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Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview

Year 2024, Issue: Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı, 65 - 77, 23.09.2024


Globally, 1.3 billion tons of food are wasted or lost every year. This loss is valued at US $2.6 trillion and accounts for 8-10% of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Food waste is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions and results in a waste of natural resources. Therefore, reducing food waste can help diminish GHG emissions, improve food security, and promote healthy food systems. Packaging plays an important role in protecting food, enhancing quality and safety, and reducing food losses. Innovative and sustainable packaging strategies are necessary to decrease waste accumulation, particularly of plastics, safeguard food quality and safety, and reduce food losses and waste. Sustainable packaging aims to enhance the effectiveness of design and the use of environmentally friendly materials. This review provides an overview of the sustainable status of common packaging materials such as plastic, glass, metal, and paper/cardboard based on the circular economy, which includes recycling, reuse, composting, and bio-based packaging. The study examines new developments in food packaging materials in response to the growing demand for environmentally sustainable alternatives. Several applications from food companies and sustainable studies are discussed regarding continuous availability without impacting the environment. Ongoing research and technological advancements, such as material reduction, the development of innovative new materials like bio-plastics, and improvements in recycling, will contribute to increasing the acceptance of sustainable packaging. Definitions, requirements, limitations, legislation, and applications of sustainable packaging are explored. Sustainable packaging can stimulate economic growth and offer new opportunities for companies, notably by helping the environment and reducing the carbon footprint. However, the cost of sustainable packaging can still be challenging for small businesses. Determining whether consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging is also crucial in this transition.


