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Etnografik Filmden Sosyal Bilimlere Bir Bilgi Formu Olarak Görsellik

Year 2014, , 24 - 40, 31.12.2014


Bu çalışma, insanların imgeler ile kuşatıldığı bir dönemde, görsel içeriklerin sadece bilgi ve
analiz nesnesi değil, bilgi formu olarak da yeniden değerlendirilmesi gerektiği düşüncesiyle
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, üç temel bölüm olarak yapılanmış metinde, önce göz, bakış ve
imge ile ilgili kısa bir kuramsal çerçeve sunulmakta, devamında etnografik filmler ile antropoloji
disiplini arasında yaşanan “bilimsellik” tartışmaları özetlenmektedir. Bu tartışmalar, sosyal bilimler
içinde görsel metinlerin yerini sorgulamaya başlamak açısından önemli bir hareket noktası
sunabilecek niteliktedir. Zira etnografik film deneyimi etrafında özellikle bilgi ve yöntembilim
çerçevesinde başlayan sorgulamaların ürettiği kavramlar seti ve temalar günümüzde tüm sosyal
bilimler için geçerliliğini korumaktadır. Bu tartışmalar yeni imge teknolojileri ve imge rejimleri
doğrultusunda zenginleştirilmelidir.


  • Alan, G. Aygül Ernek (2007). “Etnografik Veri İçeren Belgesel Filmlere Türkiye’den Üç Örnek.” İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi. No. 29: 27-48.
  • Asch, Timoty ve Asch, Patsy (1995). “Film in Ethnographic Research.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 335-360.
  • Balikci, A. (1995). “Reconstructing Cultures on Film.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 181-191.
  • Ball, Michael. S. ve Smith, Gregory W. H. (1992). Analyzing Visual Data. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Ball, M. S. (1998). “Remarks on Visual Competence as an Integral Part of Ethnographic Fieldwork Practice: The Visual Availibility of Culture.” Image-based Research: A Sourcebook of Qualitative Researchers. John Prosser (der.) içinde. London: Falmer: 131-147.
  • Burnett, Ron (2007). İmgeler Nasıl Düşünür. Güçsal Pusar (çev.). İstanbul: Metis.
  • Clifford, James (1986). “Introduction: Partial Truths.” Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. James Clifford, George E. Marcus (der.) içinde. Berkeley: University of California: 1-26.
  • Clifford, James ve Marcus, George (der.) (1986). Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. London, Berkley: University of California.
  • Crary, Jonathan (2004). Gözlemcinin Teknikleri. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Crawford, Peter Ian ve Turton, David (1992). “Film as Discourse: The Invention of Anthropological Realities.” Film as Ethnography. Peter Ian Crawford and David Turton (der.) içinde. Manchester: Manchester University: 66-82.
  • de Brigard, Emilie (1995). “The History of Ethnographic Film.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 13-43.
  • Descartes, Rene (2002). “Optics.” Visual Culture Reader. Nicholas Mirzoeff (der.) içinde. New York: Routledge: 116 – 121. el Guindi, Fadwa (1998). “From Pictorializing to Visual Anthropology.” Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. H. Russel Bernard (der.), içinde. Walnut Creek, Calif: Altamira Press: 459 – 511.
  • Grimshaw, Anna (2001). The Ethnographers Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Henley, Paul (1998). “Filmmaking and Ethnographic Research.” Image-based Research: A Sourcebook of Qualitative Researchers. John Prosser (der.) içinde. London: Falmer: 42-59.
  • Hockings, Paul (der.) (1995). Principles of Visual Anthropology. New York: Mounton de Gruyter.
  • Hockings, Paul (1995). “Conclusion: Ethnographic Film and Anthropological Theory.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 507-529.
  • Jay, Martin (1994). Downcast Eyes: Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought. London: University of California Press.
  • MacDougall, David (1995). “Beyond Observational Cinema.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 115 – 132.
  • MacDougall, David (1998). “Visual Anthropology and the Ways of Knowing.” Transcultural Cinema. Lucien Taylor (der.) içinde. New Jersey: Princeton University Press: 61-92.
  • Mead, Margareth (1995). “Visual Anthropology in a Discipline of Words.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 3-10.
  • Mirzoeff, Nicholas (2002). “What is Visual Culture?” Visual Culture Reader. Nicholas Mirzoeff (der.) içinde. New York: Routledge: 3-23.
  • Mitchell, W.J.T. (1995). Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Nichols, Bill (1994). Blurred boundaries: Questions of Meaning in Contemporary Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Panofsky, Erwin (2012). İkonoloji Araştırmaları: Rönesans Sanatında İnsancıl Temalar. Orhan Düz (çev.).. İstanbul: Pinhan.
  • Roby, Fatimah Tobing (1996). The Third Eye: Race, Cinema and Ethnographic Spectacle. Durham: Duke University.
  • Rollwagen, Jack R. (1990). “The Role of Anthropological Theory in ‘Ethnographic’ Filmmaking.” Anthropological Filmmaking. Jack R. Rollwagen (der.) içinde. NewYork: Harwood Academic Publishers: 287-315.
  • Rouch, Jean (1995). “The Camera and Man.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 79-98.
  • Ruby, Jay (1975). “Is an Ethnographic Film a Filmic Ethnography?”. Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication II (2): 104-111.
  • Ruby, Jay (2000). Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago.
  • Ulin, Robert (2001). Understanding Culture: Perspectives in Anthropology and Social Theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Vertov, Dziga (2007). Sine-Göz. Ahmet Ergenç (çev.). İstanbul: Agora.
  • Worth, Sol ve Adair, John (1997). Through Navajo Eyes: An Exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology. New Mexico: New Mexico Press.
  • Young, Colin (1995). “Observational Cinema.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 99 – 113.
Year 2014, , 24 - 40, 31.12.2014



