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Anatomi Dersi Okumak Ön Lisans Öğrencilerinde Kadavra Bağışı Görüşünde Fark Yaratıyor mu?

Year 2024, , 302 - 309, 01.05.2024


Çalışmanın amacı meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin kadavra bağışı hakkındaki bilgi ve tutumlarının değerlendirilip; anatomi dersi alma ve sosyodemografik faktörlerin bilgi ve tutumlarına olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır.
Kesitsel tipte tanımlayıcı bir araştırma olup, bir üniversitenin sağlık ve sosyal hizmetler meslek yüksekokulunda öğrenim gören öğrencilerine kadavra bağışı, anatomi dersi görme, ve sosyo-demografik özelliklerine yönelik sorular içeren anket uygulanmıştır.
Çalışmaya toplam 471 öğrenci katılmıştır. Öğrencilerin %55,9’u anatomi dersi görmenin bedenini kadavra olarak bağışlama düşüncesini değiştirmediğini; % 9,9’u ise olumlu yönde etkilediğini belirtmiştir. Kadavra bağışı hakkında bilgi edinilen kaynak olarak tüm öğrencilerde en fazla (%64,4) medya/internet belirtilmiştir. Bilgi edinme kaynağı konusunda anatomi dersi alanlar ve almayanlar incelendiğinde; dersi almayanların büyük çoğunluğunun medya/internetten (%77,9), dersi alanların ise medya/internet (%50,9) ve okul/ders/seminerlerden (%44,6) aynı oranda bilgi edindiği görülmüştür. Anatomi dersi alıp kadavra donörü olmak isteyen öğrenci oranı % 15,3 iken, dersi almayanlarda oran % 6,4idi. birinci derece akrabalarını donör olarak bağışlama oranı, dersi alanlarda %10,4, dersi almayanlarda ise %2,8 olarak bulundu. Öğrencilerde, Allah inancı olması beden bağışı isteğini azaltırken, teorik anatomi dersi almanın bu isteği 2,9 kat artırdığı görüldü.
Sağlık alanında eğitim görenlerde teorik anatomi dersinin kadavra bağışına olumlu etki ettiği, anatomi ders müfredatlarına da kadavra donörlüğüne yönelik düzenlemenin gerekliliği görüldü. Anatomi dersi almayanlarda ise, konuyla ilgili en fazla bilgi kaynağının medya/internet olmasından dolayı, sosyal medyanın aktif olarak kullanılması düşünülmelidir.


