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Şarapta Okratoksin

Year 2005, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 11 - 16, 01.08.2005


Ochratoxin is produced by some species of Aspergillus and Penicillium especially A. ochraceus and P. verrucosum. The most frequent and the toxic type of Ochratoxin was reported as Ochratoxin A. It has been determined that Ochratoxin A has genotoxic, immunotoxic, hepatoxic and teratogenic effects. Ochratoxin A occurs in various food commodities including cereals, vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, meat and some beverages. In last years researches show that grapes, must, and also wine could contain significant amounts of OTA. Regular and moderate consumption of wine is suggested because of its positive effects on human health. However, occurance of mycotoxins especially OTA, which is resistant to fermentation, creates human health risk. In this review, after giving general information about mycotoxins especially ochratoxins, subjects on fungi that responsible for the presence of OTA, contamination of grapes and wine with OTA and its amounts, Ochratoxin detection methods and also preventive studies about OTA contamination are going to be discussed


  • Yavaş, İ., İç, E., 1995. Alkollü İçkilerde Aflatoksinlerin Önemi. Gıda, 20(1): 33-37 12 Rousseau, J., 2004b. Ochratoxin A in Wines: Current Knowlodge- Factors Favouring Its Emergence in Vineyards and Wines. Wine Internet Tech. J. No:5:1-5.
  • Şahin, İ., Korukluoğlu, M., 2000. Küf-Gıdaİnsan. Uludağ Üniv. Güçlen. Vakfı
  • Yayın No: 155, Bursa, 122 s 13 Leong, S., Hocking, A.D., Scott, S.E.,2003 Ochratoxin A: From Grapes to Wine. Cooper. Res. Center Vitic. Http://
  • Mantle, P., 2002. Risk Assessment and the Importance of Ochratoxins.
  • Int.Biodeter. & Biodegradation, 50: 143-146. 14 Logrienco,A. 2004 Ochratoxin in grapes and wine . Goodfood AmI Workshops-Florence15-16,July 2004 Http://
  • Ochratoxigenic Species from Spanish Wine Grapes. Int. J. Food Microbiol.
  • Vol.98 (2):125-130. 15 Zimmerli, B., Dick, R. 1996 Ochratoxin A in table wine and grape-juice: Occurrence and risk assessment. Food Addit. Contam., 13, 655668.
  • Battilani, P., Pietri, A., Bertuzzi, T., Languasco, L., Giorni, P., Kozakiewicz, Z.
  • Occurence of Ochratoxin A-Producing Fungi in Grapes Grown in Italy.
  • J.Food Protect., 66(4): 633-636. 16 Ueno, Y. 1998 Residue and risk of ochratoxin A in human plasma and beverages in Japan Mycotoxins, 47, 1998.
  • Sáez, J. M. Medina, Á., Gimeno-Adelantado, J.V., Mateo, R. and M.
  • Jiménez, 2004. Comparison of different sample treatments for the analysis of
  • ochratoxin A in must, wine and beer by liquid chromatography J. Chromatogr.
  • A, 1029, 1-2, (12): 125-133 [17] Burdaspal, P.A., Legarda, T.M. 1999 Ochratoxin A in wines, must and grape juice produced in Spain and other European countries. Alimentaria, 299, 107113
  • Soyöz, M., Özçelik, N., 2002. Okratoksin A'nın Toksik Etkileri ve
  • Eliminasyonu. Tıp Bilimleri 22(4): 421-427. 18] Visconti, A., Pascale, M. & Centonze, G. 1999 Determination of ochratoxin A in wine by means of immunoaffinity column clean-up and high- performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 864, 89101
  • Sage, L., Krivobok, S., Delbos, E., Seigle-Murandi, F., Creppy, E., 2002.
  • Fungal Flora and Ochratoxin A Production in Grapes and Musts from France.
  • J. Agric. Food Chem., 50: 1306-1311 [19] Pietri, A., Bertuzzi, T., Pallaroni, L. Piva, G. 2001. Occurence of Ochratoxin A in Italian Wines Food Addit. Contam. 18(7):647-654.
  • Aktan,N. , Kalkan, H.,2000. Şarap Teknolojisi, Kavaklıdere Eğitim Yayınları
  • No:4, Ankara, 609s. [20]Visconti, A., Pascale, M. & Centonze, G. 2001 Determination of ochratoxin A in wine and beer by immunoaffinity column clean-up and HPLC analysis with fluorometric detection. J. AOAC Int 84 : 1818-1827