  • [1] Anonymous. (2024). The environmental impact of food waste | move For hunger. 2024; Available from:
  • [2] Anonymous. (2024). The environmental impact of food packaging. 2024; Available from:
  • [3] Wohner, B., Pauer, E., Heinrich, V., Tacker, M. (2019). Packaging-related food losses and waste: An overview of drivers and issues. Sustainability, 11(1), 264.
  • [4] Anonymous. (2023). United Nations Development Program-Annual Report 2022. UNDP-United Nations Development Programme: New York, ABD.
  • [5] Anonymous. (2024). Plastic pollution is growing relentlessly as waste management and recycling fall short, says OECD. 2024; Available from:
  • [6] Satheesan, A. (Year). Designing for second life: systemic design for sustainable packaging in appliance manufacturing industry. in State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice. 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • [7] Ibrahim, I.D., Hamam, Y., Sadiku, E.R., Ndambuki, J.M., Kupolati, W.K., Jamiru, T., Eze, A.A., Snyman, J. (2022). Need for sustainable packaging: An overview. Polymers (Basel), 14(20), 4430.
  • [8] Magnier, L., Schoormans, J., Mugge, R., (2016). Judging a product by its cover: Packaging sustainability and perceptions of quality in food products. Food Quality and Preference, 53132, 142.
  • [9] Norton, V., Waters, C., Oloyede, O.O., Lignou, S. (2022). Exploring consumers' understanding and perception of sustainable food packaging in the UK. Foods, 11, 3424.
  • [10] Antony, T., Cherian, R.M., Varghese, R.T., Kargarzadeh, H., Ponnamma, D., Chirayil, C.J., Thomas, S. (2023). Sustainable green packaging based on nanocellulose composites-present and future. Cellulose, 30(17), 10559-10593.
  • [11] Almenar, E., Pascall, M., Degruson, M., Duguma, H., (2024). Sustainable food packaging, in Encyclopedia of Food Safety (Second Edition), Smithers, G.W., Editor. 2024, Academic Press: Oxford. p. 689-710.
  • [12] Anonymous, (2019). Plastic food packaging waste. POSTNOTE, 6051-6055.
  • [13] Kararira, S., Sustainable packaging: A consumer’s perspective. (2023). Jyväskylä University.
  • [14] Remesher, A.N. (2024). 11 Most innovative sustainable packaging ideas. Product Innovation Available from:
  • [15] Alves, J., Gaspar, P.D., Lima, T.M., Silva, P.D. (2023). What is the role of active packaging in the future of food sustainability? A systematic review. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103(3), 1004-1020.
  • [16] Auras, R., Selke, S.E.M. (2023). Life cycle of sustainable packaging from design to end of life, in Life Cycle Assessment, Auras, R., Selke, S.E.M., Editors. 2023, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New Jersey, USA.
  • [17] Anonymous. (2021). What is packaging’s carbon footprint? discover how to reduce it. 2021 [cited 2021; Available from:
  • [18] Santi, R., Garrone, P., Iannantuoni, M., Del Curto, B.D. (2022). Sustainable food packaging: An integrative framework. Sustainability, 14, 8045.
  • [19] Oloyede, O.O., Lignou, S. (2021). Sustainable paper-based packaging: A consumer's perspective. Foods, 10(5), 1035.
  • [20] Stark, N.M., Matuana, L.M. (2021). Trends in sustainable biobased packaging materials: a mini review. Materials Today Sustainability, 15: 100084.
  • [21] Geueke, B., Groh, K., Muncke, J. (2018). Food packaging in the circular economy: Overview of chemical safety aspects for commonly used materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 193491-505.
  • [22] Mometto, A. (2022). The impact of sustainable packaging. Universita Ca Foscari Venezia.
  • [23] Ebadi, M., Farsi, M., Narchin, P., Madhoushi, M. (2016). The effect of beverage storage packets (Tetra Pak™) waste on mechanical properties of wood–plastic composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 29(12), 1601-1610.
  • [24] Tyagi, P., Salem, K.S., Hubbe, M.A., Pal, L. (2021). Advances in barrier coatings and film technologies for achieving sustainable packaging of food products – A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 115461-485.
  • [25] Mazega, A., Tarres, Q., Aguado, R., Pelach, M.A., Mutje, P., Ferreira, P.J.T., Delgado-Aguilar, M. (2022). Improving the barrier properties of paper to moisture, air, and grease with nanocellulose-based coating suspensions. Nanomaterials (Basel), 12, 3675.
  • [26] Kunam, P.K., Ramakanth, D., Akhila, K., Gaikwad, K.K. (2022). Bio-based materials for barrier coatings on paper packaging. Biomass Convers Biorefin, 1-16.
  • [27] De France, K., Zeng, Z., Wu, T., Nystrom, G. (2021). Functional materials from nanocellulose: Utilizing structure-property relationships in bottom-up fabrication. Advanced Materials, 33(28), e2000657.
  • [28] Martins, B.A., de Albuquerque, P.B.S., de Souza, M.P. (2022). Bio-based films and coatings: sustainable polysaccharide packaging alternatives for the food industry. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 30(10), 4023-4039.
