Writing Rules

The text should be written with blank on upper 2.5 cm, lower 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm gutter margin Zero (0), and gutter positon as left margin. The text must be justified alignment.
Title of the article: the first letter of each word should be written in capital letters, as 14 points, bold, one line spaced and averaged. The English title should appear just below the Turkish title and the first letter of each word should be capitalized, as 12 points, bold, single-spaced and centered.
Text Headings: The first letter of each word should be capitalized, 11 points, bold, single-spaced and left aligned.
Abstract: On the first page of the text, Turkish / English abstracts should be written in 10 pt, bold and centered and the text should be justified in 10 pt. Turkish and English abstract should be limited to 150-200 words.
Keywords: Keywords should be written in 10 pt and left aligned just below the bottom line of the Turkish / English abstracts. Turkish / English keywords should be 5 at most.
Extended Abstract: After the English abstract, an English Extended Abstract of 500-800 words should be added for Turkish articles and a Turkish Extended Abstract of 500-800 words for English articles.
Introduction: Starting from a new page after the English keywords, the title “introduction” should be written in 11 points, bold, with the first letter capitalized without a number.
Text Structure: Texts should be written in Times New Roman font, single line, followed by 6 nk paragraph spacing and 11 font size. The titles of the text (without a number given to the introduction) must be numbered in numeral order. 1., 2., 3. (3.1.) (3.1.1.) ... it should be written in 11 point size.
Result: The title” result " must be written in 11 points, bold, with the first letter capitalized without a number.
he first letter of author names, middle, first and last name must be written in capital letters in 10-point and normal (not in italics or bold). The footnote on the last name (with the number) (without parentheses) should be given, the academic title of the authors, University, Faculty, department and e-mail address should be written in 8 points with a comma between them.
References should not be in the form of footnotes, but should be made with brackets to be opened in the relevant place in the text. Sequence in parentheses should be Author (s) surname, year of source, page number or numbers i.e. (Author (s) surname, year: page number) such as (Dessler, 2000: 9-13), (Masserton and Slowinski, 1989) and (Jones and Powell, 1993; Peterson, 1995; Smith, 1990). If more than one author it should be cited as (Masserton et al., 1989).
Formulas used in the text should be numbered in the form of (1), (2),... and these numbers should be located at the right of the corresponding formula. The reference to formulas must be made by the formula number. When issuing a formula number, expressions such as “Formula below” or “formula above” should be avoided. Formulas or equations should be written in “Equation Editor” or “MathType”.
Appendices should be given after the bibliography. References to these in the text should be made as “Appendix Table: 1, Appendix Figure: 7 or Appendix Graphic: 5”.
If quotation was used for Tables, Figures, graphics, and pictures, the source must be specified. The source to be cited must be 10 points, centered, single-line spaced just below the table, figure, graphic, and picture and must not exceed the size of the table, figure, graphic and picture. Other information to be written at the bottom should be in accordance with the above specifications after the source.
The bibliography section must be located at the end of the work. The bibliography title should be left-aligned. The first letter of the bibliography title should be written in capital 11 pt, references 9 pt, followed by 6 nk paragraph spacing, single line spacing. The second row will be a 1 cm rate hanging tab. Writing of Sources APA 6. It should be written according to Edition.
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