Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Scientific ethics covers the processes of producing scientific research, disseminating research results and scientific evaluation. Akdeniz Sanat aims to apply the highest standards of scientific publication ethics and has prepared this document by taking into account the International Standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors and authors.

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Publication Ethics Statement
Plagiarism Action Plan and Journal's Measures
The journal respects intellectual property and aims to protect and promote the original work of its authors. Plagiarized manuscripts are contrary to the standards of quality, research and innovation. Therefore, all authors submitting manuscripts to the journal are expected to adhere to ethical standards and avoid plagiarism in any form. If plagiarism is suspected in a submitted or published manuscript, the Ethics Editor of the journal will first review the manuscript. The manuscript is then reviewed by the Editor. The Journal will then contact the author(s) to send clarifications within two weeks. If the Journal does not receive a response from the author within the specified time period, the Journal will contact the author's affiliated university to request an investigation of the allegation.

The Journal will take the following serious measures against published manuscripts found to contain plagiarism:

1. The journal will immediately contact the university to which the author(s) is affiliated to take
definitive action against the author(s) concerned.
2. The phrase "Plagiarized Article" will be added to the title of the published article.
3. The journal will deactivate the author's account and reject all future submissions from the author for 3 years.

This journal checks for plagiarism in manuscripts submitted for review: Pre-checked manuscripts are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. Authors are notified if plagiarism/self-plagiarism is detected. If necessary, the editor may check the article for plagiarism at various stages of the review or production process. High similarity rates may result in a manuscript being rejected before or even after acceptance. This rate is expected to be less than 15% for original study and less than 20% for study produced from a thesis.

Publication of Studies Based on Surveys and Interviews
Akdeniz Sanat adopts the "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers" of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to provide ethical assurance in scientific periodical publishing. In this context, authors are requested to comply with the following points in the studies submitted to the journal:
1) Ethics committee approval must be obtained for research in all branches of science and art that require ethics committee approval, this approval must be stated on the first page of the article and the ethics approval document must be documented by uploading it to the DergiPark system with the article.
2) For studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section, and after the references section of the article; information on the signature of the informed consent form should be included in the article.
I. For authors:
The authors of the articles to be submitted to Akdeniz Sanat are deemed to have declared that they accept the following articles and that they will comply with these principles and processes by submitting the article.
1. Authors who have sufficient knowledge and equipment to conduct scientific research are expected to be open, honest, transparent and respectful to those who have conducted or are conducting research in the relevant field (subject).
2. All articles should be on an original topic (problem), based on a scientific methodology and in accordance with research ethics. In this context;
- Declaring or producing false (or untrue) data,
- Using someone else's data and information without specifying the exact source,
- Intentionally providing incomplete or inaccurate information
- Plagiarism / plagiarism (changing and presenting information and ideas by using different words or sentences, presenting information, thoughts and practices as if they are one's own ideas, subconscious illusion are forms of plagiarism) must be strictly avoided.
3. The content of the publication should be unbiased, personal interests, concerns, political views and beliefs should not influence the publication, all sources used in the publication should be cited, and those who have contributed to the production, compilation, measurement and preparation of the information in the publication should be acknowledged with thanks.
4. One of the basic conditions for being included in national/international indexes or a research article of a high level is to give priority to publications that have received citation(s) in the article source(s) (bibliographies) and have impact factors (or at least found in google scholar). This is one of the primary approval reasons for accepting articles to Akdeniz Art Journal.
5. An abstract published in a congress or meeting does not prevent the publication from being submitted for publication. However, the fact that this publication has been presented at meetings or congresses must be stated in the application for publication of that publication.
6. The authors approve the publication of this article in the journal Akdeniz Sanat in the order of their
7. The intellectual property rights of the contributing author(s) or the employer of the author(s), if any, such as a) patent rights, b) the right to use the entire article in the author(s)' future books or other works without payment, c) the right to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided that they do not sell the article. However, in cases of reproduction, exhibition, giving to others and other distribution situations, in the use of this article in whole or in part in a medium, Akdeniz Sanat must be cited.
II. For the publisher/editor/referees:
1. Act independently and impartially,
2. To act honestly, to tell the truth, to be sensitive to the principle of confidentiality,
3. Act in accordance with the principle of equality,
4. Act without prejudice, act consistently, be descriptive, clear and explicit in scientific evaluations,
5. Adheres to the assessment period given to him/her; does not only criticize but also provides constructive feedback and suggestions during the assessment processes,
6. They shall not abuse their refereeing duties through inspiration and theft of ideas; they shall not take unfair advantage,
7. Does not prevent or delay the publication of an article except for scientific requirements
8. It does not go beyond the scientific requirements in determining the referees, and pays attention to the determination of employees related to the field as referees,
9. Rejects evaluation requests outside its field.

Last Update Time: 8/27/24, 3:33:36 PM

Submission of articles for the January 2025 issue of Akdeniz Art (volume: 19 issue: 35) will take place between October 1 st to 15 th , 2024.