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Don Juan Manuel'in Eserlerinde İslâm Kültürü ve Müslümanlar

Year 2023, , 59 - 78, 25.06.2023


Çok yönlü bir âlim ve renkli bir entelektüel kişilik olarak dikkat çeken Don Juan Manuel (ö. 1348), Ortaçağ Avrupası’nda Müslüman-Hristiyan ilişkilerinin yoğunlaştığı bir devirde İber Yarımadası’nda yaşadı. Ortaçağ İspanya tarihinin en önemli âlimlerinden birisi olan bu İspanyol şahsiyet, edebiyat, tarih, teoloji ve siyaset bilimi gibi konularda eserler verdi. O, eserlerinde siyasi ve ahlaki dersler içeren anlatıların yanı sıra devlet yönetimi ve tarih gibi temalar işledi. Özellikle XIII. asırda Endülüs’ün en büyük şehirlerinin Hristiyanların eline geçmesiyle ciddi bir Müslüman nüfusun varlığını sürdürdüğü Kastilya topraklarında yaşayan Don Juan Manuel, çok dinli ve çok kültürlü Kastilya toplumunun bir üyesi olarak Müslümanlarla bir arada yaşayarak zamanla onları daha yakından tanıma imkânı buldu.
Tarihçi, edebiyatçı, siyaset bilimci ve diplomat olan Don Juan Manuel, farklı konularda kaleme aldığı bazı eserlerinde İslâm kültürü ve Müslümanlar hakkında birtakım bilgilere yer verdi. Bu çalışmanın amacı Don Juan Manuel’in edebiyat, tarih ve siyaset gibi konularda kaleme aldığı eserlerdeki İslâm kültürü ve Müslümanlara dair bilgileri tespit edip onun İslâm algısını açıklamaktır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada Don Juan Manuel’in İslâm tasavvuru ile Ortaçağ İspanyası’nda daha önceki yıllarda yaşayan Hristiyan âlimlerin İslâm tasavvuru karşılaştırılarak İspanyol âlimin kendisinden önceki Hristiyan filozof, teolog ve yazarlardan düşünce yapısı bakımından ne gibi benzerlikler ve farklılıklara sahip olduğu ele alınacaktır.


  • ALVARO DE CORDOBA (1852), Indiculus Luminosus. Patrologia Latina, Paris.
  • ATMACA, Delia Avila (2011), The Paradoxical Exemplar: The Image of Saladin in Don Juan Manuel’s El Conde Lucanor, The University of Texas Faculty of Graduate School, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Texas.
  • BEYDABA (1876), Kelile ve Dimne, Casa Editorial Calleja, Madrid.
  • BURCKHARDT, Titus (1999), La Civilizacion Hispano-Arabe, Allianza Universidad, Madrid.
  • CASTRO, Americo (1971), The Spaniards, University of California, Los Angeles, Londra.
  • CUADRADO, Luis Teofilo Gil (2002), “La Influencia Musulmana en la Cultura Hispano-Cristiana Medieval”, Anaquel de Estudios Arabes, c. XIII, s. 37-65.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (1947), Libro de la Caza, Publicaciones de la Escuela de Filologia de Barcelona, Barselona.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (1958), Cronica Abreviada, Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (1974), Libro de los Estados, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (2003), El Conde Lucanor, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
  • EPELZA, M. (2008), el-Coran y sus Traducciones: Propuestas, Universidad de Alicante Servicio de Publicaciones, Alicante.
  • EZEVİ, Ragd Cemal Menaf (2015), “Terisû’l Hadari’l-Endelüs fi ahd Alfonş el-Aşr”, Mecelletü’l Turas el-İlmî Arabi, c. III, s. 255-272.
  • GONZALEZ, Serafin Vegas (1997), La Escuela de Traductores de Toledo en la Historia del Pensamiento, Imprenta Serrano, Toledo.
  • HAIK, Simon (1981) Las Traducciones Medievales y su Influencia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Faculdad de Filosofia y Ciencias de la Education, Doktora Tezi, Madrid.
  • HARVEY, Leonard Patrick (1977), “The Alfonsine School of Translators: Translations from Arabic into Castilian Produced Under the Patronage of Alfonso the Wise of Castile (1221-1252-1284), Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, no: 109-1, s. 109-117.
  • HITCHCOCK, Richard (1985), “Don Juan Manuel’s Knowledge of Arabic”, The Modern Language Review, 80-3, s. 594-603.
  • HUME, Martin (1964), Spanish Influence on English Literature, Haskell House, New York.
  • MARIN, Diego (1955), “El Elemento Oriental en D. Juan Manuel: Sintesis y Revaluacion”, Comparative Literature, 7-2, s. 1-14.
  • MENOCAL, Maria Rosa (1995), “Life Itself: Storytelling as the Tradition of Openness in the Conde Lucanor”, Oral Tradition and Hispanic Literature: Essays in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead, Garland Publishing, Londra, New York, s. 449-495.
  • OLAVIDE, Maria Cossio (2020), “Algunos Moros Muy Sabidores: Virtuous Muslim Kings in Examples 30 and 41 of El conde Lucanor”, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 97, s. 1-12.
  • ÖZCAN, Abdülkadir (1992), “Bâznâme”, TDVİA, c. V, İstanbul, s. 284-285.
  • PALACIOS, Miguel Asin (2010), Dante ve İslam, Okuyan Us Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • PALENCIA, Angel Gonzalez (1955), Historia de la Literatura Arabigo Espanola, Kahire.
  • _____ (2005), Historia de la España Musulmana, Editorial Labor S.A., Buenos Aires.
  • PINO, Jose Luis del (1996), “Caza y Cazadores en la Castilla Bajomedieval”, Meridies, c. III, s. 89-118.
  • RUUD, Jay (2006), “Don Juan Manuel”, Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature, Facts on File, New York, s. 432-433.
  • SALGADO, Jose Angel (2019), “La Cronica Abreviada de Don Juan Maneul En La Historiografia Post-Alfonsi”, Historiografias: Revista de Historia y Teoria, c. XVIII, s. 91-111.
  • SANTOYO, Julio Sezar (2004), “La Edad Media”, Historia de la Traduccion en España, (ed. Francisco Lafarga, Luis Pegenaute), Salamanca, s. 23-174.
  • SARTON, George (1932), Introduction to the History of Science, c. II, Carnegie Institution of Washington.
  • SENIFF, Dennis P. (2013), “Hunting Literature”, Medieval Iberia: an Encyclopedia, Routledge, New York, s. 401-403.
  • SOLER, Andres Gimenez (1932), Don Juan Manuel: Biografica y Estudio Critico, Zaragoza, Academia Española, Zaragoza.
  • STURCKEN, Henry Tracy (1974), Don Juan Manuel, Twayne Publishers, New York.
  • TAYLOR, Barry (2009), “Don Juan Manuel: Lector de la Literatura Sapiencial: Preceptica y Modelo”, Revista de poetica medieval, 23, s. 135-150.
  • VASVARI, Louise O. (2002), “Intimate Violence: Shrew Taming as Wedding Ritual in the Conde Lucanor”, Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia, Routledge, s. 21-38.
  • WACKS, David A. (2007), Framing Iberia: Maqamat and Frametale Narratives in Medieval Spain, Brill, Leiden.
  • WALLHEAD, Celia Margaret (1947), Cultural Contacts in the Iberian Peninsula between Christianity and Islam, As Reflected in Specimen Texts of Early Castilian Literature: Primera Cronica General, Calila y Dimna and El Conde Lucanor, University of London, Doktora Tezi, Londra.
  • ZIMMERMAN, Samuel A. (1969), Arabic Influence in the Tales of El Conde Lucanor, University of Florida, Doktora Tezi. Florida.