  • 1.Fernandes de Oliveira AG, Gonçalves AF, Soares JN, Salgado LHN, Santana BS, Passos MV, Reis JLO, Arantes GC, Campos LFS, Carvalho MS, Gama LCF, Rezende AB. The creation of a body donation program at Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Brazil: academic importance, challenges and donor profile. Anat Cell Biol 2021; 54(4):489-500.
  • 2- Azer SA, Eizenberg N. Do we need dissection in an integrated problem-based learning medical course? Perceptions of first- and second-year students. Surg Radiol Anat 2007; 29:173–80.
  • 3-Bahşi İ, Topal Z, Çetkin M, Orhan M, Kervancıoğlu P, Odabaşıoğlu ME, Cihan FC. Evaluation of attitudes and opinions of medical faculty students against the use of cadaver in anatomy education and investigation of the factors affecting their emotional responses related thereto Surg Radiol Anat 2021; 43(4):481-7.
  • 4- Korf HW, Wicht H, Snipes RL, Timmermans JP, Paulsen F, Rune G, Baumgart E. The dissection course-necessary and indispensable for teaching anatomy to medical students. Ann Anat 2008; 190:16–22.
  • 5- McLachlan JC, Patten D. Anatomy teaching: ghosts of the past, present and future. Med Educ 2006; 40:243–53.
  • 6- Bati AH, Ozer MA, Govsa F, Pinar Y. Anxiety of first cadaver demonstration in medical, dentistry and pharmacy faculty students, Surg Radiol Anat 2013; 35(5):419-26.
  • 7- Mazyala EJ, Revocatus M, Manyama M, Msuya S, Rambau P, Kimwaga E, Magelle N, Machimu Y, Joshua M, Magori C. Review Article Human bodies bequest program: a wake-up call to Tanzanian medical schools, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Anatomy 2014:940472.
  • 8- Boulware LE, Ratner LE, Cooper LA, LaVeist TA, Powe PR. Whole body donation for medical science: a population-based study, Clin Anat 2004; 17(7): 570–7.
  • 9- Marqués-Lespier JM, Ortiz-Vega NM, Sánchez MC, Soto-Avilés OE, Torres EA. Knowledge of and attitudes toward organ donation: a survey of medical students in Puerto Rico, P R Health Sci J 2013; 32(4):187–93.
  • 10- Green C, Bowden D, Molony D, Burke N, Felle P, Dudeney S. Attitudes of the medical profession to whole body and organ donation, Surgeon 2014; 12(2):173–77.
  • 11- Mwachaka PM, Mandela P, Saidi H. Repeated Exposure to Dissection Does Not Influence Students’ Attitudes towards Human Body Donation for Anatomy Teaching. Anat Res Int 2016: 2016:9251049.
  • 12- Bohl M, Bosch P, Hildebrandt S.Medical students' perceptions of the body donor as a ‘First Patient’ or ‘Teacher’: a pilot study, Anat Sci Educ 2011; 4(4): 208–13.
  • 13- Mekahli D, Liutkus A, Fargue S, Ranchin B, Cochat P. Survey of first-year medical students to assess their knowledge and attitudes toward organ transplantation and donation, Transplant Proc 2009; 41(2):634–8.
  • 14- Saha A, Sarkar A, Mandal S. Body donation after death: the mental setup of educated people, J Clin Diagn Res 2015; 9(6):5-9.
  • 15- Cahill KC, Ettarh RR. Student attitudes to whole body donation are influenced by dissection, Anat Sci Educ 2008; 1(5):212–6.
  • 16- Ballala K, Shetty A, Malpe SB. Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding whole body donation among medical professionals in a hospital in India. Anat Sci Educ 2011; 4(3):142-50.
  • 17- Şehirli ÜS, Saka E, Sarikaya Ö. Attitudes of Turkish anatomists toward cadaver donation, Clin Anat 2004; 17(8):677–81.
  • 18- Bolt S, Venbrux E, Eisinga R, Gerrits PO. Anatomist on the dissecting table? Dutch anatomical professionals' views on body donation, Clin Anat 2012; 25(2):168–75.
  • 19- Bati AH, Ozer MA, Govsa F, Pınar Y. Anxiety of first cadaver demonstration in medical, dentistry and pharmacy faculty students. Surg Radiol Anat 2013; 35(5):419–26.
  • 20-Arráez-Aybar LA, Castaño-Collado G, Casado-Morales MI. Relevance of human anatomy in daily clinical practice. Ann Anat 2010; 19:341–8.
  • 21-Horne DJ, Tiller JW, Eizenberg N, Tashevska M, Biddle N. Reactions of first-year medical students to their initial encounter with a cadaver in the dissecting room. Acad Med 1990; 65(10):645–6.
  • 22- Evans EJ, Fitzgibbon GH. The dissecting room: reactions of first year medical students. Clin Anat 2005; 5(4):311–20.
  • 23-Quince TA, Barclay S, Spear M, Parker R. Student attitudes towards dissection at a UK medical school. Anat Sci Educ 2011; 4(4):200-7.
  • 24- Alexander M, Marten M, Stewart E, Serafin S, Štrkalj G. Attitudes of Australian chiropractic students toward whole body donation: a cross-sectional study, Anat Sci Educ 2014; 7(2):117–23.
  • 25- Rokade SA, Gaikawad AP. Body donation in India: social awareness, willingness, and associated factors, Anat Sci Educ 2012; 5(2): 83–9.
  • 26- Cornwall J, Perry GF, Louw G, Stringer MD. Who donates their body to science? An international, multicenter, prospective study, Anat Sci Educ 2012; 5(4):208-16.
  • 27- Bajor G, Likus W, Kuszewski P, Kostro K, Kłakus P. Mortui vivos docent or who gives his body to science? The analysis of the personal questionnaires of Polish donors in the Conscious Body Donation Program, PLoS ONE 2015; 10(3): e0121061.

