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Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2006, Volume: 4 Issue: 5, 3 - 10, 01.10.2006


Fitosterol ve fitastanoller, bitkisel yağlar, tohumlar ve sert kabuklu meyveler ile bazı meyve ve sebzelerde doğal olarak bulunan bileşiklerdir. Bunlar, güçlü kolestrol düşürücü ajanlardır. Çeşitli çalışmalar, fitosterol ve fitastanollerin günde 2-3 g tüketimiyle toplam kolesterolde % 8-17, LDL düşük yoğunluklu lipoprotein kolesterol seviyesinde % 9-20 oranında azalma olduğunu göstermiştir. Fitosterol ve fitastanoller, kolesterolun ince barsaktan absorpsiyonunu inhibe ederek toplam ve LDL kolesterolu düşürürler. Genel olarak, günlük diyetle 2-3 g fitosterol ve fitastanol almak zor olduğundan mayonez, margarin, yoğurt gibi çeşitli gıdalara ilave edilirler


  • Lichtenstein, A.H., 2000. Plant stanol/sterol ester-containing foods and cardiovascular disease risk nutrition in clinical care. Nutr Clin Care. 3
  • Wasan, K.M., Najafi, S., Peteherych, KD., Pritchard, P.H., 2001. Effects of a novel hydrophilic phytostanol analog on plasma lipid concentrations in gerbils. J Pharmaceutical Sci. 90,1795-1799.
  • Pritchard, P.H, Li, M., Zamfir, C., Lukic, T., Novak, E., Moghadasian, M.H., Comparison of cholesterol-lowering efficacy and anti-atherogenic properties of hydrogenated versus non-hydrogenated (PhytrolTM) tall oil- derived phytosterols in Apo E-deficient mice. Cardiovasc Drugs and Therapy. 17, 443449.
  • Trautwein, E.A., Duchateau, G.S.M.J.E., Lin, Y., Mel'nikov, S.M., Molhuizen, H.O.F., Ntanios, F.Y., 2003. Proposed mechanisms of cholesterol-lowering action of plant sterols. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 105, 171185.
  • Fernandez, M.L., Vega-López, S., 2005. Efficacy and safety of sitosterol in the management of blood cholesterol levels. Cardiovasc Drug Reviews. , 57-70.
  • Wolfs, M., de Jong N., Ocke´, M.C., Verhagen, H., Verschuren, W.M.M., 2006.
  • Wester, I., 2000. Cholesterol-lowering effect of plant sterols. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 102, 3744.
  • Normén, W.L., Bryngelsson, S., Johnsson, M., Evheden, P., Ellegård, L., Brants, H., Andersson, H., Dutta, P., 2002. The phytosterol content of some cereal foods commonly consumed in Sweden and in the Netherlands. J Food Composit Analysis. 15, 693704.
  • Thompson, G.R., Grundy, S.M., 2005. History and development of plant sterol and stanol esters for cholesterol-lowering purposes. The American
  • Increased intake of fruit and vegetables and a low-fat diet, with and without low-fat plant sterol-enriched spread consumption: effects on plasma lipoprotein and carotenoid metabolism. J Hum Nutr Dietet. 17, King, J.W., Dunford, N.T., 2002. Phytosterol-enriched triglyceride fractions from vegetable oil deodorizer distillates utilizing supercritical fluid fractionation technology. Separation Science and Technol. 37, 451-462.
  • Soupas, L. 2006. Oxidative stability of phytosterols in food models and foods. EKT-series 1370. University of Helsinki. Department of Applied
  • Chemistry and Microbiology. 110 + 58 pp. Piironen, V., Lindsay, D.G., Miettinen, T.A., Toivo, J., Lampi, A-M., 2000.
  • Plant sterols: biosynthesis, biological function and their importance to human nutrition. J Sci Food Agric. 80, 939-966. absorption be reduced by phytosterols and phytostanols via a cocrystallization mechanism? Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 127,15- Effects of plant stanol esters supplied in low-fat yoghurt on serum lipids and lipoproteins, non-cholesterol sterols and fat soluble antioxidant concentrations. Atherosclerosis. 160, 205213.
