Research Article
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Year 2022, , 89 - 101, 23.05.2022


Bu çalışma, Schacht'ın İslam hukukunun kökenine ilişkin teorileri ile Nijerya'daki statüsü ve sıfatının dönüşümü arasındaki tarihsel ve ampirik bağlantıları incelemektedir. On dokuzuncu yüzyılın sonları ve yirminci yüzyılın başları, her düzeyde çağdaş paradigmanın özünü şekillendiren kapsamlı sömürge faaliyetlerine tanık oldu. İslam hukuku bir istisna değildir. İngiliz sömürgeciliği, bir İslam hukuku yargıcı olan Alkali tarafından yönetilen çok yönlü Şeriat mahkemeleri sistemi gibi Nijerya'nın Kuzey Eyaletlerinde bazı yerleşik kurumlar gördü. Başlangıçta, yerleşik hukuk kurumu değiştirilmemiş, ülkenin kuzey kesiminde “dolaylı yönetim” sistemi getirilmiştir. Ayrıca bu dönem, Joseph Schacht gibi İslam fıkhının doğuşu ve gelişimi üzerinde canla başla çalışan oryantalistlerin yoğun faaliyetlerine sahne olmuştur. Schacht, diğerleri arasında "yaşayan gelenek", "popüler uygulama" gibi bazı teoriler ortaya attı. İslam hukukunun doğrudan Kur'an'dan kaynaklanmadığı, Emeviler dönemindeki popüler ve idari uygulamalardan geliştiği sonucuna vardı. Bununla İslam hukuku ile onun temel kaynakları olan Kuran ve Hadis arasındaki bağı kesmeye çalıştı. Bu teoriler, sömürge otoritelerine iyi bir şekilde iletilmiş olup İslam hukukunun değerlendirilmesi için temel vezin oluşturdu. Bu noktadan hareketle; İslam hukukunun statüsü, dini hukuktan örfi hukuka doğru değiştirilmiştir. Schacht'ın teorilerinin Nijerya anayasasında İslam hukukunun statüsünü kalıcı olarak etkilediği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Abdul Fattah Olayiwola. (2007). Islam in Nigeria. Sakirabe Publishers.
  • Abdullah, Y. (1998). Sharīah in Africa: ,, p. 84. 6. Shebiotimo Publications.
  • Ahmad Isnaeni, Moh. Mukri, Masrukhin Muhsin, I. S. (2021). Mustofa Azami ’ s Criticism of Joseph Schacht ’ s Thoughts on Hadits. Kalam, 15(1), 33–54.
  • Ali, A. M. (2017). Shariah Legal Practice In Nigeria 1956-1983 (1.). Kwara State University Press.
  • Alkali, A. U., Magashi, A. I., & Buba, T. M. (2014). Nature and sources of nigerian legal system: an exorcism of a wrong notion. 5(4), 1–10.
  • Anderson, J. N. D. (1960). Colonial Law in Tropical Africa : The Conflict Between English , Islamic and Customary Law. 35(4).
  • Belgore, A. O. (2000). History of Sharīcah in Nigeria”, A Paper Presented at the 1999 Nigerian Constitution and the Sharīah Conference.
  • Busari, J. M. (2021). Shari‘a as customary law? An analytical assessment from the nigerian constitution and judicial precedents. Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 21(1), 25–44.
  • Calder, N. (1993). Studies in Early Muslim Jurisprudence (7th ed.). Clarendon Press.
  • Chande, A. (2005). ISLAM: ISLAM IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Encyclopedia.Com; ISLAM%3A ISLAM IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 1,a major role in the dissemination...
  • Chaudri, M. Z. (2017). Analyzing Schacht’s Theory and Two of His Critiques: Azami and Motzki. IlmGate.
  • Chukkol, K. S. (2005). Colonization and the Law: Issues in the Legal Transformation of Northern Nigeria. In J. O. Irukwu & I. U. Umezulike (Eds.), Judicial Excellence: Essays in Honor of Hon. Justice Anthony I. Iguh (p. 193). Snaop Press Ltd.
  • Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. (1999).
  • Forte, D. F. (1978). Islamic Law : The Impact of Joseph Schacht Islamic Law. Loy. L.A. Int’l & Comp. L, 1, 1–36.
  • Gwarzo, H. I. (1985). The Development of the Implementation of Sharīah in Northern States of Nigeria. National Seminar on Sharīah Bayero University, Kano, 19.
  • Sulaiman I. K. R. (1981). The Sharīah and the Nigerian Draft Constitution. Journals of Islamic and Comparative Law (JICL), 10, 12.
  • Hunwick J. O. (1965). A Thousand Years of West African History- Islam in West Africa, A.D. 1000-1800 (J. . A. Ajayi, I. Espie, & K. . Dike (Eds.); 1.). Ibadan University Press.
  • Khan, A. (2016). Distortion of F Acts and History in „ Muslim S Tudies ’ By Ignaz Goldziher Chapter Ii As a Model. 5(May), 109–118.
  • Maghen, Z. ’ ev. (2003). Dead Tradition : Joseph Schacht and the Origins of " Popular Practice ". Islamic Law and Society, 10(3), 276–347.
  • Mahmud, A. B. (1988). A Brief History of Shariah in the Defunct Northern Nigeria. Jos University press.
  • Milner, A. (1962). Sentencing Patterns in Nigeria, African Penal System (R. and K. Pau (Ed.)).
  • Nwafor, D. (2020). ALKAMAWA V. BELLO. Lawyersonline.
  • Oba, A. A. . (2002). Islamic Law as Customary Law : The Changing Perspective in Nigeria. The International and Comparative Law, 51(4), 817–850.
  • Ostien, P. (2003). An Opportunity Missed by Nigerian Christians; the Sharīah Debate of 1976-78 Revisited, aP. Ostien, “An Opportunity Missed by Nigerian Christians; the Sharīah Debate of 1976-78 Revisited”. A Paper Presented at a Conference on the Sharīah Debate.
  • Powers, D. S. (2010). Wael B. Hallaq on the origins of Islamic Law: A review essay. Islamic Law and Society, 17(1), 126–157.
  • Kumo , S. (1988). The Application of Islamic Law in Northern Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. In K. Rashid (Ed.), Islamic Law in Nigeria (pp. 42–49). Islamic Publications Bureau.
  • Schacht, J. (1950). origins-muhammadan-jurisprudence-schacht.pdf (1st ed.). Oxford University Press,.
  • Schacht, J. (1957). Islam in Northern Nigeria. Studia Islamica, 8(8), 123–146.
  • Society, A. O., & Society, A. O. (1922). Ignaz Goldziher Author ( s ): Richard Gottheil Source : Journal of the American Oriental Society , 1922 , Vol . 42 ( 1922 ), pp . 189-193 Published by : American Oriental Society Stable URL : 42, 189–193.
  • Sodiq, Y. (1992). A HISTORY OF ISLAMIC LAW IN NIGERIA : PAST AND PRESENT. Islamic Studies, 31(1), 85–108.
  • Talmon, R. (1987). Schacht ’ s Theory in the Light of Recent Discoveries concerning and the Origins of Arabic Grammar. Studia Islamica, 65(65), 31–50.
  • Vikør, K. S. (2012). Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Challenges. Islamic Law and Society, 19(3), 324–326.
  • Wakin, J. (2003). Remembering Joseph Schacht. In Harvard Law School.
  • Yadudu, A. H. (2016). Colonialism and the Transformation of the Substance and Form of Islamic Law in the Northern States of Nigeria. Journal of Law and Religion, 9(1), 17–47.


