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Effect Of Some Physical Chemical And Technological Properties To Pasta Quality In Durum Wheats

Year 2003, Volume: 1 Issue: 5, 15 - 22, 01.10.2003


Durum wheat is the most suitable wheat species for the pasta production. Besides, some quality criteria of the durum wheat variety effects the quality of pasta directly. In this study, the quality criteria of the durum wheats, obtained from commercial miller, spaghetti macaronies, produced from this wheats, is determined and the effects between each other are investigated. It is shown that the quantity and quality of protein are the most effective criteria on the quality of pasta. Protein quantity and quality amount of wet gluten and SDS value effected the amount of pigments, cooking weight, increase in volume, amount of cooking lose and amount of total organic matter TOM of spaghetti


  • ANONYMOUS., 1962. American association of cereal chemistry approved methods spaghetti. Cereal Chemistry 47:173. (AACC).AACC method 14-50.
  • MATSUO, R.R., and DEXTER, J.E., 1980. Relationship between some durum wheat physical characteristics and semolina milling properties. Can. J. Plant. Sci. 60:49-53.
  • MATSUO, R.R., DEXTER, J.E., KOSMOLAK, F.G., and LEÝSLE, D., 1982. Statistical (AACC).AACC method 16-50.
  • ANONYMOUS., 1978. Türk standartlarý. TS 2974. Buðday standardý. Türk standartlarý evaluation of tests for assessing spaghetti making quality of durum wheat. Cereal Chem. 59:222-228 enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • ANONYMOUS., 1982. Türk standartlarý. TS 2283. Ýrmik standardý. Türk standartlarý
  • MATVEEF, M., 1966. Ýnfluence du gluten des bles durs sur la valeur des pates alimentaires enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • (in French). Bull. ENSMIC. 213:133-138. ANONYMOUS., 1984.Icarda laboratory operation on manuel. Icarda, Suriye.
  • ANONYMOUS., 1989.Türk standartlarý. TS 1620.Makarna standardý. Türk standartlarý
  • MATZ, S.A., 1970. Cereal technology.The avi publishing company inc. Westport, Connecticut 388 s. enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • MATUSO, E., SHUET, W.C., MANEVAL, R.D., and BANASIK, O.J., 1983. Farina and ANONYMOUS., 1992. Statistical Analysis System (SAS). SAS user's guide. Statistics. SAS semolina for pasta production. 1. Ýnfluence of wheat classes and granüler mill streavos on pasta quality. Association of operative millers. Bulletin 4083-4087.
  • Ýnstitute, Ýnc., Cary, NC. ANONYMOUS., 1994.ICC Standart No:155. determination of wet gluten quantity (gluten
  • MC GEE, B.,1973. New techiniques in semolina milling. Milling 10:8.
  • MENGER, A., 1973. Problems conserning vitreousness and hardnes of kernels as quality index Perten) of whole wheat meal and wheat flour (triticum aestivum)
  • ANONYMOUS., 1998. Un Mamülleri Dünyasý. Yýl: 6, Sayý: 5-6, Sayfa:37. Ýstanbul.
  • AUTRAN, J.C., ABECASSIS, J., ve FEÝLLET, P., 1986. Statistical evaluation of different factors of durum wheat,563-570 s. Symposium and genetics and breeding of durum wheat. technological and biochemical tests for quality assesment in durum wheats. Cereal Chemistry 63: 390-394.
  • NELSTROP, P.C., 1972. A closer look at. Semolina milling. Milling 11-16.
  • OVA, G., ve SAYGIN, E., 1991. Bazý türk ýslah çeþidi Tr. durum buðdaylarýnda gliadinin ve AXFORD, D.W.E., McDERMOTT, E.E., and REDMAN, D.G., 1979. Note on the sodium glüteninin alt birimlerinin makarnalýk kalitesi ile iliþkisi. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi Seri: B
  • Cilt: 9, Sayý: 1.Bornova, Ýzmir. sulfate test of breadmaking quality: Comparison with pelshenke and zeleny tests. Cereal Chemistry 56 (6):582-584. ÖZKAYA, H., SEÇKÝN, R., ve ERCAN, R., 1984. Bazý makarna çeþitlerinin kimyasal bileþimi ve piþme kalitesi üzerinde araþtýrma. Gýda Teknolojisi, Yýl: 9, Sayý: 3, 153- proteinleri ve makarna kaliteleri arasýndaki iliþkiler. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi. Seri: B, cilt: , Sayý: 2. Ýzmir.