Does Reading An Anatomy Course Make A Difference on Associate Students’ Opinions on Donation of Cadaver?

Year 2024, , 302 - 309, 01.05.2024


This study surveyed vocational students on their knowledge and attitudes towards cadaveric donation, with a focus on the impact of anatomy education and sociodemographic factors.
A descriptive cross-sectional study where a questionnaire about cadaver donation, anatomy education, and sociodemographic characteristics was administered to students in a vocational school of health and social services.
A total of 471 students participated in the study. 55.9% indicated that taking an anatomy class did not change the idea of donating their body as a cadaver; 9.9% indicated that it had a positive effect. Media/internet was cited most frequently (64.4%) by students as a source of information about cadaver donation. When examining the sources of information, it was found that the majority of those who did not take an anatomy course obtained information from the media/internet (77.9%), while those who took a course obtained the information from the media/internet (50.9%) and from school/courses/seminars (44.6%). Students who attended an anatomy course were more likely to want to become cadaver donors (15.3% vs. 6.4% of those who did not attend), and to provide first-degree relatives as donors (10.4% vs. 2.8%). Belief in God decreased the desire to donate the body, while attendance at an anatomy class increased it by 2.9-fold.
The study suggests that including body donation in the anatomy course curriculum could have a positive effect on donation rates, and that social media should be utilized as an information source for students who have not taken an anatomy class.


