Y., Lin, S.Y., Tsai, S.J., 1991. Preparation of spray dried microcapsules with various amounts of basil, garlic and ginger essential oils and changes in oil signal transduction pathways. Biochem. Pharmacol. 64: 765-770.
  • Lawson, L.D., Wang, Z.J., Hughes, B.G., 1991. Identification and HPLC quantitation of the sulfides and dialk(en)yl thiosulfinates in commercial garlic products. Planta Med. 57: 363-370.
  • Wang, H.C., Pao, J., Lin, S.Y,, Sheen, L.Y., 2012. Molecular mechanisms of garlic-derived allyl sulfides in the inhibition of skin cancer progression. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1271: 44-52.
  • Huang, Y.T., Yao, C.H., Way, C.L., Lee, K.W., Tsai, C.Y., Ou, H.C., Kuo, W.W., 2012. Diallyl trisulfide & diallyl disulfide ameliorate cardiac dysfunction by suppressing apoptotic and enhancing survival pathways in experimental diabetic rats reticles. J. Appl. Physiol. (in press).
  • Chu, Y.L., Ho, C.T., Chung, J.G., Rajasekaran, R., Sheen, L.Y., 2012. Allicin Induces p53-Mediated Autophagy in Hep G2 Human Liver Cancer Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 8363-8371.
  • World Health Organization. 2011a. Global status report 0/en/. Erişim Tarihi: 05.04.2013. diseases.
  • World Health Organization. 2011b. Global atlas on cardiovascular disease prevention and control. 564373_eng.pdf.Erişim Tarihi: 05.04.2013.
  • Arzanlou, M., Bohlooli, S., Jannati, E., Mirzanejad- Asl, H., 2011. Allicin from garlic neutralizes the hemolytic activity of intra- and extra-cellular pneumolysin O in vitro. Toxicon. 57: 540-545.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Collection

Selen Akan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Akan, S. (2014). Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda, 12(2), 95-100.
AMA Akan S. Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda. June 2014;12(2):95-100.
Chicago Akan, Selen. “Sarımsak Allium Sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları”. Akademik Gıda 12, no. 2 (June 2014): 95-100.
EndNote Akan S (June 1, 2014) Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda 12 2 95–100.
IEEE S. Akan, “Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 95–100, 2014.
ISNAD Akan, Selen. “Sarımsak Allium Sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları”. Akademik Gıda 12/2 (June 2014), 95-100.
JAMA Akan S. Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda. 2014;12:95–100.
MLA Akan, Selen. “Sarımsak Allium Sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 12, no. 2, 2014, pp. 95-100.
Vancouver Akan S. Sarımsak Allium sativum L. Tüketiminin İnsan Sağlığına Yararları. Akademik Gıda. 2014;12(2):95-100.

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