Research Article
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Year 2022, , 711 - 722, 17.10.2022


Project Number



  • Alkan BB (2011). Cok Degiskenli Istatistiksel Yontemlerde Biplot Teknigi. Ankara Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Istatistik Anabilim Dali. Doktora Tezi. Basilmamis.
  • Assouline S, Moller M, Cohen S, Ben-Hur M, Grava A, Narkis K. & Silber A. (2006). Soil-plant system response to pulsed drip irrigation and salinity. bell pepper case study. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70. 1556-1568.
  • Atak M, Kaya M.D, Kaya G, Cikili Y. & Ciftci C.Y. (2016). Effects of NaCl on germination, seedling growth and water uptake of triticale. Turk. J. Agric. For. 30. 39-47.
  • Bradu D & Gabriel KR (1978). The Biplot as a Diagnostic Tool for Models of Twoway Tables, Technometrics, Vol. 20. 47-68.
  • Citak G & Topak R (2016). Farkli Sulama Programlari Uygulamasinin Nohutta Verim ve Kaliteye Etkisi. Selcuk Tar Bil Der. 3(2). 298-303.
  • Coskun Y & Tas I (2017). Respons of wheat species to irrigation water salinity. Genetika-Belgrade, Vol. 49 (2). 435-444.
  • Cucci G, De Caro A, Ciciretti L & Leoni B (1994). Salinity and seed germination of some vegetable crops. Acta Hortic. 362. 305-308.
  • Daigle G & Rivest LP (1992). A robust biplot, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 20 (3). 241-255.
  • Ekiz H, Bagci SA, Yilmaz A, Caglayan N & Bozoglu S (2000). Degisik hububat cesit ve hatlarinin tuza tolerans derecelerinin belirlenmesi. Tarim ve Koy Isleri Bakanligi, TAGEM, Bahri Dagdas Milletlerarasi Kislik Hububat Arastirma Merkezi Mudurlugu Yayinlari, Konya.
  • Elkoca E & Kantar F (2003). Değişik NaCl Konsantrasyonlarının Kuru Fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotiplerinin Çimlenme ve Fide Gelişmesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 34 (1) 1-8.
  • Esechie HA (1994). Interaction of salinity and temperature on the germination of sorghum. J.Agron. and Crop Sci. 172. 194-199.
  • Gabriel KR (1971). The Biplot Graphic Display of Matrices with Application to Principal Component Analysis. Biometrika, 58 (3). 453-467.
  • Gabriel KR (1995). MANOVA Biplots for Two-way Contingency Tables, Recent Advances in Descriptive Multivariate Analysis, Oxford. Clarendon Pres.
  • Gabriel KR and Odoroff CL (1990). Biplots in Biomedical Research. Statistic in Medicine, 9. 469 - 485.
  • Goertz SH & Coons JM (1989). Germination response of tepary and navy beans to sodium chloride and temperature. Hortsci. 24. 923-925.
  • Greenacre MJ (1984). Theory and applications of correspondence analysis. Academic Press, London.
  • Greenacre MJ (1993). Biplots in correspondence analysis. Journal of Applied Statistics, 20. 251-269.
  • Guvenc I & Kantar F (1996). Tuza dayanikli fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotiplerinin belirlenmesi. SDÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(11): 144-153.
  • Jana MK & Slinkard AE (1976). Screening for salt tolerance in lentil. Lens Newsletter 6. 5-27.
  • Jiang J, Huo Z, Feng S & Zhanga C (2012). Effect of irrigation amount and water salinity on water consumption and water productivity of spring wheat in Northwest China. Field Crops Research, 137. 78−88.
  • Kirtok Y, Veli S, Tukel S, Duzenli S & Kilinc M (1994). Evaluation of salinity stress on germination characteristics and seedling growth of 3 bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.). Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi 25-29 Nisan 1994.
  • Koyuncu N (2008). Turkiye’de Yetistirilen Bugday (Triticum spp.) Cesitlerinin In Vitro Kosullarda Tuza Dayanikliliklarinin Belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dali Doktora Tezi. Ankara.
  • Kusvuran A (2015). The effects of salt stress on the germination and antioxidative enzyme activity of Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) varieties. Agricultural Research Communication Centre. 38 (1). 51-59.
  • Letey J & Feng GL (2007). Dynamic versus steady-state approaches to evaluate irrigation management of saline waters. Agricultural Water Management, 91. 1-10.
  • Min W, Hou Z, Ma L, Zhang W, Ru S & Ye J (2014). Effects of water salinity and N application rate on water- and N-use efficiency of cotton under drip irrigation. J Arid Land (2014) 6(4). 454-467
  • Munns R (2002). Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant, Cell and Environment, 25. 239–250.
  • Ojeda MM & Juarez-Cerrillo SF (1996). Biplot display for diagnostic in a two-level regression model for growth curve analysis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 22, pp. 583-597.
  • Okhovatian-Ardakani AR, Mehrabanian M, Dehghani F & Akbarzadeh A (2010). Salt tolerance evaluation and relative comparison in cuttings of different pomegranate cultivars. Plant Soil Environ, 56 (4). 176-185
  • Ozcan H, Turan MA, Koc O, Cikili Y & Taban S (2000). Tuz Stresinde Bazi Nohut (Cicer aietinum L. cvs.) cesitlerinin Gelisimi ve Prolin, Sodyum, Klor, Fosfor ve Potasyum Konsantrasyonlarindaki Degisimler. Turk J Agric For. 24. 649-654.
  • Pereira LS, Oweis T & Zairi A (2002). Irrigation management under water scarcity. Agricultural Water Management, 57. 175-206.
  • Peykanpour E, Ghehsareh AM, Fallahzade J & Najarian M (2016). Interactive effects of salinity and ozonated water on yield components of cucumber. Plant Soil Environ. 62 (8). 361-366.
  • Saxena NP, Saxena MC, Ruckenbauer P, Rana RS, El-Fouly MM & Shabana R (1994). Screening techniques and sources of tolerance to salinity and mineral nutrient imbalances in cool season food legumes. Euphytica 73. 85-93.
  • Sparks R, Adolphson A & Phatak A (1997). Multivariate Process Monitoring Using the Dynamic Biplot. International Statistical Review, 65(3). 325-349.
  • Wang WB, Kim YH, Lee HS, Kim KY, Deng XP & Kwak SS (2009). Analysis of antioxidant enzyme activity during germination of alfalfa under salt and drought stresses. Plant Physiology and Bioch. 47 (7).570–577.
  • Yan W (2014). Crop variety trials. Data management and analysis. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey, 349 p.
  • Yeo AR, Yeo ME, Flowers SA & Flowers TJ (1990). Screening of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes for physiological characters contributing to salinity resistance and their relationship to overall performance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 79. 377-384.

Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions

Year 2022, , 711 - 722, 17.10.2022


For sustainable agricultural production, besides drought, plant resistance to irrigation water and soil salinity should be investigated. Researchers mostly focused on salinity and drought resistance of common species such as wheat, barley, maize, etc. However, the number of studies on chickpea with various uses is quite limited. In the present study, 11 chickpea varieties (Aksu, Arda, Hasanbey, Azkan, Cagatay, Aslanbey, Inci, Seckin, 21C, 42C and EN1867) were subjected to germination tests under different levels of irrigation water salinity (ECi) conditions to identify irrigation water salinity resistant and sensitive varieties. In germination tests, besides control treatment (0 dS/m), five different EC levels (6, 8 10, 12 and 16 dS/m) were used in germination solution. The sodium absorption ratio of saline waters was adjusted to be below 3. GGE biplot method was used for visual assessment of genotype response to saline irrigation waters. The threshold salinity value for germination was identified as 12 dS/m based on germination ratios and seedling dry weights, 8 dS/m based on seedling stem lengths and 10 dS/m based on seedling root lengths. Based on germination ratios and seedling dry weights, Azkan cultivar was identified as the most resistant and Cagatay cultivar was identified as the most sensitive cultivar to irrigation water salinity.

Supporting Institution

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Coordination Unit

Project Number



We thank to Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Coordination Unit. Project number: FBA-2019-2805.


