Research Article
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Changing the Game: Why Can't More Women Participate in Sports?

Year 2019, , 9 - 17, 05.11.2019


As in other aspects of society, the current status of women in sports is
the result of a long and difficult history. In academic studies, a strong link
between women's and girls' participation in sports and education achievement is
established. Sports also play an important role in the physical, mental,
emotional, social and psychological development of participants without gender
discrimination. Men and women are equal definitely, however, women are still
faced with the problem of gender inequality in many underdeveloped and
developing countries. Gender is an important social factor that should be
included in all the theoretical analyzes of sport with social class, race and
age. Increasing women's visibility and participation in sports and physical activity
is also important in terms of gender studies. In this context, the purpose of
this study is to elucidate some of the missing issues by examining the sport in
the framework of gender analysis.   


  • Acker, J. (1990). Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations. Gender and Society, 4, 139–158.
  • Acker, J. (1992). Gendering Organizational Theory. Gendering Organizational Analysis, Haz. Albert J. Mills ve Peta Tancred. Newbury Park, US: Sage Publications.
  • Bogaert, S. & Vloeberghs, D. (2005). Differentiated and Individualized Personnel Management. European Management Journal, 23, 483–493.
  • Brady, M. & Arjmand, B. K. (2002). Letting Girls Play: The Mathare Youth Sport Association’s Football Program for Girls. Population Council. Erişim:
  • Brady, M. (2005). Creating Safe Spaces and Building Social Assets for Young Women in the Developing World: A New Role for Sports. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 33(1&2), 35-49.
  • Claringbould, I. & Knoppers, A. (2007). Finding a “Normal” Woman: Selection Processes for Board Membership. Sex Roles, 56, 495–507.
  • Claringbould, I. & Knoppers, A. (2012). Paradoxical Practices of Gender in Sport Related Organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 26(5), 404–16.
  • Connell, R. (2009). Gender in World Perspective. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Edwards, S. D. (2009). Three Versions of an Ethics of Care. Nursing Philosophy, 10, 231–240.
  • Ely, R. J. & Meyerson, D. E. (2000). Advancing Gender Equity in Organizations: The Challenge and Importance of Maintaining a Gender Narrative. Organization, 7, 589–608.
  • Fasting, K. & Pfister, G. (1997). Opportunities and Barriers for Sport for Women in Turkey: A Pilot Study. Yayımlanmamış çalışma, Berlin/Oslo.
  • Hampson, T. & Olchawski, J. (2009). Is equality fair? London: Fabian Society.
  • Hargreaves, J. (1990). Gender on the Sports Agenda. The International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 25(4), 287-307.
  • Hargreaves, J. (1994). Sporting Females, Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women‘s Sports. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hargreaves, J. (1999). The 'Women's International Sports Movement': Local-Global Strategies and Empowerment. Women’s Studies International Forum, 22(5), 461-471.
  • Hargreaves, J. (2000). Heroines of Sport: The Politics of Difference and Identity. London: Routledge.
  • Hargreaves, J. (2004). Querying Sport Feminism: Personal or Political. Sport and Modern Social Theorists. Haz. Richard Giulianotti. Basingstoke: Plagrave.
  • Haveman, H. (2012). If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You the Boss? Explaining the Persistent Vertical Gender Gap in Management. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639, 114–130.
  • Hoeber, L. (2007). Exploring the Gaps between Meanings and Practices of Gender Equity in a Sport Organization. Gender, Work and Organization, 14, 259–280.
  • Hoeber, L. (2008). Gender Equity for Athletes: Multiple Understandings of an Organizational Value. Sex Roles, 58, 58–71.
  • Jorgensen, B. T. & Bozeman, B. (2007). Public Values: An Inventory. Administration and Society, 39(3), 354–381.
  • Kanter, R. M. (1977). Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books.
  • Knoppers, A. & McDonald, M. (2010). Scholarship on Gender and Sport in Sex Roles and Beyond. Sex Roles, 63, 311–323.
  • Knoppers, A. (2011). Giving Meaning to Sport Involvement in Managerial Work. Gender, Work and Organization, 18, 1–22.
  • Koca, C. (2011). Spor Kurumlarının Yönetim Kademelerinde Kadınların Temsili. Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(1), 1-12.
  • Koca, C. (2018). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin İzlenmesi Projesi: Sporda Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Haritalama ve İzleme Çalışması. Ankara: CEID Yayınları:11, Nika Yayınları.
  • Koca, C. & Bulgu N. (2005). Spor ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Genel Bir Bakış. Toplum ve Bilim, 103, 163-184.
  • Lyon, D. & Woodward, A. (2004). Gender and Time at the Top: Cultural Constructions of Time in High-Level Careers and Homes. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 11, 205–221.
  • McKinnon, C. (1987). Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Meier, M. (2005). Gender Equity, Sport and Development. Swiss Academy for Development Working Paper: Biel. Erişim:
  • Messner, M. (1991). Power at Play: Sports and the Problem of Masculinity. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Messner, M. (2002). Taking the Field: Women, Men, and Sports. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Messner, M. (2009). It’s All for the Kids: Gender, Families, and Youth Sports. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • Meyerson, D. E. & Kolb, D. M. (2000). Moving Out of the ‘Armchair’: Developing a Framework to Bridge the Gap Between Feminist Theory and Practice. Organization, 7, 553–571.
  • Saavedra, M. (2004). Gender and Sport. A Companion to Gender Studies. Haz. Philomena Essed, Audrey Kobayashi ve D. T. Goldberg. London: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Saavedra, M. (2005). Sport. A Companion to Gender Studies. Haz. Philomena Essed, David Theo Goldberg ve Audrey Kobayashi. Oxford: Blackwell. 437-454.
  • Sabo, D., Miller, K., Farrell, M., Barnes, G. & Melnick, M. (1998). The Women’s Sports Foundation Report: Sport and Teen Pregnancy. New York: Women's Sports Foundation.
  • Sagas, M. & Cunningham, G. (2004). Does Having the ‘Right Stuff’ matter? Gender Differences in the Determinants of Career Success Among Intercollegiate Athletic Administrators. Sex Roles, 50, 411–421.
  • Theberge, N. (1985). Toward a Feminist Alternative to Sport as a Male Preserve. Quest, 37(2), 193-202.
  • Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi (2017). Erişim: 18 Mart 2019,
  • Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi (2007). Erişim: 18 Mart 2019,
  • Willis, P. (1992). Women in Sport in Ideology. Sport, Culture and Ideology. Haz. Jennifer Hargreaves. London: Routledge.
  • World Conference on Women and Sport (2002). The Montreal Tool Kit, Montreal, Canada, Erişim: 18 Mart 2019,
  • Young, I. (1979). The Exclusion of Women from Sport: Conceptual and Existential Dimensions. Philosophy in Context, 9, 44-53.