  • Alan, G. Aygül Ernek (2007). “Etnografik Veri İçeren Belgesel Filmlere Türkiye’den Üç Örnek.” İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi. No. 29: 27-48.
  • Asch, Timoty ve Asch, Patsy (1995). “Film in Ethnographic Research.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 335-360.
  • Balikci, A. (1995). “Reconstructing Cultures on Film.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 181-191.
  • Ball, Michael. S. ve Smith, Gregory W. H. (1992). Analyzing Visual Data. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
  • Ball, M. S. (1998). “Remarks on Visual Competence as an Integral Part of Ethnographic Fieldwork Practice: The Visual Availibility of Culture.” Image-based Research: A Sourcebook of Qualitative Researchers. John Prosser (der.) içinde. London: Falmer: 131-147.
  • Burnett, Ron (2007). İmgeler Nasıl Düşünür. Güçsal Pusar (çev.). İstanbul: Metis.
  • Clifford, James (1986). “Introduction: Partial Truths.” Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. James Clifford, George E. Marcus (der.) içinde. Berkeley: University of California: 1-26.
  • Clifford, James ve Marcus, George (der.) (1986). Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. London, Berkley: University of California.
  • Crary, Jonathan (2004). Gözlemcinin Teknikleri. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Crawford, Peter Ian ve Turton, David (1992). “Film as Discourse: The Invention of Anthropological Realities.” Film as Ethnography. Peter Ian Crawford and David Turton (der.) içinde. Manchester: Manchester University: 66-82.
  • de Brigard, Emilie (1995). “The History of Ethnographic Film.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 13-43.
  • Descartes, Rene (2002). “Optics.” Visual Culture Reader. Nicholas Mirzoeff (der.) içinde. New York: Routledge: 116 – 121. el Guindi, Fadwa (1998). “From Pictorializing to Visual Anthropology.” Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. H. Russel Bernard (der.), içinde. Walnut Creek, Calif: Altamira Press: 459 – 511.
  • Grimshaw, Anna (2001). The Ethnographers Eye: Ways of Seeing in Modern Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Henley, Paul (1998). “Filmmaking and Ethnographic Research.” Image-based Research: A Sourcebook of Qualitative Researchers. John Prosser (der.) içinde. London: Falmer: 42-59.
  • Hockings, Paul (der.) (1995). Principles of Visual Anthropology. New York: Mounton de Gruyter.
  • Hockings, Paul (1995). “Conclusion: Ethnographic Film and Anthropological Theory.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 507-529.
  • Jay, Martin (1994). Downcast Eyes: Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought. London: University of California Press.
  • MacDougall, David (1995). “Beyond Observational Cinema.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 115 – 132.
  • MacDougall, David (1998). “Visual Anthropology and the Ways of Knowing.” Transcultural Cinema. Lucien Taylor (der.) içinde. New Jersey: Princeton University Press: 61-92.
  • Mead, Margareth (1995). “Visual Anthropology in a Discipline of Words.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 3-10.
  • Mirzoeff, Nicholas (2002). “What is Visual Culture?” Visual Culture Reader. Nicholas Mirzoeff (der.) içinde. New York: Routledge: 3-23.
  • Mitchell, W.J.T. (1995). Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Visual Representation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Nichols, Bill (1994). Blurred boundaries: Questions of Meaning in Contemporary Culture. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Panofsky, Erwin (2012). İkonoloji Araştırmaları: Rönesans Sanatında İnsancıl Temalar. Orhan Düz (çev.).. İstanbul: Pinhan.
  • Roby, Fatimah Tobing (1996). The Third Eye: Race, Cinema and Ethnographic Spectacle. Durham: Duke University.
  • Rollwagen, Jack R. (1990). “The Role of Anthropological Theory in ‘Ethnographic’ Filmmaking.” Anthropological Filmmaking. Jack R. Rollwagen (der.) içinde. NewYork: Harwood Academic Publishers: 287-315.
  • Rouch, Jean (1995). “The Camera and Man.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 79-98.
  • Ruby, Jay (1975). “Is an Ethnographic Film a Filmic Ethnography?”. Studies in the Anthropology of Visual Communication II (2): 104-111.
  • Ruby, Jay (2000). Picturing Culture: Explorations of Film and Anthropology. Chicago: University of Chicago.
  • Ulin, Robert (2001). Understanding Culture: Perspectives in Anthropology and Social Theory. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Vertov, Dziga (2007). Sine-Göz. Ahmet Ergenç (çev.). İstanbul: Agora.
  • Worth, Sol ve Adair, John (1997). Through Navajo Eyes: An Exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology. New Mexico: New Mexico Press.
  • Young, Colin (1995). “Observational Cinema.” Principles of Visual Anthropology. Paul Hockings (der.) içinde. New York: Mounton de Gruyter: 99 – 113.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Gülsüm Depeli This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2014
Submission Date July 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2014


APA Depeli, G. (2014). Etnografik Filmden Sosyal Bilimlere Bir Bilgi Formu Olarak Görsellik. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi(22), 24-40.