  • Rousseau, J., 2004a. Ochratoxin A in Wines: Current Knowlodge
  • Mycotoxins and Wine. Wine Internet Tech. J. No:5 :1-5.http:// [21] Soufleres, E.H., Tricard, C., Bouloumpasi,E.C.,2003. Occurence of Ochratoxin A in Greek Wines. J. Sci. Food Agric. 83 (3) 173-179.
  • Markaki, P., Delpont-Binet, C., Grosso, F., Dragacci, S., 2001.
  • Cecco, A.Bocchi, E. 2003. Levels of Ochratoxin A in Italian Wines. Ind.delle
  • Bevande 32(185):265-268. [32] Var, I., Kabak, B., Özkarslı, M., 2004. Mikotoksin Aranmasında Kullanılan Analiz Yöntemleri. Or-Lab Online Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2(11):1-11.
  • Belli, N., Marin, S., Duaigües, A., Ramos, A., Sanchis, V., 2004. Ochratoxin A
  • in Wine, Musts and Grape Juices from Spain. J. Sci. Food Agric., 84: 591-594 [33] Rao, M.V. 2000 A study on the validation of analytical methods and monitoring of mycotoxins in foods. Unpublished report from Dubai Municipality Food & Environ. Lab. Submitted to WHO/FAO by Food & Environ. Lab., Dubai Cent. Lab., Dubai Municipality.
  • Blesa, J. Soriano, J.M., Molto, J.C., Mones, J. 2004 Concentration of
  • Ochratoxin A in Wines from Supermarkets and stores of Valencian Community
  • (Spain). J. Chromatogr. A 1054 : 397-401. [34] Benford, D., Boyle, C., Dekant, W., Fuchs,R., Gaylor, D. V., Hard,G., McGregor, D.B., Pitt, J., Plestina,R., Shephard,G., Solfrizzo,G., Verger, P.J.V, Walker,W. 2001.Ochratoxin A. Jecmono/v47je04.htm
  • of the presence of ochratoxin A and trichroloanisole in wines under the
  • estimation of origin “ Jerez-Xéres-Sherry and Manzanila Sanlucer de Barrameda”
  • (abstract) http// bromatologia/ toxicologia/ congresas/ SECYTA 2004.1pdf [35] González-Peñas, E., Leache, C., López de Cerain, A. And Lizarraga, E., 2003. Comparison between CE and HPLC-FL for Ochratoxin quantification in Wine, 3rd Scientific Meeting of The Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques. SECYTA, Almeria19-21 November,2003.
  • Ratola, N., Martins, L., A. Alves, 2004. Determination of ochratoxin A in wine
  • grapes: comparison of extraction procedures and method validation
  • Analy. Chim. Acta, 513, (1): 41-47 [36] Leitner,A. Zöllner,P., Paolillo, A., Stroka, J., Papadopoulou-Bouraoui,A., Jaborek, S., Anklam A. Wolfgang Lindner, 2002. Comparison of methods for the determination of ochratoxin A in wine Analy.Chim. Acta,453 (1): 33-41
  • Brera, C., Soriano,J.M., Debegnach, F., M. Miraglia 2005. Exposure
  • assessment to ochratoxin A from the consumption of Italian and Hungarian
  • wines Microchem. J. 79,(1-2):109-113. [37] González-Peñas, E., Leache, C., Viscarret, M.,. Pérez de Obanos, A., Araguás, C., A., López de Cerain, 2004.Determination of ochratoxin A in wine using liquid-phase microextraction combined with liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection J. Chromatogr. A, 1025, (2): 163-168.
  • Determination of ochratoxin A in Hungarian wines. Microchem. J., 79, (1-2) : 103-107. [38] Dall'Asta, C., Galaverna,G. Dossena; A., Marchelli,R. 2004. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method for the determination of ochratoxin A in wine. J. Chromatogr. A, 1024, (2): 275-279.
  • Occurrence of ochratoxin A in wine and grape juice marketed in Rio de Janeiro
  • Brazil Food Addit.Contam., 21,(4)358-364 [39] EMAN, 2003. European Mycotoxin Awarenees Network Factsheets on Analytical Methods. Http://
  • Filali, A., Quammi,L., Betbeder; A. M., Baudrimont, I. Soulaymani, R.
  • Benayada, A. Creppy, E.E. 2001. Ochratoxin A in beverages from Morocco: a
  • preliminary survey Food Addit. Contam., 18, (6):565-568. [ 4 0 ] A t a k , A . 2 0 0 4 . O k r a t o k s i n A . h t t p : / /
  • Ng, W; Mankotia, M; Pantazopoulos, P; Neil, R J; Scott, P M. 2004.
  • Ochratoxin A in wine and grape juice sold in Canada. Food Addit.Contam., 21, (10): 971-981. [41] Peregrin, T. 2005. Wine-A Drink to Your Health. J. American Dietetic Assos. , 105, (7): 1053-1054.

