Research Article
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Karyotype Analysis of Native Safflower Carthamus tinctorius L. Lines

Year 1996, , 81 - 86, 01.05.1996


01.-A-95, 308-A-95 and N-10A-95 lines with Native-8 variety as being candidates for the variety developed form native and foreign safflower varietes which were grown in Field Plants Department of Faculty of Agricuiture of Ankara University in 1995 were used in this investigation. The seeds belonging to these materials were germinated in Genetics Laboratory of Department of Biology of Gazi University Educational Faculty and chromosomes were investigated by root tips squash method. The chromosome number of the investigated lines and variety was found as 2n=24 chromosomes were named and idiogram was made by calculating the arm-indexes, propotional heights and centromer indexes of chromosomes.


  • Abraham, Z., P.P. Nagendra, 1983. A System of chromosome clasification and nomenclature. Cytologia 48:95-101
  • Ashri, A., 1957. Cytogenetics and morphology of Carthamus L. species and hybrids. Ph. D. Thesis Univ. of Calif., Davis.
  • Ashri, A. 1973 ,. Divergence and evolution in the safflower genus Carthamus L. Final Research Report P.L. 480 U.S.D.A.
  • Aydem, N., 1979. Türkiye'de yay ı lan Carthamus L. türleri üzerinde morfolojik, anatomik ve sitotaksonomik ara ştı rmalar. Ege ()ni. Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nları No:320
  • Bayraktar, N., 1984. Aspir (Carthamus tinctonus L.)'de tabii melezlemenin tohum verimi ve baz ı özelliklere etkisi üzerinde araşt ı rmalar. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkiler Bölümü Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Brown, V.W., 1972. Textbook of cytogenetics. The C.V. mosby company. Saint Louis
  • Claus, E.P., 1960. Pharmacognosy edit. 4th. 163-191 Philadelphia Darlington, C.D., A.P., Wylie, 1961. Chromosome atlas of flowering plants. The macmillan Co. New York, 262
  • Dinçer, N., 1964. Aspir (Carthamus tinctonus L. ) Zir. I ş . Gn. Md. Yay ı nları D-102
  • Elçi, Ş., 1994. Sitogenetikte ara şt ı rma yöntemleri ve gözlemler. 100. Yı l Üniversitesi Yay ı nları , No:18, Van
  • lmrie, B.C., P.F., Knowles, 1970. lnheritance studies in interspecific hybrids between Carthamus fiavescens and C. tinctonus Crop. Sci. Vol. 10, July-Aug. 349-352
  • Kh ı ld ı r, O. P.F. Knowles, 1970 a. Cytogenetic studies of Carthamus species (Compositae) with 32 pairs of chromosomes, I. Introsectional hybridization. Amer. J. Bot. 57(2): 123-129
  • Knowles, P.F., 1958. Safflower. Advances in Agronomy American Society of Agronomy Vo1.10:290-322.
  • Prasad, BR,MA, Khadeer, P. Seeta, S.Y., Anwar, 1990. Influence of genotype and cold pre-treatment on anther culture response in safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol 28:924-927
  • Parasad, B.R., M.A., Khadeer, P. Seeta, S.Y. Anwar, 1991. In vitro induction of androgenic haploids in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) .Plant Cell Reports 10:48-51
  • Schank, S.C., P.F., Knowles, 1964. Cytogenetics of hybrids of Carthamus species (Compositae) with ten pairs of chromosomes.Amer Jour Bot. 51(10):1093-1102
  • Toğan, I., N. Aydem, A. Kence, 1979. A numerical taxonomy investigaiton on the Carthamus L. species fo Turkey. Proc. Sci. Cong. Math. Phys. Biol. Sci. Res. Group. Biol. Sect. 185- 194, Ankara
  • Watt, J.M., G., Maria, 1962. Medicinal and poisonous plants of southern and eastern Africa, Ed. 2th. E. and S. Livingstone LTD. Edinburg and London.