  • 1.Fernandes de Oliveira AG, Gonçalves AF, Soares JN, Salgado LHN, Santana BS, Passos MV, Reis JLO, Arantes GC, Campos LFS, Carvalho MS, Gama LCF, Rezende AB. The creation of a body donation program at Federal University of Juiz de Fora in Brazil: academic importance, challenges and donor profile. Anat Cell Biol 2021; 54(4):489-500.
  • 2- Azer SA, Eizenberg N. Do we need dissection in an integrated problem-based learning medical course? Perceptions of first- and second-year students. Surg Radiol Anat 2007; 29:173–80.
  • 3-Bahşi İ, Topal Z, Çetkin M, Orhan M, Kervancıoğlu P, Odabaşıoğlu ME, Cihan FC. Evaluation of attitudes and opinions of medical faculty students against the use of cadaver in anatomy education and investigation of the factors affecting their emotional responses related thereto Surg Radiol Anat 2021; 43(4):481-7.
  • 4- Korf HW, Wicht H, Snipes RL, Timmermans JP, Paulsen F, Rune G, Baumgart E. The dissection course-necessary and indispensable for teaching anatomy to medical students. Ann Anat 2008; 190:16–22.
  • 5- McLachlan JC, Patten D. Anatomy teaching: ghosts of the past, present and future. Med Educ 2006; 40:243–53.
  • 6- Bati AH, Ozer MA, Govsa F, Pinar Y. Anxiety of first cadaver demonstration in medical, dentistry and pharmacy faculty students, Surg Radiol Anat 2013; 35(5):419-26.
  • 7- Mazyala EJ, Revocatus M, Manyama M, Msuya S, Rambau P, Kimwaga E, Magelle N, Machimu Y, Joshua M, Magori C. Review Article Human bodies bequest program: a wake-up call to Tanzanian medical schools, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Anatomy 2014:940472.
  • 8- Boulware LE, Ratner LE, Cooper LA, LaVeist TA, Powe PR. Whole body donation for medical science: a population-based study, Clin Anat 2004; 17(7): 570–7.
  • 9- Marqués-Lespier JM, Ortiz-Vega NM, Sánchez MC, Soto-Avilés OE, Torres EA. Knowledge of and attitudes toward organ donation: a survey of medical students in Puerto Rico, P R Health Sci J 2013; 32(4):187–93.
  • 10- Green C, Bowden D, Molony D, Burke N, Felle P, Dudeney S. Attitudes of the medical profession to whole body and organ donation, Surgeon 2014; 12(2):173–77.
  • 11- Mwachaka PM, Mandela P, Saidi H. Repeated Exposure to Dissection Does Not Influence Students’ Attitudes towards Human Body Donation for Anatomy Teaching. Anat Res Int 2016: 2016:9251049.
  • 12- Bohl M, Bosch P, Hildebrandt S.Medical students' perceptions of the body donor as a ‘First Patient’ or ‘Teacher’: a pilot study, Anat Sci Educ 2011; 4(4): 208–13.
  • 13- Mekahli D, Liutkus A, Fargue S, Ranchin B, Cochat P. Survey of first-year medical students to assess their knowledge and attitudes toward organ transplantation and donation, Transplant Proc 2009; 41(2):634–8.
  • 14- Saha A, Sarkar A, Mandal S. Body donation after death: the mental setup of educated people, J Clin Diagn Res 2015; 9(6):5-9.
  • 15- Cahill KC, Ettarh RR. Student attitudes to whole body donation are influenced by dissection, Anat Sci Educ 2008; 1(5):212–6.
  • 16- Ballala K, Shetty A, Malpe SB. Knowledge, attitude, and practices regarding whole body donation among medical professionals in a hospital in India. Anat Sci Educ 2011; 4(3):142-50.
  • 17- Şehirli ÜS, Saka E, Sarikaya Ö. Attitudes of Turkish anatomists toward cadaver donation, Clin Anat 2004; 17(8):677–81.
  • 18- Bolt S, Venbrux E, Eisinga R, Gerrits PO. Anatomist on the dissecting table? Dutch anatomical professionals' views on body donation, Clin Anat 2012; 25(2):168–75.
  • 19- Bati AH, Ozer MA, Govsa F, Pınar Y. Anxiety of first cadaver demonstration in medical, dentistry and pharmacy faculty students. Surg Radiol Anat 2013; 35(5):419–26.
  • 20-Arráez-Aybar LA, Castaño-Collado G, Casado-Morales MI. Relevance of human anatomy in daily clinical practice. Ann Anat 2010; 19:341–8.
  • 21-Horne DJ, Tiller JW, Eizenberg N, Tashevska M, Biddle N. Reactions of first-year medical students to their initial encounter with a cadaver in the dissecting room. Acad Med 1990; 65(10):645–6.
  • 22- Evans EJ, Fitzgibbon GH. The dissecting room: reactions of first year medical students. Clin Anat 2005; 5(4):311–20.
  • 23-Quince TA, Barclay S, Spear M, Parker R. Student attitudes towards dissection at a UK medical school. Anat Sci Educ 2011; 4(4):200-7.
  • 24- Alexander M, Marten M, Stewart E, Serafin S, Štrkalj G. Attitudes of Australian chiropractic students toward whole body donation: a cross-sectional study, Anat Sci Educ 2014; 7(2):117–23.
  • 25- Rokade SA, Gaikawad AP. Body donation in India: social awareness, willingness, and associated factors, Anat Sci Educ 2012; 5(2): 83–9.
  • 26- Cornwall J, Perry GF, Louw G, Stringer MD. Who donates their body to science? An international, multicenter, prospective study, Anat Sci Educ 2012; 5(4):208-16.
  • 27- Bajor G, Likus W, Kuszewski P, Kostro K, Kłakus P. Mortui vivos docent or who gives his body to science? The analysis of the personal questionnaires of Polish donors in the Conscious Body Donation Program, PLoS ONE 2015; 10(3): e0121061.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Article

Fahrettin Fatih Kesmezacar 0000-0001-5110-1184

Early Pub Date May 10, 2024
Publication Date May 1, 2024
Submission Date March 14, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Kesmezacar, F. F. (2024). Anatomi Dersi Okumak Ön Lisans Öğrencilerinde Kadavra Bağışı Görüşünde Fark Yaratıyor mu?. Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi, 10(2), 302-309.