  • SEÇKÝN, R., 1975. Bazý durum buðdayý çeþitlerinin öðütme ve makarnalýk kalitesi
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., ve ÜNAL, S.S.,1984. Makarna kurutma teknolojisinde son geliþmeler. üzerinde araþtýrma. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayýn No: 587.Ankara.
  • E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi. Seri: B, cilt: 2, Sayý: 1. Ýzmir. SHEU, R., MEDCALF, D.G., GÝLLES, K.A., and SIBBIT, L.D., 1967. Effect of biochemical
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., ve ÜNAL, S.S.,1990. Makarna üretimi sýrasýndaki irmik constýtuents on macaroný quality. J. Sci. Fd. Agric, Vol: 18, 237-239 s. proteinlerindeki deðiþmeler. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi. Cilt: 8, Sayý: 1-2. Ýzmir.
  • TUNCER, T., ve ERCAN, R., 1990. Makarna kalitesi ve etkili faktörler. Gýda Teknolojisi Cilt
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., 1992. Durum Buðdayýnýn ekmek yapýmýnda kullanýlmasý. E.Ü. sayý: 4' ten ayrý basým.
  • Mühendislik Fak. Dergisi. Seri:B Cilt:10 Sayý:2 ÝZMÝR. ULUÖZ, M., 1965. Buðday, un ve ekmek analiz metotlarý. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak.
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., ve D'APPOLONIA, B.L., 1994. Characterization and utilization of
  • Yayýnlarý No:57.Bornova.Ýzmir. durum wheat for bread making. I.Comparison of chemical, reological and baking properties between bread wheat flours and durum wheat flours. Cereal Chemistry :21-28. ÜNAL, S.S., 1991. Hububat teknolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Müh. Fak. Çoðaltma Yayýn No: 29. Ýzmir.
  • WALSH, D.E., GÝLLES, K.A., 1971.The influence of protein composition on spaghetti
  • BREEN, M.D., SEYAM, A.A., and BORAÞIK, O.J., 1977. Durum wheat air classified flours quality. Cereal Chemistry 48: 54489 and their effect on spaghetti. Cereal Chem.54:737-746.
  • WASIK, R.J., and BUSHUK, W., 1975. Relation between molecular weight distribution of
  • BUSHUK, W., 1984. Functionolty of wheat proteins in dough. Cereal Foods World 29 (2) endosperm proteins and spaghetti making quality of wheats. Cereal Chemistry,inc.,3340 MN.USA. 164.
  • CUBADDA, R., 1985. Methods and topical problems in the evaluation of the technolocical quality of durum wheat. Analyses as practical tools in the cereal field-an ICC
  • Symposium Kjell. M.Fiell (ed.) Oslo, 165-173 p. CUBADDA, R., 1988. Evaluation of durum wheat, semolina and pasta in europe.”in Drum wheat chemistry and technology (Eds.G.Fabriani ve C.Lintas) . AACC inc. St.Paul Minnesota USA, 217-227 s.
  • DAHLE, L.K., and MUENCHOW, H.L., 1968. Some effects of solvent extraction on cooking characteristics of spaghetti. Cereal Chemistry. 45:464.
  • DAMÝDAUX, R., AUTRAN, J.C., ve FEÝLLET, P., 1980. Gliadin electroforegrams and measurements of gluten viscoelasticity in durum wheats. Cereal Foods World 25: 754
  • D'EGÝDÝO, M.G., STEFANÝS, D.E., PORTÝNÝ, S., GALTERÝO, G., NARDÝ, S., SGRULLETA, D., and BOZZÝNÝ, A., 1982. Standardization of cooking quality analysis in macaroni and pasta products. Cereal Foods World. 27:367-369.
  • D'EGÝDÝO, M.G., MARIANI, B.M., NOVARO, P., and CUBADDA, R., NARDÝ, S., 1993.
  • Viscoelastograph measuresans total organic matter test: Suitability in evaluating textural characteristics of cooked pasta. Cereal chemistry 70:67-72. DEXTER, J.E., and MATSUO, R.R., 1977. The spaghetti making quality of devoloping durum wheats. Can.J. Plant Sci.57:7.
  • DEXTER, J.E., and MATSUO, R.R. 1978. The effect of gluten protein fractions on pasta dough rheology and spaghetti making quality. Cereal Chem. 55 (1) : 44-57.
  • DEXTER, J.E., and MATSUO, R.R., 1980. Relationship between durum wheat protein properties and pasta dough reology and spaghetti cooking quality. J. Agric. Food Chem.28:899-902.

Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi

Year 2003, Volume: 1 Issue: 5, 15 - 22, 01.10.2003


Makarna yapımına en uygun buğday türü durum buğdayıdır. Bunun yanında bu tür buğdaylardaki bazı kalite değişkenleri makarna kalitesini direkt olarak etkiler. Bu çalışmada ticari bir değirmenden alınan durum buğdayları ile bu buğdaylardan elde edilen spagetti makarnaların bazı kalite nitelikleri belirlenerek birbirleri arasındaki etkileri incelenmiştir. Makarna kalitesi üzerine protein miktar ve kalitesinin öncelikle etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Protein miktar ve kalitesi protein miktarı, yaş öz miktarı ve SDS sedimantasyon değeri spagetti makarnanın pigment miktarını, pişme ağırlığını, hacim artışını, suya geçen madde miktarını ve toplam organik madde miktarını TOM etkilemiştir


  • ANONYMOUS., 1962. American association of cereal chemistry approved methods spaghetti. Cereal Chemistry 47:173. (AACC).AACC method 14-50.
  • MATSUO, R.R., and DEXTER, J.E., 1980. Relationship between some durum wheat physical characteristics and semolina milling properties. Can. J. Plant. Sci. 60:49-53.
  • MATSUO, R.R., DEXTER, J.E., KOSMOLAK, F.G., and LEÝSLE, D., 1982. Statistical (AACC).AACC method 16-50.
  • ANONYMOUS., 1978. Türk standartlarý. TS 2974. Buðday standardý. Türk standartlarý evaluation of tests for assessing spaghetti making quality of durum wheat. Cereal Chem. 59:222-228 enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • ANONYMOUS., 1982. Türk standartlarý. TS 2283. Ýrmik standardý. Türk standartlarý
  • MATVEEF, M., 1966. Ýnfluence du gluten des bles durs sur la valeur des pates alimentaires enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • (in French). Bull. ENSMIC. 213:133-138. ANONYMOUS., 1984.Icarda laboratory operation on manuel. Icarda, Suriye.
  • ANONYMOUS., 1989.Türk standartlarý. TS 1620.Makarna standardý. Türk standartlarý
  • MATZ, S.A., 1970. Cereal technology.The avi publishing company inc. Westport, Connecticut 388 s. enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • MATUSO, E., SHUET, W.C., MANEVAL, R.D., and BANASIK, O.J., 1983. Farina and ANONYMOUS., 1992. Statistical Analysis System (SAS). SAS user's guide. Statistics. SAS semolina for pasta production. 1. Ýnfluence of wheat classes and granüler mill streavos on pasta quality. Association of operative millers. Bulletin 4083-4087.
  • Ýnstitute, Ýnc., Cary, NC. ANONYMOUS., 1994.ICC Standart No:155. determination of wet gluten quantity (gluten
  • MC GEE, B.,1973. New techiniques in semolina milling. Milling 10:8.
  • MENGER, A., 1973. Problems conserning vitreousness and hardnes of kernels as quality index Perten) of whole wheat meal and wheat flour (triticum aestivum)
  • ANONYMOUS., 1998. Un Mamülleri Dünyasý. Yýl: 6, Sayý: 5-6, Sayfa:37. Ýstanbul.
  • AUTRAN, J.C., ABECASSIS, J., ve FEÝLLET, P., 1986. Statistical evaluation of different factors of durum wheat,563-570 s. Symposium and genetics and breeding of durum wheat. technological and biochemical tests for quality assesment in durum wheats. Cereal Chemistry 63: 390-394.
