Yükseköğretim Kurumlarının Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Avantajı Elde Edebilmelerinde İlişkisel Pazarlamanın Rolü: Kaynak Avantajı Teorisi Bağlamında Nicel Bir İnceleme
Year 2021,
, 1493 - 1516, 30.09.2021
Fatih Şahin
Ercan Taşkın
Bu araştırmanın amacı güncel gelişmeler kapsamında yükseköğretim kurumlarının pazarlama faaliyetlerine yönelik ihtiyaçlarını ortaya koymak ve kaynak avantajı teorisi kapsamında iş birliklerinin başarısına ve yükseköğretim kurum performansına etki eden faktörleri yetkinlik temelli, kaynak temelli ve ilişkisel pazarlama bütünleşik modeli ile incelemektir. Yükseköğretim kurumlarının iş birliği başarısı ve kurum performansları üzerindeki etkisi olan faktörler kaynak avantajı teorisinin öne sürdüğü bütünleşik model kullanılarak "Bölgesel Kalkınma Odaklı İhtisaslaşma" projesi kapsamında yer alan kurumlardan birisi olan Uşak Üniversitesi özelinde incelenmiştir. Araştırmada kullanılan veriler Uşak Üniversitesi'nde çalışmakta olan toplam 513 akademik ve idari personelden elde edilmiştir. Araştırmanın varsayımlarının analizinde yapısal eşitlik modellemesi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulara göre uzun dönemli ilişkiler kapsamında oluşturulan iş birlikleri, ortaklık yetkinlikleri ve özgün kaynakların rekabette konum avantajı elde edebilmede önemli bir rolü olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
- A.A. (2016). “Yök Başkanı Prof. Dr. Saraç: Yükseköğretimde Taşlar Yerinden Oynadı”, Retrieved from http://aa.com.tr/tr/egitim/yok-baskani-prof-dr-sarac-yuksekogretimde-taslar-yerinden-oynadi/713682?amp=1, 26.12.2016.
- ACHROL, R. S., ve STERN, L. W. (1988). "Environmental Determinants of Decision-Making Uncertainty in Marketing Channels", Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 25(1): 36-50.
- AHUJA, G. (2000). "The Duality of Collaboration: Inducements and Opportunities in the Formation of Interfirm Linkages", Strategic Management Journal, 21(3): 317-343.
- ARIMOTO, A. (2014). "The Teaching and Research Nexus in the Third Wave Age", J. C. Shin, et al. (eds.), Teaching and Research in Contemporary Higher Education (15-33), Springer, Dordrecht.
- ARNETT, D. B., GERMAN, S. D., ve HUNT, S. D. (2003). "The Identity Salience Model of Relationship Marketing Success : The Case of Nonprofit Marketing", Journal of marketing, 67(2): 89-105.
- ARNETT, D. B., ve HUNT, S. D. (2002). "Competitive Irrationality: The Influence of Moral Philosophy", Business Ethics Quarterly, 12(03): 279-303.
- BARNEY, J. (1991). "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage", Journal of management, 17(1): 99-120.
- BARNEY, J. B. (1992). "Integrating Organizational Behavior and Strategy Formulation Research: A Resource Based Analysis", Advances in strategic management, 8(1): 39-61.
- BELL, D. (1973). "The Coming of Post-Industrial Society a Venture in Social Forecasting ", Basic Books Inc. Publishers, New York.
- BOLES, J., BRASHEAR, T., BELLENGER, D., ve BARKSDALE JR, H. (2000). "Relationship Selling Behaviors: Antecedents and Relationship with Performance", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 15(2/3): 141-153.
- CANNON, J. P., ve PERREAULT JR, W. D. (1999). "Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets", Journal of marketing research, 36(4): 439-460.
- CARUANA, A., RAMASESHAN, B., ve EWING, M. T. (1999). "Market Orientation and Performance in the Public Sector: The Role of Organizational Commitment", Journal of Global Marketing, 12(3): 59-79.
- CARUANA, A., RAMASESHAN, B. Y., ve EWING, M. T. (1998). "Do Universities That Are More Market Orientated Perform Better?", International journal of public sector management, 11(1): 55-70.
- COLEMAN, J. S. (1988). "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital", American journal of sociology, 94: 95-120.
- DAY, G. S. (2000). "Managing Market Relationships", Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 28(1): 24-30.
- DUDERSTADT, J. J. (2000). "A University for the 21st Century ", University of Michigan Press, Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- ENDERS, J. (2006). "The Academic Profession", J. J. Forest & P. G. Altbach (eds.), International Handbook of Higher Education, (Vol. 18), (5-22), Springer.
- FALKENBERG, A. W. (1996). "Marketing and the Wealth of Firms", Journal of Macromarketing, 16(1): 4-24.
