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Bandırma Koyununun Alman Siyah Başlı Et Koyunu x Kıvırcık Süt Verimi ve Süt Bileşenlerine Yıl, Laktasyon Sırası ve Doğum Tipinin Etkisi

Year 2016, , 89 - 98, 01.01.2016


Bu araştırma, Bandırma koyunlarının laktasyon süt verimi LSV , 150 gün laktasyon uzunluğuna göre düzeltilmiş süt verimi LSV150 , laktasyon uzunluğu LU , günlük ortalama süt verimi GOSV ve süt bileşenlerine SB yıl, laktasyon sırası ve doğum tipinin etkisini araştırmak için gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma, 2011 ve 2012 yıllarında sırasıyla 54 ve 70 koyun ile yarı entansif koşullar altında yürütülmüştür. Bandırma koyunlarının LSV, LSV150, LU ve GOSV’i sırasıyla 70.31 kg, 73.29 kg, 142.02 gün ve 488.19 g olarak tespit edilmiştir. LS üzerine yılın etkisi önemli P


  • Altın T (2001). Variation of milk yield in sheep during lactation period and estimation of lactation milk yield by means of different methods. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science 11(2): 1-7
  • Al-Jundi A (2010). Milk yield and lamb growth of Syrian- Awassi sheep graze on cereal and cereal-legume mixture forages. MSc. Thesis. Çukurova Unversity, Institute of Natural and Applied Science. Adana
  • Barillet Astruc F J M, de Brauwer P, Casu P S, Fabbri G, Feddersen E, Frangos K, Gabina D, Gama L T, Ruiz T J L & Sanna S R (1992). Int. Committee for Animal Recording Guidelines: International Regulations for Milk Recording in Sheep. pp. 15, Ins, de Elevage, Paris, France
  • Ceyhan A, Erdoğan İ, Kaptan C, Taluğ A M & Ada M (2006a). A study on production performance of Pure Kıvırcık, German Blackhead, F1 (German Black Head x Kıvırcık) and B1 (German Blackhead x F1) ewes under Bandırma Condition. ÇÜ Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 21(1): 37-44
  • Ceyhan A, Kaptan C, Ada M, Erdoğan İ & Taluğ A M (2006b). The physiological reactions in Bandırma environment conditions of Kıvırcık, German Black Headed Mutton, (GBH x Kıvırcık) F1 and (GBH x F1) B1 ewe. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(2): 113-120
  • Ceyhan A, Erdoğan İ & Sezenler T (2007). Some production characteristics of Kıvırcık, Gökçeada and Sakız breeds of sheep conserved as gene resources. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 4(2): 211-218
  • Ceyhan A, Hanoglu H, Sezenler T & Erdogan İ (2008). The improvement studies on mutton sheep for Marmara region conditions. 2. Fattening and carcass characteristics of lambs. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 14(6): 606-615
  • Ceyhan A, Sezenler T, Erdogan İ & Torun O (2011). The improvement studies on Mutton sheep for Marmara Region conditions: I. Fertility, lamb survival and growth performance of lambs. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 35: 79-86
  • De Renobales M, Amores G, Arranz J, Virto M, Barrón L J R, Bustamante M A, Ruiz de Gordoa J C & Nájera A I (2012). Part-time grazing improves sheep milk production and its nutritional characteristics. Food Chemistry 130(1): 90-96
  • Esen F & Özbey O (2002). Fertility and milk yield characteristics in White Karaman and Chios x White Karaman (F1) Crossbred Sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 26: 503-509
  • Evrim M, Demir H & Başpınar H (1992). Production performance of Kıvırcık sheep under semi-intensive conditions II. Fertility, milk production, body weight and wool characteristics of ewes. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary University İstanbul 17(2): 13-24
  • Iniguez L & Hilali M (2009). Evaluation of Awassi genotypes for improved milk production in Syria. Livestock Science 120: 232-239
  • Karaca O, Akyüz N, Andıç S & Altın T (2003). Milk yield characteristics of Karakaş sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 27: 589-594
  • Karaoğlu M, Macit M & Aksoy A (2001). Milk production traits of Tushin sheep in semi-intensive conditions. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 25: 249-253
  • Kaymakçı M, Koşum N & Taşkın T (2002). Type fixation at Sönmez sheep (2. Some Body Measurements and Milk Yield Traits). EU Faculty of Agriculture 39(2): 95-101