  • [29] Zhao, X., Wang, Y., Chen, X., Yu, X., Li, W., Zhang, S., Meng, X., Zhao, Z.-M., Dong, T., Anderson, A., Aiyedun, A., Li, Y., Webb, E., Wu, Z., Kunc, V., Ragauskas, A., Ozcan, S., Zhu, H. (2023). Sustainable bioplastics derived from renewable natural resources for food packaging. Matter, 6(1), 97-127.
  • [30] Anonymous. (2023). End plastics - plastic recycling is a lie. 2023 [cited 2023; Available from:
  • [31] Paben, J. (2023). US plastics recycling rebounds from pandemic lows. 2023; Available from: [32] Atakan, O., Yüceer, M., Caner, C. (2021). Mikroplastikler ve gıda güvenliği. Akademik Gıda, 19(4), 433-441.
  • [33] As'ad Mahpuz, A.S., Muhamad Sanusi, N.A.S., Jusoh, A.N.C., Amin, N.J.M., Musa, N.F., Sarabo, Z., Othman, N.Z. (2022). Manifesting sustainable food packaging from biodegradable materials: A review. Environmental Quality Management, 32(1), 379-396.
  • [34] Siracusa, V., Blanco, I. (2020). Bio-polyethylene (bio-PE), bio-polypropylene (bio-PP) and bio-poly(ethylene terephthalate) (bio-PET): recent developments in bio-based polymers analogous to Petroleum-derived ones for packaging and engineering applications. Polymers (Basel), 12: 1641.
  • [35] Miller, S.A. (2013). Sustainable polymers: opportunities for the next decade. ACS Macro Letters, 2(6), 550-554.
  • [36] Anonymous. (2023). Zero plastic - study of plastic waste in republic Moldova, in SGP - The GEF Small Grants Programme. UNDP - gef.
  • [37] Anonymous. (2023). Promising alternative to packaging lowers plastic industry’s carbon footprint. 2023; Available from:
  • [38] Anonymous. (2023). Coca-Cola’s 100% plant-based bottle. 2023; Available from:
  • [39] Versino, F., Ortega, F., Monroy, Y., Rivero, S., Lopez, O.V., Garcia, M.A. (2023). Sustainable and bio-based food packaging: A review on past and current design innovations. Foods, 12(5), 1057.
  • [40] Ahmed, A., Arya, S., Gupta, V., Furukawa, H., Khosla, A. (2021). 4D printing: Fundamentals, materials, applications and challenges. Polymer, 228, 123926.
  • [41] Maraveas, C., Bayer, I.S., Bartzanas, T. (2022). 4D printing: Perspectives for the production of sustainable plastics for agriculture. Biotechnology Advances, 54107785.
  • [42] Ozcan, A., Arman Kandirmaz, E. (2020). Natural ink production and printability studies for smart food packaging. Color Research & Application, 45(3), 495-502.
  • [43] Mohanty, A.K., Wu, F., Mincheva, R., Hakkarainen, M., Raquez, J.-M., Mielewski, D.F., Narayan, R., Netravali, A.N., Misra, M. (2022). Sustainable polymers. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2(1), 46.
  • [44] Anonymous. (2023). Less material and more green energy: The glass industry in becoming more sustainable. 2023; Available from:
  • [45] Anonymous. (2020). ZWE report identifies climate benefits of reusable packaging.
  • [46] Farrelly, A. (2023). The furnace for the future - A fundamental milestone towards climate-neutral glass packaging. FEVE-The European Container Glass Federation.
  • [47] Deshwal, G.K., Panjagari, N.R. (2020). Review on metal packaging: materials, forms, food applications, safety and recyclability. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(7), 2377-2392.
  • [48] Bhatnagar, S. (2021). Five actions to improve the sustainability of steel. Retrieved from EY Building a better working world. 2021; Available from:
  • [49] Mahmud, M.Z.A., Mobarak, M.H., Hossain, N. (2024). Emerging trends in biomaterials for sustainable food packaging: A comprehensive review. Heliyon, 10(1), e24122.
  • [50] Anonymous, (2023). Metal packaging market: Innovations driving dustainability and product protection. 2023.
  • [51] Ibrahim, I.D.; Hamam, Y.; Sadiku, E.R.; Ndambuki, J.M.; Kupolati, W.K.; Jamiru, T.; Eze, A.A.; Snyman, J. (2022). Need for sustainable packaging: An overview. Polymers, 14, 4430.
  • [52] Parrino, F., Fidalgo, A., Palmisano, L., Ilharco, L.M., Pagliaro, M., Ciriminna, R., (2018). Polymers of limonene oxide and carbon dioxide: polycarbonates of the solar economy. ACS Omega, 3(5), 4884-4890.
  • [53] Karasik, R. (2022). Plastic pollution policy country profile: Turkey. 2022; Available from:
  • [54] Thapliyal, D., Karale, M., Diwan, V., Kumra, S., Arya, R.K., Verros, G.D., (2024). Current status of sustainable food packaging regulations: Global perspective. Sustainability, 16(13), 5554.
  • [55] Peek, A. (2023). Packaging sustainability: Regulatory trends across the world. 2023; Available from:
  • [56] Esch, B. (2024). Navigating packaging laws in 10 regions worldwide. 2024; Available from:
  • [57] Anonymous. (2023). Facilitating sustainable packaging through regulations and policies. 2023; Available from:
  • [58] Anonymous. (2023). How to make glass more sustainable. 2023; Available from:

Sürdürülebilirlik ve Yenilikçi Gıda Ambalajlama Malzemelerindeki Eğilimler: Genel Bakış

Year 2024, Issue: Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı, 65 - 77, 23.09.2024


Dünya çapında her yıl 1.3 milyon ton gıda israf ediliyor veya kayboluyor. Bu, 2.6 trilyon ABD doları değerinde ve sera gazı emisyonlarının %8-10'unu oluşturuyor. Gıda israfı, sera gazı emisyonlarının ve doğal kaynakların israfının başlıca kaynaklarından biridir. Bu nedenle, gıda israfını azaltmak, sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmaya, gıda güvenliğini artırmaya ve sağlıklı gıda sistemlerini teşvik etmeye yardımcı olabilir. Ambalaj, gıdayı korumada, kalite/güvenliği iyileştirmede ve gıda kayıplarını azaltmada önemli bir rol oynar. Atık birikimini, özellikle plastikleri azaltmak, gıda kalitesini/güvenliğini korumak ve gıda kayıplarını ve israfını azaltmak için yenilikçi ve sürdürülebilir ambalaj stratejileri gereklidir. Sürdürülebilir ambalaj, tasarımın etkinliğini ve çevre dostu malzemelerin kullanımını artırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu inceleme, geri dönüşüm, yeniden kullanım, kompostlama ve biyolojik bazlı ambalajı içeren dairesel ekonomiye dayalı olarak plastik, cam, metal ve kağıt/karton gibi yaygın ambalaj malzemelerinin sürdürülebilir durumuna genel bir bakış sunmaktadır. Çalışma, çevreye uygun ikamelere olan artan ihtiyaca yanıt olarak gıda ambalaj malzemelerinde yeni gelişmeleri incelemektedir. Gıda şirketlerinin çeşitli uygulamaları ve sürdürülebilir çalışmalar, çevreyi etkilemeden sürekli kullanılabilirlik konusunda tartışılmıştır. Malzeme azaltma, biyo-plastikler gibi yenilikçi yeni malzemeler ve geri dönüşümdeki iyileştirmeler gibi devam eden araştırmalar ve teknolojik gelişmeler, sürdürülebilir ambalajın kabulünü artırmaya katkıda bulunacaktır. Sürdürülebilir ambalajın tanımları, gereklilikleri, sınırlamaları, mevzuatları ve uygulamaları tartışılmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir ambalaj, ekonomik büyümeyi teşvik edebilir ve şirketlere yeni fırsatlar sunabilir, en azından çevreye yardımcı olarak ve karbon ayak izini azaltarak. Ancak, sürdürülebilir ambalajın maliyeti küçük işletmeler için hala bir zorluk olabilir. Tüketicilerin sürdürülebilir ambalaj için daha fazla ödeme yapmaya istekli olup olmadıklarını belirlemek de bu geçişte önemlidir.