Oyunu Değiştirmek: Neden Daha Fazla Kadın Spora Katılım Sağlayamıyor?

Year 2019, , 9 - 17, 05.11.2019


diğer yönlerinde olduğu gibi, kadınların da spordaki mevcut durumu uzun ve
zorlu bir tarihin sonucudur. Akademik çalışmalarda, kadınların ve kız
çocuklarının spora katılımı ve eğitim başarısı arasında güçlü bir bağlantı
kurulmaktadır. Spor, ayrıca, cinsiyet ayrımcılığı olmadan katılımcıların
fiziksel, zihinsel, duygusal, sosyal ve psikolojik gelişiminde önemli rol
oynamaktadır. Elbette erkek ve kadın eşittir, ancak yine de kadınlar hala
birçok az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde cinsiyet eşitsizliği sorunuyla
karşı karşıyadır. Cinsiyet; sosyal sınıf, ırk ve yaş ile birlikte sporun teorik
olarak tüm analizlerine dâhil edilmesi gereken önemli bir sosyal etmendir.
Kadınların spor ve fiziksel aktivite alanındaki görünürlüğünü ve katılımlarını
artırmak toplumsal cinsiyet çalışmaları açısından da önemlidir. Bu çerçevede,
bu çalışmanın amacı sporu cinsiyet analizi çerçevesinde inceleyerek bazı eksik
konuları aydınlatmaktır. Ayrıca, cinsiyetçi yaklaşımı ortadan kaldırmak için
kadınların karar verme ve liderlik pozisyonlarında yer almalarını sağlamak,
sporda şiddet, istismar ve tacize karşı savaşmak için politikaların
geliştirilmesi ve uygulamaya başlaması gerekliliği belirtilmektedir.