  • Lagarda, M.J., Garcίa-Llatas, G., Farré, R., 2006. Analysis of phytosterols in foods. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 41, 1486
  • Laakso, P., 2005. Analysis of sterols from various food matrices. Eur J Lipid
  • Hallikainen, M., Lyyra-Laitinen, T., Laitinen, T. Ågren, J.J., Pihlajamäki, J., Sci Technol. 107, 402410.
  • Rauramaa, R., Miettinen, TA., Gylling, H., 2006. Endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic subjects: Effects of plant stanol and sterol esters. Atherosclerosis. 188, 425432. new functional food. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 103, 102-106.
  • Ostlund, R.E. Jr., 2002. Phytosterols in human nutrition. Annual Review of
  • Coşkun, T., 2005. Fonksiyonel besinlerin sağlığımız üzerine etkileri. Çocuk Nutrition. 22, 533-549.
  • Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi. 48, 69-84. Ostlund, R.E. Jr., 2004. Phytosterols and cholesterol metabolism. Current
  • Agahta, W.K.Ng., Lukic, T., Pritchard, P.H, Wasan, K.M., 2003.
  • Opinion in Lipidology. 15, 37-41. Development of novel water-soluble phytostanol analogs: Disodium ascorbyl phytostanyl phosphates (FM-VP4): Preclinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and toxicology. Cardiovasc Drug Reviews. 21: 151168. sterols in vegetables, fruits and berries. J Sci Food Agric. 83, 330-337.
  • Gül, M.K., Şeker, M., 2006. Comparative analysis of phytosterol
  • Miettinen, T.A., Gylling, H., 2004. Plant stanol and sterol esters in prevention components from rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 108, 759765. of cardiovascular diseases. Annals of Medicine, 36,126-134.
  • O'Neill, F.H., Brynes, A.., Mandeno, R., Rendell, N., Taylor, G., Seed, M., Määttä, K., Lampi, A-M, Petterson, J., Fogelfors, B.M., Piironen, V., Kamal- Thompson, G.R., 2004. Comparison of the effects of dietary plant sterol and stanol esters on lipid metabolism. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 14,133- locations in Sweden. J Sci Food Agric. 79, 1021-1027.
  • Moreau, R.A. 2004. Plant sterols in functional foods. In: Phytosterols as
  • Hyun, Y.J., Kim, O.Y., Kang, J.B., Lee, J.H., Jang, T.Y., Liponkoski, L., Salo, Functional Food Components and Nutraceuticals, P.C. Dutta (ed.), pp. 345. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. P., 2005. Plant stanol esters in low-fat yogurt reduces total and low- density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein oxidation in normocholesterolemic and mildly hyper-cholesterolemic subjects.
  • Nutrition Research. 25, 743753.
  • Foods and Nutraceuticals, F.D. Gunstone (ed.), pp. 183-224. The Oily Press, Bridgwater. Salo, P.M.D, Wester, I., 2005. Low-Fat Formulations of Plant Stanols and Soupas, L., Huikko, L., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2006. Oxidative stability of
  • Sterols. The American Journal of Cardiology, 96, 51D-54D. phytosterols in some food applications. Eur Food Res Technol. 222, 266- Toivo, J., Phillips, K., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2001. Determination of sterols in foods: recovery of free, esterified, and glycosidic sterols. J Food Compos Anal. 14, 631-643.
  • Johnson, L., Dutta, P.C., 2006. Determination of phytosterol oxides in some food products by using an optimized transesterification method. Food Chem. 97, 606-613.
  • Clifton, P.M., Noakes, M., Ross, D., Fassoulakis, A.,Cehun, M., Netsel, P., High dietary intake of phytosterol esters decreases carotenoids and increases plasma plant sterol levels with no additional cholesterol lowering. J lipid Res. 45, 1493-1499. phytosterol oxidation. Eur Food Res Technol. 107, 107-118.