  • NELSTROP, P.C., 1972. A closer look at. Semolina milling. Milling 11-16.
  • OVA, G., ve SAYGIN, E., 1991. Bazý türk ýslah çeþidi Tr. durum buðdaylarýnda gliadinin ve AXFORD, D.W.E., McDERMOTT, E.E., and REDMAN, D.G., 1979. Note on the sodium glüteninin alt birimlerinin makarnalýk kalitesi ile iliþkisi. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi Seri: B
  • Cilt: 9, Sayý: 1.Bornova, Ýzmir. sulfate test of breadmaking quality: Comparison with pelshenke and zeleny tests. Cereal Chemistry 56 (6):582-584. ÖZKAYA, H., SEÇKÝN, R., ve ERCAN, R., 1984. Bazý makarna çeþitlerinin kimyasal bileþimi ve piþme kalitesi üzerinde araþtýrma. Gýda Teknolojisi, Yýl: 9, Sayý: 3, 153- proteinleri ve makarna kaliteleri arasýndaki iliþkiler. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi. Seri: B, cilt: , Sayý: 2. Ýzmir.
  • SEÇKÝN, R., 1975. Bazý durum buðdayý çeþitlerinin öðütme ve makarnalýk kalitesi
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., ve ÜNAL, S.S.,1984. Makarna kurutma teknolojisinde son geliþmeler. üzerinde araþtýrma. A.Ü. Ziraat Fak. Yayýn No: 587.Ankara.
  • E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi. Seri: B, cilt: 2, Sayý: 1. Ýzmir. SHEU, R., MEDCALF, D.G., GÝLLES, K.A., and SIBBIT, L.D., 1967. Effect of biochemical
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., ve ÜNAL, S.S.,1990. Makarna üretimi sýrasýndaki irmik constýtuents on macaroný quality. J. Sci. Fd. Agric, Vol: 18, 237-239 s. proteinlerindeki deðiþmeler. E.Ü. Müh. Fak. Dergisi. Cilt: 8, Sayý: 1-2. Ýzmir.
  • TUNCER, T., ve ERCAN, R., 1990. Makarna kalitesi ve etkili faktörler. Gýda Teknolojisi Cilt
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., 1992. Durum Buðdayýnýn ekmek yapýmýnda kullanýlmasý. E.Ü. sayý: 4' ten ayrý basým.
  • Mühendislik Fak. Dergisi. Seri:B Cilt:10 Sayý:2 ÝZMÝR. ULUÖZ, M., 1965. Buðday, un ve ekmek analiz metotlarý. Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fak.
  • BOYACIOÐLU, M.H., ve D'APPOLONIA, B.L., 1994. Characterization and utilization of
  • Yayýnlarý No:57.Bornova.Ýzmir. durum wheat for bread making. I.Comparison of chemical, reological and baking properties between bread wheat flours and durum wheat flours. Cereal Chemistry :21-28. ÜNAL, S.S., 1991. Hububat teknolojisi. Ege Üniversitesi Müh. Fak. Çoðaltma Yayýn No: 29. Ýzmir.
  • WALSH, D.E., GÝLLES, K.A., 1971.The influence of protein composition on spaghetti
  • BREEN, M.D., SEYAM, A.A., and BORAÞIK, O.J., 1977. Durum wheat air classified flours quality. Cereal Chemistry 48: 54489 and their effect on spaghetti. Cereal Chem.54:737-746.
  • WASIK, R.J., and BUSHUK, W., 1975. Relation between molecular weight distribution of
  • BUSHUK, W., 1984. Functionolty of wheat proteins in dough. Cereal Foods World 29 (2) endosperm proteins and spaghetti making quality of wheats. Cereal Chemistry,inc.,3340 MN.USA. 164.
  • CUBADDA, R., 1985. Methods and topical problems in the evaluation of the technolocical quality of durum wheat. Analyses as practical tools in the cereal field-an ICC
