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Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi

Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 6, 52 - 63, 01.12.2011


Transferrin protein ailesi içinde yer alan laktoferrin, başta süt olmak üzere birçok sıvıda bulunan demir bağlayan bir glikoproteindir. Laktoferrin antibakteriyal, antifungal, antiviral, antiprotozoal, antioksidant, antikanserojen, kemik sağlığını iyileştirici, bağırsakta demir absorpsiyonunu düzenleyici, antienflamatuar, immünomodulatör gibi birçok biyolojik aktiviteye sahip olduğundan çok fonksiyonlu protein olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Bu derlemede inek sütü laktoferrinin kimyasal ve yapısal özellikleri ile biyolojik aktiviteleri hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir


  • species. Comparative [6] [7] [8] [9]
  • Steijns, J.M., van Hooijdonk, A.C., 2000. Occurrence, structure, biochemical properties and technological characteristics of lactoferrin. British Journal of Nutrition 84: S11-S17.
  • Connely, O.M., 2001. Antiinflammatory activities of lactoferrin. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 20(5 Suppl.): 389S–95S.
  • Sánchez, L, Calvo, M, Brock, J.H. 1992. Biological role of lactoferrin. Archives of Disease in Childhood 67 (5): 657–661.
  • Iyer, S., Lonnerdal, B., 1993. Lactoferrin, lactoferrin receptors and iron metabolism. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 47: 232– 241.
  • Kanyshkova T.G., Buneva V.N., Nevinsky G.A., 2001. Lactoferrin and its biological functions. Biochemistry (Moscow) 66: 1–7.
  • Biotechnologia Aplicada 18: 76–83. properties.
  • Wakabayashi, H., Yamauchi, K., Takase, M., 2006. Lactoferrin research, technology and applications. International Dairy Journal 16: 1241– 1251.
  • Naot, D., Chhana, A., Matthews, B.G., Callon, K.E., Tong, P.C., Lin, J.M., Costa, J.L., Watson, M., Grey, A.B., Cornish, J., 2011. Molecular mechanisms involved in the mitogenic effect of lactoferrin in osteoblasts. Bone 49: 217–224.
  • Brock, J.H., 2002. The physiology of lactoferrin. Biochemistry and Cell Biology 80: 1–6.
  • Ellison, R.T., Giehl, T.J., LaForce, F.M., 1988. Damage of the outer membrane of entric Gram- negative bacteria by lactoferrin and transferrin. Infection and Immununity 56, 2774–2781.
  • Shi Y, Kong W, Nakayama K., 2000. Human lactoferrin binds and removes the hemoglobin receptor protein of the periodontopathogen Porphyromonas Biological Chemistry 275, 30002-30008.
  • Brandenburg, K., Jurgens, G., Muller, M., Fukuoka S, Koch MH., 2001. Biophysical characterization of lipopolysaccharide and lipid A inactivation by lactoferrin. Biological Chemistry 382 (8): 1215- 1225.
  • Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Holley, R.A., 2005. Effect of bovine viridans. Food Microbiology 22: 179–187.
  • Carnobacterium [38] Jenssen, H., Hancock
  • Antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin. Biochimie 91: 19-29. R.E.W., 2009.
  • Ochoa, T.J., Cleary, T.G. 2009. Effect of lactoferrin on enteric pathogens. Biochimie 91: 30- 34.
  • Wang, H., Hurley, W.L., 1998. Identification of Lactoferrin Complexes in Bovine Mammary Secretions During Mammary Gland Involution. Journal 81: 1896-1903. Dairy Science
  • Weinberg, E.D., 2004. Suppression of bacterial biofilm formation by iron limitation. Medical Hypotheses 63: 863–865.
  • Berlutti, F., Morea, C., Battistoni, A., Sarli, S., Cipriani, P., Superti, F., Ammendolia, M.G., Valenti, P., 2005. Iron availability influences aggregation, biofilm, adhesion and invasion of Pseudomonas cenocepacia. Immunopathology and Pharmacology 18: 661-670. Journal of
  • Plaut, A.G., Qiu, J., St Geme, J.W., 2000 Human lactoferrin proteolitic activity: analysis of the cleaved region in the IgA protease of Haemophilus influenzae. Vaccine 8: S148–152.
  • Hendrixson, D.H., Qiu, J., Shewry, S.C., Fink, D.L., Petty, S., Baker, E.N., Plaut, A.G., St. Geme III J.W., 2003. Human milk lactoferrin is a serine protease that cleaves Haemophilus surface proteins at arginine-rich sites. Molecular Microbiology 47: 607–617.
  • Longhi C, Conte MP, Seganti L et al. 1993 Influence of lactoferrin on the entry process of Escherichia coli HB101 (pRI203) in HeLa cells. Medical Microbiology and Immunology (Berl) 182: 25–35.
  • Conte, M.P., Longhi, C., Petrone, G., Buonfiglio, V., Di Santo, S., Seganti, L., Valenti, P., 1999. The anti-invasive effect of bovine lactoferrin requires an interaction with surface proteins of Listeria monocytogenes. Immunopathology and Pharmacology 12: 149– 155. Journal of
  • Gomez, H.F., Ochoa, T.J., Carlin, L.G., Cleary, T.G., 2003. Human lactoferrin impairs virulence of Shigella flexneri. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 187: 87-95.
  • Ochoa, T.J., Clearly, T.G., 2004. Lactoferrin disruption of bacterial type III secretion systems. BioMetals 17: 257–260.
  • Ochoa, T.J., Noguera-Obenza, M., Cleary, T.G. 2004. Lactoferrin blocks the initial host cell attachment mechanism of Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 554: 463-466.
  • Bessler, H.C., de Oliveira, I.R., Giugliano, L.G. 2006. Human milk glycoproteins inhibit the adherence of Salmonella typhimurium to HeLa cells. Microbiology and Immunology 50: 877-882.
  • Roseanu, A., Florian, P., Condei, M., Cristea, D., Damian, M. 2010. Antibacterial activity of lactoferrin Streptococci. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 15: 5788–5792. against oral
  • Wakabayashi, H., Kondo, I. 2010. Periodontitis, periodontopathic BioMetals 23, 419–424. and lactoferrin.
  • Jones, E.M., Smart, A., Bloomberg, G., Burgess, L., Millar, M.R., 1994. Lactoferricin, a new antimicrobial Microbiology 77: 208-214. of Applied
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Biological Activity of Lactoferrin

Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 6, 52 - 63, 01.12.2011


Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein of the transferrin family and it is mainly found in milk and in most biological fluids. Lactoferrin is a multifunctional protein since it has many biological activities including antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiprotozoal, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activity, improvement of bone health, regulator of iron absorption in intestine, anti-inflammatory activity, and immunomodulatory. In this review article, we focus on the chemical and structural properties, and biological activities of bovine milk lactoferrin


  • species. Comparative [6] [7] [8] [9]
  • Steijns, J.M., van Hooijdonk, A.C., 2000. Occurrence, structure, biochemical properties and technological characteristics of lactoferrin. British Journal of Nutrition 84: S11-S17.
  • Connely, O.M., 2001. Antiinflammatory activities of lactoferrin. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 20(5 Suppl.): 389S–95S.
  • Sánchez, L, Calvo, M, Brock, J.H. 1992. Biological role of lactoferrin. Archives of Disease in Childhood 67 (5): 657–661.
  • Iyer, S., Lonnerdal, B., 1993. Lactoferrin, lactoferrin receptors and iron metabolism. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 47: 232– 241.
  • Kanyshkova T.G., Buneva V.N., Nevinsky G.A., 2001. Lactoferrin and its biological functions. Biochemistry (Moscow) 66: 1–7.
  • Biotechnologia Aplicada 18: 76–83. properties.
  • Wakabayashi, H., Yamauchi, K., Takase, M., 2006. Lactoferrin research, technology and applications. International Dairy Journal 16: 1241– 1251.
  • Naot, D., Chhana, A., Matthews, B.G., Callon, K.E., Tong, P.C., Lin, J.M., Costa, J.L., Watson, M., Grey, A.B., Cornish, J., 2011. Molecular mechanisms involved in the mitogenic effect of lactoferrin in osteoblasts. Bone 49: 217–224.
  • Brock, J.H., 2002. The physiology of lactoferrin. Biochemistry and Cell Biology 80: 1–6.
  • Ellison, R.T., Giehl, T.J., LaForce, F.M., 1988. Damage of the outer membrane of entric Gram- negative bacteria by lactoferrin and transferrin. Infection and Immununity 56, 2774–2781.
  • Shi Y, Kong W, Nakayama K., 2000. Human lactoferrin binds and removes the hemoglobin receptor protein of the periodontopathogen Porphyromonas Biological Chemistry 275, 30002-30008.
  • Brandenburg, K., Jurgens, G., Muller, M., Fukuoka S, Koch MH., 2001. Biophysical characterization of lipopolysaccharide and lipid A inactivation by lactoferrin. Biological Chemistry 382 (8): 1215- 1225.
  • Al-Nabulsi, A.A., Holley, R.A., 2005. Effect of bovine viridans. Food Microbiology 22: 179–187.
  • Carnobacterium [38] Jenssen, H., Hancock
  • Antimicrobial properties of lactoferrin. Biochimie 91: 19-29. R.E.W., 2009.
  • Ochoa, T.J., Cleary, T.G. 2009. Effect of lactoferrin on enteric pathogens. Biochimie 91: 30- 34.
  • Wang, H., Hurley, W.L., 1998. Identification of Lactoferrin Complexes in Bovine Mammary Secretions During Mammary Gland Involution. Journal 81: 1896-1903. Dairy Science
  • Weinberg, E.D., 2004. Suppression of bacterial biofilm formation by iron limitation. Medical Hypotheses 63: 863–865.
  • Berlutti, F., Morea, C., Battistoni, A., Sarli, S., Cipriani, P., Superti, F., Ammendolia, M.G., Valenti, P., 2005. Iron availability influences aggregation, biofilm, adhesion and invasion of Pseudomonas cenocepacia. Immunopathology and Pharmacology 18: 661-670. Journal of