Year 2022, , 89 - 101, 23.05.2022


This work looks into the historical and empirical links between Schacht`s theories of the origin of Islamic law and the transformation of its status and epithet in Nigeria. The end of the nineteenth and the dawn of the twentieth centuries witnessed extensive activities of colonialism that shaped the quintessence of the contemporary paradigm at all levels. Islamic law is no exception. British colonialism met some established institutions in the Northern States of Nigeria such as a multifaceted system of Sharia courts which was being manned and administered by an Alkali, an Islamic law judge. At the inception, nothing was done to alter the established law institution. This was accompanied by the introduction of “indirect rule” in the northern part of the country. This period also witnessed intensive activities of orientalists such as Joseph Schacht who worked vigorously on the provenance and development of Islamic jurisprudence. He came up with some theories such as the "living tradition", "popular practice” among others. He concluded that Islamic law did not stem directly from Al-Quran but developed out of popular and administrative practice under the Umaiyads. By that, he tried to cut the link between Islamic law and its primary sources namely Al-Quran and Hadith. These theories were well communicated to colonial authorities who took them as the basis for the assessment and evaluation of Islamic law. It is from this point; the status of Islamic law was out rightly changed from that of religious law to customary law. It is concluded that Schacht`s theories permanently influenced the status of Islamic law in the constitution of Nigeria.