Islamic Culture and Muslims in the Works of Don Juan Manuel

Year 2023, , 59 - 78, 25.06.2023


Don Juan Manuel (d. 1348), who attracted attention as a versatile scholar and colorful intellectual personality, lived on the Iberian Peninsula at a time when Muslim-Christian relations were intensifying in medieval Europe. This Spanish figure, one of the most important scholars in the history of medieval Spain, wrote work on subjects such as literature, history, theology and political science. In his works, he worked on themes such as state administration and history, as well as narratives containing political and moral lessons. Don Juan Manuel, who lived the lands of Castile, where a significant Muslim population continued to exist after it was conquered by Christians in the thirteenth century, had the opportunity to get to know Muslims better over time as a member of the multi-religious and multi-cultural Castilian society.
Don Juan Manuel, a historian, writer, political scientist and diplomat, included some information about Islamic culture and Muslims in his works on different subjects. The aim of this study is to identify the information about Islamic culture and Muslims in the works written by Don Juan Manuel on subjects such as literature, history and politics and to explain his perception of Islam. In addition, in this study it will be discussed what similarities and differences the Spanish scholar had from the Christian philosophers, theologians and writers before him in terms of mentality by comparing Don Juan Manuel’s Islamic vision with the Islamic vision of Christian scholars who lived in medieval Spain in previous years.