  • [1] Anonymous. (2024). The environmental impact of food waste | move For hunger. 2024; Available from:
  • [2] Anonymous. (2024). The environmental impact of food packaging. 2024; Available from:
  • [3] Wohner, B., Pauer, E., Heinrich, V., Tacker, M. (2019). Packaging-related food losses and waste: An overview of drivers and issues. Sustainability, 11(1), 264.
  • [4] Anonymous. (2023). United Nations Development Program-Annual Report 2022. UNDP-United Nations Development Programme: New York, ABD.
  • [5] Anonymous. (2024). Plastic pollution is growing relentlessly as waste management and recycling fall short, says OECD. 2024; Available from:
  • [6] Satheesan, A. (Year). Designing for second life: systemic design for sustainable packaging in appliance manufacturing industry. in State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice. 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • [7] Ibrahim, I.D., Hamam, Y., Sadiku, E.R., Ndambuki, J.M., Kupolati, W.K., Jamiru, T., Eze, A.A., Snyman, J. (2022). Need for sustainable packaging: An overview. Polymers (Basel), 14(20), 4430.
  • [8] Magnier, L., Schoormans, J., Mugge, R., (2016). Judging a product by its cover: Packaging sustainability and perceptions of quality in food products. Food Quality and Preference, 53132, 142.
  • [9] Norton, V., Waters, C., Oloyede, O.O., Lignou, S. (2022). Exploring consumers' understanding and perception of sustainable food packaging in the UK. Foods, 11, 3424.
  • [10] Antony, T., Cherian, R.M., Varghese, R.T., Kargarzadeh, H., Ponnamma, D., Chirayil, C.J., Thomas, S. (2023). Sustainable green packaging based on nanocellulose composites-present and future. Cellulose, 30(17), 10559-10593.
  • [11] Almenar, E., Pascall, M., Degruson, M., Duguma, H., (2024). Sustainable food packaging, in Encyclopedia of Food Safety (Second Edition), Smithers, G.W., Editor. 2024, Academic Press: Oxford. p. 689-710.
  • [12] Anonymous, (2019). Plastic food packaging waste. POSTNOTE, 6051-6055.
  • [13] Kararira, S., Sustainable packaging: A consumer’s perspective. (2023). Jyväskylä University.
  • [14] Remesher, A.N. (2024). 11 Most innovative sustainable packaging ideas. Product Innovation Available from:
  • [15] Alves, J., Gaspar, P.D., Lima, T.M., Silva, P.D. (2023). What is the role of active packaging in the future of food sustainability? A systematic review. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 103(3), 1004-1020.
  • [16] Auras, R., Selke, S.E.M. (2023). Life cycle of sustainable packaging from design to end of life, in Life Cycle Assessment, Auras, R., Selke, S.E.M., Editors. 2023, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: New Jersey, USA.
  • [17] Anonymous. (2021). What is packaging’s carbon footprint? discover how to reduce it. 2021 [cited 2021; Available from:
  • [18] Santi, R., Garrone, P., Iannantuoni, M., Del Curto, B.D. (2022). Sustainable food packaging: An integrative framework. Sustainability, 14, 8045.
  • [19] Oloyede, O.O., Lignou, S. (2021). Sustainable paper-based packaging: A consumer's perspective. Foods, 10(5), 1035.
  • [20] Stark, N.M., Matuana, L.M. (2021). Trends in sustainable biobased packaging materials: a mini review. Materials Today Sustainability, 15: 100084.
  • [21] Geueke, B., Groh, K., Muncke, J. (2018). Food packaging in the circular economy: Overview of chemical safety aspects for commonly used materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 193491-505.
  • [22] Mometto, A. (2022). The impact of sustainable packaging. Universita Ca Foscari Venezia.
  • [23] Ebadi, M., Farsi, M., Narchin, P., Madhoushi, M. (2016). The effect of beverage storage packets (Tetra Pak™) waste on mechanical properties of wood–plastic composites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 29(12), 1601-1610.
  • [24] Tyagi, P., Salem, K.S., Hubbe, M.A., Pal, L. (2021). Advances in barrier coatings and film technologies for achieving sustainable packaging of food products – A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 115461-485.
  • [25] Mazega, A., Tarres, Q., Aguado, R., Pelach, M.A., Mutje, P., Ferreira, P.J.T., Delgado-Aguilar, M. (2022). Improving the barrier properties of paper to moisture, air, and grease with nanocellulose-based coating suspensions. Nanomaterials (Basel), 12, 3675.
  • [26] Kunam, P.K., Ramakanth, D., Akhila, K., Gaikwad, K.K. (2022). Bio-based materials for barrier coatings on paper packaging. Biomass Convers Biorefin, 1-16.
  • [27] De France, K., Zeng, Z., Wu, T., Nystrom, G. (2021). Functional materials from nanocellulose: Utilizing structure-property relationships in bottom-up fabrication. Advanced Materials, 33(28), e2000657.
  • [28] Martins, B.A., de Albuquerque, P.B.S., de Souza, M.P. (2022). Bio-based films and coatings: sustainable polysaccharide packaging alternatives for the food industry. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 30(10), 4023-4039.