  • Abdul Fattah Olayiwola. (2007). Islam in Nigeria. Sakirabe Publishers.
  • Abdullah, Y. (1998). Sharīah in Africa: ,, p. 84. 6. Shebiotimo Publications.
  • Ahmad Isnaeni, Moh. Mukri, Masrukhin Muhsin, I. S. (2021). Mustofa Azami ’ s Criticism of Joseph Schacht ’ s Thoughts on Hadits. Kalam, 15(1), 33–54.
  • Ali, A. M. (2017). Shariah Legal Practice In Nigeria 1956-1983 (1.). Kwara State University Press.
  • Alkali, A. U., Magashi, A. I., & Buba, T. M. (2014). Nature and sources of nigerian legal system: an exorcism of a wrong notion. 5(4), 1–10.
  • Anderson, J. N. D. (1960). Colonial Law in Tropical Africa : The Conflict Between English , Islamic and Customary Law. 35(4).
  • Belgore, A. O. (2000). History of Sharīcah in Nigeria”, A Paper Presented at the 1999 Nigerian Constitution and the Sharīah Conference.
  • Busari, J. M. (2021). Shari‘a as customary law? An analytical assessment from the nigerian constitution and judicial precedents. Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 21(1), 25–44.
  • Calder, N. (1993). Studies in Early Muslim Jurisprudence (7th ed.). Clarendon Press.
  • Chande, A. (2005). ISLAM: ISLAM IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Encyclopedia.Com; ISLAM%3A ISLAM IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 1,a major role in the dissemination...
  • Chaudri, M. Z. (2017). Analyzing Schacht’s Theory and Two of His Critiques: Azami and Motzki. IlmGate.
  • Chukkol, K. S. (2005). Colonization and the Law: Issues in the Legal Transformation of Northern Nigeria. In J. O. Irukwu & I. U. Umezulike (Eds.), Judicial Excellence: Essays in Honor of Hon. Justice Anthony I. Iguh (p. 193). Snaop Press Ltd.
  • Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999. (1999).
  • Forte, D. F. (1978). Islamic Law : The Impact of Joseph Schacht Islamic Law. Loy. L.A. Int’l & Comp. L, 1, 1–36.
  • Gwarzo, H. I. (1985). The Development of the Implementation of Sharīah in Northern States of Nigeria. National Seminar on Sharīah Bayero University, Kano, 19.
  • Sulaiman I. K. R. (1981). The Sharīah and the Nigerian Draft Constitution. Journals of Islamic and Comparative Law (JICL), 10, 12.
  • Hunwick J. O. (1965). A Thousand Years of West African History- Islam in West Africa, A.D. 1000-1800 (J. . A. Ajayi, I. Espie, & K. . Dike (Eds.); 1.). Ibadan University Press.
  • Khan, A. (2016). Distortion of F Acts and History in „ Muslim S Tudies ’ By Ignaz Goldziher Chapter Ii As a Model. 5(May), 109–118.
  • Maghen, Z. ’ ev. (2003). Dead Tradition : Joseph Schacht and the Origins of " Popular Practice ". Islamic Law and Society, 10(3), 276–347.
  • Mahmud, A. B. (1988). A Brief History of Shariah in the Defunct Northern Nigeria. Jos University press.
  • Milner, A. (1962). Sentencing Patterns in Nigeria, African Penal System (R. and K. Pau (Ed.)).
  • Nwafor, D. (2020). ALKAMAWA V. BELLO. Lawyersonline.
  • Oba, A. A. . (2002). Islamic Law as Customary Law : The Changing Perspective in Nigeria. The International and Comparative Law, 51(4), 817–850.
  • Ostien, P. (2003). An Opportunity Missed by Nigerian Christians; the Sharīah Debate of 1976-78 Revisited, aP. Ostien, “An Opportunity Missed by Nigerian Christians; the Sharīah Debate of 1976-78 Revisited”. A Paper Presented at a Conference on the Sharīah Debate.
  • Powers, D. S. (2010). Wael B. Hallaq on the origins of Islamic Law: A review essay. Islamic Law and Society, 17(1), 126–157.
  • Kumo , S. (1988). The Application of Islamic Law in Northern Nigeria: Problems and Prospects. In K. Rashid (Ed.), Islamic Law in Nigeria (pp. 42–49). Islamic Publications Bureau.
  • Schacht, J. (1950). origins-muhammadan-jurisprudence-schacht.pdf (1st ed.). Oxford University Press,.
  • Schacht, J. (1957). Islam in Northern Nigeria. Studia Islamica, 8(8), 123–146.
  • Society, A. O., & Society, A. O. (1922). Ignaz Goldziher Author ( s ): Richard Gottheil Source : Journal of the American Oriental Society , 1922 , Vol . 42 ( 1922 ), pp . 189-193 Published by : American Oriental Society Stable URL : 42, 189–193.
  • Sodiq, Y. (1992). A HISTORY OF ISLAMIC LAW IN NIGERIA : PAST AND PRESENT. Islamic Studies, 31(1), 85–108.
  • Talmon, R. (1987). Schacht ’ s Theory in the Light of Recent Discoveries concerning and the Origins of Arabic Grammar. Studia Islamica, 65(65), 31–50.
  • Vikør, K. S. (2012). Muslim Family Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Colonial Legacies and Post-Colonial Challenges. Islamic Law and Society, 19(3), 324–326.
  • Wakin, J. (2003). Remembering Joseph Schacht. In Harvard Law School.
  • Yadudu, A. H. (2016). Colonialism and the Transformation of the Substance and Form of Islamic Law in the Northern States of Nigeria. Journal of Law and Religion, 9(1), 17–47.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Daud Salman

Publication Date May 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Salman, D. (2022). JOSEPH SCHACHT`S ROLE IN CHANGING THE STATUS OF ISLAMIC LAW IN NIGERIA. Akdeniz Havzası Ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, 4(1), 89-101.

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