  • Acker, J. (1990). Hierarchies, Jobs, Bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations. Gender and Society, 4, 139–158.
  • Acker, J. (1992). Gendering Organizational Theory. Gendering Organizational Analysis, Haz. Albert J. Mills ve Peta Tancred. Newbury Park, US: Sage Publications.
  • Bogaert, S. & Vloeberghs, D. (2005). Differentiated and Individualized Personnel Management. European Management Journal, 23, 483–493.
  • Brady, M. & Arjmand, B. K. (2002). Letting Girls Play: The Mathare Youth Sport Association’s Football Program for Girls. Population Council. Erişim:
  • Brady, M. (2005). Creating Safe Spaces and Building Social Assets for Young Women in the Developing World: A New Role for Sports. Women’s Studies Quarterly, 33(1&2), 35-49.
  • Claringbould, I. & Knoppers, A. (2007). Finding a “Normal” Woman: Selection Processes for Board Membership. Sex Roles, 56, 495–507.
  • Claringbould, I. & Knoppers, A. (2012). Paradoxical Practices of Gender in Sport Related Organizations. Journal of Sport Management, 26(5), 404–16.
  • Connell, R. (2009). Gender in World Perspective. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Edwards, S. D. (2009). Three Versions of an Ethics of Care. Nursing Philosophy, 10, 231–240.
  • Ely, R. J. & Meyerson, D. E. (2000). Advancing Gender Equity in Organizations: The Challenge and Importance of Maintaining a Gender Narrative. Organization, 7, 589–608.
  • Fasting, K. & Pfister, G. (1997). Opportunities and Barriers for Sport for Women in Turkey: A Pilot Study. Yayımlanmamış çalışma, Berlin/Oslo.
  • Hampson, T. & Olchawski, J. (2009). Is equality fair? London: Fabian Society.
  • Hargreaves, J. (1990). Gender on the Sports Agenda. The International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 25(4), 287-307.
  • Hargreaves, J. (1994). Sporting Females, Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women‘s Sports. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Hargreaves, J. (1999). The 'Women's International Sports Movement': Local-Global Strategies and Empowerment. Women’s Studies International Forum, 22(5), 461-471.
  • Hargreaves, J. (2000). Heroines of Sport: The Politics of Difference and Identity. London: Routledge.
  • Hargreaves, J. (2004). Querying Sport Feminism: Personal or Political. Sport and Modern Social Theorists. Haz. Richard Giulianotti. Basingstoke: Plagrave.
  • Haveman, H. (2012). If You’re So Smart, Why Aren’t You the Boss? Explaining the Persistent Vertical Gender Gap in Management. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 639, 114–130.
  • Hoeber, L. (2007). Exploring the Gaps between Meanings and Practices of Gender Equity in a Sport Organization. Gender, Work and Organization, 14, 259–280.
  • Hoeber, L. (2008). Gender Equity for Athletes: Multiple Understandings of an Organizational Value. Sex Roles, 58, 58–71.
  • Jorgensen, B. T. & Bozeman, B. (2007). Public Values: An Inventory. Administration and Society, 39(3), 354–381.
  • Kanter, R. M. (1977). Men and Women of the Corporation. New York: Basic Books.
  • Knoppers, A. & McDonald, M. (2010). Scholarship on Gender and Sport in Sex Roles and Beyond. Sex Roles, 63, 311–323.
  • Knoppers, A. (2011). Giving Meaning to Sport Involvement in Managerial Work. Gender, Work and Organization, 18, 1–22.
  • Koca, C. (2011). Spor Kurumlarının Yönetim Kademelerinde Kadınların Temsili. Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 22(1), 1-12.
  • Koca, C. (2018). Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin İzlenmesi Projesi: Sporda Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği Haritalama ve İzleme Çalışması. Ankara: CEID Yayınları:11, Nika Yayınları.
  • Koca, C. & Bulgu N. (2005). Spor ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Genel Bir Bakış. Toplum ve Bilim, 103, 163-184.
  • Lyon, D. & Woodward, A. (2004). Gender and Time at the Top: Cultural Constructions of Time in High-Level Careers and Homes. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 11, 205–221.
  • McKinnon, C. (1987). Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  • Meier, M. (2005). Gender Equity, Sport and Development. Swiss Academy for Development Working Paper: Biel. Erişim:
  • Messner, M. (1991). Power at Play: Sports and the Problem of Masculinity. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Messner, M. (2002). Taking the Field: Women, Men, and Sports. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Messner, M. (2009). It’s All for the Kids: Gender, Families, and Youth Sports. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • Meyerson, D. E. & Kolb, D. M. (2000). Moving Out of the ‘Armchair’: Developing a Framework to Bridge the Gap Between Feminist Theory and Practice. Organization, 7, 553–571.
  • Saavedra, M. (2004). Gender and Sport. A Companion to Gender Studies. Haz. Philomena Essed, Audrey Kobayashi ve D. T. Goldberg. London: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Saavedra, M. (2005). Sport. A Companion to Gender Studies. Haz. Philomena Essed, David Theo Goldberg ve Audrey Kobayashi. Oxford: Blackwell. 437-454.
  • Sabo, D., Miller, K., Farrell, M., Barnes, G. & Melnick, M. (1998). The Women’s Sports Foundation Report: Sport and Teen Pregnancy. New York: Women's Sports Foundation.
  • Sagas, M. & Cunningham, G. (2004). Does Having the ‘Right Stuff’ matter? Gender Differences in the Determinants of Career Success Among Intercollegiate Athletic Administrators. Sex Roles, 50, 411–421.
  • Theberge, N. (1985). Toward a Feminist Alternative to Sport as a Male Preserve. Quest, 37(2), 193-202.
  • Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi (2017). Erişim: 18 Mart 2019,
  • Uluslararası Olimpiyat Komitesi (2007). Erişim: 18 Mart 2019,
  • Willis, P. (1992). Women in Sport in Ideology. Sport, Culture and Ideology. Haz. Jennifer Hargreaves. London: Routledge.
  • World Conference on Women and Sport (2002). The Montreal Tool Kit, Montreal, Canada, Erişim: 18 Mart 2019,
  • Young, I. (1979). The Exclusion of Women from Sport: Conceptual and Existential Dimensions. Philosophy in Context, 9, 44-53.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Onur Burak Çelik 0000-0003-3400-5929

Meltem İnce Yenilmez 0000-0002-4689-3196

Publication Date November 5, 2019
Acceptance Date November 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Çelik, O. B., & İnce Yenilmez, M. (2019). Oyunu Değiştirmek: Neden Daha Fazla Kadın Spora Katılım Sağlayamıyor?. Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7, 9-17.

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.