  • [29] Zhao, X., Wang, Y., Chen, X., Yu, X., Li, W., Zhang, S., Meng, X., Zhao, Z.-M., Dong, T., Anderson, A., Aiyedun, A., Li, Y., Webb, E., Wu, Z., Kunc, V., Ragauskas, A., Ozcan, S., Zhu, H. (2023). Sustainable bioplastics derived from renewable natural resources for food packaging. Matter, 6(1), 97-127.
  • [30] Anonymous. (2023). End plastics - plastic recycling is a lie. 2023 [cited 2023; Available from:
  • [31] Paben, J. (2023). US plastics recycling rebounds from pandemic lows. 2023; Available from: [32] Atakan, O., Yüceer, M., Caner, C. (2021). Mikroplastikler ve gıda güvenliği. Akademik Gıda, 19(4), 433-441.
  • [33] As'ad Mahpuz, A.S., Muhamad Sanusi, N.A.S., Jusoh, A.N.C., Amin, N.J.M., Musa, N.F., Sarabo, Z., Othman, N.Z. (2022). Manifesting sustainable food packaging from biodegradable materials: A review. Environmental Quality Management, 32(1), 379-396.
  • [34] Siracusa, V., Blanco, I. (2020). Bio-polyethylene (bio-PE), bio-polypropylene (bio-PP) and bio-poly(ethylene terephthalate) (bio-PET): recent developments in bio-based polymers analogous to Petroleum-derived ones for packaging and engineering applications. Polymers (Basel), 12: 1641.
  • [35] Miller, S.A. (2013). Sustainable polymers: opportunities for the next decade. ACS Macro Letters, 2(6), 550-554.
  • [36] Anonymous. (2023). Zero plastic - study of plastic waste in republic Moldova, in SGP - The GEF Small Grants Programme. UNDP - gef.
  • [37] Anonymous. (2023). Promising alternative to packaging lowers plastic industry’s carbon footprint. 2023; Available from:
  • [38] Anonymous. (2023). Coca-Cola’s 100% plant-based bottle. 2023; Available from:
  • [39] Versino, F., Ortega, F., Monroy, Y., Rivero, S., Lopez, O.V., Garcia, M.A. (2023). Sustainable and bio-based food packaging: A review on past and current design innovations. Foods, 12(5), 1057.
  • [40] Ahmed, A., Arya, S., Gupta, V., Furukawa, H., Khosla, A. (2021). 4D printing: Fundamentals, materials, applications and challenges. Polymer, 228, 123926.
  • [41] Maraveas, C., Bayer, I.S., Bartzanas, T. (2022). 4D printing: Perspectives for the production of sustainable plastics for agriculture. Biotechnology Advances, 54107785.
  • [42] Ozcan, A., Arman Kandirmaz, E. (2020). Natural ink production and printability studies for smart food packaging. Color Research & Application, 45(3), 495-502.
  • [43] Mohanty, A.K., Wu, F., Mincheva, R., Hakkarainen, M., Raquez, J.-M., Mielewski, D.F., Narayan, R., Netravali, A.N., Misra, M. (2022). Sustainable polymers. Nature Reviews Methods Primers, 2(1), 46.
  • [44] Anonymous. (2023). Less material and more green energy: The glass industry in becoming more sustainable. 2023; Available from:
  • [45] Anonymous. (2020). ZWE report identifies climate benefits of reusable packaging.
  • [46] Farrelly, A. (2023). The furnace for the future - A fundamental milestone towards climate-neutral glass packaging. FEVE-The European Container Glass Federation.
  • [47] Deshwal, G.K., Panjagari, N.R. (2020). Review on metal packaging: materials, forms, food applications, safety and recyclability. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57(7), 2377-2392.
  • [48] Bhatnagar, S. (2021). Five actions to improve the sustainability of steel. Retrieved from EY Building a better working world. 2021; Available from:
  • [49] Mahmud, M.Z.A., Mobarak, M.H., Hossain, N. (2024). Emerging trends in biomaterials for sustainable food packaging: A comprehensive review. Heliyon, 10(1), e24122.
  • [50] Anonymous, (2023). Metal packaging market: Innovations driving dustainability and product protection. 2023.
  • [51] Ibrahim, I.D.; Hamam, Y.; Sadiku, E.R.; Ndambuki, J.M.; Kupolati, W.K.; Jamiru, T.; Eze, A.A.; Snyman, J. (2022). Need for sustainable packaging: An overview. Polymers, 14, 4430.
  • [52] Parrino, F., Fidalgo, A., Palmisano, L., Ilharco, L.M., Pagliaro, M., Ciriminna, R., (2018). Polymers of limonene oxide and carbon dioxide: polycarbonates of the solar economy. ACS Omega, 3(5), 4884-4890.
  • [53] Karasik, R. (2022). Plastic pollution policy country profile: Turkey. 2022; Available from:
  • [54] Thapliyal, D., Karale, M., Diwan, V., Kumra, S., Arya, R.K., Verros, G.D., (2024). Current status of sustainable food packaging regulations: Global perspective. Sustainability, 16(13), 5554.
  • [55] Peek, A. (2023). Packaging sustainability: Regulatory trends across the world. 2023; Available from:
  • [56] Esch, B. (2024). Navigating packaging laws in 10 regions worldwide. 2024; Available from:
  • [57] Anonymous. (2023). Facilitating sustainable packaging through regulations and policies. 2023; Available from:
  • [58] Anonymous. (2023). How to make glass more sustainable. 2023; Available from:
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Review Papers