Yerli Aspir Carthamus tinctorius L. Hatları nda Karyotip Analizi

Year 1996, , 81 - 86, 01.05.1996


Bu araşt ı rmada, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölömünde yerli ve yabanc ı °dinli Aspir çeşitlerinden geliştirilmiş çeşide aday 01.-A-95, 308-A-95 ve N-10-A-95 hatlar ı ile Yerli- 8 çeşidinin 1995 yı l ı materyalleri kullan ı lmışt ı r. Bu materyallere ait tohumlar 1996 y ı l ı nda Gazi Üniversitesi E ğitim Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü Genetik labaroratuvar ı nda çimlendirilmiş ve kök uçlar ı nda ezme metoduyla kromozomlar incelenmi ştir. Incelenen hatlar ı n ve çeşidin kromozom sayı sı n ı n 2n=24 olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kromozom kol indeksleri, oransal boylar ı , sentromer indeksler' hesaplanarak kromozomlar isimlendirilmi ş ve idiogram yap ı lmışt ı r.


  • Abraham, Z., P.P. Nagendra, 1983. A System of chromosome clasification and nomenclature. Cytologia 48:95-101
  • Ashri, A., 1957. Cytogenetics and morphology of Carthamus L. species and hybrids. Ph. D. Thesis Univ. of Calif., Davis.
  • Ashri, A. 1973 ,. Divergence and evolution in the safflower genus Carthamus L. Final Research Report P.L. 480 U.S.D.A.
  • Aydem, N., 1979. Türkiye'de yay ı lan Carthamus L. türleri üzerinde morfolojik, anatomik ve sitotaksonomik ara ştı rmalar. Ege ()ni. Ziraat Fakültesi Yay ı nları No:320
  • Bayraktar, N., 1984. Aspir (Carthamus tinctonus L.)'de tabii melezlemenin tohum verimi ve baz ı özelliklere etkisi üzerinde araşt ı rmalar. Ankara Üniv. Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkiler Bölümü Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
  • Brown, V.W., 1972. Textbook of cytogenetics. The C.V. mosby company. Saint Louis
  • Claus, E.P., 1960. Pharmacognosy edit. 4th. 163-191 Philadelphia Darlington, C.D., A.P., Wylie, 1961. Chromosome atlas of flowering plants. The macmillan Co. New York, 262
  • Dinçer, N., 1964. Aspir (Carthamus tinctonus L. ) Zir. I ş . Gn. Md. Yay ı nları D-102
  • Elçi, Ş., 1994. Sitogenetikte ara şt ı rma yöntemleri ve gözlemler. 100. Yı l Üniversitesi Yay ı nları , No:18, Van
  • lmrie, B.C., P.F., Knowles, 1970. lnheritance studies in interspecific hybrids between Carthamus fiavescens and C. tinctonus Crop. Sci. Vol. 10, July-Aug. 349-352
  • Kh ı ld ı r, O. P.F. Knowles, 1970 a. Cytogenetic studies of Carthamus species (Compositae) with 32 pairs of chromosomes, I. Introsectional hybridization. Amer. J. Bot. 57(2): 123-129
  • Knowles, P.F., 1958. Safflower. Advances in Agronomy American Society of Agronomy Vo1.10:290-322.
  • Prasad, BR,MA, Khadeer, P. Seeta, S.Y., Anwar, 1990. Influence of genotype and cold pre-treatment on anther culture response in safflower, Carthamus tinctorius L. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol 28:924-927
  • Parasad, B.R., M.A., Khadeer, P. Seeta, S.Y. Anwar, 1991. In vitro induction of androgenic haploids in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) .Plant Cell Reports 10:48-51
  • Schank, S.C., P.F., Knowles, 1964. Cytogenetics of hybrids of Carthamus species (Compositae) with ten pairs of chromosomes.Amer Jour Bot. 51(10):1093-1102
  • Toğan, I., N. Aydem, A. Kence, 1979. A numerical taxonomy investigaiton on the Carthamus L. species fo Turkey. Proc. Sci. Cong. Math. Phys. Biol. Sci. Res. Group. Biol. Sect. 185- 194, Ankara
  • Watt, J.M., G., Maria, 1962. Medicinal and poisonous plants of southern and eastern Africa, Ed. 2th. E. and S. Livingstone LTD. Edinburg and London.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Nilgün Yenice This is me

Nilgün Bayraktar This is me

Publication Date May 1, 1996
Submission Date May 1, 1996
Published in Issue Year 1996


APA Yenice, N., & Bayraktar, N. (1996). Yerli Aspir Carthamus tinctorius L. Hatları nda Karyotip Analizi. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 02(02), 81-86.

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