Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute

ISSN: 1300-0225 (print)
E-ISSN 2667-6087 (online)

Dear readers; we are proud to share the anniversary of ANADOLU 30th year with you.

ANADOLU, Journal of Aegean Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) of Republic of Turkey Ministry Agriculture and Forestry is devoted to original scientific research articles.

ANADOLU was established in 1991 in order to provide a prestigious exchange within the fields of agricultural sciences and 496 articles have been published to date.

ANADOLU is an international, peer-reviewed (Double-Blind Peer Reviewing), and open access journal, is publishes twice a year (June and December) in Turkish and English.

ANADOLU is indexed by TUBITAK-TR Index, CABI Direct, CAB Abstracts, AGRIS, EBSCO, SOBIAD, Google Scholars, CiteFactor and located in DERGIPARK Academic.

ANADOLU is in the process of being evaluated by Web of Science (Wos) Clarivate Analytics.

The articles published in the journal are identified with the DOI number in accordance with the agreement made with Crossref under the sponsorship of ULAKBİM - DERGIPARK.

It is fascinating to see how much progress we have made by just looking at the early issues of ANADOLU. It goes without saying that of the remarkably rapid progress ANADOLU had made in achieving that aim and how we looked forward eagerly to publishing its 30th anniversary edition.

It is wonderful to see that volume 30 represents the 30th anniversary of ANADOLU in 2020.

I would like to extend sincere thanks to AARI colleagues who have worked for ANADOLU over the last 30 years in making the ANADOLU the powerful voice in agricultural science in Turkey and internationally as well.

ANADOLU thanks to them has become a leading scientific journal in Turkey.

I am in deep gratitude to the many people who have contributed to the success of this journal over three decades. These include the previous directors of AARI who served as president of ANADOLU, Editor-in-Chiefs, Editorial Board Members, Advisory Committee/Scientific Board members and the many peer reviewers who have donated their time to ensure the rigor and quality of the journal.

We greatly appreciate the authors who have chosen ANADOLU to publish their research work.

We are also grateful for the staff at TUBITAK-TR Index and DERGIPARK Academic, and our printing house ‘Meta Basım’ for assisting us in producing a high-quality journal across both print and in electronic platforms.

Finally, I would like to thank you to all our readers.


President of ANADOLU
Director of AARI

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