  • Kaymakçı M, Eliçin A, Işın F, Taşkın T, Karaca O, Tuncel E, Ertuğrul M, Özder M, Güney O, Gürsoy O, Torun O, Altın T, Emsen H, Seymen S, Geren H, Odabaşı A & Sönmez R (2005). Thecnical and economical approaches on Turkey’s small ruminant breeding. Thecnical Congress of TMMOB Agricultural Engineering Association. 3-7 January, Ankara, pp.707-726
  • Kaymakçı M (2010). Advanced Sheep Breeding. Improved Second Edition. Sheep and Goat Breeders Association of Publications. Published by University of Ege. Bornova, İzmir
  • Koncagül S, Daşkıran İ & Bingöl M (2012a). Factors affecting lactation milk yield and lactation curve of Norduz sheep in farmer condition. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18(4): 677-684
  • Koncagül S, Karataş A, Akça N, Vural M E & Bingöl M (2012b). Factors affecting lactation milk yield and some lactation characteristics of Zom sheep in farmer conditions. Iğdır University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 2(4): 87-93
  • Kralickova S, Pokorna M, Kuchtik J & Filipcik R (2012). Effect of parity and stage of lactation on milk yield, composition and quality of organic sheep milk. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 9(1): 71-78
  • Kuchtik J, Sustova K, Urban T & Zapletal D (2008). Effect of the stage of lactation on milk composition, its properties and the quality of rennet curdling in East Friesian ewes. Czech Journal of Animal Science 53(2): 55-63
  • Morand-Fehr P, Fedele V, Decandia M & Le Frileux Y (2007). Influence of farming and feeding systems on composition and quality of goat and sheep milk. Small Ruminant Research 68: 20-34
  • Mundan D & Özbeyaz C (2004). Milk yield of White Karaman (WK), Kıvırcık x WK B1 and Chios x WK B1 ewes and growth and livability of crossbred lambs. Journal of Lalahan Livestock Research Institute 44(2): 23-35
  • Murray T L, Blache D B & Bencini R (2009). The selection of dairy sheep on calm temperament before milking and its effect on management and milk production. Small Ruminant Research 87: 45-49
  • Ocak E, Bingöl M & Gökdal Ö (2009). The milk yield and milk components of Nordos sheep breeding in Van. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science 19(2): 85-89
  • Ochoa-Cordero M A,Torres-Hernández G, Ochoa-Alfaro A E,Vega-Roque L & Mandeville P B (2002). Milk yield and compostion of Rambouillet ewes under intensive managment. Small Ruminant Research 43: 269-274
  • Özder M, Kaymakçı M, Taşkın T, Köycü E, Karaağaç F & Sönmez R (2004). Growth and milk yield traits of Türkgeldi sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28: 195-200
  • Park Y, Juarez W M, Ramos M & Haenlein G F W (2007). Physico-chemical characteristics of goat and sheep milk. Small Ruminant Research 68: 88-113
  • Pollotta G E & Gootwine E (2001). A genetic analysis of complete lactation milk production in improved awassi sheep. Livestock Production Science 71: 37-47
  • Reidal K, Al-Azzawi W, Al-Najjar K, Masri Y, Salhab S, Abdo Z, El-Herek I, Omed H & Saatci M (2010). Factors ınfluencing the milk production of awassi sheep in a flock with the selected lines at the Agricultural Scientific Research Centrein Salamieh/ Syria. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(3): 425-430
  • Ruiz R, Oregui L M & Herrero M (2000). Comparison of models for describing the lactation curve of latxa sheep and an analysis of factors affecting milk yield. Journal of Dairy Science 83: 2709-2719
  • SAS (2000). SAS/STAT. SAS Inst. Inc, Cary, NC, USA
  • Sezenler T, Ceyhan A, Yaman Y, Küçükkebabçı M & Yüksel M A (2009). Reproductive and growth characteristics in the first age of Bandırma-I and Bandırma-II crossbred ewe lambs. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 6(3): 265-272
  • Şahan N, Say D & Kaçar A (2005). Changes in chemical and mineral contents of Awassi ewes’ milk during lactation. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29: 589-593
  • TSMS (2012). Turkish State Meteorological Service. Access: 21.12.2012
  • Ünal N, Atasoy F, Aytaç M & Akçapınar H (2002). Milk production in Akkaraman, Sakız (Chios) x Akkaraman F1, Kıvırcık x Akkaraman F1 and Sakız (Chios) x Karayaka B1 Ewes during the first lactation. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 26: 617-622
  • Yılmaz O, Çak B & Bolacalı M (2011). Effects of lactation stage, age, birth type and body weight on chemical composotion of Red Karaman sheep milk. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17(3): 383-386

Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık

Year 2016, , 89 - 98, 01.01.2016


This study was conducted to investigate the effects of year, parity and birth type BT on lactation milk yield LMY , adjusted lactation milk yield based on 150 days lactation length LMY150 , lactation length LL , average daily milk yield ADMY and milk components MC of Bandırma sheep. The study was carried out with 54 ewes in 2011 and 70 ewes in 2012 under semi-intensive conditions. LMY, LMY150, LL and ADMY of Bandırma sheep were determined as 70.31 kg, 73.29 kg, 142.02 days and 488.19 g, respectively. The effect of the year on LL was significant P


  • Altın T (2001). Variation of milk yield in sheep during lactation period and estimation of lactation milk yield by means of different methods. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science 11(2): 1-7
  • Al-Jundi A (2010). Milk yield and lamb growth of Syrian- Awassi sheep graze on cereal and cereal-legume mixture forages. MSc. Thesis. Çukurova Unversity, Institute of Natural and Applied Science. Adana
  • Barillet Astruc F J M, de Brauwer P, Casu P S, Fabbri G, Feddersen E, Frangos K, Gabina D, Gama L T, Ruiz T J L & Sanna S R (1992). Int. Committee for Animal Recording Guidelines: International Regulations for Milk Recording in Sheep. pp. 15, Ins, de Elevage, Paris, France
  • Ceyhan A, Erdoğan İ, Kaptan C, Taluğ A M & Ada M (2006a). A study on production performance of Pure Kıvırcık, German Blackhead, F1 (German Black Head x Kıvırcık) and B1 (German Blackhead x F1) ewes under Bandırma Condition. ÇÜ Journal of Faculty of Agriculture 21(1): 37-44
  • Ceyhan A, Kaptan C, Ada M, Erdoğan İ & Taluğ A M (2006b). The physiological reactions in Bandırma environment conditions of Kıvırcık, German Black Headed Mutton, (GBH x Kıvırcık) F1 and (GBH x F1) B1 ewe. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi-Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(2): 113-120
  • Ceyhan A, Erdoğan İ & Sezenler T (2007). Some production characteristics of Kıvırcık, Gökçeada and Sakız breeds of sheep conserved as gene resources. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 4(2): 211-218
  • Ceyhan A, Hanoglu H, Sezenler T & Erdogan İ (2008). The improvement studies on mutton sheep for Marmara region conditions. 2. Fattening and carcass characteristics of lambs. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 14(6): 606-615
  • Ceyhan A, Sezenler T, Erdogan İ & Torun O (2011). The improvement studies on Mutton sheep for Marmara Region conditions: I. Fertility, lamb survival and growth performance of lambs. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 35: 79-86
  • De Renobales M, Amores G, Arranz J, Virto M, Barrón L J R, Bustamante M A, Ruiz de Gordoa J C & Nájera A I (2012). Part-time grazing improves sheep milk production and its nutritional characteristics. Food Chemistry 130(1): 90-96
  • Esen F & Özbey O (2002). Fertility and milk yield characteristics in White Karaman and Chios x White Karaman (F1) Crossbred Sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 26: 503-509
  • Evrim M, Demir H & Başpınar H (1992). Production performance of Kıvırcık sheep under semi-intensive conditions II. Fertility, milk production, body weight and wool characteristics of ewes. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary University İstanbul 17(2): 13-24
  • Iniguez L & Hilali M (2009). Evaluation of Awassi genotypes for improved milk production in Syria. Livestock Science 120: 232-239
  • Karaca O, Akyüz N, Andıç S & Altın T (2003). Milk yield characteristics of Karakaş sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 27: 589-594
  • Karaoğlu M, Macit M & Aksoy A (2001). Milk production traits of Tushin sheep in semi-intensive conditions. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 25: 249-253
  • Kaymakçı M, Koşum N & Taşkın T (2002). Type fixation at Sönmez sheep (2. Some Body Measurements and Milk Yield Traits). EU Faculty of Agriculture 39(2): 95-101
  • Kaymakçı M, Eliçin A, Işın F, Taşkın T, Karaca O, Tuncel E, Ertuğrul M, Özder M, Güney O, Gürsoy O, Torun O, Altın T, Emsen H, Seymen S, Geren H, Odabaşı A & Sönmez R (2005). Thecnical and economical approaches on Turkey’s small ruminant breeding. Thecnical Congress of TMMOB Agricultural Engineering Association. 3-7 January, Ankara, pp.707-726
