The topic of “ageing” has taken its place among the main research topics of social sciences. While the rapid aging process of humanity has taken its place among the main problems of many countries, it dec seen that social aging is one of the problems that are very worrying for Turkey. In particular, it has been observed that this Covid-19 process experienced in it further increases the concerns of elderly people. Social problems of elderly people, restrictions on the pandemic have made it difficult for elderly people to have sustainable living conditions, further increasing the requirements for their religious and spiritual support needs. The aim of this study is to draw attention to the fact that the perception of the elderly population, which is increasing worldwide, as a social problem at micro, mezzo and macro levels, and ignoring their religious-spiritual needs is a very wrong attitude in terms of universal basic human rights, constitution and laws. In this context, taking into account the sensitive situations experienced during the Covid-19 process, it is emphasized that the services that should be provided to elderly people within the discipline of social work should be provided within the framework of value-based “religious and spiritual support services”. It seems that the Covid-19 process is a temporary process for all people and hopes are being tried to maintain that they can return to a “Normal Life”again. In this process, it is very important that the psychological problems of elderly people which are considered from a religious and spiritual perspective, are not turned into disadvantages within the framework of the theories of “Effectiveness”, “Role-Playing” and “Relationship Break-up”. In this context, as a holistic approach, the necessity of providing religious and spiritual support services more effectively in order to be self-sufficient and not to give up their roles in all social relations of elderly people is seen as an eclectic approach that is very important.