Cengiz Caner 0000-0002-8293-7301

Muhammed Yüceer 0000-0001-6709-1347

Bruce Harte This is me 0009-0000-5610-0113

Publication Date September 23, 2024
Submission Date May 1, 2024
Acceptance Date August 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı


APA Caner, C., Yüceer, M., & Harte, B. (2024). Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview. Akademik Gıda(Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı), 65-77.
AMA Caner C, Yüceer M, Harte B. Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview. Akademik Gıda. September 2024;(Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı):65-77. doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1554476
Chicago Caner, Cengiz, Muhammed Yüceer, and Bruce Harte. “Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview”. Akademik Gıda, no. Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı (September 2024): 65-77.
EndNote Caner C, Yüceer M, Harte B (September 1, 2024) Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview. Akademik Gıda Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı 65–77.
IEEE C. Caner, M. Yüceer, and B. Harte, “Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview”, Akademik Gıda, no. Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı, pp. 65–77, September 2024, doi: 10.24323/akademik-gida.1554476.
ISNAD Caner, Cengiz et al. “Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview”. Akademik Gıda Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı (September 2024), 65-77.
JAMA Caner C, Yüceer M, Harte B. Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview. Akademik Gıda. 2024;:65–77.
MLA Caner, Cengiz et al. “Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview”. Akademik Gıda, no. Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı, 2024, pp. 65-77, doi:10.24323/akademik-gida.1554476.
Vancouver Caner C, Yüceer M, Harte B. Trends in Sustainability and Innovative Food Packaging Materials: An Overview. Akademik Gıda. 2024(Yeşil Dönüşüm Özel Sayısı):65-77.

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