  • Kaymakçı M (2010). Advanced Sheep Breeding. Improved Second Edition. Sheep and Goat Breeders Association of Publications. Published by University of Ege. Bornova, İzmir
  • Koncagül S, Daşkıran İ & Bingöl M (2012a). Factors affecting lactation milk yield and lactation curve of Norduz sheep in farmer condition. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 18(4): 677-684
  • Koncagül S, Karataş A, Akça N, Vural M E & Bingöl M (2012b). Factors affecting lactation milk yield and some lactation characteristics of Zom sheep in farmer conditions. Iğdır University Journal of Institute of Science and Technology 2(4): 87-93
  • Kralickova S, Pokorna M, Kuchtik J & Filipcik R (2012). Effect of parity and stage of lactation on milk yield, composition and quality of organic sheep milk. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 9(1): 71-78
  • Kuchtik J, Sustova K, Urban T & Zapletal D (2008). Effect of the stage of lactation on milk composition, its properties and the quality of rennet curdling in East Friesian ewes. Czech Journal of Animal Science 53(2): 55-63
  • Morand-Fehr P, Fedele V, Decandia M & Le Frileux Y (2007). Influence of farming and feeding systems on composition and quality of goat and sheep milk. Small Ruminant Research 68: 20-34
  • Mundan D & Özbeyaz C (2004). Milk yield of White Karaman (WK), Kıvırcık x WK B1 and Chios x WK B1 ewes and growth and livability of crossbred lambs. Journal of Lalahan Livestock Research Institute 44(2): 23-35
  • Murray T L, Blache D B & Bencini R (2009). The selection of dairy sheep on calm temperament before milking and its effect on management and milk production. Small Ruminant Research 87: 45-49
  • Ocak E, Bingöl M & Gökdal Ö (2009). The milk yield and milk components of Nordos sheep breeding in Van. YYU Journal of Agricultural Science 19(2): 85-89
  • Ochoa-Cordero M A,Torres-Hernández G, Ochoa-Alfaro A E,Vega-Roque L & Mandeville P B (2002). Milk yield and compostion of Rambouillet ewes under intensive managment. Small Ruminant Research 43: 269-274
  • Özder M, Kaymakçı M, Taşkın T, Köycü E, Karaağaç F & Sönmez R (2004). Growth and milk yield traits of Türkgeldi sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 28: 195-200
  • Park Y, Juarez W M, Ramos M & Haenlein G F W (2007). Physico-chemical characteristics of goat and sheep milk. Small Ruminant Research 68: 88-113
  • Pollotta G E & Gootwine E (2001). A genetic analysis of complete lactation milk production in improved awassi sheep. Livestock Production Science 71: 37-47
  • Reidal K, Al-Azzawi W, Al-Najjar K, Masri Y, Salhab S, Abdo Z, El-Herek I, Omed H & Saatci M (2010). Factors ınfluencing the milk production of awassi sheep in a flock with the selected lines at the Agricultural Scientific Research Centrein Salamieh/ Syria. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 16(3): 425-430
  • Ruiz R, Oregui L M & Herrero M (2000). Comparison of models for describing the lactation curve of latxa sheep and an analysis of factors affecting milk yield. Journal of Dairy Science 83: 2709-2719
  • SAS (2000). SAS/STAT. SAS Inst. Inc, Cary, NC, USA
  • Sezenler T, Ceyhan A, Yaman Y, Küçükkebabçı M & Yüksel M A (2009). Reproductive and growth characteristics in the first age of Bandırma-I and Bandırma-II crossbred ewe lambs. Journal of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 6(3): 265-272
  • Şahan N, Say D & Kaçar A (2005). Changes in chemical and mineral contents of Awassi ewes’ milk during lactation. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 29: 589-593
  • TSMS (2012). Turkish State Meteorological Service. Access: 21.12.2012
  • Ünal N, Atasoy F, Aytaç M & Akçapınar H (2002). Milk production in Akkaraman, Sakız (Chios) x Akkaraman F1, Kıvırcık x Akkaraman F1 and Sakız (Chios) x Karayaka B1 Ewes during the first lactation. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 26: 617-622
  • Yılmaz O, Çak B & Bolacalı M (2011). Effects of lactation stage, age, birth type and body weight on chemical composotion of Red Karaman sheep milk. Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17(3): 383-386
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Tamer Sezenler This is me

