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Taze Gıda Alışverişlerinde Tüketicilerin Tekrar Satın Alma Niyetini Etkileyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 271 - 289, 30.01.2025


Hızla büyüyen hizmet sektörünün alt bileşenlerinden biri olan taze gıda sektöründe, nasıl bir hizmet ortamı sunulduğu son yıllarda kendini fazlasıyla göstermektedir. Pazarlamanın önemli unsurlarından biri olan hizmet ortamının etkisinin ölçülmeye çalışıldığı bu çalışmada, taze gıda sektörü özelinde mağaza destek hizmetleri, mağaza içi kalite ve ürün özellikleri boyutları değerlendirilerek tüketicilerin tekrar satın alma niyeti üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. PLS-SEM, yapısal eşitlik modeli kullanılarak yapılan analiz sonucuna göre, taze gıda alışverişinde, mağaza destek hizmetleri ve ürün özellikleri tüketici memnuniyetinde etkili iken, mağaza içi kalitenin tüketicilerin tekrar satın alma niyetleri üzerindeki etkisinin anlamlı olmadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Mağaza destek hizmetleri ve ürün özelliklerinin, özellikle taze gıda ürünlerinde tüketici davranışını doğrudan etkilediği ve tüketicilere değer katan mağaza hizmetleri ve nitelikli ürün sunulmasının, tüketicilerin memnuniyetini artırarak tekrar satın alma olasılığını yükselttiği neticesine varılmıştır.


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  • Ahakwa, I., Yang, J., Tackie, E., & Atingabili, S. (2021). The influence of employee engagement, work environment and job satisfaction on organizational commitment and performance of employees: a sampling weights in pls path modelling. Seisense Journal of Management, 4(3), 34-62. 1
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  • Ali, K., Whitebridge, S., Jamal, M., Alsafy, M., & Atkin, S. (2020). Perceptions, knowledge, and behaviors related to covid-19 among social media users: cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e19913.
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A Study on The Factors Affecting to Consumers Re-Purchasing Intention During Fresh Food Shopping

Year 2025, Volume: 9 Issue: 1, 271 - 289, 30.01.2025


In the fresh food sector, which is one of the subcomponents of the rapidly growing service sector, the kind of service environment offered has been greatly evident in recent years. In this study, which attempts to measure the effect of the service environment, which is one of the important elements of marketing, it is aimed to reveal the effect of store support services, in-store quality and product features on consumers' repurchase intention by evaluating the dimensions of store support services, in-store quality and product features specifically for the fresh food sector. According to the analysis results using the PLS-SEM structural equation model, it was concluded that while store support services and product features are effective on consumer satisfaction in fresh food shopping, the effect of in-store quality on consumers' repurchase intentions is not significant. It was concluded that store support services and product features directly affect consumer behavior, especially in fresh food products, and that store services and quality products that add value to consumers increase the likelihood of repurchase by increasing consumer satisfaction.