- FIALOVÁ, H. (2014). Tertiary Sector Analysis in the Eu Countries. Paper presented at the Proceedings in EIIC-The 3rd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference.
- FOURASTIÉ, J. (1949). "Le Grand Espoir Du Xxe Siècle: Progrès Technique, Progrès Économique, Progrès Social ", Presses universitaires de France.
- GEORGE, D., ve MALLERY, P. (2003). "Spss for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference (Vol. 10/e)", Pearson Education India.
- GOH, J. W. P. (2003). "The Resource Advantage Theory of Competition: Implications for Higher Educational Institutions in Singapore", Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(2): 93-106.
- GRÖNROOS, C. (1994). "From Marketing Mix to Relationship Marketing", MANAGEMENT DECISION, 32(2): 4-20.
- HAMEL, G., ve PRAHALAD, C. K. (1994). "Competing for the Future ", Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
- HU, L.-T., ve BENTLER, P. M. (1999). "Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives", Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 6(1): 1-55.
- HUNT, S. D. (1995). "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition toward Explaining Productivity and Economic Growth", Journal of Management Inquiry, 4(4): 317-332.
- HUNT, S. D. (1997a). "Competing through Relationships: Grounding Relationship Marketing in Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of Marketing Management, 13(5): 431-445.
- HUNT, S. D. (1997b). "Evolutionary Economics, Endogenous Growth Models, and Resource-Advantage Theory", Eastern Economic Journal, 23(4): 425-439.
- HUNT, S. D. (1997c). "Resource-Advantage Theory: An Evolutionary Theory of Competitive Firm Behavior?", Journal of Economic Issues, 31(1): 59-78.
- HUNT, S. D. (2000). “A General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity, Economic Growth”, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California.
- HUNT, S. D., ve ARNETT, D. B. (2001). "Competition as an Evolutionary Process and Antitrust Policy", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 20(1): 15-26.
- HUNT, S. D., ARNETT, D. B., ve MADHAVARAM, S. (2006). "The Explanatory Foundations of Relationship Marketing Theory", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 21(2): 72-87.
- HUNT, S. D., ve DEROZIER, C. (2004). "The Normative Imperatives of Business and Marketing Strategy: Grounding Strategy in Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19(1): 5-22.
- HUNT, S. D., ve DUHAN, D. F. (2002). "Competition in the Third Millennium: Efficiency or Effectiveness?", Journal of Business Research, 55(2): 97-102.
- HUNT, S. D., ve LAMBE, C. (2000). "Marketing's Contribution to Business Strategy: Market Orientation, Relationship Marketing and Resource-Advantage Theory", International Journal of Management, 2(1): 17-43.
- HUNT, S. D., LAMBE, C. J., ve WITTMANN, C. M. (2002). "A Theory and Model of Business Alliance Success", Journal of Relationship Marketing, 1(1): 17-35.
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- HUNT, S. D., ve MORGAN, R. M. (2004). "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: A Review", N. K. Malhotra (Ed.), Review of Marketing Research (153-207), M.E. Sharpe, London, England.
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Gaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage Through Relationship Marketing in Higher Education Institution: A Quantitative Analysis in the Resource Advantage Theory Context
Year 2021,
, 1493 - 1516, 30.09.2021
Fatih Şahin
Ercan Taşkın
The aim of this study is to reveal the needs of higher education institutions for marketing activities within the scope of current developments and to examine the factors affecting the success of cooperation and higher education institution performance within the scope of resource advantage theory with an integrated model of competency-based, resource-based and relational marketing. The factors that have an effect on the cooperation success of higher education institutions and their performance have been examined with the integrated model proposed within the scope of resource advantage theory in the context of Uşak University that one of the members of "Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Programme". The data used in this study was obtained from a total of 513 academic and administrative staff working at Uşak University. Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the assumptions of the research. The findings show that the cooperation, partnership competencies, and original resources created within the scope of long-term relationships play a significant role in gaining a competitive position advantage.
- A.A. (2016). “Yök Başkanı Prof. Dr. Saraç: Yükseköğretimde Taşlar Yerinden Oynadı”, Retrieved from http://aa.com.tr/tr/egitim/yok-baskani-prof-dr-sarac-yuksekogretimde-taslar-yerinden-oynadi/713682?amp=1, 26.12.2016.
- ACHROL, R. S., ve STERN, L. W. (1988). "Environmental Determinants of Decision-Making Uncertainty in Marketing Channels", Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 25(1): 36-50.
- AHUJA, G. (2000). "The Duality of Collaboration: Inducements and Opportunities in the Formation of Interfirm Linkages", Strategic Management Journal, 21(3): 317-343.