  • Thanh, T.T., Vergnes, M-F., Kaloustian, J., El-Moselhy, T.F., Amiot-Carlin, Hendriks, H.F.N., Weststrate, J.A., van Vliet, T., Meijer, G.W., 1999. Spreads
  • M-J., Portugal, H., 2006. Effect of storage and heating on phytosterol concentrations in vegetable oils determined by GC/MS. J Sci Food Agric. , 220-225. enriched with three different levels of vegetable oil sterols and the degree of cholesterol lowering in normocholesetrolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr. 53, 319-327.
  • Soupas, L., Huikko, L., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2007. Pan-Frying may
  • Plat, J., Mensink, R.P., 2000. Vegetable oil based versus wood based stanol induce phytosterol oxidation. Food Chem. 101, 286-297. ester mixtures: effects on serum lipids and hemostatic factors in non
  • Karabulut, I., Topcu, A., Yorulmaz, A., Tekin, A., Ozay, D.S., 2005. Effects of hypercholesteremic subjects. Atheroscler. 148, 101-112. the industrial refining process on some properties of hazelnut oil. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 107, 476480.
  • Sudhop, T., von Bergmann, K., 2004. Sitosterolemia- a rare disease. Are elevated plant sterols an additional risk factor? Z Kardiol. 93, 921-928.
  • Nyström, L., Paasonen, A., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2007. Total plant
  • Rozner, S., Garti, N., 2006. The activity and absorbtion relationship of sterols, steryl ferulates and steryl glyosides in milling fractions of wheat and rye. J Cereal Sci. 45,106-115. cholesterol and phytosterols. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng Aspects. 282-283, 435-456.


Year 2006, Volume: 4 Issue: 5, 3 - 10, 01.10.2006


Phytosterols and phytostanols are groups of compounds naturally present in vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts, and some fruits and vegetables. Phytosterols and phytostanols are potent hypocholesterolemic agents. Several studies have shown that a daily consumption of 2 to 3 g phytosterols or phytostanols reduce total serum cholesterol by 817% and low density lipoprotein LDL cholesterol by 920%. They decrease total serum and LDL-cholesterol levels in humans by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol from small intestine. Because it is generally difficult to meet the daily recommended phytosterols/phytostanols of 2-3 grams, it is usually added in several foods such as mayonnaise, margarine, yoghurt.


  • Lichtenstein, A.H., 2000. Plant stanol/sterol ester-containing foods and cardiovascular disease risk nutrition in clinical care. Nutr Clin Care. 3
  • Wasan, K.M., Najafi, S., Peteherych, KD., Pritchard, P.H., 2001. Effects of a novel hydrophilic phytostanol analog on plasma lipid concentrations in gerbils. J Pharmaceutical Sci. 90,1795-1799.
  • Pritchard, P.H, Li, M., Zamfir, C., Lukic, T., Novak, E., Moghadasian, M.H., Comparison of cholesterol-lowering efficacy and anti-atherogenic properties of hydrogenated versus non-hydrogenated (PhytrolTM) tall oil- derived phytosterols in Apo E-deficient mice. Cardiovasc Drugs and Therapy. 17, 443449.
  • Trautwein, E.A., Duchateau, G.S.M.J.E., Lin, Y., Mel'nikov, S.M., Molhuizen, H.O.F., Ntanios, F.Y., 2003. Proposed mechanisms of cholesterol-lowering action of plant sterols. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 105, 171185.
  • Fernandez, M.L., Vega-López, S., 2005. Efficacy and safety of sitosterol in the management of blood cholesterol levels. Cardiovasc Drug Reviews. , 57-70.
  • Wolfs, M., de Jong N., Ocke´, M.C., Verhagen, H., Verschuren, W.M.M., 2006.
  • Wester, I., 2000. Cholesterol-lowering effect of plant sterols. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 102, 3744.
  • Normén, W.L., Bryngelsson, S., Johnsson, M., Evheden, P., Ellegård, L., Brants, H., Andersson, H., Dutta, P., 2002. The phytosterol content of some cereal foods commonly consumed in Sweden and in the Netherlands. J Food Composit Analysis. 15, 693704.