  • Plaut, A.G., Qiu, J., St Geme, J.W., 2000 Human lactoferrin proteolitic activity: analysis of the cleaved region in the IgA protease of Haemophilus influenzae. Vaccine 8: S148–152.
  • Hendrixson, D.H., Qiu, J., Shewry, S.C., Fink, D.L., Petty, S., Baker, E.N., Plaut, A.G., St. Geme III J.W., 2003. Human milk lactoferrin is a serine protease that cleaves Haemophilus surface proteins at arginine-rich sites. Molecular Microbiology 47: 607–617.
  • Longhi C, Conte MP, Seganti L et al. 1993 Influence of lactoferrin on the entry process of Escherichia coli HB101 (pRI203) in HeLa cells. Medical Microbiology and Immunology (Berl) 182: 25–35.
  • Conte, M.P., Longhi, C., Petrone, G., Buonfiglio, V., Di Santo, S., Seganti, L., Valenti, P., 1999. The anti-invasive effect of bovine lactoferrin requires an interaction with surface proteins of Listeria monocytogenes. Immunopathology and Pharmacology 12: 149– 155. Journal of
  • Gomez, H.F., Ochoa, T.J., Carlin, L.G., Cleary, T.G., 2003. Human lactoferrin impairs virulence of Shigella flexneri. The Journal of Infectious Diseases 187: 87-95.
  • Ochoa, T.J., Clearly, T.G., 2004. Lactoferrin disruption of bacterial type III secretion systems. BioMetals 17: 257–260.
  • Ochoa, T.J., Noguera-Obenza, M., Cleary, T.G. 2004. Lactoferrin blocks the initial host cell attachment mechanism of Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 554: 463-466.
  • Bessler, H.C., de Oliveira, I.R., Giugliano, L.G. 2006. Human milk glycoproteins inhibit the adherence of Salmonella typhimurium to HeLa cells. Microbiology and Immunology 50: 877-882.
  • Roseanu, A., Florian, P., Condei, M., Cristea, D., Damian, M. 2010. Antibacterial activity of lactoferrin Streptococci. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 15: 5788–5792. against oral
  • Wakabayashi, H., Kondo, I. 2010. Periodontitis, periodontopathic BioMetals 23, 419–424. and lactoferrin.
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There are 97 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Zeliha Yıldırım This is me

Mehmet Tokatlı This is me

Nilgün Öncül This is me

Metin Yıldırım This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 9 Issue: 6


APA Yıldırım, Z., Tokatlı, M., Öncül, N., Yıldırım, M. (2011). Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Akademik Gıda, 9(6), 52-63.
AMA Yıldırım Z, Tokatlı M, Öncül N, Yıldırım M. Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Akademik Gıda. December 2011;9(6):52-63.
Chicago Yıldırım, Zeliha, Mehmet Tokatlı, Nilgün Öncül, and Metin Yıldırım. “Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi”. Akademik Gıda 9, no. 6 (December 2011): 52-63.
EndNote Yıldırım Z, Tokatlı M, Öncül N, Yıldırım M (December 1, 2011) Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Akademik Gıda 9 6 52–63.
IEEE Z. Yıldırım, M. Tokatlı, N. Öncül, and M. Yıldırım, “Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 52–63, 2011.
ISNAD Yıldırım, Zeliha et al. “Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi”. Akademik Gıda 9/6 (December 2011), 52-63.
JAMA Yıldırım Z, Tokatlı M, Öncül N, Yıldırım M. Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Akademik Gıda. 2011;9:52–63.
MLA Yıldırım, Zeliha et al. “Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 9, no. 6, 2011, pp. 52-63.
Vancouver Yıldırım Z, Tokatlı M, Öncül N, Yıldırım M. Laktoferrinin Biyolojik Aktivitesi. Akademik Gıda. 2011;9(6):52-63.

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