- ARIMOTO, A. (2014). "The Teaching and Research Nexus in the Third Wave Age", J. C. Shin, et al. (eds.), Teaching and Research in Contemporary Higher Education (15-33), Springer, Dordrecht.
- ARNETT, D. B., GERMAN, S. D., ve HUNT, S. D. (2003). "The Identity Salience Model of Relationship Marketing Success : The Case of Nonprofit Marketing", Journal of marketing, 67(2): 89-105.
- ARNETT, D. B., ve HUNT, S. D. (2002). "Competitive Irrationality: The Influence of Moral Philosophy", Business Ethics Quarterly, 12(03): 279-303.
- BARNEY, J. (1991). "Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage", Journal of management, 17(1): 99-120.
- BARNEY, J. B. (1992). "Integrating Organizational Behavior and Strategy Formulation Research: A Resource Based Analysis", Advances in strategic management, 8(1): 39-61.
- BELL, D. (1973). "The Coming of Post-Industrial Society a Venture in Social Forecasting ", Basic Books Inc. Publishers, New York.
- BOLES, J., BRASHEAR, T., BELLENGER, D., ve BARKSDALE JR, H. (2000). "Relationship Selling Behaviors: Antecedents and Relationship with Performance", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 15(2/3): 141-153.
- CANNON, J. P., ve PERREAULT JR, W. D. (1999). "Buyer-Seller Relationships in Business Markets", Journal of marketing research, 36(4): 439-460.
- CARUANA, A., RAMASESHAN, B., ve EWING, M. T. (1999). "Market Orientation and Performance in the Public Sector: The Role of Organizational Commitment", Journal of Global Marketing, 12(3): 59-79.
- CARUANA, A., RAMASESHAN, B. Y., ve EWING, M. T. (1998). "Do Universities That Are More Market Orientated Perform Better?", International journal of public sector management, 11(1): 55-70.
- COLEMAN, J. S. (1988). "Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital", American journal of sociology, 94: 95-120.
- DAY, G. S. (2000). "Managing Market Relationships", Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 28(1): 24-30.
- DUDERSTADT, J. J. (2000). "A University for the 21st Century ", University of Michigan Press, Michigan, Ann Arbor.
- ENDERS, J. (2006). "The Academic Profession", J. J. Forest & P. G. Altbach (eds.), International Handbook of Higher Education, (Vol. 18), (5-22), Springer.
- FALKENBERG, A. W. (1996). "Marketing and the Wealth of Firms", Journal of Macromarketing, 16(1): 4-24.
- FIALOVÁ, H. (2014). Tertiary Sector Analysis in the Eu Countries. Paper presented at the Proceedings in EIIC-The 3rd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference.
- FOURASTIÉ, J. (1949). "Le Grand Espoir Du Xxe Siècle: Progrès Technique, Progrès Économique, Progrès Social ", Presses universitaires de France.
- GEORGE, D., ve MALLERY, P. (2003). "Spss for Windows Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference (Vol. 10/e)", Pearson Education India.
- GOH, J. W. P. (2003). "The Resource Advantage Theory of Competition: Implications for Higher Educational Institutions in Singapore", Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 2(2): 93-106.
- GRÖNROOS, C. (1994). "From Marketing Mix to Relationship Marketing", MANAGEMENT DECISION, 32(2): 4-20.
- HAMEL, G., ve PRAHALAD, C. K. (1994). "Competing for the Future ", Harvard Business School Press, Boston, Massachusetts.
- HU, L.-T., ve BENTLER, P. M. (1999). "Cutoff Criteria for Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Analysis: Conventional Criteria Versus New Alternatives", Structural equation modeling: a multidisciplinary journal, 6(1): 1-55.
- HUNT, S. D. (1995). "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition toward Explaining Productivity and Economic Growth", Journal of Management Inquiry, 4(4): 317-332.
- HUNT, S. D. (1997a). "Competing through Relationships: Grounding Relationship Marketing in Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of Marketing Management, 13(5): 431-445.
- HUNT, S. D. (1997b). "Evolutionary Economics, Endogenous Growth Models, and Resource-Advantage Theory", Eastern Economic Journal, 23(4): 425-439.
- HUNT, S. D. (1997c). "Resource-Advantage Theory: An Evolutionary Theory of Competitive Firm Behavior?", Journal of Economic Issues, 31(1): 59-78.
- HUNT, S. D. (2000). “A General Theory of Competition: Resources, Competences, Productivity, Economic Growth”, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California.
- HUNT, S. D., ve ARNETT, D. B. (2001). "Competition as an Evolutionary Process and Antitrust Policy", Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 20(1): 15-26.