  • Symposium Kjell. M.Fiell (ed.) Oslo, 165-173 p. CUBADDA, R., 1988. Evaluation of durum wheat, semolina and pasta in europe.”in Drum wheat chemistry and technology (Eds.G.Fabriani ve C.Lintas) . AACC inc. St.Paul Minnesota USA, 217-227 s.
  • DAHLE, L.K., and MUENCHOW, H.L., 1968. Some effects of solvent extraction on cooking characteristics of spaghetti. Cereal Chemistry. 45:464.
  • DAMÝDAUX, R., AUTRAN, J.C., ve FEÝLLET, P., 1980. Gliadin electroforegrams and measurements of gluten viscoelasticity in durum wheats. Cereal Foods World 25: 754
  • D'EGÝDÝO, M.G., STEFANÝS, D.E., PORTÝNÝ, S., GALTERÝO, G., NARDÝ, S., SGRULLETA, D., and BOZZÝNÝ, A., 1982. Standardization of cooking quality analysis in macaroni and pasta products. Cereal Foods World. 27:367-369.
  • D'EGÝDÝO, M.G., MARIANI, B.M., NOVARO, P., and CUBADDA, R., NARDÝ, S., 1993.
  • Viscoelastograph measuresans total organic matter test: Suitability in evaluating textural characteristics of cooked pasta. Cereal chemistry 70:67-72. DEXTER, J.E., and MATSUO, R.R., 1977. The spaghetti making quality of devoloping durum wheats. Can.J. Plant Sci.57:7.
  • DEXTER, J.E., and MATSUO, R.R. 1978. The effect of gluten protein fractions on pasta dough rheology and spaghetti making quality. Cereal Chem. 55 (1) : 44-57.
  • DEXTER, J.E., and MATSUO, R.R., 1980. Relationship between durum wheat protein properties and pasta dough reology and spaghetti cooking quality. J. Agric. Food Chem.28:899-902.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Fettullah Durak This is me

Ergun Köse This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003 Volume: 1 Issue: 5


APA Durak, F., & Köse, E. (2003). Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 1(5), 15-22.
AMA Durak F, Köse E. Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. October 2003;1(5):15-22.
Chicago Durak, Fettullah, and Ergun Köse. “Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal Ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda 1, no. 5 (October 2003): 15-22.
EndNote Durak F, Köse E (October 1, 2003) Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda 1 5 15–22.
IEEE F. Durak and E. Köse, “Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi”, Akademik Gıda, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 15–22, 2003.
ISNAD Durak, Fettullah - Köse, Ergun. “Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal Ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda 1/5 (October 2003), 15-22.
JAMA Durak F, Köse E. Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. 2003;1:15–22.
MLA Durak, Fettullah and Ergun Köse. “Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal Ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi”. Akademik Gıda, vol. 1, no. 5, 2003, pp. 15-22.
Vancouver Durak F, Köse E. Makarnalık Buğdaylarda Bazı Fiziksel Kimyasal ve Teknolojik Özellikleri Makarna Kalitesine Etkisi. Akademik Gıda. 2003;1(5):15-22.

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