Şarapta Okratoksin

Year 2005, Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 11 - 16, 01.08.2005


1.GirişMikotoksinler; bazı küfler tarafından üretilen, Okratoksin bazı Aspergillus ve Penicillium türleri özellikle A. ochraceus ve Penicillium verrucosum tarafından üretilen bir mikotoksindir. En sık görülen ve en toksik olan tipi Okratoksin A'dır. İnsan sağlığına etkilerini araştırmak üzere yapılan çalışmalarda Okratoksin A'nın karsinojenik, genotoksik, teratojenik, immunotoksik ve nefrotoksik etkileri ortaya konmuştur. Okratoksin A tahıllar, sebzeler, kurutulmuş meyveler, fındık, et ve bazı içeceklerde tespit edilmiştir. Son yıllarda üzüm, şıra ve şarabın da önemli miktarlarda OTA içerdiği belirlenmiştir. İnsan sağlığı üzerine olumlu etkileri olduğu bildirilen şarabın düzenli ve ölçülü tüketimi tavsiye edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte şarap üretiminde kullanılacak üzümlerde çeşitli mikotoksinlerin özellikle fermentasyona dayanıklı olan OTA'nın bulunma olasılığı, sağlık açısından risk oluşturmaktadır. Bu derlemede; mikotoksinler ve özellikle okratoksinler hakkında genel bir bilgi verildikten sonra, okratoksin üreten küfler, üzüm ve şarapta okratoksin oluşumu ve miktarları, Okratoksin analiz yöntemleri ve şarapta Okratoksin A oluşumunu engellemek için alınacak önlemler hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir


  • Yavaş, İ., İç, E., 1995. Alkollü İçkilerde Aflatoksinlerin Önemi. Gıda, 20(1): 33-37 12 Rousseau, J., 2004b. Ochratoxin A in Wines: Current Knowlodge- Factors Favouring Its Emergence in Vineyards and Wines. Wine Internet Tech. J. No:5:1-5.
  • Şahin, İ., Korukluoğlu, M., 2000. Küf-Gıdaİnsan. Uludağ Üniv. Güçlen. Vakfı
  • Yayın No: 155, Bursa, 122 s 13 Leong, S., Hocking, A.D., Scott, S.E.,2003 Ochratoxin A: From Grapes to Wine. Cooper. Res. Center Vitic. Http://
  • Mantle, P., 2002. Risk Assessment and the Importance of Ochratoxins.
  • Int.Biodeter. & Biodegradation, 50: 143-146. 14 Logrienco,A. 2004 Ochratoxin in grapes and wine . Goodfood AmI Workshops-Florence15-16,July 2004 Http://
  • Ochratoxigenic Species from Spanish Wine Grapes. Int. J. Food Microbiol.
  • Vol.98 (2):125-130. 15 Zimmerli, B., Dick, R. 1996 Ochratoxin A in table wine and grape-juice: Occurrence and risk assessment. Food Addit. Contam., 13, 655668.
  • Battilani, P., Pietri, A., Bertuzzi, T., Languasco, L., Giorni, P., Kozakiewicz, Z.
  • Occurence of Ochratoxin A-Producing Fungi in Grapes Grown in Italy.
  • J.Food Protect., 66(4): 633-636. 16 Ueno, Y. 1998 Residue and risk of ochratoxin A in human plasma and beverages in Japan Mycotoxins, 47, 1998.
  • Sáez, J. M. Medina, Á., Gimeno-Adelantado, J.V., Mateo, R. and M.
  • Jiménez, 2004. Comparison of different sample treatments for the analysis of
  • ochratoxin A in must, wine and beer by liquid chromatography J. Chromatogr.
  • A, 1029, 1-2, (12): 125-133 [17] Burdaspal, P.A., Legarda, T.M. 1999 Ochratoxin A in wines, must and grape juice produced in Spain and other European countries. Alimentaria, 299, 107113
  • Soyöz, M., Özçelik, N., 2002. Okratoksin A'nın Toksik Etkileri ve
  • Eliminasyonu. Tıp Bilimleri 22(4): 421-427. 18] Visconti, A., Pascale, M. & Centonze, G. 1999 Determination of ochratoxin A in wine by means of immunoaffinity column clean-up and high- performance liquid chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 864, 89101
  • Sage, L., Krivobok, S., Delbos, E., Seigle-Murandi, F., Creppy, E., 2002.
  • Fungal Flora and Ochratoxin A Production in Grapes and Musts from France.
  • J. Agric. Food Chem., 50: 1306-1311 [19] Pietri, A., Bertuzzi, T., Pallaroni, L. Piva, G. 2001. Occurence of Ochratoxin A in Italian Wines Food Addit. Contam. 18(7):647-654.
  • Aktan,N. , Kalkan, H.,2000. Şarap Teknolojisi, Kavaklıdere Eğitim Yayınları
  • No:4, Ankara, 609s. [20]Visconti, A., Pascale, M. & Centonze, G. 2001 Determination of ochratoxin A in wine and beer by immunoaffinity column clean-up and HPLC analysis with fluorometric detection. J. AOAC Int 84 : 1818-1827
  • Rousseau, J., 2004a. Ochratoxin A in Wines: Current Knowlodge
  • Mycotoxins and Wine. Wine Internet Tech. J. No:5 :1-5.http:// [21] Soufleres, E.H., Tricard, C., Bouloumpasi,E.C.,2003. Occurence of Ochratoxin A in Greek Wines. J. Sci. Food Agric. 83 (3) 173-179.
  • Markaki, P., Delpont-Binet, C., Grosso, F., Dragacci, S., 2001.
  • Cecco, A.Bocchi, E. 2003. Levels of Ochratoxin A in Italian Wines. Ind.delle
  • Bevande 32(185):265-268. [32] Var, I., Kabak, B., Özkarslı, M., 2004. Mikotoksin Aranmasında Kullanılan Analiz Yöntemleri. Or-Lab Online Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 2(11):1-11.
  • Belli, N., Marin, S., Duaigües, A., Ramos, A., Sanchis, V., 2004. Ochratoxin A
  • in Wine, Musts and Grape Juices from Spain. J. Sci. Food Agric., 84: 591-594 [33] Rao, M.V. 2000 A study on the validation of analytical methods and monitoring of mycotoxins in foods. Unpublished report from Dubai Municipality Food & Environ. Lab. Submitted to WHO/FAO by Food & Environ. Lab., Dubai Cent. Lab., Dubai Municipality.
  • Blesa, J. Soriano, J.M., Molto, J.C., Mones, J. 2004 Concentration of
  • Ochratoxin A in Wines from Supermarkets and stores of Valencian Community
  • (Spain). J. Chromatogr. A 1054 : 397-401. [34] Benford, D., Boyle, C., Dekant, W., Fuchs,R., Gaylor, D. V., Hard,G., McGregor, D.B., Pitt, J., Plestina,R., Shephard,G., Solfrizzo,G., Verger, P.J.V, Walker,W. 2001.Ochratoxin A. Jecmono/v47je04.htm
  • of the presence of ochratoxin A and trichroloanisole in wines under the
  • estimation of origin “ Jerez-Xéres-Sherry and Manzanila Sanlucer de Barrameda”
  • (abstract) http// bromatologia/ toxicologia/ congresas/ SECYTA 2004.1pdf [35] González-Peñas, E., Leache, C., López de Cerain, A. And Lizarraga, E., 2003. Comparison between CE and HPLC-FL for Ochratoxin quantification in Wine, 3rd Scientific Meeting of The Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques. SECYTA, Almeria19-21 November,2003.
  • Ratola, N., Martins, L., A. Alves, 2004. Determination of ochratoxin A in wine
  • grapes: comparison of extraction procedures and method validation
  • Analy. Chim. Acta, 513, (1): 41-47 [36] Leitner,A. Zöllner,P., Paolillo, A., Stroka, J., Papadopoulou-Bouraoui,A., Jaborek, S., Anklam A. Wolfgang Lindner, 2002. Comparison of methods for the determination of ochratoxin A in wine Analy.Chim. Acta,453 (1): 33-41
  • Brera, C., Soriano,J.M., Debegnach, F., M. Miraglia 2005. Exposure
  • assessment to ochratoxin A from the consumption of Italian and Hungarian
  • wines Microchem. J. 79,(1-2):109-113. [37] González-Peñas, E., Leache, C., Viscarret, M.,. Pérez de Obanos, A., Araguás, C., A., López de Cerain, 2004.Determination of ochratoxin A in wine using liquid-phase microextraction combined with liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection J. Chromatogr. A, 1025, (2): 163-168.
  • Determination of ochratoxin A in Hungarian wines. Microchem. J., 79, (1-2) : 103-107. [38] Dall'Asta, C., Galaverna,G. Dossena; A., Marchelli,R. 2004. Reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method for the determination of ochratoxin A in wine. J. Chromatogr. A, 1024, (2): 275-279.
  • Occurrence of ochratoxin A in wine and grape juice marketed in Rio de Janeiro
  • Brazil Food Addit.Contam., 21,(4)358-364 [39] EMAN, 2003. European Mycotoxin Awarenees Network Factsheets on Analytical Methods. Http://
  • Filali, A., Quammi,L., Betbeder; A. M., Baudrimont, I. Soulaymani, R.
  • Benayada, A. Creppy, E.E. 2001. Ochratoxin A in beverages from Morocco: a
  • preliminary survey Food Addit. Contam., 18, (6):565-568. [ 4 0 ] A t a k , A . 2 0 0 4 . O k r a t o k s i n A . h t t p : / /
  • Ng, W; Mankotia, M; Pantazopoulos, P; Neil, R J; Scott, P M. 2004.
  • Ochratoxin A in wine and grape juice sold in Canada. Food Addit.Contam., 21, (10): 971-981. [41] Peregrin, T. 2005. Wine-A Drink to Your Health. J. American Dietetic Assos. , 105, (7): 1053-1054.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Mine Gültekin This is me