- HUNT, S. D., ARNETT, D. B., ve MADHAVARAM, S. (2006). "The Explanatory Foundations of Relationship Marketing Theory", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 21(2): 72-87.
- HUNT, S. D., ve DEROZIER, C. (2004). "The Normative Imperatives of Business and Marketing Strategy: Grounding Strategy in Resource-Advantage Theory", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 19(1): 5-22.
- HUNT, S. D., ve DUHAN, D. F. (2002). "Competition in the Third Millennium: Efficiency or Effectiveness?", Journal of Business Research, 55(2): 97-102.
- HUNT, S. D., ve LAMBE, C. (2000). "Marketing's Contribution to Business Strategy: Market Orientation, Relationship Marketing and Resource-Advantage Theory", International Journal of Management, 2(1): 17-43.
- HUNT, S. D., LAMBE, C. J., ve WITTMANN, C. M. (2002). "A Theory and Model of Business Alliance Success", Journal of Relationship Marketing, 1(1): 17-35.
- HUNT, S. D., ve MORGAN, R. M. (1995). "The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition", Journal of marketing, 59(2): 1-15.
- HUNT, S. D., ve MORGAN, R. M. (1996). "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: Dynamics, Path Dependencies, and Evolutionary Dimensions", The Journal of marketing, 60: 107-114.
- HUNT, S. D., ve MORGAN, R. M. (1997). "Resource-Advantage Theory: A Snake Swallowing Its Tail or a General Theory of Competition?", Journal of marketing, 61(4): 74-82.
- HUNT, S. D., ve MORGAN, R. M. (2004). "The Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition: A Review", N. K. Malhotra (Ed.), Review of Marketing Research (153-207), M.E. Sharpe, London, England.
- JAP, S. D. (1999). "Pie-Expansion Efforts: Collaboration Processes in Buyer-Supplier Relationships", Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 36(4): 461-475.
- JAP, S. D. (2001). "The Strategic Role of the Salesforce in Developing Customer Satisfaction across the Relationship Lifecycle", Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 21(2): 95-108.
- KALE, P., SINGH, H., ve PERLMUTTER, H. (2000). "Learning and Protection of Proprietary Assets in Strategic Alliances: Building Relational Capital", Strategic management journal, 21(3): 217-237.
- KALKıNMA, B. (2015). "Türkiye Girişimcilik Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2015-2018".
- KALWANI, M. U., ve NARAYANDAS, N. (1995). "Long-Term Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: Do They Pay Off for Supplier Firms?", Journal of marketing, 59(1): 1-16.
- KUMAR, N., STERN, L. W., ve ACHROL, R. S. (1992). "Assessing Reseller Performance from the Perspective of the Supplier", Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 29(2): 238-253.
- LADO, A. A., BOYD, N. G., ve WRIGHT, P. (1992). "A Competency-Based Model of Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Toward a Conceptual Integration", Journal of management, 18(1): 77-91.
- LAMBE, C. J., SPEKMAN, R. E., ve HUNT, S. D. (2002). "Alliance Competence, Resources, and Alliance Success: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Initial Test", Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 30(2): 141-158.
- LEWIS, M. A., ve GREGORY, M. J. (1996). "Developing and Applying a Process Approach to Competence Analysis", R. Sanchez & A. Heene (eds.), Dynamics of Competence-Based Competition (141-164), Pergamon, Oxford, UK.
- MASUDA, Y. (1980). "The Information Society as Post-Industrial Society ", World Future Society, Washington, D.C.
- MORGAN, R. M., ve HUNT, S. D. (1994). "The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing", Journal of marketing, 58(3): 20-38.
- NICULESCU, M., XU, B., HAMPTON, G. M., ve PETERSON, R. T. (2013). "Market Orientation and Its Measurement in Universities", Administrative Issues Journal: Education, Practice, and Research, 3(2): 75-85.
- OECD. (2011). “Actor Brief: Higher Education Institutes (HEIs)”, http://www.oecd.org/innovation/policyplatform/, 12.12.2016.
- OECD. (2015). "Oecd Digital Economy Outlook 2015 ", OECD Publishing, Paris.
- PARVATIYAR, A., ve SHETH, J. N. (1992). "Paradigm Shift in Interfirm Marketing Relationships: Emerging Research Issues", Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
- PRAHALAD, C. K., ve HAMEL, G. (1990). “The Core Competence of the Corporation”, Harvard Business Review, May-June, 79-91.
- RUMELT, R. (1984). "Towards a Strategic Theory of the Firm", R. Lamb (eds.), Competitive Strategic Management, (556-570), Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs.
- SANCHEZ, R., HEENE, A., ve THOMAS, H. (1996). "Dynamics of Competence-Based Competition: Theory and Practice in the New Strategic Management ", Pergamon.
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