  • ALVARO DE CORDOBA (1852), Indiculus Luminosus. Patrologia Latina, Paris.
  • ATMACA, Delia Avila (2011), The Paradoxical Exemplar: The Image of Saladin in Don Juan Manuel’s El Conde Lucanor, The University of Texas Faculty of Graduate School, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Texas.
  • BEYDABA (1876), Kelile ve Dimne, Casa Editorial Calleja, Madrid.
  • BURCKHARDT, Titus (1999), La Civilizacion Hispano-Arabe, Allianza Universidad, Madrid.
  • CASTRO, Americo (1971), The Spaniards, University of California, Los Angeles, Londra.
  • CUADRADO, Luis Teofilo Gil (2002), “La Influencia Musulmana en la Cultura Hispano-Cristiana Medieval”, Anaquel de Estudios Arabes, c. XIII, s. 37-65.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (1947), Libro de la Caza, Publicaciones de la Escuela de Filologia de Barcelona, Barselona.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (1958), Cronica Abreviada, Burgess Publishing Company, Minneapolis.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (1974), Libro de los Estados, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • DON JUAN MANUEL (2003), El Conde Lucanor, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
  • EPELZA, M. (2008), el-Coran y sus Traducciones: Propuestas, Universidad de Alicante Servicio de Publicaciones, Alicante.
  • EZEVİ, Ragd Cemal Menaf (2015), “Terisû’l Hadari’l-Endelüs fi ahd Alfonş el-Aşr”, Mecelletü’l Turas el-İlmî Arabi, c. III, s. 255-272.
  • GONZALEZ, Serafin Vegas (1997), La Escuela de Traductores de Toledo en la Historia del Pensamiento, Imprenta Serrano, Toledo.
  • HAIK, Simon (1981) Las Traducciones Medievales y su Influencia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Faculdad de Filosofia y Ciencias de la Education, Doktora Tezi, Madrid.
  • HARVEY, Leonard Patrick (1977), “The Alfonsine School of Translators: Translations from Arabic into Castilian Produced Under the Patronage of Alfonso the Wise of Castile (1221-1252-1284), Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, no: 109-1, s. 109-117.
  • HITCHCOCK, Richard (1985), “Don Juan Manuel’s Knowledge of Arabic”, The Modern Language Review, 80-3, s. 594-603.
  • HUME, Martin (1964), Spanish Influence on English Literature, Haskell House, New York.
  • MARIN, Diego (1955), “El Elemento Oriental en D. Juan Manuel: Sintesis y Revaluacion”, Comparative Literature, 7-2, s. 1-14.
  • MENOCAL, Maria Rosa (1995), “Life Itself: Storytelling as the Tradition of Openness in the Conde Lucanor”, Oral Tradition and Hispanic Literature: Essays in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead, Garland Publishing, Londra, New York, s. 449-495.
  • OLAVIDE, Maria Cossio (2020), “Algunos Moros Muy Sabidores: Virtuous Muslim Kings in Examples 30 and 41 of El conde Lucanor”, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 97, s. 1-12.
  • ÖZCAN, Abdülkadir (1992), “Bâznâme”, TDVİA, c. V, İstanbul, s. 284-285.
  • PALACIOS, Miguel Asin (2010), Dante ve İslam, Okuyan Us Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • PALENCIA, Angel Gonzalez (1955), Historia de la Literatura Arabigo Espanola, Kahire.
  • _____ (2005), Historia de la España Musulmana, Editorial Labor S.A., Buenos Aires.
  • PINO, Jose Luis del (1996), “Caza y Cazadores en la Castilla Bajomedieval”, Meridies, c. III, s. 89-118.
  • RUUD, Jay (2006), “Don Juan Manuel”, Encyclopedia of Medieval Literature, Facts on File, New York, s. 432-433.
  • SALGADO, Jose Angel (2019), “La Cronica Abreviada de Don Juan Maneul En La Historiografia Post-Alfonsi”, Historiografias: Revista de Historia y Teoria, c. XVIII, s. 91-111.
  • SANTOYO, Julio Sezar (2004), “La Edad Media”, Historia de la Traduccion en España, (ed. Francisco Lafarga, Luis Pegenaute), Salamanca, s. 23-174.
  • SARTON, George (1932), Introduction to the History of Science, c. II, Carnegie Institution of Washington.
  • SENIFF, Dennis P. (2013), “Hunting Literature”, Medieval Iberia: an Encyclopedia, Routledge, New York, s. 401-403.
  • SOLER, Andres Gimenez (1932), Don Juan Manuel: Biografica y Estudio Critico, Zaragoza, Academia Española, Zaragoza.
  • STURCKEN, Henry Tracy (1974), Don Juan Manuel, Twayne Publishers, New York.
  • TAYLOR, Barry (2009), “Don Juan Manuel: Lector de la Literatura Sapiencial: Preceptica y Modelo”, Revista de poetica medieval, 23, s. 135-150.
  • VASVARI, Louise O. (2002), “Intimate Violence: Shrew Taming as Wedding Ritual in the Conde Lucanor”, Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia, Routledge, s. 21-38.
  • WACKS, David A. (2007), Framing Iberia: Maqamat and Frametale Narratives in Medieval Spain, Brill, Leiden.
  • WALLHEAD, Celia Margaret (1947), Cultural Contacts in the Iberian Peninsula between Christianity and Islam, As Reflected in Specimen Texts of Early Castilian Literature: Primera Cronica General, Calila y Dimna and El Conde Lucanor, University of London, Doktora Tezi, Londra.
  • ZIMMERMAN, Samuel A. (1969), Arabic Influence in the Tales of El Conde Lucanor, University of Florida, Doktora Tezi. Florida.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Enes Şanal 0000-0001-7603-490X

Publication Date June 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Şanal, E. (2023). Don Juan Manuel’in Eserlerinde İslâm Kültürü ve Müslümanlar. Akdeniz Havzası Ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, 5(1), 59-78.

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