  • Adda, G., Donkor, G., Azigwe, J., & Odai, N. (2021). Management commitment and corporate sustainability integration into small and medium-scale enterprises: a mediation effect of strategic decision-making. Economics Management and Sustainability, 6(2), 6-20.
  • Adnan, N., Kassim, C., & Ali, R. (2019). Ethical ideology and information manipulation: are the relativists really the bad apples?. International Journal of Ethics and Systems, 35(4), 513-530.
  • Ahakwa, I., Yang, J., Tackie, E., & Atingabili, S. (2021). The influence of employee engagement, work environment and job satisfaction on organizational commitment and performance of employees: a sampling weights in pls path modelling. Seisense Journal of Management, 4(3), 34-62. 1
  • Akaydın, H. (2007). Perakende mağaza atmosferinin müşterilerin satın alma kararı üzerindeki rolü: Eskişehir ilindeki alışveriş merkezi müşterileri ile bir araştırma, (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). adresinden edinilmiştir.
  • Ali, K., Whitebridge, S., Jamal, M., Alsafy, M., & Atkin, S. (2020). Perceptions, knowledge, and behaviors related to covid-19 among social media users: cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(9), e19913.
  • Almahri, F. (2024). Chatbot technology use and acceptance using educational personas. Informatics, 11(2), 38.
  • Antony, R., Khanapuri, V. B., & Jain, K. (2018). Customer expectations and moderating role of demographics in fresh food retail: A study among Indian consumers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management,46(9), 870-890.
  • Antoun, C., Zhang, C., Conrad, F. G., & Schober, M. F. (2016). Comparisons of online recruitment strategies for conve nience samples: Craigslist, Google AdWords, Facebook, and Amazon Mechanical Turk. Field Methods. 28(3), 231–46.
  • Arafah, N. (2023). Hedonic and utilitarian santri in halal product consumption behavior. Devotion Journal of Research and Community Service, 4(4), 923-930.
  • Arlanda, R., & Suroso, A. (2018). The influence of food & beverage quality, service quality, place and perceived price to customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. Journal of Research in Management, 1(1), 28-37.
  • Belizzi, J,. & Hite, R. (1992). Environmental colour, consumer feelings and purchase likelihood. Psychology and Marketing, 9(5), 347-363.
  • Bengül, S., & Güven, Ö. (2019). Yiyecek içecek işletmelerinde fiziksel ortam kalitesi, yiyecek kalitesi ve servis kalitesinin algılanan değer, müşteri memnuniyeti ve müşteri bağlılığı üzerindeki etkisi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(42), 375-406.
  • Bergeron, J. (2004). Antecedent sand Consequences of SalespersonListeningEffectiveness in Buyer-Seller Relationships (Doctoral dissertation, Concordia University). Retrievedfrom
  • Berman, B., & Evans, J. R. (2007). Retail Management: A Strategic Approach (10. Baskı).Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Bhakar, S., Agrawal, A. K., Suthar, B. K., Verma, S., Verma, A., Singhal, K., & Singh, P. (2013). Impact of service quality, physical environment, employee behavior on consumer p erception. Prestige. International Journal of Management & IT-Sanchayan, 2(2), 117-133.
  • Bilici, F. (2024). Tüketicilerin doğal bal algısı ve satınalma davranışlarını etkileyen faktörler üzerine bir araştırma. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 24(1), 93-125.
  • Bitner, M. J. (1990). Evaluating service encounters, the effects of physical surroundings and employee responses. The Journal of Marketing, 54(2), 69-82.
  • Bitner, M. J. (1991). The evolution of the services marketing mix and its relationship to service quality. In Brown, S., Gummesson, E., Edvardsson, B., & Gustavsson, B. (Eds.), Service Quality: A Multidisciplinary and Multinational Perspective (pp. 23-37). Lexington Books.
  • Buaban, S., Nitivattananon, V., Shrestha, S., & Szabo, S. (2021). Exploring the factors associated with climate-related issues in a special economic development zone: application of a dpsir framework. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 16(8), 1529-1540.
  • Buck, R., & Minvielle, A. (2014). Fresh Take on Food Retailing. McKinsey Company, Erişim adresi:, (11.09.2024).
  • Burgos-Benavides, L. (2023). Instruments of child-to-parent violence: systematic review and meta-analysis. Healthcare, 11(24), 3192.
  • Burzyńska, J., Rękas, M., & Januszewicz, P. (2022). Evaluating the psychometric properties of the ehealth literacy scale (eheals) among polish social media users. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 4067.
  • Can, M., Avcı, A., & Etemoğlu, A. B. (2008). Teknik Tesisat El Kitabı (1. Baskı). Dora Yayıncılık.
  • Chan, S., & Lay, Y. (2018). Examining the reliability and validity of research instruments using partial least squares structural equation modeling (pls-sem). Journal of Baltic Science Education, 17(2), 239-251.
  • Choi, B. J., & Kim, H. S. (2013). The impact of outcome quality, interaction quality, and Peerto-Peer quality on customer satisfaction with a hospital service. Managing Service Quality, 23(3),188-204.
  • Fauzan, A., Triyono, M., Hardiyanta, R., Daryono, R., & Arifah, S. (2023). The effect of internship and work motivation on students' work readiness in vocational education: pls-sem approach. Journal of Innovation in Educational and Cultural Research, 4(1), 26-34.
  • Fishbein, M., & Arjen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research (1th Edition). Addison-Wesley.
  • Garson, G. D. (2016). Partial least squares: Regression and structural equation models. Statistical Associates Publishers.
  • Gilbert, D. (2013). Retail Marketing Management. (2nd Ed). Prentice Hall.
  • Grönroos, C. (1988). Service quality: The six criteria of good perceived service. Review of business, 9(3), 10-13.
  • Hair, J., Risher, J., Sarstedt, M., & Ringle, C. (2019). When to use and how to report the results of pls-sem. European Business Review, 31(1), 2-24.
  • Hebert, P. R. (2001). Shedding some light on store atmospherics: Influence of illumination on consumer behavior, Journal of Business Research, 54(2),145-150.
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There are 93 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Service Marketing
Journal Section Makaleler

Emrah Temur This is me 0009-0008-9156-7243

Fatih Bilici 0000-0003-4803-0463

Nilüfer Altundal Biyan 0000-0002-5594-2615

Publication Date January 30, 2025
Submission Date September 30, 2024
Acceptance Date January 28, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 9 Issue: 1


APA Temur, E., Bilici, F., & Altundal Biyan, N. (2025). Taze Gıda Alışverişlerinde Tüketicilerin Tekrar Satın Alma Niyetini Etkileyen Faktörler Üzerine Bir Çalışma. Alanya Akademik Bakış, 9(1), 271-289.