Karbon Fiber Kompozit Sandviç Levhaların Yanal Mukavemet Davranışlarının Araştırılması
Year 2018,
Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 684 - 691, 31.08.2018
Burak Kıyak
Mete Onur Kaman
Bu çalışmada, çekirdek yapısı ve yüzey kapakları karbon fiber kompozit malzemeden oluşan sandviç levhaların imalatı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sandviç levhaların çekirdek yapıları kare kesitli olup üretim, herhangi bir yapıştırıcı malzeme kullanılmadan yapılmıştır. Üretimi tamamlanan numunelerin yanal yüzeylerine, üniversal çekme-basma test cihazı yardımıyla basma testi uygulanarak kuvvet-yer değiştirme değerleri kaydedilmiştir. Farklı çekirdek yüksekliğine ve yoğunluğuna sahip olan numunelerin yanal basma dayanımları hesaplanmış ve hasar davranışları incelenmiştir. Sayısal çalışmada yanal kritik burkulma yükleri ANSYS programında hesaplanarak sonuçlar deneysel verilerle karşılaştırılmıştır.
- Abbadi, A., Tixier, C., Gilgert, J. and Azari Z., 2014. Experimental study on the fatigue behavior of honeycomb sandwich panels with artificial defects. Composite Structures, 120, 394–405. ANSYS 13.0, (Academic Teaching Introductory) Command References and Gui.
- Bhuiyan, M., Hosur, M. and Jeelani, S., 2009. Low-velocity impact response of sandwich composites with nanophased foam core and biaxial (±45°) braided face sheets. Composites Part B: Engineering, 40(6), 561–571.
- Fiedler, T. and Ochsner, A., 2008. Experimental analysis of the flexural properties of sandwich panels with cellular core materials. Material Wissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 39(2), 121–124.
- Hou, Y., Neville, R., Scarpa, F., Remillat, C., Gu, B. and Ruzzene M., 2014. Graded conventional-auxetic kirigami sandwich structures: flatwise compression and edgewise loading. Composites: Part B, 59, 33–42.
- Joosten, M.W., Dutton, S., Kelly, D. and Thomson, R.,2010. Experimental evaluation of the crush energy absorption of triggered composite sandwich panels under quasi-static edgewise compressive loading. Composites: Part A, 41, 1099–1106.
- Kıyak., B. Karbon fiber kompozit çekirdekli sandviç levhaların imalatı ve mekanik özelliklerinin araştırılması, Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği ABD, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2017.
- Lei, H., Yao, K., Wen, W., Zhou H. and Fang D., 2016. Experimental and numerical investigation on the crushing behavior of sandwich composite under edgewise compression loading. Composites: Part B, 94, 34–44.
- Othman, A.R. and Barton, D.C., 2008. Failure initiation and propagation characteristics of honeycomb sandwich composites. Composite Structures, 85(2), 126–138.
- Russell, B. P., Deshpande, V.S. and Wadley, H.N.G., 2008. Quasistatic deformation and failure modes of composite square honeycombs. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 3(7), 1315–1340.
- Xiong, J., Ma, L., Stocchi, A., Yang, J., Wu, L. and Pan S., 2013. Bending response of carbon fiber composite sandwich beams with three dimensional honeycomb cores. Composite Structures, 108(1), 234–242.
- Xu, G., Yang, F., Zeng, T., Cheng, S. and Wang, Z.,2015. Bending behavior of graded corrugated truss core composite sandwich beams. Composite Structures, 138, 342–351.
- Yang, J., Xiong, J., Ma, L., Wang, B., Zhang, G. and Wu L.,2013. Vibration and damping characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite pyramidal
truss sandwich panels with viscoelastic layers. Composite Structures, 106, 570–580.
Year 2018,
Volume: 18 Issue: 2, 684 - 691, 31.08.2018
Burak Kıyak
Mete Onur Kaman
- Abbadi, A., Tixier, C., Gilgert, J. and Azari Z., 2014. Experimental study on the fatigue behavior of honeycomb sandwich panels with artificial defects. Composite Structures, 120, 394–405. ANSYS 13.0, (Academic Teaching Introductory) Command References and Gui.
- Bhuiyan, M., Hosur, M. and Jeelani, S., 2009. Low-velocity impact response of sandwich composites with nanophased foam core and biaxial (±45°) braided face sheets. Composites Part B: Engineering, 40(6), 561–571.
- Fiedler, T. and Ochsner, A., 2008. Experimental analysis of the flexural properties of sandwich panels with cellular core materials. Material Wissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 39(2), 121–124.
- Hou, Y., Neville, R., Scarpa, F., Remillat, C., Gu, B. and Ruzzene M., 2014. Graded conventional-auxetic kirigami sandwich structures: flatwise compression and edgewise loading. Composites: Part B, 59, 33–42.
- Joosten, M.W., Dutton, S., Kelly, D. and Thomson, R.,2010. Experimental evaluation of the crush energy absorption of triggered composite sandwich panels under quasi-static edgewise compressive loading. Composites: Part A, 41, 1099–1106.
- Kıyak., B. Karbon fiber kompozit çekirdekli sandviç levhaların imalatı ve mekanik özelliklerinin araştırılması, Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği ABD, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2017.
- Lei, H., Yao, K., Wen, W., Zhou H. and Fang D., 2016. Experimental and numerical investigation on the crushing behavior of sandwich composite under edgewise compression loading. Composites: Part B, 94, 34–44.
- Othman, A.R. and Barton, D.C., 2008. Failure initiation and propagation characteristics of honeycomb sandwich composites. Composite Structures, 85(2), 126–138.
- Russell, B. P., Deshpande, V.S. and Wadley, H.N.G., 2008. Quasistatic deformation and failure modes of composite square honeycombs. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 3(7), 1315–1340.
- Xiong, J., Ma, L., Stocchi, A., Yang, J., Wu, L. and Pan S., 2013. Bending response of carbon fiber composite sandwich beams with three dimensional honeycomb cores. Composite Structures, 108(1), 234–242.
- Xu, G., Yang, F., Zeng, T., Cheng, S. and Wang, Z.,2015. Bending behavior of graded corrugated truss core composite sandwich beams. Composite Structures, 138, 342–351.
- Yang, J., Xiong, J., Ma, L., Wang, B., Zhang, G. and Wu L.,2013. Vibration and damping characteristics of hybrid carbon fiber composite pyramidal
truss sandwich panels with viscoelastic layers. Composite Structures, 106, 570–580.