  • Thompson, G.R., Grundy, S.M., 2005. History and development of plant sterol and stanol esters for cholesterol-lowering purposes. The American
  • Increased intake of fruit and vegetables and a low-fat diet, with and without low-fat plant sterol-enriched spread consumption: effects on plasma lipoprotein and carotenoid metabolism. J Hum Nutr Dietet. 17, King, J.W., Dunford, N.T., 2002. Phytosterol-enriched triglyceride fractions from vegetable oil deodorizer distillates utilizing supercritical fluid fractionation technology. Separation Science and Technol. 37, 451-462.
  • Soupas, L. 2006. Oxidative stability of phytosterols in food models and foods. EKT-series 1370. University of Helsinki. Department of Applied
  • Chemistry and Microbiology. 110 + 58 pp. Piironen, V., Lindsay, D.G., Miettinen, T.A., Toivo, J., Lampi, A-M., 2000.
  • Plant sterols: biosynthesis, biological function and their importance to human nutrition. J Sci Food Agric. 80, 939-966. absorption be reduced by phytosterols and phytostanols via a cocrystallization mechanism? Chemistry and Physics of Lipids. 127,15- Effects of plant stanol esters supplied in low-fat yoghurt on serum lipids and lipoproteins, non-cholesterol sterols and fat soluble antioxidant concentrations. Atherosclerosis. 160, 205213.
  • Lagarda, M.J., Garcίa-Llatas, G., Farré, R., 2006. Analysis of phytosterols in foods. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 41, 1486
  • Laakso, P., 2005. Analysis of sterols from various food matrices. Eur J Lipid
  • Hallikainen, M., Lyyra-Laitinen, T., Laitinen, T. Ågren, J.J., Pihlajamäki, J., Sci Technol. 107, 402410.
  • Rauramaa, R., Miettinen, TA., Gylling, H., 2006. Endothelial function in hypercholesterolemic subjects: Effects of plant stanol and sterol esters. Atherosclerosis. 188, 425432. new functional food. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 103, 102-106.
  • Ostlund, R.E. Jr., 2002. Phytosterols in human nutrition. Annual Review of
  • Coşkun, T., 2005. Fonksiyonel besinlerin sağlığımız üzerine etkileri. Çocuk Nutrition. 22, 533-549.
  • Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Dergisi. 48, 69-84. Ostlund, R.E. Jr., 2004. Phytosterols and cholesterol metabolism. Current
  • Agahta, W.K.Ng., Lukic, T., Pritchard, P.H, Wasan, K.M., 2003.
  • Opinion in Lipidology. 15, 37-41. Development of novel water-soluble phytostanol analogs: Disodium ascorbyl phytostanyl phosphates (FM-VP4): Preclinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and toxicology. Cardiovasc Drug Reviews. 21: 151168. sterols in vegetables, fruits and berries. J Sci Food Agric. 83, 330-337.
  • Gül, M.K., Şeker, M., 2006. Comparative analysis of phytosterol
  • Miettinen, T.A., Gylling, H., 2004. Plant stanol and sterol esters in prevention components from rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 108, 759765. of cardiovascular diseases. Annals of Medicine, 36,126-134.
  • O'Neill, F.H., Brynes, A.., Mandeno, R., Rendell, N., Taylor, G., Seed, M., Määttä, K., Lampi, A-M, Petterson, J., Fogelfors, B.M., Piironen, V., Kamal- Thompson, G.R., 2004. Comparison of the effects of dietary plant sterol and stanol esters on lipid metabolism. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 14,133- locations in Sweden. J Sci Food Agric. 79, 1021-1027.
  • Moreau, R.A. 2004. Plant sterols in functional foods. In: Phytosterols as
  • Hyun, Y.J., Kim, O.Y., Kang, J.B., Lee, J.H., Jang, T.Y., Liponkoski, L., Salo, Functional Food Components and Nutraceuticals, P.C. Dutta (ed.), pp. 345. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. P., 2005. Plant stanol esters in low-fat yogurt reduces total and low- density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein oxidation in normocholesterolemic and mildly hyper-cholesterolemic subjects.