  • Alkan BB (2011). Cok Degiskenli Istatistiksel Yontemlerde Biplot Teknigi. Ankara Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Istatistik Anabilim Dali. Doktora Tezi. Basilmamis.
  • Assouline S, Moller M, Cohen S, Ben-Hur M, Grava A, Narkis K. & Silber A. (2006). Soil-plant system response to pulsed drip irrigation and salinity. bell pepper case study. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70. 1556-1568.
  • Atak M, Kaya M.D, Kaya G, Cikili Y. & Ciftci C.Y. (2016). Effects of NaCl on germination, seedling growth and water uptake of triticale. Turk. J. Agric. For. 30. 39-47.
  • Bradu D & Gabriel KR (1978). The Biplot as a Diagnostic Tool for Models of Twoway Tables, Technometrics, Vol. 20. 47-68.
  • Citak G & Topak R (2016). Farkli Sulama Programlari Uygulamasinin Nohutta Verim ve Kaliteye Etkisi. Selcuk Tar Bil Der. 3(2). 298-303.
  • Coskun Y & Tas I (2017). Respons of wheat species to irrigation water salinity. Genetika-Belgrade, Vol. 49 (2). 435-444.
  • Cucci G, De Caro A, Ciciretti L & Leoni B (1994). Salinity and seed germination of some vegetable crops. Acta Hortic. 362. 305-308.
  • Daigle G & Rivest LP (1992). A robust biplot, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 20 (3). 241-255.
  • Ekiz H, Bagci SA, Yilmaz A, Caglayan N & Bozoglu S (2000). Degisik hububat cesit ve hatlarinin tuza tolerans derecelerinin belirlenmesi. Tarim ve Koy Isleri Bakanligi, TAGEM, Bahri Dagdas Milletlerarasi Kislik Hububat Arastirma Merkezi Mudurlugu Yayinlari, Konya.
  • Elkoca E & Kantar F (2003). Değişik NaCl Konsantrasyonlarının Kuru Fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotiplerinin Çimlenme ve Fide Gelişmesine Etkileri. Atatürk Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg. 34 (1) 1-8.
  • Esechie HA (1994). Interaction of salinity and temperature on the germination of sorghum. J.Agron. and Crop Sci. 172. 194-199.
  • Gabriel KR (1971). The Biplot Graphic Display of Matrices with Application to Principal Component Analysis. Biometrika, 58 (3). 453-467.
  • Gabriel KR (1995). MANOVA Biplots for Two-way Contingency Tables, Recent Advances in Descriptive Multivariate Analysis, Oxford. Clarendon Pres.
  • Gabriel KR and Odoroff CL (1990). Biplots in Biomedical Research. Statistic in Medicine, 9. 469 - 485.
  • Goertz SH & Coons JM (1989). Germination response of tepary and navy beans to sodium chloride and temperature. Hortsci. 24. 923-925.
  • Greenacre MJ (1984). Theory and applications of correspondence analysis. Academic Press, London.
  • Greenacre MJ (1993). Biplots in correspondence analysis. Journal of Applied Statistics, 20. 251-269.
  • Guvenc I & Kantar F (1996). Tuza dayanikli fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotiplerinin belirlenmesi. SDÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(11): 144-153.
  • Jana MK & Slinkard AE (1976). Screening for salt tolerance in lentil. Lens Newsletter 6. 5-27.
  • Jiang J, Huo Z, Feng S & Zhanga C (2012). Effect of irrigation amount and water salinity on water consumption and water productivity of spring wheat in Northwest China. Field Crops Research, 137. 78−88.
  • Kirtok Y, Veli S, Tukel S, Duzenli S & Kilinc M (1994). Evaluation of salinity stress on germination characteristics and seedling growth of 3 bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L.). Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi 25-29 Nisan 1994.
  • Koyuncu N (2008). Turkiye’de Yetistirilen Bugday (Triticum spp.) Cesitlerinin In Vitro Kosullarda Tuza Dayanikliliklarinin Belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Tarla Bitkileri Anabilim Dali Doktora Tezi. Ankara.
  • Kusvuran A (2015). The effects of salt stress on the germination and antioxidative enzyme activity of Hungarian vetch (Vicia pannonica Crantz.) varieties. Agricultural Research Communication Centre. 38 (1). 51-59.
  • Letey J & Feng GL (2007). Dynamic versus steady-state approaches to evaluate irrigation management of saline waters. Agricultural Water Management, 91. 1-10.
  • Min W, Hou Z, Ma L, Zhang W, Ru S & Ye J (2014). Effects of water salinity and N application rate on water- and N-use efficiency of cotton under drip irrigation. J Arid Land (2014) 6(4). 454-467
  • Munns R (2002). Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant, Cell and Environment, 25. 239–250.
  • Ojeda MM & Juarez-Cerrillo SF (1996). Biplot display for diagnostic in a two-level regression model for growth curve analysis, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Vol. 22, pp. 583-597.
  • Okhovatian-Ardakani AR, Mehrabanian M, Dehghani F & Akbarzadeh A (2010). Salt tolerance evaluation and relative comparison in cuttings of different pomegranate cultivars. Plant Soil Environ, 56 (4). 176-185
  • Ozcan H, Turan MA, Koc O, Cikili Y & Taban S (2000). Tuz Stresinde Bazi Nohut (Cicer aietinum L. cvs.) cesitlerinin Gelisimi ve Prolin, Sodyum, Klor, Fosfor ve Potasyum Konsantrasyonlarindaki Degisimler. Turk J Agric For. 24. 649-654.
  • Pereira LS, Oweis T & Zairi A (2002). Irrigation management under water scarcity. Agricultural Water Management, 57. 175-206.
  • Peykanpour E, Ghehsareh AM, Fallahzade J & Najarian M (2016). Interactive effects of salinity and ozonated water on yield components of cucumber. Plant Soil Environ. 62 (8). 361-366.
  • Saxena NP, Saxena MC, Ruckenbauer P, Rana RS, El-Fouly MM & Shabana R (1994). Screening techniques and sources of tolerance to salinity and mineral nutrient imbalances in cool season food legumes. Euphytica 73. 85-93.
  • Sparks R, Adolphson A & Phatak A (1997). Multivariate Process Monitoring Using the Dynamic Biplot. International Statistical Review, 65(3). 325-349.
  • Wang WB, Kim YH, Lee HS, Kim KY, Deng XP & Kwak SS (2009). Analysis of antioxidant enzyme activity during germination of alfalfa under salt and drought stresses. Plant Physiology and Bioch. 47 (7).570–577.
  • Yan W (2014). Crop variety trials. Data management and analysis. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey, 349 p.
  • Yeo AR, Yeo ME, Flowers SA & Flowers TJ (1990). Screening of rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes for physiological characters contributing to salinity resistance and their relationship to overall performance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 79. 377-384.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