S Dilek Doyuran This is me

Nükhet N Demirel This is me

Selma Güven This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 3 Issue: 4


APA Gültekin, M., Doyuran, S. D., Demirel, N. N., Güven, S. (2005). Şarapta Okratoksin. Akademik Gıda, 3(4), 11-16.
AMA Gültekin M, Doyuran SD, Demirel NN, Güven S. Şarapta Okratoksin. Akademik Gıda. August 2005;3(4):11-16.
Chicago Gültekin, Mine, S Dilek Doyuran, Nükhet N Demirel, and Selma Güven. “Şarapta Okratoksin”. Akademik Gıda 3, no. 4 (August 2005): 11-16.
EndNote Gültekin M, Doyuran SD, Demirel NN, Güven S (August 1, 2005) Şarapta Okratoksin. Akademik Gıda 3 4 11–16.
IEEE M. Gültekin, S. D. Doyuran, N. N. Demirel, and S. Güven, “Şarapta Okratoksin”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 11–16, 2005.
ISNAD Gültekin, Mine et al. “Şarapta Okratoksin”. Akademik Gıda 3/4 (August 2005), 11-16.
JAMA Gültekin M, Doyuran SD, Demirel NN, Güven S. Şarapta Okratoksin. Akademik Gıda. 2005;3:11–16.
MLA Gültekin, Mine et al. “Şarapta Okratoksin”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 3, no. 4, 2005, pp. 11-16.
Vancouver Gültekin M, Doyuran SD, Demirel NN, Güven S. Şarapta Okratoksin. Akademik Gıda. 2005;3(4):11-6.

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