  • Nutrition Research. 25, 743753.
  • Foods and Nutraceuticals, F.D. Gunstone (ed.), pp. 183-224. The Oily Press, Bridgwater. Salo, P.M.D, Wester, I., 2005. Low-Fat Formulations of Plant Stanols and Soupas, L., Huikko, L., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2006. Oxidative stability of
  • Sterols. The American Journal of Cardiology, 96, 51D-54D. phytosterols in some food applications. Eur Food Res Technol. 222, 266- Toivo, J., Phillips, K., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2001. Determination of sterols in foods: recovery of free, esterified, and glycosidic sterols. J Food Compos Anal. 14, 631-643.
  • Johnson, L., Dutta, P.C., 2006. Determination of phytosterol oxides in some food products by using an optimized transesterification method. Food Chem. 97, 606-613.
  • Clifton, P.M., Noakes, M., Ross, D., Fassoulakis, A.,Cehun, M., Netsel, P., High dietary intake of phytosterol esters decreases carotenoids and increases plasma plant sterol levels with no additional cholesterol lowering. J lipid Res. 45, 1493-1499. phytosterol oxidation. Eur Food Res Technol. 107, 107-118.
  • Thanh, T.T., Vergnes, M-F., Kaloustian, J., El-Moselhy, T.F., Amiot-Carlin, Hendriks, H.F.N., Weststrate, J.A., van Vliet, T., Meijer, G.W., 1999. Spreads
  • M-J., Portugal, H., 2006. Effect of storage and heating on phytosterol concentrations in vegetable oils determined by GC/MS. J Sci Food Agric. , 220-225. enriched with three different levels of vegetable oil sterols and the degree of cholesterol lowering in normocholesetrolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr. 53, 319-327.
  • Soupas, L., Huikko, L., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2007. Pan-Frying may
  • Plat, J., Mensink, R.P., 2000. Vegetable oil based versus wood based stanol induce phytosterol oxidation. Food Chem. 101, 286-297. ester mixtures: effects on serum lipids and hemostatic factors in non
  • Karabulut, I., Topcu, A., Yorulmaz, A., Tekin, A., Ozay, D.S., 2005. Effects of hypercholesteremic subjects. Atheroscler. 148, 101-112. the industrial refining process on some properties of hazelnut oil. Eur J Lipid Sci Technol. 107, 476480.
  • Sudhop, T., von Bergmann, K., 2004. Sitosterolemia- a rare disease. Are elevated plant sterols an additional risk factor? Z Kardiol. 93, 921-928.
  • Nyström, L., Paasonen, A., Lampi, A-M., Piironen, V., 2007. Total plant
  • Rozner, S., Garti, N., 2006. The activity and absorbtion relationship of sterols, steryl ferulates and steryl glyosides in milling fractions of wheat and rye. J Cereal Sci. 45,106-115. cholesterol and phytosterols. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem Eng Aspects. 282-283, 435-456.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İlkay Koca This is me

Ahmet Faik Koca This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 4 Issue: 5


APA Koca, İ., & Koca, A. F. (2006). Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda, 4(5), 3-10.
AMA Koca İ, Koca AF. Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda. October 2006;4(5):3-10.
Chicago Koca, İlkay, and Ahmet Faik Koca. “Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller Ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”. Akademik Gıda 4, no. 5 (October 2006): 3-10.
EndNote Koca İ, Koca AF (October 1, 2006) Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda 4 5 3–10.
IEEE İ. Koca and A. F. Koca, “Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 3–10, 2006.
ISNAD Koca, İlkay - Koca, Ahmet Faik. “Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller Ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”. Akademik Gıda 4/5 (October 2006), 3-10.
JAMA Koca İ, Koca AF. Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda. 2006;4:3–10.
MLA Koca, İlkay and Ahmet Faik Koca. “Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller Ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 4, no. 5, 2006, pp. 3-10.
Vancouver Koca İ, Koca AF. Gıdalarda Bulunan Fitasterol / Fitastanoller ve Sağlık Üzerine Etkileri. Akademik Gıda. 2006;4(5):3-10.

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