İsmail Tas 0000-0003-0872-2529

Tülay Tütenocaklı 0000-0002-9795-1034

Yalçın Coşkun 0000-0002-1764-1731

Mevlüt Akçura 0000-0001-7828-5163

Project Number FBA-2019-2805
Publication Date October 17, 2022
Submission Date February 8, 2021
Acceptance Date December 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Tas, İ., Tütenocaklı, T., Coşkun, Y., Akçura, M. (2022). Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 28(4), 711-722.
AMA Tas İ, Tütenocaklı T, Coşkun Y, Akçura M. Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. October 2022;28(4):711-722. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.876362
Chicago Tas, İsmail, Tülay Tütenocaklı, Yalçın Coşkun, and Mevlüt Akçura. “Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties With GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28, no. 4 (October 2022): 711-22.
EndNote Tas İ, Tütenocaklı T, Coşkun Y, Akçura M (October 1, 2022) Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28 4 711–722.
IEEE İ. Tas, T. Tütenocaklı, Y. Coşkun, and M. Akçura, “Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 711–722, 2022, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.876362.
ISNAD Tas, İsmail et al. “Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties With GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 28/4 (October 2022), 711-722.
JAMA Tas İ, Tütenocaklı T, Coşkun Y, Akçura M. Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28:711–722.
MLA Tas, İsmail et al. “Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties With GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 28, no. 4, 2022, pp. 711-22, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.876362.
Vancouver Tas İ, Tütenocaklı T, Coşkun Y, Akçura M. Determination of Germination Threshold Value of Chickpea Varieties with GGE Biplot Method Under Different Irrigation Water Salinity Conditions. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2022;28(4):711-22.

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