Ayhan Ceyhan This is me

Mehmet Akif Yüksel This is me

Seyrani Koncagül This is me

Deniz Soysal This is me

Mesut Yıldırır This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Sezenler, T., Ceyhan, A., Yüksel, M. A., Koncagül, S., et al. (2016). Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 22(1), 89-98.
AMA Sezenler T, Ceyhan A, Yüksel MA, Koncagül S, Soysal D, Yıldırır M. Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. January 2016;22(1):89-98. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001371
Chicago Sezenler, Tamer, Ayhan Ceyhan, Mehmet Akif Yüksel, Seyrani Koncagül, Deniz Soysal, and Mesut Yıldırır. “Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton X Kıvırcık”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22, no. 1 (January 2016): 89-98.
EndNote Sezenler T, Ceyhan A, Yüksel MA, Koncagül S, Soysal D, Yıldırır M (January 1, 2016) Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 1 89–98.
IEEE T. Sezenler, A. Ceyhan, M. A. Yüksel, S. Koncagül, D. Soysal, and M. Yıldırır, “Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 89–98, 2016, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001371.
ISNAD Sezenler, Tamer et al. “Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton X Kıvırcık”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22/1 (January 2016), 89-98.
JAMA Sezenler T, Ceyhan A, Yüksel MA, Koncagül S, Soysal D, Yıldırır M. Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22:89–98.
MLA Sezenler, Tamer et al. “Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton X Kıvırcık”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 22, no. 1, 2016, pp. 89-98, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001371.
Vancouver Sezenler T, Ceyhan A, Yüksel MA, Koncagül S, Soysal D, Yıldırır M. Influence of Year, Parity and Birth Type on Milk Yield and Milk Components of Bandırma Sheep German Black Head Mutton x Kıvırcık. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2016;22(1):89-98.

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